Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part III. Standards for Management of All Regulated Medical Waste

9VAC20-121-100. General handling and generator requirements.

A. Any person or facility handling, generating, storing, transporting, transferring, treating, or disposing of regulated medical waste shall comply with the general management requirements of this section.

B. All generators must identify and segregate regulated medical waste from other waste, including radioactive waste, hazardous waste, and other solid waste, at the point of origin or as soon as practicable after generation. When practical, the generator shall segregate regulated medical waste based on the anticipated treatment method.

C. All generators must comply with the packaging, labeling, storage, reusable container, spill cleanup, transportation, and Category A waste management requirements for regulated medical waste outlined in Part III (9VAC20-121-100 et seq.) of this chapter, as applicable.

D. Anyone handling or packaging regulated medical waste and loading, unloading, or handling containers of regulated medical waste shall wear appropriate personal protective equipment in accordance with the standards for occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens in the general industry standard in 16VAC25-90-1910.1030 (29 CFR 1910.1030).

E. All regulated medical waste shall be handled in a manner that maintains the integrity of the packaging at all times, prevents damage, leakage, and spills and provides protection from the elements, vectors, and trespassers.

F. Trash chutes shall not be used to manage regulated medical waste. If slides, cart tippers, conveyors, or similar equipment are used to move regulated medical waste from the point of generation to storage areas, between containers, or to vehicles or treatment devices, the movement and impact shall be controlled to maintain the integrity of the regulated medical waste packaging and prevent damage, leaks, and spills. Waste shall not be thrown, dumped, walked upon, or handled in any other manner that could result in spills or releases of regulated medical waste or damage to the packaging.

G. Except in accordance with 9VAC20-121-240 B, regulated medical waste shall not be manually or mechanically compacted, compressed, or subjected to violent mechanical stress prior to treatment; however, after regulated medical waste is fully treated and is no longer regulated medical waste, it may be compacted in a closed container in a safe and sanitary manner.

H. All regulated medical waste generated shall either be treated onsite in accordance with Part IV (9VAC20-121-200 et seq.) of this chapter or packaged, labeled, and transported offsite to a facility permitted to receive the waste for transfer, treatment, or disposal.

I. Generators of regulated medical waste are subject to the following recordkeeping requirements:

a. The generator shall maintain all records of onsite treatment or shipment offsite for a minimum of three years following treatment or shipment. All records shall be available for review by the department upon request.

b. Generators treating regulated medical waste onsite, regulated medical waste transfer stations, and all other regulated medical waste treatment or disposal facilities shall maintain records in accordance with applicable provisions of Part V (9VAC20-121-300 et seq.) of this chapter.

c. Generators shipping regulated medical waste offsite for transfer, treatment, or disposal shall maintain records, including copies of all shipping papers, specifying the date of shipment, amount of waste removed from the site, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the transporter and the destination facility receiving the shipment for treatment or disposal.

d. If regulated medical waste is received from offsite, records shall be maintained for three years following receipt of the waste and shall include the date of receipt, name of each offsite generator (except for generators of household sharps using sharps drop boxes), amount of waste received, and dates of subsequent treatment or shipment offsite.

Statutory Authority

§ 10.1-1402 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 6941 et seq.; 40 CFR Part 257.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 13, eff. March 15, 2023.

9VAC20-121-110. Packaging and labeling of regulated medical waste.

A. All regulated medical waste shall be appropriately packaged, labeled, and managed as required by this section.

B. The generator of regulated medical waste is responsible for the packaging and labeling of regulated medical waste. Contractors or other agents may provide services to the generator, including packaging and labeling of regulated medical waste; however, no contract or other relationship shall relieve the generator of the responsibility for packaging and labeling the regulated medical waste as required by this chapter.

