Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part III. Licensure

8VAC20-23-30. Purpose and responsibility for licensure.

The primary purpose for licensing teachers and other school personnel is to maintain standards of professional competence. The responsibility for licensure is set forth in § 22.1-298.1 of the Code of Virginia, which states that the Virginia Board of Education shall prescribe by regulation the requirements for licensure of teachers.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018.

8VAC20-23-40. Conditions for licensure.

A. Applicants for licensure shall:

1. Be at least 18 years of age;

2. Pay the appropriate fees as determined by the Virginia Board of Education and complete the application process;

3. Have earned a baccalaureate degree, with the exception of the Technical Professional License, from an accredited institution and meet requirements for the license sought. Persons seeking initial licensure through approved programs from Virginia institutions of higher education shall only be licensed as instructional personnel if the education endorsement programs have approval by the Virginia Board of Education; individuals who have earned a degree from an institution in another country shall hold the equivalent of an accredited institution degree in the United States, as verified by a Virginia Department of Education-approved credential evaluation agency, for the required degree for the license; and

4. Possess good moral character and be free of conditions outlined in Part VII (8VAC20-23-720 et seq.) of this chapter.

B. All candidates who hold at least a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution and who seek an initial Virginia teaching license shall obtain passing scores on professional teacher's assessments prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education. With the exception of the career switcher program that requires assessments as prerequisites, individuals shall complete the professional teacher's assessment requirements within the three-year validity of the initial provisional license. Candidates seeking a Technical Professional License, International Educator License, School Manager License, or Pupil Personnel Services License are not required to take the professional teacher's assessments. Individuals who hold a valid out-of-state license (full credential without deficiencies) and who have completed a minimum of three years of full-time, successful teaching experience in a public or an accredited nonpublic school, kindergarten through grade 12, outside of Virginia are exempt from the professional teacher's assessment requirements. Documentation shall be submitted to verify the school's status as a public or an accredited nonpublic school.

C. All individuals seeking an initial endorsement in early/primary education preK-3, elementary education preK-6, special education-general curriculum, special education-deaf and hard of hearing, special education-blindness and visual impairments, and individuals seeking an endorsement as a reading specialist shall obtain passing scores on a reading instructional assessment prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.

D. Licensure by reciprocity is set forth in 8VAC20-23-100. A school leader's licensure assessment prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education shall be met for all individuals who are seeking an endorsement authorizing them to serve as principals and assistant principals in the public schools. Individuals seeking an initial administration and supervision endorsement who are interested in serving as central office instructional personnel are not required to take and pass the school leaders licensure assessment prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.

E. Individuals seeking initial licensure shall demonstrate proficiency in the relevant content area, communication, literacy, and other core skills for educators by achieving a qualifying score on professional assessments or meeting alternative evaluation standards as prescribed by the board; complete study in attention deficit disorder; complete study in gifted education, including the use of multiple criteria to identify gifted students; and complete study in methods of improving communication between schools and families and ways of increasing family involvement in student learning at home and at school.

F. Every person seeking initial licensure shall (i) complete awareness training provided by the Department of Education on the indicators of dyslexia, as that term is defined by the board pursuant to regulations, and the evidence-based interventions and accommodations for dyslexia; (ii) complete study in child abuse recognition and intervention in accordance with curriculum guidelines developed by the Virginia Board of Education in consultation with the Virginia Department of Social Services; and (iii) provide evidence of completion of certification or training in emergency first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the use of automated external defibrillators. The certification or training program shall (a) be based on the current national evidence-based emergency cardiovascular care guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator, such as a program developed by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross, and (b) include hands-on practice of the skills necessary to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The Virginia Board of Education shall provide a waiver for this requirement for any person with a disability whose disability prohibits such person from completing the certification or training.

G. Every person seeking initial licensure as a teacher who has not received the instruction described in subsection D of § 23.1-902 of the Code of Virginia shall receive instruction or training on positive behavior interventions and supports; crisis prevention and de-escalation; the use of physical restraint and seclusion, consistent with regulations of the Virginia Board of Education; and appropriate alternative methods to reduce and prevent the need for the use of physical restraint and seclusion.

H. The teacher of record for verified credit courses for high school graduation shall hold a Virginia license with the appropriate content endorsement.

I. Every teacher seeking an initial license in the Commonwealth with an endorsement in the area of career and technical education shall have an industry certification credential, as defined in 8VAC20-23-10, in the area in which the teacher seeks endorsement. If a teacher seeking an initial license in the Commonwealth has not attained an industry certification credential in the area in which the teacher seeks endorsement, the Virginia Board of Education may, upon request of the employing school division or educational agency, issue the teacher a provisional license to allow time for the teacher to attain such credential.

J. Every person seeking renewal of a license shall complete awareness training, provided by the Virginia Department of Education, on the indicators of dyslexia, as that term is defined by the Virginia Board of Education pursuant to regulations, and the evidence-based interventions and accommodations for dyslexia.

K. Every person seeking renewal of a license as a teacher shall complete training in the instruction of students with disabilities that includes (i) differentiating instruction for students depending on needs; (ii) understanding the role of general education teachers on individual education program teams; (iii) implementing effective models of collaborative instruction, including co-teaching; and (iv) understanding the goals and benefits of inclusive education for all students.

L. No teacher who seeks a provisional license shall be required to meet any requirement set forth in subsection F or G of this section as a condition of such licensure, but each teacher shall complete each such requirement during the first year of provisional licensure.

M. Every person seeking initial licensure of a license with an endorsement as a school counselor shall complete training in the recognition of mental health disorder and behavioral distress, including depression, trauma, violence, youth suicide, and substance abuse.

