Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part VI. Licensure Regulations Governing Support Personnel

8VAC20-23-620. Administration and supervision preK-12.

A. An endorsement in administration and supervision preK-12 consists of Level I, which is required to serve as a building-level administrator or central office instructional supervisor, and Level II, which is an optional endorsement to which an experienced building-level administrator may aspire. Individuals shall meet the requirements for the administration and supervision preK-12 endorsement through one of the four options listed in this section. A school leader's assessment prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education shall be passed for all individuals who are seeking an initial endorsement authorizing them to serve as principals and assistant principals in the public schools. Individuals seeking an initial administration and supervision endorsement who are interested in serving as central office instructional personnel are not required to take and pass the school leaders assessment prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.

B. Level I, Option I: Approved program route to Level I administration and supervision preK-12 endorsement. To become eligible for a Level I endorsement under this option, the candidate shall have:

1. Earned a master's degree from an accredited institution;

2. Completed three years of successful, full-time experience in a public school or accredited nonpublic school in an instructional personnel position that requires licensure in Virginia;

3. Completed an approved program in administration and supervision from an accredited institution;

4. Completed a deliberately structured and supervised internship that is focused on student academic progress for all students and that:

a. Provides significant experiences within a school environment for candidates to synthesize and apply content knowledge and develop professional skills through school-based leadership experiences;

b. Shall occur in a public or accredited nonpublic school;

c. Provides exposure to five different multiple sites, such as elementary, middle, high, central office, and agency, with diverse student populations; and

d. Documents a minimum of 320 clock hours, of which 120 clock hours are embedded as experiential field-based opportunities experienced during coursework; and

5. Satisfied the requirements for the school leaders licensure assessment prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education. Individuals seeking an initial administration and supervision endorsement who are interested in serving as central office instructional personnel are not required to take and pass the school leaders assessment prescribed by the Virginia Board of Education.

C. Level I, Option II: Alternate route to Level I administration and supervision preK-12 endorsement restricted to the Virginia school division in which the superintendent submitted the recommendation for endorsement. This endorsement is valid only in the designated Virginia school division and would not be portable or reciprocal. In order to be eligible for Level I endorsement under this option, the candidate shall have:

1. Earned a master's degree from an accredited institution;

2. Completed graduate coursework in school law, evaluation of instruction, and other areas of study as required by an employing Virginia school superintendent. The graduate coursework shall be taken from an accredited institution that has a state-approved administration and supervision program;

3. Completed three years of successful, full-time experience in a public school or accredited nonpublic school in an instructional personnel position that requires licensure in Virginia;

4. Satisfied the requirements for the school leaders licensure assessment specified by the Virginia Board of Education; and

5. Been recommended by the superintendent in the employing Virginia school division.

D. Level I, Option III: Alternate route to Level I administration and supervision preK-12 endorsement. In order to be eligible for Level I endorsement under this option, the candidate shall have:

1. Earned a master's degree from an accredited institution;

2. Completed graduate coursework in school law, evaluation of instructional personnel, special education, school finance, educational leadership, and other areas of study as required by an employing Virginia school superintendent, and the graduate coursework shall be taken from an accredited institution that has a state-approved administration and supervision program, or the candidate shall have completed school law, school finance, and a research-based program approved by the Virginia Department of Education that includes organizational leadership, instructional leadership, instructional practices in content areas, data utilization, evaluation and instructional coaching, and creating positive school cultures;

3. Completed three years of successful, full-time experience in a public school or accredited nonpublic school in an instructional personnel position that requires licensure in Virginia;

4. Satisfied the requirements for the school leaders licensure assessment specified by the Virginia Board of Education; and

5. Been recommended by the superintendent in the employing Virginia school division.

E. Level I, Option IV: Out-of-state administration and supervision endorsement. Virginia does not issue a stand-alone license in administration and supervision. The endorsement is added to a license. The candidate shall have:

1. Earned a master's degree from an accredited institution;

2. Completed three years of successful, full-time experience in a public school or accredited nonpublic school in an instructional personnel position;

3. Satisfied the requirements for the school leaders licensure assessment specified by the Virginia Board of Education; and

4. A current, valid out-of-state license, (with full credential), with an endorsement in administration and supervision or completed an approved program in administration and supervision from an accredited institution leading to an endorsement as a building-level administrator.