C. No person shall receive for transportation, transfer, storage, or treatment any regulated medical waste that is not packaged and labeled in accordance with this chapter. Contractors or other agents may package or label regulated medical wastes to comply with this chapter, so long as the packaging and labeling is performed onsite where the regulated medical waste was generated and no transportation, storage, treatment, or disposal occurs prior to the packaging. Nothing in this section shall prevent the proper repackaging and further transportation of regulated medical waste that has spilled during transportation.

D. All regulated medical waste shall be packaged and labeled onsite prior to storage, treatment, transport, or other management and at a minimum must conform with the following:

1. When regulated medical wastes are first discarded, they shall be placed directly in bags or containers meeting the requirements of the standards for occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens in the general industry standard in 16VAC25-90-1910.1030 (29 CFR 1910.1030). The general industry standard requires the packaging to be closable, constructed to contain all contents and prevent leakage of fluids, labeled, and closed prior to removal. Red bags shall be used for the packaging of all regulated medical waste except as provided in subdivision 2 of this subsection.

2. Sharps shall be placed directly in puncture resistant containers as required by the general industry standards in 16VAC25-90-1910.1030(d)(4)(iii)(A). Sharps containers must not be filled beyond the fill line indicated on the container.

3. Waste packages must not be overfilled. As a bag or container becomes full at the point of generation, and prior to moving, it shall be closed, capped, or sealed so that no waste materials can leak, spill, or protrude during handling, storage, or transport.

4. Once closed, capped, and sealed, bags and containers of regulated medical waste shall not be opened, unsealed, unpackaged, or repackaged. If damage, spills, or outside contamination of the regulated medical waste packaging occurs, the bag or container shall be placed in a secondary packaging that meets all requirements of this subsection.

5. All regulated medical waste packaging shall be labeled. The label shall be securely attached to or printed on packaging. The label may be a tag or sticker securely affixed to the package. Permanent ink shall be used to complete the information on the label. The label and the information provided on the label must be clearly legible. The following information shall be included:

a. The name, address, and business telephone number of the generator. For hospitals, the label shall identify the specific department or lab where the waste originated;

b. The words "Regulated Medical Waste," "Biohazard," or "Infectious Waste" in large print; and

c. The universal biohazard symbol.

E. When regulated medical waste is conveyed in reusable carts or containers, the waste in the cart or container shall be packaged and labeled in accordance with this section.

F. When not being filled and prior to moving, wheeled carts and other items used to move regulated medical waste shall be secured, locked, or sealed so that no waste materials can leak and labeled with the universal biohazard symbol or color-coded red to indicate that the contents contain regulated medical waste.

G. Wheeled carts and roll-off containers shall not be used for the holding of liquids, sharps, animal carcasses or body parts, and human anatomical waste, including tissues, organs, or body parts, unless the regulated medical waste is:

1. Properly contained in rigid containers capable of retaining liquids with enough absorbent material to absorb all liquid present, and

2. Separated from other types of regulated medical waste by a leak-proof rigid barrier, divider, or separate compartment.

H. Prior to transporting regulated medical waste offsite for treatment, transfer, or disposal, waste shall be packaged and labeled for transportation in accordance with the standards of 49 CFR Part 173 of the U.S. Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Regulations or packaged in accordance with an exemption approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Statutory Authority

§ 10.1-1402 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 6941 et seq.; 40 CFR Part 257.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 13, eff. March 15, 2023.

9VAC20-121-120. Storage of regulated medical waste.

A. The requirements of this section apply to storage of regulated medical waste, including storage (i) in soiled utility rooms and other accumulation areas; (ii) at a generating facility; (iii) during transportation; (iv) at a regulated medical waste transfer stations; and (v) at a regulated medical waste treatment or disposal facility. This section also applies to areas used to transfer a load of regulated medical waste from one vehicle to another or when a vehicle containing regulated medical waste is parked for 24 hours or more during transportation.