N. Every person seeking initial licensure or renewal of a license with an endorsement in history and social sciences shall complete instruction in African American history, which shall include (i) an understanding of African origins; (ii) the African diaspora; (iii) developments of the Black experience in North America; (iv) the institution of slavery in the United States, including historical perspectives of the enslaved; and (v) how African Americans helped shape and have been shaped by American society.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-298 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 14, eff. April 15, 2021; Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024.

8VAC20-23-50. Types of licenses; dating licenses.

A. The following types of licenses are available:

1. Provisional License. The Provisional License is a nonrenewable license valid for a period not to exceed three years issued to an individual who has allowable deficiencies for full licensure as set forth in this chapter. The Provisional License will be issued for a three-year validity period, with the exception of the Provisional (Career Switcher) License that will initially be issued for a one-year validity period and the Provisional Teach For America License issued for a two-year validity period. Individuals shall complete all requirements for licensure, including passing all licensure assessments, for a renewable license within the validity period of the Provisional License. The individual shall have a minimum of an earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution, with the exception of those individuals seeking the Technical Professional License.

The Virginia Board of Education shall extend for at least one additional year, but for no more than two additional years, the three-year provisional license of a teacher upon receiving from the division superintendent (i) a recommendation for such extension and (ii) satisfactory performance evaluations for such teacher for each year during the original three-year provisional license that such teacher was actually employed and received a filed performance evaluation.

The Virginia Board of Education shall extend for at least one additional year, but for no more than two additional years, the three-year provisional license of a teacher employed at an accredited private elementary, middle, or high school or a school for students with disabilities that is licensed pursuant to Chapter 16 (§ 22.1-319 et seq.) of Title 22.1 of the Code of Virginia upon receiving from the school administrator of such a school (i) a recommendation for such extension and (ii) satisfactory performance evaluations for such teacher for each year of the original three-year provisional license. If a teacher employed in the Commonwealth under a provisional license is activated or deployed for military service within a school year (July 1 through June 30), an additional year shall be added to the teacher's provisional license for each school year or portion thereof during which the teacher is activated or deployed. The additional year shall be granted the year following the return of the teacher from deployment or activation.

The Virginia Board of Education shall issue a license to an individual seeking initial licensure who has not completed professional assessments as prescribed by the board if such individual (i) holds a provisional license that will expire within three months; (ii) is employed by a school board; (iii) is recommended for licensure by the division superintendent; (iv) has attempted, unsuccessfully, to obtain a qualifying score on the professional assessments as prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education; (v) has received an evaluation rating of proficient or above on the performance standards for each year of the provisional license, and such evaluation was conducted in a manner consistent with the Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers, Principals, and Superintendents; and (vi) meets all other requirements for initial licensure.

2. Collegiate Professional License. The Collegiate Professional License is a 10-year, renewable license available to an individual who has satisfied all requirements for licensure, including an earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution and the professional teacher's assessments prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.

3. Postgraduate Professional License. The Postgraduate Professional License is a 10-year, renewable license available to an individual who has qualified for the Collegiate Professional License and who holds an appropriate earned graduate degree from an accredited institution.

4. Technical Professional License. The Technical Professional License is a 10-year, renewable license available to a person who has graduated from a public or an accredited nonpublic high school or possesses a Virginia Board of Education-approved high school equivalency credential; has exhibited academic proficiency, skills in literacy and communication, technical competency, and successful occupational experience; has completed nine semester hours of specialized professional studies credit from an accredited institution; and has completed one year of successful, full-time teaching experience in a public school or accredited nonpublic school in the area of endorsement. The nine semester hours of professional studies coursework shall include three semester hours of human development and learning, three semester hours of curriculum and instruction, and three semester hours of applications of instructional technology or classroom and behavior management. Individuals who seek a Technical Professional License may substitute the successful completion of an intensive, job-embedded, three-year program of professional development submitted by a Virginia employing educational agency and preapproved by the Department of Education for the nine semester hours of professional studies required. The Technical Professional License is issued at the recommendation of a Virginia employing educational agency in the areas of career and technical education, educational technology, and military science. Individuals seeking an endorsement to teach military science shall have the appropriate credentials issued by the United States military. Individuals holding a Technical Professional License may teach a military science leadership class with either the appropriate credentials issued by the United States military or (for non-Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps) a recommendation from a Virginia employing educational agency. The employing Virginia educational agency shall ensure the credentials issued by the United States military are active during the period the individual is teaching. In addition to demonstrating competency in the endorsement area sought, the individual shall:

a. Hold a valid license issued by the appropriate Virginia board for those program areas requiring a license and a minimum of two years of successful experience at the journeyman level or an equivalent. The employing Virginia educational agency shall ensure that the valid license issued by the appropriate Virginia board for the occupational program area is active during the period the individual is teaching;

b. Have completed a registered apprenticeship program and two years of successful experience at the journeyman level or an equivalent level in the trade; or

c. Have four years of successful work experience at the management or supervisory level or equivalent or have a combination of four years of training and successful work experience at the management or supervisory level or equivalent.

Individuals holding the Technical Professional License who seek the Collegiate Professional or Postgraduate Professional License shall meet the requirements of the respective licenses.

5. School Manager License. The School Manager License is a 10-year, renewable license intended to provide for the differentiation of administrative responsibilities in a school setting. A school manager is licensed to administer noninstructional responsibilities in an educational setting. A school manager is restricted from evaluating teachers, supervising instruction, developing and evaluating curriculum, and serving as a school's student disciplinarian. The license is available to a candidate who holds a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution, has three years of successful managerial experience, and is recommended for the license by a Virginia school division superintendent.