F. Level II: Principal of Distinction endorsement in administration and supervision preK-12. A building-level administrator may seek the Principal of Distinction, Level II endorsement in administration and supervision preK-12 after successfully serving as a building-level administrator for at least five years in a public school or an accredited nonpublic school and successfully completing a formal induction program as a principal or assistant principal. In order to earn the Principal of Distinction, Level II endorsement, the candidate shall meet two or more of the following criteria as specified by the Virginia Board of Education and documented in a Virginia Department of Education approved format and be recommended by the employing Virginia school division superintendent:

1. Evidence of improved student achievement;

2. Evidence of effective instructional leadership;

3. Evidence of positive effect on school climate or culture;

4. Earned doctorate in educational leadership or evidence of formal professional development in the areas of school law, school finance, supervision, human resource management, and instructional leadership; or

5. Evidence of completion of a high-quality professional development project designed by the division superintendent.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024.

8VAC20-23-630. Division Superintendent License.

An individual may be a candidate for the list of eligible division superintendents and the renewable Division Superintendent License through the completion of the requirements in one of the following four options:

1. Option I. The individual shall have:

a. Earned a doctorate degree in educational administration or educational leadership from an accredited institution; and

b. Completed five years of educational experience in a public or an accredited nonpublic school, two years of which shall be successful, full-time teaching experience at the preK-12 level and two years of which shall be in administration and supervision at the preK-12 level.

2. Option II. The individual shall have:

a. Earned a master's degree from an accredited institution and successfully completed 30 graduate semester hours beyond the conferral date of the master's degree;

b. Completed requirements for administration and supervision preK-12 endorsement that includes the demonstration of competencies in the following areas:

(1) Knowledge, understanding, and application of planning, assessment, and instructional leadership that builds collective professional capacity, including:

(a) Principles of student motivation, growth, and development as a foundation for age-appropriate and grade-appropriate curriculum, instruction, and assessment;

(b) Collaborative leadership in gathering and analyzing data to identify needs to develop and implement a school improvement plan that results in increased student learning;

(c) Planning, implementation, and refinement of standards-based curriculum aligned with instruction and assessment;

(d) Collaborative planning and implementation of a variety of assessment techniques, including examination of student work that yields individual, class, grade level, and school level data as a foundation for identifying existing competencies and targeting areas in need of further attention;

(e) Incorporation of differentiated and effective instruction that responds to individual learner needs, including appropriate response to cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity;

(f) Knowledge, understanding, and application of the federal and state regulatory requirements and expectations associated with identification, education, and evaluation of students with disabilities;

(g) Collaboratively working with parents and school personnel to ensure that students with disabilities are included as a valued part of the school community and that they receive effective and appropriately intensive instruction to assist them in meeting the standards set for all students, as well as individual goals outlined in their individualized education programs;

(h) Integration of technology in curriculum and instruction to enhance learner understanding;

(i) Identification, analysis, and resolution of problems using effective problem-solving techniques; and

(j) Development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of excellence linked to mission and core beliefs that promote continuous improvement consistent with the goals of the school division.

(2) Knowledge, understanding, and application of leadership and organizations, including:

(a) The change process of systems, organizations, and individuals, using appropriate and effective adult learning models;

(b) Aligning organizational practice, division mission, and core beliefs for developing and implementing strategic plans;

(c) Understanding information sources and processing, including data collection and data analysis strategies;

(d) Using data as a part of ongoing program evaluation to inform and lead change;

(e) Developing a change management strategy for improved student outcomes;

(f) Developing distributed leadership strategies to create personalized learning environments for diverse schools; and

(g) Practicing effective two-way communication skills including consensus building, negotiation, and mediation skills.

(3) Knowledge, understanding, and application of management and leadership skills that achieve effective and efficient organizational operations and sustain an instructional program conducive to student academic progress, including:

(a) Alignment of curriculum and instruction and assessment of the educational program to achieve high academic success at the school and division or district level;

(b) Principles and issues of supervising and leading others to ensure a working and learning climate that is safe, secure, and respectful of a diverse school community;

(c) Management decisions that ensure successful teaching and learning, including human resources management and development, theories of motivation, change in school culture, innovation and creativity, conflict resolution, adult learning, and professional development models;

(d) Knowledge, understanding, and application of Virginia's Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Teachers and Virginia's Guidelines for Uniform Performance Standards and Evaluation Criteria for Principals;

(e) Principles and issues related to fiscal operations of school management;

(f) Principles and issues related to school facilities and use of space and time for supporting high-quality school instruction and student learning;

(g) Legal issues impacting school operations and management;

(h) Technologies that support management functions; and

(i) Application of data-driven decision making to initiate and continue improvement in school and classroom practices and student achievement.