B. All regulated medical waste shall be stored in a manner that:

1. Maintains the integrity of the packaging at all times, prevents damage, leakage, and spills and provides protection from the elements, vectors, and trespassers;

2. Maintains the packaging in an upright and stable configuration to minimize the potential for spills. If packages or containers are stacked, except during transport, the top of the stacked containers must not be more than six feet above the level of the floor. The integrity of the containers must not be compromised by the stacking arrangement;

3. Is clean and orderly and located in areas free of standing liquid and debris;

4. Provides security from unauthorized access and protects workers and the general public. Regulated medical waste shall be stored in areas where access is limited to only those persons specifically designated to manage regulated medical waste;

5. Meets the packaging and labeling requirements of 9VAC20-121-110; and

6. Meets the requirements of 9VAC20-121-130 when regulated medical waste is stored in reusable carts or containers.

C. Regulated medical waste transfer stations, treatment facilities, and generators of 250 gallons or more of regulated medical waste per calendar month are subject to the following storage requirements:

1. All regulated medical waste shall be stored on surfaces that are cleanable and impermeable to liquids. Carpets and floor coverings with cracks or gaps shall not be used in storage areas. Where tile floors are used and seams are present in the tile, the floor must be sealed with wax or other floor coatings in order to meet this requirement.

2. In areas used to store regulated medical waste, all floor drains shall discharge directly to an approved sanitary sewer system, and all ventilation shall discharge so as to minimize human exposure to the waste.

3. Signage shall be displayed to indicate any areas used to store regulated medical waste.

D. All regulated medical waste shall be stored in accordance with the following timeframes:

1. Generators of less than 250 gallons of regulated medical waste per calendar month shall arrange for the removal of all regulated medical waste stored onsite at least once per calendar month and provide shipment to a facility permitted to receive it for transfer, treatment, or disposal. No regulated medical waste shall be stored onsite for more than 45 calendar days, and no more than 250 gallons of regulated medical waste shall be stored onsite at any given time. Records shall be maintained in accordance with 9VAC20-121-100 I.

2. Generators of 250 gallons or more of regulated medical waste per calendar month shall arrange for the removal of all regulated medical waste stored onsite at least once per calendar week and provide shipment to a facility permitted to receive it for transfer, treatment, or disposal. No regulated medical waste shall be stored onsite for more than 10 calendar days. Records shall be maintained in accordance with 9VAC20-121-100 I.

3. Regulated medical waste treatment facilities shall provide treatment or removal of all regulated medical waste stored onsite on at least a weekly basis. No regulated medical waste shall be stored onsite for more than 10 calendar days. Records shall be maintained in accordance with 9VAC20-121-340 , as applicable.

4. Regulated medical waste transfer stations shall store unrefrigerated regulated medical waste onsite for no more than seven calendar days. All regulated medical waste stored for more than seven calendar days must be refrigerated and stored in an ambient temperature between 35°F and 45°F (2°C and 7°C). No regulated medical waste shall be stored onsite for more than a total of 15 calendar days. Records shall be maintained in accordance with 9VAC20-121-340 , as applicable.

5. Regulated medical waste transfer stations and treatment facilities shall clearly demonstrate the length of time that regulated medical waste is accumulated onsite by marking the outer packaging in permanent ink or maintaining an inventory, barcode, log, or other recordkeeping system.

E. Except in accordance with a permit:

1. No more than 25% of the regulated medical waste stored onsite each month shall be generated or received from offsite, except for emergency cleanups conducted in accordance with 9VAC20-121-300 E 5 and household sharps collected at sharps drop boxes in accordance with 9VAC20-121-300 E 1;

2. Regulated medical waste shall not be treated onsite; and

3. Regulated medical waste that is stored on a loading dock or in areas designated for loading shall be packaged, marked, and labeled for transport and shall not be stored in loading areas for more than 24 hours.

Statutory Authority

§ 10.1-1402 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 6941 et seq.; 40 CFR Part 257.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 13, eff. March 15, 2023.