6. Pupil Personnel Services License. The Pupil Personnel Services License is a 10-year, renewable license available to an individual who has earned an appropriate graduate degree from an accredited institution with an endorsement for school counselor, school psychologist, school social worker, or vocational evaluator. This license does not require teaching experience, unless otherwise outlined under the specific endorsement's requirements.

7. Division Superintendent License. The Division Superintendent License is a 10-year, renewable license available to an individual who has completed an earned master's degree from an accredited institution and meets the requirements specified in 8VAC20-23-630. The individual's name shall be listed on the Virginia Board of Education's list of eligible division superintendents.

8. International Educator License. The International Educator License provides a five-year cultural exchange opportunity for Virginia students and international teachers. The International Educator License is a professional teaching license issued for no more than five years to an exchange teacher with citizenship in a nation other than the United States of America who is employed as a teacher in a Virginia public or accredited nonpublic school. To be issued the five-year, nonrenewable International Educator License, an individual serving as a cultural exchange teacher in Virginia shall:

a. Be employed by a Virginia public or an accredited nonpublic school;

b. Hold non-United States citizenship and be a nonpermanent resident; and

c. Meet the following requirements as verified by a state-approved, federally designated Exchange Visitor Program (22 CFR Part 62):

(1) Be proficient in written and spoken English;

(2) Demonstrate competence in the appropriate academic subject area by meeting the credential requirements for a qualified teacher in the exchange country;

(3) Hold the United States equivalent of a baccalaureate degree or higher as determined by an approved credential evaluation agency; and

(4) Complete at least two years of successful full-time teaching experience that enables the educator to fulfill a similar assignment in the educator's home country or is comparable to those requirements for Virginia teachers.

If an individual meets requirements of subdivisions 8 a, 8 b, 8 c (1), 8 c (2), and 8 c (3) of this subsection and has completed at least one year but less than two years of successful full-time teaching experience that would enable the educator to fulfill a similar assignment in the educator's home country or is comparable to those requirements for Virginia teachers, the International Educator License will be issued for three years with an option to extend the nonrenewable International Educator License for the additional two years upon passing all teacher assessments prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education and a recommendation of the Virginia employing school division or accredited nonpublic school.

Individuals who have been issued an International Educator License who seek a 10-year, renewable license shall meet all licensure and endorsement requirements, including passing applicable assessments prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.

9. Online Teacher License. The Online Teacher License is a 10-year, renewable license valid only for teaching online courses. Teachers who hold a five-year or 10-year renewable license issued by the Virginia Board of Education may teach online courses for which they are properly endorsed and do not need to seek this license.

a. In order to be issued an Online Teacher License, the individual shall meet the requirements for an endorsement in a content (teaching) area and professional studies and achieve qualifying scores on professional teacher's assessments as prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education. In addition, the individual shall complete a three-semester-hour course in online instructional procedures.

Online instructional procedures: Three semester hours. Skills in this area shall contribute to an understanding of the principles of online learning and online instructional strategies and the application of skills and the ability to use the Internet for teaching, learning, and management; design, deliver, and support instruction in an online environment; adapt strategies for a variety of course models, such as synchronous and asynchronous; select, adapt, and create rich multimedia for instruction; adapt individualized education program requirements to online course practices, as appropriate; use data to meet individual student's needs; and employ innovative teaching strategies in an online environment. Demonstrated proficiency of advanced skills in the following areas shall be addressed: use of communication technologies to interact with and engage students, parents, and mentors; use of education technologies; management of instructional activities in a technology-mediated environment; and nontraditional content delivery methods.

b. Online teaching experience is not acceptable to meet the full-time teaching experience for other license types, such as a Division Superintendent License, or for endorsements, such as for the reading specialist, school counselor, or administration and supervision endorsements. The Online Teacher License may be issued if requirements have been met as one of the following licenses to individuals teaching only online courses:

(1) Online Teacher (Postgraduate Professional) License - a 10-year, renewable license available to an individual who has qualified for the Online Teacher (Collegiate Professional) License and who holds an appropriate earned graduate degree from an accredited institution.

(2) Online Teacher (Collegiate Professional) License - a 10-year, renewable teaching license available to an individual who has satisfied all requirements for licensure, including an earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution, endorsement and professional studies requirements, and passed the professional teacher's assessments prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.

(3) Online Teacher (Technical Professional) License - a 10-year, renewable teaching license available to an individual who has graduated from a public or an accredited nonpublic high school or possesses a Virginia Board of Education-approved high school equivalency credential; has exhibited academic proficiency, technical competency, and occupational experience; and meets the requirements specified in subdivision 4 of this subsection. An individual seeking an Online Teacher (Technical Professional) License shall be recommended for the license by a Virginia public school, a Virginia accredited nonpublic school, or an accredited virtual school program.

c. A nonrenewable Online Teacher (Provisional) License may be issued for a period not to exceed three years to an individual who has allowable deficiencies for full licensure as set forth in 8VAC20-23-90 B. The Online (Provisional) License will be issued for three years. The individual shall have a minimum of an earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution, with the exception of those individuals seeking the Technical Professional License. Individuals shall complete all requirements for a renewable Online Teacher License within the validity period of the license.