(4) Knowledge, understanding, and application of the conditions and dynamics impacting a diverse school community, including:

(a) Recognizing emerging issues and trends within school and community relations;

(b) Working collaboratively with staff, families, and community members to secure resources and to support the success of a diverse population;

(c) Developing appropriate public relations and public engagement strategies and processes for building and sustaining positive relationships with families, caregivers, and community partners; and

(d) Integrating technology to support communication efforts.

(5) Knowledge, understanding, and application of the purpose of education and the role of professionalism in advancing educational goals, including:

(a) Philosophy of education that reflects commitment to principles of honesty, fairness, caring, and equity in day-to-day professional behavior;

(b) Integration of high-quality, content-rich, job-embedded professional learning that respects the contribution of all faculty and staff members in building a diverse professional learning community;

(c) Reflective understanding of moral and legal consequences of decision making in the school setting;

(d) Intentional and purposeful effort to model professional, moral, and ethical standards, as well as personal integrity in all interactions; and

(e) Intentional and purposeful effort to model continuous professional learning and to work collegially and collaboratively with all members of the school community to support the school's goals and enhance its collective capacity.

(6) Knowledge, understanding, and application of leadership theories and influences that impact schools, including:

(a) Concepts of leadership, including systems theory, change theory, learning organizations, and current leadership theory;

(b) Ability to identify and respond to internal and external forces and influences on a school;

(c) Ability to identify and apply the processes of educational policy development at the state, local, and school level; and

(d) Ability to identify and demonstrate ways to influence educational policy development at the state, local, and school level; and

c. Completed five years of successful educational experience in a public or an accredited nonpublic school, two years of which must be full-time teaching experience at the preK-12 level and two years of which must be in administration and supervision.

3. Option III. The individual shall have:

a. Earned a master's degree from an accredited institution;

b. A current, valid out-of-state license with an endorsement as a division or district superintendent; and

c. Completed five years of successful educational experience in a public or an accredited nonpublic school, two years of which must be full-time teaching experience at the preK-12 level and two years of which must be in administration and supervision.

4. Option IV. The individual shall have:

a. Earned a master's degree or its equivalent from an accredited institution;

b. A minimum of three years of successful, full-time experience in a senior leadership position, such as chief executive officer or senior military officer; and

c. Be recommended by a Virginia school board interested in employing the individual as superintendent.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 35, Issue 21, eff. July 10, 2019; Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024.

8VAC20-23-640. Mathematics specialist for elementary education.

Endorsement requirements. The candidate shall have:

1. Completed at least three years of successful, full-time teaching experience in a public or accredited nonpublic school in which the teaching of mathematics was an important responsibility; and

2. Either:

a. Graduated from a graduate-level approved mathematics specialist elementary education preparation program - master's degree from an accredited institution required; or

b. Completed a graduate-level program in mathematics, mathematics education, or related education field - master's degree from an accredited institution required - with at least 21 semester hours undergraduate or graduate mathematics coursework distributed in the following areas: (i) number and operations; (ii) rational numbers; (iii) geometry and measurement; (iv) probability and statistics; (v) algebra and functions; and (vi) at least nine semester hours of graduate coursework pertaining to mathematics education in mathematics instructional leadership, evaluation of mathematics curriculum and instruction, mathematical learning theory, and student assessment for mathematics.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024.

8VAC20-23-650. Mathematics specialist for elementary and middle education.

Endorsement requirements. The candidate shall have:

1. Completed at least three years of successful, full-time teaching experience in a public or accredited nonpublic school in which the teaching of mathematics was an important responsibility;

2. A Virginia license with a Mathematics – algebra I (add-on) or mathematics (secondary) teaching endorsement (grades 6-12); and

3. Either:

a. Graduated from a graduate-level approved mathematics specialist elementary and middle education preparation program - master's degree from an accredited institution required; or

b. Completed a graduate-level program in mathematics, mathematics education, or related education field - master's degree from an accredited institution required - with at least 21 semester hours of undergraduate or graduate mathematics coursework distributed in the following areas; (i) number and operations; (ii) rational numbers; (iii) geometry and measurement; (iv) probability and statistics; (v) algebra and functions; and (vi) at least nine semester hours of graduate coursework pertaining to mathematics education in mathematics instructional leadership, evaluation of mathematics curriculum and instruction, mathematical learning theory, and student assessment for mathematics.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024.

8VAC20-23-660. Reading specialist.

Endorsement requirements. The candidate shall have:

1. Graduated from a state-approved graduate-level reading specialist preparation program - master's degree from an accredited institution required - that includes course experiences of at least 30 semester hours of graduate coursework in the competencies for the endorsement, as well as a practicum experience in the diagnosis and remediation of reading difficulties;

2. Satisfied the requirements for the reading specialist assessment specified by the Virginia Board of Education; and

3. At least three years of successful classroom teaching experience in which the teaching of reading was an important responsibility.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024.