9VAC20-121-130. Reusable container requirements.

A. The requirements of this section shall be implemented whenever regulated medical waste is conveyed in reusable carts or containers.

B. The waste in the cart or container shall be packaged and labeled in accordance with 9VAC20-121-110.

C. Reusable carts and containers must be constructed of smooth, easily cleanable materials that are impervious to liquids and made of materials designed to withstand exposure to hot water or chemical disinfectants. A plastic bag shall not be reused.

D. Use of reusable carts and containers and any automated or mechanical cleaning and disinfection systems shall maintain the integrity of the packaging at all times, prevent damage, leakage, and spills and provide protection from the elements, vectors, and trespassers.

E. Persons cleaning and disinfecting reusable carts and containers shall wear appropriate personal protective equipment.

F. Immediately following each time a container is emptied and prior to being reused, all reusable carts and containers, including reusable suction canisters and fluid carts that receive blood, shall be both thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Cleaning shall be conducted with detergent and water using an agitation method or by pressure and movement to remove all waste and visible contamination from all inner and outer surfaces of the container. At least one of the following methods shall be used for disinfection:

1. Utilizing an EPA-registered general or broad-spectrum disinfectant following manufacturer's label instructions;

2. Exposure to heated rinse water at a minimum of 180°F (82°C) and a maximum 195°F (90°C) for a minimum of 15 seconds, or until the surface reaches a temperature of 160°F (71°C); or

3. Immersion in or rinsing with, one of the following chemical sanitizers for a minimum of three minutes:

a. Hypochlorite solution (500 ppm available chlorine);

b. Phenolic solution (500 ppm active agent);

c. Iodophor solution (100 ppm available iodine);

d. Quaternary ammonium solution (400 ppm active agent); or

e. Other organic, plant-based, or nonchemical disinfectant registered by EPA.

G. All wash water from cleaning and disinfection shall be contained and discharged directly to an approved sanitary sewer system.

H. Reusable carts and containers shall not be reused if there are cracks, holes, damage, or other defects, including to a lid or locking mechanism or if contamination or waste residuals are present.

I. Reusable carts or containers used for the holding or storage of regulated medical waste shall not be used for any other purpose.

J. When reusable carts or containers containing regulated medical waste are used for offsite transport, all aspects of the cart or container management shall comply with federal Department of Transportation Hazardous Material Regulations, 49 CFR Parts 171 through 180, as applicable.

K. Reusable carts or containers that are damaged, defective, or ready to be discarded shall not be disposed of as solid waste unless they are cleaned and disinfected in accordance with this section, and all regulated medical waste labeling is removed or covered, prior to disposal. Containers unable to be cleaned and disinfected must be treated as regulated medical waste.

Statutory Authority

§ 10.1-1402 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 6941 et seq.; 40 CFR Part 257.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 13, eff. March 15, 2023.

9VAC20-121-140. Management of spills of regulated medical waste.

A. Any person or facility handling, generating, storing, transporting, transferring, treating, or disposing of regulated medical waste shall immediately address all spills of regulated medical waste, incidents or emergencies, maintenance events, and nonconformances that could have an impact on the management of regulated medical waste at the facility.

B. Anyone handling regulated medical waste shall maintain a spill containment and cleanup kit onsite within the vicinity of any area where regulated medical waste is managed, and the location of the kit shall provide for rapid and efficient cleanup of spills anywhere within the area. All vehicles transporting regulated medical wastes are required to carry a spill containment and clean up kit in the vehicle whenever regulated medical wastes are conveyed. A spill containment and cleanup kit shall consist of at least the following items:

1. Material designed to absorb spilled liquids, and the amount of absorbent material shall be that having a capacity, as rated by the manufacturer, of one gallon of liquid for every cubic foot of regulated medical waste that is normally managed in the area for which the kit is provided or 10 gallons, whichever is less;