10. Teach For America License. The Teach For America License is a two-year provisional license.

a. This provisional license is available to any participant in Teach For America, a nationwide nonprofit organization focused on closing the achievement gaps between students in high-income and low-income areas, who submits an application and meets the following requirements:

(1) Holds, at minimum, a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution;

(2) Has met the requirements prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education for all endorsements sought or has met the qualifying scores on the content area assessment prescribed by the board for the endorsements sought;

(3) Possesses good moral character according to criteria developed by the Virginia Board of Education;

(4) Has been offered and has accepted placement in Teach For America;

(5) Has successfully completed preservice training and is participating in the professional development requirements of Teach For America, including teaching frameworks, curricula, lesson planning, instructional delivery, classroom management, assessment and evaluation of student progress, classroom diversity, and literacy development;

(6) Has an offer of employment from a local school board to teach in a public elementary or secondary school in the Commonwealth or a preschool program that receives state funds pursuant to subsection C of § 22.1-199.1 of the Code of Virginia; and

(7) Receives a recommendation from the employing school division for a Teach For America License in the endorsement area in which the individual seeks to be licensed.

b. In addition to the criteria set forth in subdivision 10 a of this subsection, any individual who seeks an endorsement in early childhood, early/primary, or elementary education shall either (i) agree to complete such coursework in the teaching of language and literacy as may be prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education pursuant to 8VAC20-23-130 during the first year of employment or (ii) achieve a passing score on a reading instructional assessment prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.

c. Teachers issued a Teach For America provisional license shall not be eligible for continuing contract status while employed under the authority of a Teach For America license and shall be subject to the probationary terms of employment specified in § 22.1-303 of the Code of Virginia.

d. The Virginia Board of Education may extend any Teach For America License for one additional year upon request of the employing school division, provided that no Teach For America License shall exceed a total of three years in length.

e. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, upon completion of at least two years of full-time teaching experience in a public elementary or secondary school in the Commonwealth or a preschool program that receives state funds pursuant to subsection C of § 22.1-199.1 of the Code of Virginia, an individual holding a Teach For America License shall be eligible to receive a renewable license if the individual has (i) achieved satisfactory scores on all professional teacher assessments required by the Virginia Board of Education and (ii) received satisfactory evaluations at the conclusion of each year of employment.

f. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the Virginia Board of Education shall issue a Teach For America License to any individual who (i) has completed two years of successful teaching in the Teach For America program in another state, (ii) is not eligible to receive a renewable license, and (iii) meets the criteria set forth in subdivision 10 a of this subsection.

11. Career and Technical Education License. The Career and Technical Education License is a three-year license.

a. This license is available to qualified individuals to teach, either full time or part time, high school career and technical education courses in specific subject areas.

b. The three-year license is issued to teach high school career and technical education courses in a specific subject area to an individual who:

(1) Submits an application to the Virginia Board of Education, in the form prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education, that includes a recommendation for such a license from the local school board;

(2) Meets certain basic conditions for licensure as prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education;

(3) Meets one of the following requirements:

(a) Holds, at a minimum, a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution and has completed coursework in the career and technical education subject area in which the individual seeks to teach;

(b) Holds the required professional license in the specific career and technical education subject area in which the individual seeks to teach, where applicable; or

(c) Holds an industry certification credential, as that term is defined in § 22.1-298.1 of the Code of Virginia, in the specific career and technical education subject area in which the individual seeks to teach;

(4) Has at least four years of full-time work experience or its equivalent in the specific career and technical education subject area in which the individual seeks to teach; and

(5) If appropriate, has obtained qualifying scores on the communication and literacy professional teacher's assessment prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.

c. The employing school board shall assign a mentor to supervise an individual issued a three-year license pursuant to this section during the individual's first two years of teaching.

d. Except as otherwise provided in subdivision A 11 e of this section, any individual issued a three-year license pursuant to this section may be granted subsequent three-year extensions of such license by the Virginia Board of Education upon recommendation of the local school board.

e. Any individual issued a three-year license pursuant to this section who completes (i) nine semester hours of specialized professional studies credit from an accredited institution or (ii) an alternative course of professional studies proposed by the local school board and approved by the Virginia Department of Education shall be granted a three-year extension of such license by the board and may be granted subsequent three-year extensions of such license by the board upon recommendation of the local school board. Any such specialized professional studies credit or alternative course of professional studies may be completed through distance learning programs and shall include human growth and development; curriculum, instructional, and technology procedures; and classroom and behavior management.

f. No three-year license issued by the board pursuant to this section shall be deemed a provisional license or a renewable license, as those terms are defined in § 22.1-298.1 of the Code of Virginia.

g. Individuals issued a three-year license pursuant to this section shall not be eligible for continuing contract status while teaching under such license and shall be subject to the probationary terms of employment specified in § 22.1-303 of the Code of Virginia.

h. The provisions of this section and of Virginia Board of Education regulations governing the denial, suspension, cancellation, revocation, and reinstatement of licensure shall apply to three-year licenses.

12. One-Year High School License. The One-Year High School License is for individuals seeking licensure through an alternate route. The license is a renewable, one-year license issued to teach in public high schools for individuals who:

a. Received a graduate degree from an accredited institution;

b. Completed at least 30 credit hours of teaching experience as an instructor at an accredited institution;

c. Received qualifying scores on the professional teacher's assessments prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education, including the communication and literacy assessment and the content-area assessment for the endorsement sought; and

d. Met the following requirements:

(1) Complete study in child abuse recognition and intervention in accordance with curriculum guidelines developed by the Virginia Board of Education in consultation with the Department of Social Services that are relevant to the specific teacher licensure route; and

(2) Provide evidence of completion of certification or training in emergency first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the use of automated external defibrillators. The certification or training program shall be (i) based on the current national evidence-based emergency cardiovascular care guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator, such as a program developed by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross and (ii) include hands-on practice of the skills necessary to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The Virginia Board of Education shall provide a waiver for this requirement for any person with a disability whose disability prohibits such person from completing the certification or training.

The license may be renewed for one year by the submission of an application for renewal and verification from the division superintendent that the individual received a satisfactory performance evaluation.