8VAC20-23-670. School counselor preK-12.

Endorsement requirements.

1. Option I. The candidate shall have:

a. Earned a master's degree from an accredited institution in a state-approved school counselor preparation program that shall include at least 100 clock hours of internship and practicum experiences in the preK-6 setting and 100 clock hours of internship and practicum experiences in the grades 7-12 setting; and

b. Two years of successful, full-time teaching experience or two years of successful, full-time experience in school counseling in a public or an accredited nonpublic school. Two years of successful, full-time experience in school counseling in a public or an accredited nonpublic school under a nonrenewable Provisional License may be accepted to meet this requirement.

2. Option II. The candidate shall have:

a. Earned a master's degree from an accredited institution and completed an approved school counselor preparation program that shall include at least 100 clock hours of internship and practicum experiences in the grades preK-6 setting and 100 clock hours of internship and practicum experiences in the grades 7-12 setting; and

b. Two years of successful, full-time teaching experience or two years of successful, full-time experience in school counseling in a public or an accredited nonpublic school. Two years of successful, full-time experience in school counseling in a public or an accredited nonpublic school under a nonrenewable Provisional License may be accepted to meet this requirement.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024.

8VAC20-23-680. School manager license.

A. The school manager license is intended to provide for the differentiation of administrative responsibilities in a school setting. A school manager is licensed to administer noninstructional responsibilities in an educational setting. For example, a school manager is restricted from evaluating teachers, supervising instruction, developing and evaluating curriculum, and serving as a school's student disciplinarian.

B. To earn a school manager license, the candidate shall:

1. Have earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution;

2. Have three years successful, full-time managerial experience; and

3. Be recommended for the license by a Virginia school division superintendent.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024.

8VAC20-23-690. School psychology.

Endorsement requirements:

1. Option I. The candidate shall:

a. Complete an approved program in school psychology;

b. Earn a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution and complete 60 graduate-level hours, 54 of which are academic coursework, exclusive of field-based experiences, that culminate in at least a master's degree; and

c. Complete an internship that is documented by the degree-granting institution. The internship experience shall occur on a full-time basis over a period of one year or on a half-time basis over a period of two consecutive years. The internship shall occur under conditions of appropriate supervision, that is, the school-based supervisor shall be licensed as either a school or clinical psychologist. The internship shall include experiences at multiple age levels, at least one half of which shall be in a public or accredited nonpublic school setting.

2. Option II. The candidate shall hold a currently valid certificate issued by the National School Psychology Certification Board.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024.

8VAC20-23-700. School social worker.

Endorsement requirements. The candidate shall have:

1. Earned a master's of social work degree from an accredited institution with a minimum of 60 graduate-level semester hours; or earned an advanced standing master's of social work degree from an accredited institution with a minimum of 30 graduate-level semester hours;

2. A minimum of six graduate semester hours in education to include six semester hours from two of the following courses:

a. Foundations of education and the teaching profession (three semester hours);

b. Characteristics of special education (three semester hours);

c. Human development and learning (three semester hours); or

d. Classroom and behavior management (three semester hours).

3. Completed a supervised practicum or field experience of a minimum of 400 clock hours in a public or an accredited nonpublic school discharging the duties of a school social worker. One year of successful, full-time experience as a school social worker in a public or an accredited nonpublic school may be accepted in lieu of the school social work practicum.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024.

8VAC20-23-710. Vocational evaluator.

Endorsement requirements:

1. Option I. The candidate shall be certified as a vocational evaluation specialist by holding a professional vocational evaluator (PVE) credential or a certified vocational evaluator (CVE) specialist credential, meeting all standards and criteria of the Commission on Certification of Work Adjustment and Vocational Evaluation Specialists (CCWAVES).

2. Option II. The candidate shall have earned a master's degree in vocational evaluation, career and technical education, special education, or rehabilitation counseling from an accredited institution and completed 15 graduate semester hours distributed in the following areas:

a. Tests and measurements: three semester hours;

b. Medical and educational aspects of disability: three semester hours;

c. Occupational information and job analysis: three semester hours;

d. Purposes and practices of vocational evaluation: three semester hours; and

e. Career, life planning, and transition services: three semester hours.

Statutory Authority

§§ 22.1-298.1 and 22.1-299 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 24, eff. August 23, 2018; amended, Virginia Register Volume 41, Issue 2, eff. October 24, 2024.

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