2. In a sprayer capable of dispersing its charge in a mist and a stream at a distance, at least one gallon of an EPA-registered hospital grade disinfectant effective against mycobacteria, unless it can be demonstrated that an alternate EPA-registered disinfectant is protective of human health and the environment and is appropriate for the type of regulated medical waste managed and surfaces being disinfected;

3. Enough red plastic bags to double enclose at least 150% of the maximum load managed (up to a maximum of 500 bags) that meet the applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 173, including the ASTM 125 pound drop test for filled bags (D959) or an exemption approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation and are accompanied by seals and labels. These bags shall be large enough to overpack any box or container normally used for regulated medical waste management by that generator, handler, or facility;

4. Appropriate personal protective equipment, such as puncture and leak resistant gloves, safety glasses or face shield, protective coveralls or bib, protective footwear, and mask or respiratory protection as needed; and

5. For vehicles only, a first aid kit, fire extinguisher, boundary marking tape, lights, and other appropriate safety equipment.

C. Following any spill or release of regulated medical waste or its discovery, the following procedures shall be implemented:

1. Take appropriate precautions to ensure personnel do not come into contact with any contaminants by wearing appropriate personal protective equipment.

2. Repackage spilled regulated medical waste in accordance with the packaging requirements in 9VAC20-121-110.

3. Transport any regulated medical waste by a transporter that meets the requirements of 9VAC20-121-150.

4. Clean and disinfect all areas and materials having been contacted by regulated medical waste using an EPA-registered hospital grade disinfectant effective against mycobacteria in accordance with manufacturer's label instructions, unless it can be demonstrated that an alternate EPA-registered disinfectant is protective of human health and the environment and is appropriate for the type of regulated medical waste managed and surfaces being disinfected.

5. Take necessary steps to replenish the spill containment and cleanup kit.

Statutory Authority

§ 10.1-1402 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 6941 et seq.; 40 CFR Part 257.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 13, eff. March 15, 2023.

9VAC20-121-150. Transportation of regulated medical waste.

A. The requirements of this section apply to the transportation of regulated medical waste including by intermediate transporters and generators who transport their own waste offsite.

B. All transporters of regulated medical waste must comply with the general handling requirements in 9VAC20-121-100.

C. Regulated medical waste shall be transported in accordance with the applicable requirements for shipping papers, packaging, labeling, marking and vehicle placarding in accordance with the U.S. Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Regulations, 49 CFR Parts 171 through 180. No person shall transport or receive for transport any regulated medical waste that is not packaged and labeled fully in accordance with the U.S. Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Regulations. Reusable carts or containers used to transport regulated medical waste shall meet the requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Regulations and must be sealed, puncture resistant, and leak proof.

D. Transportation of regulated medical waste shall maintain the packaging in an upright and stable configuration to minimize the potential for spills. The integrity of the containers must not be compromised by the stacking arrangement.

E. All vehicles and equipment used in the transportation of regulated medical waste must have access control that limits access to those persons specifically designated to manage regulated medical waste, and the cargo carrying body must be secured except when loading and unloading.

F. Surfaces of vehicles and equipment used to transport regulated medical waste must be clean and impermeable to liquids if those areas are involved with the management of the waste. Carpets and floor coverings with cracks or gaps shall not be used. Vehicles used to transport regulated medical waste shall be clean and maintained in an orderly condition, free of standing liquid and debris, in those areas involved with the management of the waste.

G. Storage, transport, and transfer to, from, and between vehicles and equipment shall be under a cover or packaged in a container that protects the waste from the elements and over a floor or bermed pavement that will contain leaks and spills of liquid from the waste. All effluent, wash water, and other runoff shall discharge directly to or through a holding tank to an approved sanitary sewer system. A cover, floor, or pavement is not required if the activity is transient in nature, such as in the case of spill cleanup or collection of waste packages from professional offices for transport.