13. Career and Technical Education or Dual Enrollment License. The Career and Technical Education or Dual Enrollment License is a three-year license to solely teach career and technical education courses or dual enrollment courses at public high schools in the Commonwealth issued to any individual who (i) is employed as an instructor by an institution of higher education that is accredited by a nationally recognized regional accreditation body, (ii) is teaching in the specific career and technical education or dual enrollment subject area at such institution in which the individual seeks to teach at a public school, and (iii) complies with the requirements set forth in subdivisions D 1 and D 3 of § 22.1-298.1 of the Code of Virginia. The Virginia Board of Education shall require any such instructor to maintain continuous employment in such position at the institution of higher education as a condition of continued licensure. Subsections E and F of 8VAC20-23-40 shall expire on July 1, 2021; however, any license issued pursuant to this chapter prior to July 1, 2021, shall remain in effect for three years from the date the license was issued unless such license is revoked by the Virginia Board of Education.

B. All licenses will be effective from July 1 in the school year in which the application is made. An employing Virginia public school division, agency, or accredited nonpublic school is required to notify employees in writing at the time of employment of the need to meet appropriate assessment requirements for licensure.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 14, eff. April 15, 2021; Volume 38, Issue 14, eff. April 15, 2022; Volume 40, Issue 5, eff. November 22, 2023; Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024.

8VAC20-23-60. Designations on licenses for career paths to teaching.

A. Designations on licenses will reflect stages in the professional development of teachers and promote continuing growth and career paths as educators.

B. Teaching licenses may be issued with one of the following designations, and the designation will be processed as an add-on endorsement. These designations will not apply to the Division Superintendent License, School Manager License, International Educator License, or Pupil Personnel Services License.

1. Career Teacher: This voluntary teacher designation will be issued on a renewable teaching license for individuals who have gained continuing contract status in Virginia and who apply for the Career Teacher designation.

2. Mentor Teacher: This voluntary teacher designation will be issued on a renewable teaching license for individuals who have (i) achieved the Career Teacher designation, (ii) received a recommendation for the designation from an employing Virginia school division superintendent or designee or accredited nonpublic school head, (iii) served at least three years as a mentor teacher in Virginia, (iv) documented responsibilities as a mentor, and (v) completed a local or state mentor teacher training program in accordance with the Virginia Board of Education requirements for mentor teachers in the Virginia Board of Education Mentor Teacher Guidelines.

3. Teacher as Leader: This voluntary teacher designation will be issued on a renewable teaching license for individuals who have (i) achieved the Career Teacher designation; (ii) completed at least five years of successful, full-time teaching experience in a Virginia public school or accredited nonpublic school; (iii) received a recommendation from an employing Virginia school division superintendent or designee or an accredited nonpublic school head; (iv) and completed one of the following:

a. National Board Certification or a nationally recognized certification program approved by the Virginia Board of Education and a recommendation from an employing Virginia school division superintendent or designee or accredited nonpublic school head and documentation, in an approved Virginia Department of Education format, verifying the individual's demonstrated skills and abilities as a school leader and direct contributions to school effectiveness and student achievement; or

b. A recommendation from an employing Virginia school division superintendent or designee or accredited nonpublic school head and documentation, in an approved Virginia Department of Education format, verifying the individual's demonstrated skills and abilities as a school leader and direct contributions to school effectiveness and student achievement.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018.

8VAC20-23-70. Additional endorsements.

A. An individual who holds a teaching license may add an additional teaching endorsement to the license by passing a rigorous academic subject test for endorsements in which a test is prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education. This testing option does not apply to individuals (i) who are seeking an early/primary education preK-3 or elementary education preK-6 endorsement, special education endorsements, or a reading specialist endorsement or (ii) who hold a Technical Professional License, Vocational Evaluator License, Pupil Personnel Services License, School Manager License, or Division Superintendent License.

B. One or more endorsements may be added to a license, provided that specific endorsement requirements have been met. Written requests may be made by the licensed professional and should be directed to the Virginia employing educational agency (if the individual has such employment) or college or university. If the request is not acted upon by the local educational agency or college or university within 30 days or is disputed, the license holder may make a written request for an additional endorsement directly to the Office of Professional Licensure, Virginia Department of Education. Written requests should be submitted by January 15 to be in effect by July 1 of the same calendar year.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018.

8VAC20-23-80. Deletion of an endorsement.

An endorsement may be deleted from a license at the request of the licensed professional. Written requests are made by the licensed professional and should be directed to the employing educational agency. If the request is not acted upon by the local educational agency within 30 days or is disputed, the license holder may make a written request for the deletion of an endorsement directly to the Office of Professional Licensure, Virginia Department of Education. Written requests should be submitted by January 15 to be in effect on July 1 of that calendar year. Individuals who wish to add an endorsement that has been deleted shall meet requirements for that endorsement at the time it is requested.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018.

8VAC20-23-90. Alternate routes to licensure.

A. Career switcher alternate route to licensure for career professionals - Provisional (Career Switcher) License. For those applicants seeking a teaching endorsement in special education, this option does not supplant subsection C of this section but provides an additional pathway to a provisional license.

1. An individual seeking a Provisional (Career Switcher) License through the career switcher program shall meet the following prerequisite requirements:

a. An application process;

b. An earned baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution;

c. The completion of requirements for an endorsement in a teaching area or the equivalent through verifiable experience or academic study;

d. At least three years of successful full-time work experience or its equivalent; and

e. Virginia qualifying scores on the professional teacher's assessments as prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.

2. The Provisional (Career Switcher) License is awarded at the end of Level I preparation for an initial validity period of one school year. All components of the career switcher alternate route for career professionals shall be completed by the candidate.

