Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part XII. Health Care Services

Article 3

6VAC35-41-1150. Definitions applicable to health care services.

"Health authority" means the individual, government authority, or health care contractor responsible for organizing, planning, and monitoring the timely provision of appropriate health care services, including arrangements for all levels of health care and the ensuring of quality and accessibility of all health services, consistent with applicable statutes and regulations, prevailing community standards, and medical ethics.

"Health care record" means the complete record of medical screening and examination information and ongoing records of medical and ancillary service delivery including, but not limited to, all findings, diagnoses, treatments, dispositions, prescriptions, and their administration.

"Health care services" means those actions, preventative and therapeutic, taken for the physical and mental well-being of a resident. Health care services include medical, dental, orthodontic, mental health, family planning, obstetrical, gynecological, health education, and other ancillary services.

"Health trained personnel" means an individual who is trained by a licensed health care provider to perform specific duties such as administering health care screenings, reviewing screening forms for necessary follow-up care, preparing residents and records for sick call, and assisting in the implementation of certain medical orders.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-1160. Provision of health care services.

Treatment by nursing personnel shall be performed pursuant to the laws and regulations governing the practice of nursing within the Commonwealth. Other health trained personnel shall provide care within their level of training and certification.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-1170. Health care procedures.

A. The provider shall have and implement written procedures for promptly:

1. Arranging for the provision of medical and dental services for health problems identified at admission;

2. Arranging for the provision of routine ongoing and follow-up medical and dental services after admission;

3. Arranging for emergency medical and mental health care services, as appropriate and applicable, for each resident as provided by statute or by the agreement with the resident's legal guardian;

4. Arranging for emergency medical and mental health care services, as appropriate and applicable, for any resident experiencing or showing signs of suicidal or homicidal thoughts, symptoms of mood or thought disorders, or other mental health problems; and

5. Ensuring that the required information in subsection B of this section is accessible and up to date.

B. The following written information concerning each resident shall be readily accessible to staff who may have to respond to a medical or dental emergency:

1. Name, address, and telephone number of the physician and dentist to be notified;

2. Name, address, and telephone number of a relative or other person to be notified;

3. Medical insurance company name and policy number or Medicaid number;

4. Information concerning:

a. Use of medication;

b. All allergies, including medication allergies;

c. Substance abuse and use;

d. Significant past and present medical problems; and

5. Written permission for emergency medical care, dental care, and obtaining immunizations or a procedure and contacts for obtaining consent.

C. Facilities approved to provide respite care shall update the information required by subsection B of this section at the time of each stay at the facility.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-1180. Health trained personnel.

A. Health trained personnel shall provide care as appropriate to their level of training and certification and shall not administer health care services for which they are not qualified or specifically trained.

B. The facility shall retain documentation of the training received by health trained personnel necessary to perform any designated health care services. Documentation of applicable, current licensure or certification shall constitute compliance with this section.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-1190. Consent to and refusal of health care services.

A. The knowing and voluntary agreement, without undue inducement or any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, or other form of constraint or coercion, of a person who is capable of exercising free choice (informed consent) to health care shall be obtained from the resident, parent, guardian, or legal custodian as required by law.

B. The resident, parent, guardian, or legal custodian, as applicable, shall be advised by an appropriately trained medical professional of (i) the material facts regarding the nature, consequences, and risks of the proposed treatment, examination, or procedure and (ii) the alternatives to it.

C. Residents may refuse in writing medical treatment and care. This subsection does not apply to medication refusals that are governed by 6VAC35-41-1280 (medication).

D. When health care is rendered against the resident's will, it shall be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-1200. Health screening at admission.

The facility shall require that:

1. To prevent newly arrived residents who pose a health or safety threat to themselves or others from being admitted to the general population, all residents shall immediately upon admission undergo a preliminary health screening consisting of a structured interview and observation by health care personnel or health trained staff. As necessary to maintain confidentiality, all or a portion of the interview shall be conducted with the resident without the presence of the parent or guardian.

2. Residents admitted to the facility who pose a health or safety threat to themselves or others shall not be admitted to the facility's general population but provision shall be made for them to receive comparable services.

3. Immediate health care is provided to residents who need it.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-1210. Tuberculosis screening.

A. Within seven days of placement each resident shall have had a screening assessment for tuberculosis. The screening assessment can be no older than 30 days.

B. A screening assessment for tuberculosis shall be completed annually on each resident.

C. The facility's screening practices shall be performed consistent with any current recommendations of the Virginia Department of Health, Division of Tuberculosis Prevention and Control and the federal Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the detection, diagnosis, prophylaxis, and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-1220. Medical examinations and treatment.

A. Except for residents placed in a shelter care facility, each resident accepted for care shall have a physical examination by or under the direction of a licensed physician no earlier than 90 days prior to admission to the facility or no later than seven days following admission, except (i) the report of an examination within the preceding 12 months shall be acceptable if a resident transfers from one facility licensed or certified by a state agency to another and (ii) a physical examination shall be conducted within 30 days following an emergency admission if a report of physical examination is not available.

B. Each resident shall have an annual physical examination by or under the direction of a licensed physician and an annual dental examination by a licensed dentist.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-1230. Infectious or communicable diseases.

A. A resident with a communicable disease shall not be admitted unless a licensed physician certifies that:

1. The facility is capable of providing care to the resident without jeopardizing residents and staff; and

2. The facility is aware of the required treatment for the resident and the procedures to protect residents and staff.

The requirements of this subsection shall not apply to shelter care facilities.

B. The facility shall implement written procedures approved by a medical professional that:

1. Address staff (i) interactions with residents with infectious, communicable, or contagious medical conditions; and (ii) use of standard precautions;

2. Require staff training in standard precautions, initially and annually thereafter; and

3. Require staff to follow procedures for dealing with residents who have infectious or communicable diseases.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-1240. Suicide prevention.