H. All vehicles transporting regulated medical waste must carry a spill containment and cleanup kit in the vehicle as specified in 9VAC20-121-140 B, whenever regulated medical wastes are conveyed. Following a spill of regulated medical waste or its discovery, the procedures specified in 9VAC20-121-140 C shall be implemented.

I. Any vehicle parked 24 hours or more during transport will be considered a regulated medical waste transfer station subject to the requirements of Part IV (9VAC20-121-200 et seq.) of this chapter. Unless exempt under 9VAC20-121-300 E, no storage during transport will be allowed without a permit issued in accordance with the procedures in Part V (9VAC20-121-300 et seq.) of this chapter.

J. All vehicles and equipment used to transport regulated medical waste must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before being used for any other purpose and prior to any transfer of ownership. Disinfection shall include using an EPA-registered hospital grade disinfectant effective against mycobacteria in accordance with manufacturer's label instructions, unless it can be demonstrated that an alternate EPA-registered disinfectant is protective of human health and the environment and is appropriate for the type of regulated medical waste managed and surfaces being disinfected. Any areas of vehicles or equipment that are visibly contaminated, or that become contaminated as a result of a spill, must be immediately decontaminated in accordance with 9VAC20-121-140.

K. Transport of regulated medical waste by the United States Postal Services that fully complies with 39 CFR 111 shall be considered to be transportation in compliance with this chapter if:

1. The generator maintains a complete and legible copy of the manifest or mail disposal service shipping record for a period of three years. Disposer's certification and other tracking items must be completed and shown on the copy;

2. The addressee is a facility permitted by all the appropriate agencies of the Commonwealth or the host state; and

3. No package shall be more than 35 pounds by weight.

L. Category A waste shall be managed in accordance with the requirements of 9VAC20-121-160.

Statutory Authority

§ 10.1-1402 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 6941 et seq.; 40 CFR Part 257.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 13, eff. March 15, 2023.

9VAC20-121-160. Management of Category A waste.

A. Category A waste shall be managed in accordance with the requirements of this section.

B. Overarching Planning Considerations and Waste Generator Information and Responsibilities for Category A waste are specified in Sections 3 and 5 of Managing Solid Waste Contaminated with a Category A Infectious Substance. In addition to the general management requirements for regulated medical waste in Part III (9VAC20-121-100 et seq.), all Category A waste shall be handled in accordance with the following additional requirements:

1. Every effort shall be made to minimize the amount of Category A waste generated. Category A waste shall be physically separated, if practical, from other types of waste at the point of origin. When other types of regulated medical waste are mixed with Category A waste, the mixture shall be managed as Category A waste. Category A wastes not suitable for conventional treatment methods, such as batteries, electronics, and oxygen cylinders, shall be segregated from other waste at the point of generation for special handling.

2. All handling, storage, transfer, and treatment of Category A waste must be conducted in areas with cleanable and impermeable surfaces. Carpets and floor coverings with cracks or gaps shall not be used. Where tile floors are used and seams are present in the tile, the floor must be sealed with wax or other floor coatings in order to meet this requirement.

3. Equipment and handling techniques that could potentially cause bioaerosols, such as cart tipping, slides, conveyors, and mechanical cleaning or disinfection systems, shall not be used for Category A waste unless the movement and impact is controlled to maintain the integrity of the packaging, prevent exposure to the waste, and any aerosol, bioaerosol, or mist caused by the process is collected and treated or filtered.

4. Category A waste shall not be conveyed in reusable carts or containers unless the containers are subsequently cleaned and disinfected in accordance with 9VAC20-121-130 using an EPA-registered disinfectant appropriate for the type of Category A waste managed and materials being disinfected.

5. All spills of Category A waste shall be cleaned and disinfected in accordance with 9VAC20-121-140 using an EPA-registered disinfectant appropriate for the type of Category A waste managed and materials being disinfected.

6. Category A waste shall be stored in accordance with the requirements of 9VAC20-121-120 B and C. Packages or containers of Category A waste shall not be stacked.