3. The Level I requirements shall be completed during the course of a single year and may be offered through a variety of delivery systems, including distance learning programs. If an employing agency recommends extending the Provisional (Career Switcher) License for a second year, the candidate will enter Level III of the program. Career switcher programs shall submit program documentation as set forth by the Virginia Department of Education for review and be certified every seven years by the Virginia Department of Education.

a. Level I preparation. Intensive Level I preparation includes a minimum of 180 clock hours of instruction, including field experience. This phase includes human development and learning; curriculum and instruction, including technology; language and literacy; specific course content relating to the Virginia Standards of Learning; foundations of education and the teaching profession; classroom and behavior management; and assessment of and for learning.

b. Level II preparation during first year of employment.

(1) Candidate seeks employment in Virginia with the one-year Provisional (Career Switcher) License.

(2) Continued Level II preparation during the first year of employment with a minimum of five seminars that expand the intensive preparation requirements listed in subdivision 3 a of this subsection. The five seminars will include a minimum of 20 cumulative instructional hours. A variety of instructional delivery techniques will be utilized to implement the seminars.

(3) One year of successful, full-time teaching experience in a Virginia public or accredited nonpublic school under a one-year Provisional (Career Switcher) License. A trained mentor shall be assigned to assist the candidate during the first year of employment. Responsibilities of the mentor include the following:

(a) Collaborate with the beginning teacher in the development and implementation of an individualized professional development plan;

(b) Observe, assess, coach, and provide opportunities for constructive feedback, including strategies for self-reflection;

(c) Share resources and materials;

(d) Share best instructional, assessment, and organizational practices; classroom and behavior management strategies; and techniques for promoting varied and effective methods of communication with and among students; and

(e) Provide general support and direction regarding school policies and procedures.

(4) Upon successful completion of the Levels I and II preparation requirements of the career switcher alternate route to licensure program and submission of a recommendation from the employing Virginia educational agency, the candidate will be eligible to apply for a 10-year, renewable license. Renewal requirements for the regular license will be subject to current regulations of the Virginia Board of Education.

c. Level III preparation, if required.

(1) Post preparation, if required, will be conducted by the employing Virginia educational agency to address the areas where improvement is needed as identified in the candidate's professional improvement plan; and

(2) Upon successful completion of Levels I, II, and, if required, Level III of the career switcher alternate route to licensure program and submission of a recommendation from the employing Virginia educational agency, the candidate will be eligible to receive a 10-year renewable license.

4. Verification of program completion will be documented by the certified program provider and the division superintendent or designee.

5. Certified providers implementing a career switcher program may charge a fee for participation in the program.

6. Each individual pursuing a Provisional (Career Switcher) License who seeks an endorsement in special education (i) shall complete at least 60% of the requirements set forth in 8VAC20-543-500 as part of Level I preparation and (ii) shall complete the remaining requirements set forth in 8VAC20-543-500 as part of Level II and Level III preparation.

B. An alternate route is available to individuals employed by a Virginia educational agency who seek teaching endorsements preK through grade 12. The employing Virginia educational agency may request a nonrenewable Provisional License on behalf of the individual if the individual has completed an allowable portion of professional studies and endorsement requirements. An employed teacher may demonstrate meeting the teaching endorsement requirements by passing a rigorous academic subject test for endorsements in which a test is prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education. This testing option does not apply to individuals (i) who are seeking an early/primary education preK-3 or elementary education preK-6 endorsement, special education endorsements, or a reading specialist endorsement or (ii) who hold a Technical Professional License, Vocational Evaluator License, Pupil Personnel Services License, School Manager License, or Division Superintendent License. This route also is available to individuals who are employed by a Virginia public school, a Virginia accredited nonpublic school, or an accredited virtual school or program and who are seeking the Online Teacher License that is issued to teachers who teach only online courses. The Provisional License will be issued for a validity period not to exceed three years. The Provisional License is a nonrenewable teaching license valid for a period not to exceed three years. Individuals shall complete all licensure requirements to become eligible for the 10-year, renewable license.

1. An individual seeking a license through this alternate route shall have met the following requirements:

a. Entered the teaching field through the alternate route to licensure upon the recommendation of the employing Virginia educational agency. For the Online Teacher Provisional License, individuals shall be employed by a Virginia public school division, a Virginia accredited nonpublic school, or an accredited virtual school or program;

b. Earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution with the exception of individuals seeking the Technical Professional License;

c. Have met requirements for the endorsement area; and

d. Need to complete an allowable portion of professional studies and licensure requirements.

2. The professional studies requirements for the appropriate level of endorsement sought shall be completed. A Virginia educational agency may submit to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for approval an alternate program to meet the professional studies requirements. The alternate program shall include training such as seminar, internship, or coursework in human development and learning; curriculum and instruction, including technology; assessment of and for learning; classroom and behavior management; foundations of education and the teaching profession, including legal status of teachers and students, federal and state laws, and teacher evaluation as prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education's guidelines for performance standards and evaluation criteria established pursuant to § 22.1-253.13:5 B of the Code of Virginia and language and literacy.

3. One year of successful, full-time teaching experience in the appropriate teaching area in a Virginia public or an accredited nonpublic school shall be completed. For the Online Teacher License only, one year of successful online teaching experience in the endorsement area in a public school division, an accredited nonpublic school, or an accredited virtual school or program may be accepted in lieu of the supervised teaching experience. A fully licensed experienced teacher shall be available in the school building to assist the beginning teacher employed through the alternate route.