Written procedure shall provide (i) for a suicide prevention and intervention program, developed in consultation with a qualified medical or mental health professional, and (ii) for all direct care staff to be trained in the implementation of the program.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-1250. Residents' health records.

A. Each resident's health record shall include written documentation of (i) the initial physical examination, (ii) an annual physical examination by or under the direction of a licensed physician including any recommendation for follow-up care, and (iii) documentation of the provision of follow-up medical care recommended by the physician or as indicated by the needs of the resident.

B. The resident's active health records (i) shall be kept confidential and inaccessible from unauthorized persons, (ii) shall be readily accessible in case of emergency, and (iii) shall be made available to authorized staff consistent with applicable state and federal statutes and regulations.

C. Each physical examination report shall include:

1. Information necessary to determine the health and immunization needs of the resident, including:

a. Immunizations administered at the time of the exam;

b. Vision exam;

c. Hearing exam;

d. General physical condition including documentation of apparent freedom from communicable disease, including tuberculosis;

e. Allergies, chronic conditions, and handicaps, if any;

f. Nutritional requirements including special diets, if any;

g. Restrictions on physical activities, if any; and

h. Recommendations for further treatment, immunizations, and other examinations indicated;

2. Date of the physical examination; and

3. Signature of a licensed physician, the physician's designee, or an official of a local health department.

D. Each resident's health record shall include written documentation of (i) an annual examination by a licensed dentist and (ii) documentation of follow-up dental care recommended by the dentist or as indicated by the needs of the resident. This requirement does not apply to shelter care facilities and respite care facilities.

E. Each resident's health record shall include notations of health and dental complaints and injuries and shall summarize symptoms and treatment given.

F. Each resident's health record shall include or document the facility's efforts to obtain treatment summaries of ongoing psychiatric or other mental health treatment and reports, if applicable.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-1260. First aid kits.

A. A well-stocked first aid kit shall be maintained, with an inventory of its contents, and readily accessible for dealing with minor injuries and medical emergencies.

B. First aid kits should be monitored in accordance with established facility procedures to ensure kits are maintained, stocked, and ready for use.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-1270. Hospitalization and other outside medical treatment of residents.

A. When a resident needs hospital care or other medical treatment outside the facility:

1. The resident shall be transported safely; and

2. A parent or legal guardian, a staff member, or a law-enforcement officer, as appropriate, shall accompany the resident and stay at least during admission.

B. If a parent or legal guardian does not accompany the resident to the hospital or other medical treatment outside the facility, the parent or legal guardian shall be informed that the resident was taken outside the facility for medical attention as soon as is practicable.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

6VAC35-41-1280. Medication.

A. All medication shall be properly labeled consistent with the requirements of the Virginia Drug Control Act (§ 54.1-3400 et seq. of the Code of Virginia). Medication prescribed for individual use shall be so labeled.

B. All medication shall be securely locked, unless otherwise ordered by a physician on an individual basis for keep-on-person or equivalent use.

C. All staff responsible for medication administration who do not hold a license issued by the Virginia Department of Health Professions authorizing the administration of medications shall have successfully completed a medication training program approved by the Board of Nursing or be licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia to administer medications before they can administer medication. All staff who administer medication shall complete an annual refresher medication training.

D. Staff authorized to administer medication shall be informed of any known side effects of the medication and the symptoms of the effects.

E. A program of medication, including procedures regarding the use of over-the-counter medication pursuant to written or verbal orders signed by personnel authorized by law to give such orders, shall be initiated for a resident only when prescribed in writing by a person authorized by law to prescribe medication.

F. All medications shall be administered in accordance with the physician's or other prescriber's instructions and consistent with the requirements of § 54.2-2408 of the Code of Virginia and the Virginia Drug Control Act (§ 54.1-3400 et seq. of the Code of Virginia).

G. A medication administration record shall be maintained of all medicines received by each resident and shall include:

1. Date the medication was prescribed or most recently refilled;

2. Drug name;

3. Schedule for administration;

4. Strength;

5. Route;

6. Identity of the individual who administered the medication; and

7. Dates the medication was discontinued or changed.

H. In the event of a medication incident or an adverse drug reaction, first aid shall be administered if indicated. Staff shall promptly contact a poison control center, pharmacist, nurse, or physician and shall take actions as directed. If the situation is not addressed in standing orders, the attending physician shall be notified as soon as possible and the actions taken by staff shall be documented. A medical incident shall mean an error made in administering a medication to a resident including the following: (i) a resident is given incorrect medication; (ii) medication is administered to an incorrect resident; (iii) an incorrect dosage is administered; (iv) medication is administered at a wrong time or not at all; and (v) the medication is administered through an improper method. A medication error does not include a resident's refusal of appropriately offered medication.

I. Written procedures shall provide for (i) the documentation of medication incidents, (ii) the review of medication incidents and reactions and making any necessary improvements, (iii) the storage of controlled substances, and (iv) the distribution of medication off campus. The procedures must be approved by a health care professional. Documentation of this approval shall be retained.

J. Medication refusals shall be documented including action taken by staff. The facility shall follow procedures for managing such refusals that shall address:

1. Manner by which medication refusals are documented, and

2. Physician follow-up, as appropriate.

K. Disposal and storage of unused, expired, and discontinued medications shall be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

L. The telephone number of a regional poison control center and other emergency numbers shall be posted on or next to each nonpay telephone that has access to an outside line in each building in which residents sleep or participate in programs.

M. Syringes and other medical implements used for injecting or cutting skin shall be locked and inventoried in accordance with facility procedures.

Statutory Authority

§§ 16.1-309.9, 66-10, and 66-24 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 25, eff. January 1, 2014.

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