7. A generator storing 250 gallons or more of Category A waste shall notify the department within 24 hours of exceeding 250 gallons. At least once per calendar week, accumulated Category A waste shall be treated onsite in accordance with this section or shipped offsite to a facility permitted to receive it for treatment or disposal. No Category A waste shall be stored onsite for more than 10 calendar days unless an extended storage timeframe is approved by the department. Records shall be maintained in accordance with 9VAC20-121-100 I.

8. The regulated medical waste transfer station or treatment facility shall notify DEQ of receipt of any Category A waste in accordance with 9VAC20-121-340.

C. Waste Transporter Information and Responsibilities for Category A waste are specified in Section 6 of Managing Solid Waste Contaminated with a Category A Infectious Substance. Packaging and labeling of Category A waste for transport must comply with the more stringent packaging standards of 49 CFR Parts 171 through 180 of the HMR, or may require a Department of Transportation special permit for an exception to the HMR requirements to allow for alternative packaging to accommodate the waste.

D. Waste Treatment Information and Responsibilities for Category A waste are specified in Section 7 of Managing Solid Waste Contaminated with a Category A Infectious Substance. In addition to the general treatment requirements for regulated medical waste in Part IV (9VAC20-121-200 et seq.), all Category A waste shall be treated in accordance with the following additional requirements:

1. A facility shall only receive Category A waste for processing or treatment upon specific approval from the director or by specific provisions within the facility's permit.

2. Prior to treatment of any Category A waste, the facility shall notify DEQ and conduct additional validation testing in accordance with 9VAC20-121-260 and an approved treatment plan that is specific to the Category A waste stream and packaging types that will be received.

3. The treatment method and operating parameters shall be appropriate and effective for the type of Category A waste being managed. Treatment units that employ a mechanical process, such as grinding or shredding, prior to treatment or integral to the treatment unit, may not be appropriate for Category A waste streams. The facility shall demonstrate that the process prevents employee exposure to the waste; contains any aerosol, bioaerosol, or mist caused by the process; and treats or filters any air evacuated from the chamber during processing.

4. The facility shall not receive or treat Category A waste until the department has reviewed and approved the validation results, operating parameters, and protocols to be used for the treatment unit.

5. Treatment of Category A waste shall only be in accordance with the operating parameters and protocols approved by the department.

6. Challenge testing shall be performed and documented for every load containing Category A waste. The facility may request an alternate challenge test frequency once a high level of confidence is established that the Category A waste is being effectively treated.

7. The owner or operator shall provide a certification that the regulated medical waste management plan demonstrates protocols specific to the Category A waste stream to be treated and meets all additional standards of Part III (9VAC20-121-100 et seq.) and Part IV (9VAC20-121-200 et seq.), as applicable, in accordance with 9VAC20-121-330. The plan shall specify if and how management protocols for Category A waste differ from existing protocols for routinely received regulated medical waste, including how treated wastes will be disposed. The certification shall also include a statement that the emergency contingency plan has been provided to the local police and fire departments, local emergency manager, and local emergency health coordinator.

E. Final Disposal Information and Responsibilities for Category A waste are specified in Section 8 of Managing Solid Waste Contaminated with a Category A Infectious Substance. Category A waste shall be disposed of in accordance with the following requirements:

1. Category A waste that has been treated in accordance with the special requirements of this section is no longer Category A waste or regulated medical waste. Category A waste treated in accordance with this section is solid waste and shall be disposed of at a permitted solid waste disposal facility, provided the disposal is in accordance with the Solid Waste Management Regulations (9VAC20-81) and the facility's permit.

2. Category A waste not treated in accordance with this chapter shall not be transported to, received for transport, or disposal by, or disposed of in, any solid waste management facility.

Statutory Authority

§ 10.1-1402 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 6941 et seq.; 40 CFR Part 257.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 13, eff. March 15, 2023.

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