C. Alternate route in special education. The Provisional (Special Education) License is a nonrenewable teaching license issued for a validity period not to exceed three years to an individual employed as a special education teacher in a public school or a nonpublic school in Virginia who does not hold the appropriate special education endorsement. The Provisional (Special Education) License will be issued only with endorsements in special education. The Provisional License is a nonrenewable teaching license valid for a period not to exceed three years. This alternate route to special education endorsement is not applicable to individuals seeking the Online Teacher License. To be issued the Provisional (Special Education) License through this alternate route, an individual shall:

1. Be employed by a Virginia public or accredited nonpublic school as a special education teacher and have the recommendation of the employing educational agency;

2. Have earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution;

3. Have an assigned mentor with an active Virginia teaching license with an endorsement in special education; and

4. Have a planned program of study in the assigned endorsement area, make progress toward meeting the endorsement requirements each of the three years of the license, and have completed at least three semester hours of coursework in the competencies of foundations for educating students with disabilities and have an understanding and application of the legal aspects and regulatory requirements associated with identification, education, and evaluation of students with disabilities. A survey course integrating these competencies would satisfy this requirement.

The Provisional (Special Education) License issued through this alternate route shall not be issued without the completion of these prerequisites.

D. Alternate programs at institutions of higher education or Virginia school divisions. Alternate programs developed by institutions of higher education (i) recognize the unique strengths of prospective teachers from nontraditional backgrounds and (ii) prepare these individuals to meet the same standards that are established for others who are granted a license through an alternate route.

E. Experiential learning. Individuals applying for an initial teaching license through the alternate route as prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education shall meet the following criteria to be eligible to request that experiential learning satisfy the coursework for the endorsement (teaching) content area:

1. Have earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution;

2. Have at least three years of documented successful full-time work experience that may include specialized training related to the endorsement sought; and

3. Have met the Virginia qualifying score on the content knowledge assessment prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.

Experiential learning does not apply to individuals seeking special education and preK-3 and preK-6 endorsements or endorsements in which there is no Virginia Board of Education-prescribed content or subject assessment.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-298 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 14, eff. April 15, 2021; Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024; Volume 41, Issue 5, eff. November 20, 2024.

8VAC20-23-100. Conditions for licensure for out-of-state candidates by reciprocity.

A. An individual coming into Virginia from any state may qualify for a Virginia teaching license with comparable endorsement areas if the individual (i) has completed a state-approved teacher preparation program through an accredited four-year institution or (ii) holds a valid out-of-state teaching license (full credential without deficiencies) that shall be in force at the time the application for a Virginia license is made. An individual shall meet licensure requirements set forth in the Code of Virginia. An individual seeking licensure shall establish a file in the Virginia Department of Education by submitting a complete application packet that includes official student transcripts. Unless exempted by the criteria in this chapter, professional teacher's assessment requirements prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education shall be satisfied.

B. An individual coming into Virginia will qualify for a Virginia teaching license with comparable endorsement areas if the individual holds an active national certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) or a nationally recognized certification program approved by the Virginia Board of Education.

C. Licensure by reciprocity is provided for any spouse of an active duty or reserve member of the Armed Forces of the United States or a member of the Virginia National Guard who has obtained a valid out-of-state license, with full credentials and without deficiencies, that is in force at the time the application for a Virginia license is received by the Virginia Department of Education. Each such individual shall establish a file in the Virginia Department of Education by submitting a complete application packet, which shall include official student transcripts and an official copy of the military permanent assignment orders of the individual's spouse. No service requirements or licensing assessments shall be required for any such individual. The Virginia Department of Education shall determine and communicate such individual's eligibility for licensure by reciprocity within 15 business days of receipt of the complete application packet.

D. Universal licensure by reciprocity shall be provided for any individual who holds a valid out-of-state teaching license with full credentials and without deficiencies that has been in force for at least three years prior to and is in force at the time of application. No service requirements or licensing assessments shall be required for any such individual who applies for universal licensure by reciprocity. Any individual who applies for universal licensure by reciprocity shall provide a copy of the individual's out-of-state teaching license that meets the criteria set forth in this subsection. Any such individual shall be subject to the provisions of §§ 22.1-296.2 and 22.1-296.4 of the Code of Virginia. The department shall prioritize applications for universal licensure by reciprocity.

E. For licensure by reciprocity, applicants may submit third-party employment verification forms.

F. For licensure by reciprocity, the board shall grant special consideration to individuals who have successfully completed a program offered by a provider that is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-298 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 14, eff. April 15, 2021; Volume 39, Issue 4, eff. November 9, 2022; Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024; Volume 41, Issue 3, eff. October 25, 2024.

8VAC20-23-110. Requirements for renewing a license.

A. The Division Superintendent, Postgraduate Professional, Collegiate Professional, Technical Professional, Pupil Personnel Services, Online Teacher, and School Manager Licenses may be renewed upon the completion of 270 professional development points within a 10-year validity period based on an individualized professional development plan that includes ongoing, sustained, and high-quality professional development. Individuals renewing a five-year renewable license must complete 180 professional development points. Every person seeking renewal of a license shall complete all renewal requirements, including professional development, in a manner prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education, except that no person seeking renewal of a license shall be required to satisfy any such requirement by completing coursework and earning credit at an institution of higher education.

B. An individual seeking renewal shall submit a completed licensure application at the time a renewal request is submitted.

C. Any individual licensed and endorsed to teach (i) middle school civics or economics or (ii) high school government or history who is seeking renewal of such license is required to demonstrate knowledge of Virginia history or state and local government by completing a module or professional development course specifically related to Virginia history or state and local government that has a value of five professional development points.

D. Every person seeking renewal of a license shall provide evidence of completion of certification or training in emergency first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the use of automated external defibrillators. The certification or training program shall (i) be based on the current national evidence-based emergency cardiovascular care guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator, such as a program developed by the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross, and (ii) include hands-on practice of the skills necessary to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The Virginia Board of Education shall provide a waiver for this requirement for any person with a disability whose disability prohibits such person from completing the certification or training.

E. Every person seeking renewal of a license with an endorsement as a school counselor shall complete training in the recognition of mental health disorder and behavioral distress, including depression, trauma, violence, youth suicide, and substance abuse.

F. Every person seeking renewal of a license shall complete awareness training, provided by the Virginia Department of Education, on the indicators of dyslexia, as that term is defined by the Virginia Board of Education pursuant to regulations, and the evidence-based interventions and accommodations for dyslexia.

G. Every person seeking renewal or initial license shall complete a study in child abuse recognition and intervention in accordance with curriculum guidelines developed by the Virginia Board of Education in consultation with the Virginia Department of Social Services.

H. Every person seeking renewal of a license with an endorsement in history and social science shall complete instruction in African American history, which shall include (i) an understanding of African origins; (ii) the African diaspora; (iii) developments of the Black experience in North America; (iv) the institution of slavery in the United States, including historical perspectives of the enslaved; and (v) how African Americans helped shape and have been shaped by American society.

I. Every person seeking renewal of a license as a teacher shall complete training in the instruction of students with disabilities that includes (i) differentiating instruction for students depending on their needs; (ii) understanding the role of general education teachers on the individualized education program team; (iii) implementing effective models of collaborative instruction, including co-teaching; and (iv) understanding the goals and benefits of inclusive education for all students.

J. When provided by the state, individuals shall complete other professional development activities prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.

K. Professional development points may be accrued by the completion of professional development activities to improve and increase instructional personnel's knowledge of the academic subjects the teachers teach or the area assigned from one or more of the following eight options, in accordance with Virginia Board of Education guidelines set forth in the Virginia Licensure Renewal Manual.

1. College credit. Acceptable coursework offers content that provides new information and is offered on campus, off campus, or through extension by any accredited two-year or four-year institution. College coursework shall develop further experiences in subject content taught, teaching strategies, uses of technologies, leadership, and other essential elements in teaching to high standards and increasing student learning. No person seeking renewal of a license shall be required to complete coursework and earn credit at an institution of higher learning.

2. Professional conference. A professional conference is a workshop, institute, or seminar of four or more hours that contributes to ongoing, sustained, and high-quality professional development.

3. Curriculum development. Curriculum development is a group activity in which the license holder contributes to the improvement of the curriculum of a school, a school division, or an educational institution in the teaching area assigned. This includes the alignment of curriculum frameworks, instructional materials, and assessments to provide a system with clear expectations of what is to be taught and learned.

4. Publication of article. The article shall contribute to the education profession or to the body of knowledge of the license holder's teaching area or instructional position. This article shall be published in a recognized professional journal. Grant reports that present the results of educational research are acceptable, provided the license holder had an active role in planning, analyzing, interpreting, demonstrating, disseminating, or evaluating the study or innovation.

5. Publication of book. Books shall be published for purchase and shall contribute to the education profession or to the body of knowledge of the license holder's teaching area or instructional position. The published book shall increase the field of content knowledge; provide information on planning and assessment for evaluating and providing students with feedback that encourages student progress and measures student achievement; reference instruction, safety, and learning environment; and expand upon communication and community relations working with students, parents, and members of the community to promote broad support for student learning. Points will not be awarded for self-published books.

6. Mentorship. Mentoring is the process by which an experienced professional who has received mentorship training provides assistance to one or more persons for the purpose of improving the person's performance. Assistance may involve role modeling, direct instruction, demonstration, observation with feedback, developing of plans, and consultation to promote instructional excellence and increased student achievement. Mentoring may include the supervision of a field experience of a pre-service student teacher or an intern in an approved teacher or principal preparation program, as well as mentoring as part of the induction process for a beginning teacher or a first-year administrator. Individuals serving in this role and submitting documentation for license renewal based on the mentorship option shall receive training as a mentor prior to the assignment and at least once during the 10-year renewal cycle.

7. Educational project. Educational projects shall be planned, focused projects based on high standards of teaching and learning. Projects shall result in a written report or other tangible product. Projects shall contribute to the education profession or to the body of knowledge of the license holder's teaching area or instructional position. A project could include participation in new professional responsibilities, such as leading a school improvement initiative.

8. Professional development activity. Professional development activities shall focus on student learning and achievement, schoolwide educational improvement, leadership, subject content, teaching strategies, and use of technologies or other essential elements in teaching to high standards. Activities shall be planned, rigorous, systematic, and promote continuous inquiry and reflection. Local employing educational agencies are encouraged to design professional development activities that are conducted in school settings and linked to student learning and achievement.

L. The 270 points may be accrued by activities drawn from one or more of the eight renewal options. Individuals renewing a five-year renewable license must complete 180 professional development points as prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education. Renewal work is designed to provide licensed personnel with opportunities for professional development relative to the grade levels or teaching fields to which they are assigned or for which they seek an added endorsement. Such professional development encompasses (i) responsible remediation of any area of an individual's knowledge or skills that fails to meet the standards of competency and (ii) responsible efforts to increase the individual's knowledge of new developments in the field and to respond to new curricular demands within the individual's area of professional competence.

M. The proposed work toward renewal in certain options shall be approved in advance by the chief executive officer or designee of the employing educational agency. Persons who are not employed by an educational agency may renew a license by submitting to the Office of Professional Licensure, Virginia Department of Education, a renewal application, fee, the individualized renewal record, and verification of the completion of all renewal requirements, including official student transcripts of coursework taken at an accredited two-year or four-year institution.

N. Virginia school divisions and accredited nonpublic schools shall recommend renewal of licenses using the renewal point system.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-16 and 22.1-298 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 14, eff. April 15, 2021; Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024.

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