

Rappahannock River Basin Commission

§ 62.1-69.25. Definitions

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Rappahannock River Basin" means that land area designated as the Rappahannock River Basin by the State Water Control Board pursuant to § 62.1-44.38 and which is also found in the Twenty-fifth, Twenty-seventh, Twenty-eighth, and Thirty-first Senatorial Districts or the Thirtieth, Sixty-first, Sixty-second, Sixty-third, Sixty-fourth, Sixty-fifth, Sixty-sixth, Sixty-seventh, and Sixty-eighth House of Delegates Districts, as those districts exist on January 1, 2024.

1998, c. 553; 2000, cc. 386, 456; 2002, cc. 496, 523; 2013, c. 173; 2023, c. 98.

§ 62.1-69.26. Rappahannock River Basin Commission; establishment

The Rappahannock River Basin Commission, hereinafter referred to as the "Commission," is hereby created as an independent local entity without political subdivision status, and shall be established upon passage by two-thirds of the Rappahannock River Basin's localities of a resolution that commits them to participate in the Commission as described in this chapter. The resolution shall contain the following language:

"The (jurisdiction's governing body) does hereby agree to become a member of and participate in the Rappahannock River Basin Commission as described in Chapter 553 of the Acts of Assembly of 1998."

1998, c. 553; 2000, cc. 386, 456; 2004, c. 471.

§ 62.1-69.27. Commission purposes and mission

The Commission's purposes and mission shall be to provide guidance for the stewardship and enhancement of the water quality and natural resources of the Rappahannock River Basin. The Commission shall be a forum in which local governments and citizens can discuss issues affecting the Basin's water quality and quantity and other natural resources. Through promoting communication, coordination and education, and by suggesting appropriate solutions to identified problems, the Commission shall promote activities by local, state and federal governments, and by individuals, that foster resource stewardship for the environmental and economic health of the Basin.

1998, c. 553; 2000, cc. 386, 456.

§ 62.1-69.28. Rappahannock River Basin Commission powers

A. The Commission shall have no regulatory authority.

B. To carry out its purposes and mission, the Commission shall have the power to:

1. Communicate, including through legislative recommendations, Commission views to local, state and federal legislative and administrative bodies, and to others as it deems necessary and appropriate.

2. Undertake studies and prepare, publish and disseminate information in reports and in other forms related to the water quality and natural resources of the Basin and to further its purposes and mission.

3. Enter into contracts and execute all instruments necessary or appropriate.

4. Perform any lawful acts necessary or appropriate.

5. Establish a nonprofit corporation as an instrumentality to assist in the details of administering its affairs and in raising funds.

6. Seek, apply for, accept and expend gifts, grants and donations, services and other aids, from public or private sources. Other than those from member jurisdictions and those appropriated by the General Assembly, funds may be accepted by the Commission only after an affirmative vote by the Commission or by following such other procedure as may be established by the Commission for the conduct of its business.

7. Establish balanced advisory committees that may include representation from agricultural, environmental, resources-based, industrial, recreational, riparian landowner, development, educational and other interests as it deems necessary and appropriate.

8. Develop rules and procedures for the conduct of its business or necessary to carry out its purposes and mission, including, but not limited to, selecting a chair and vice-chairs, rotating chairmanships, calling meetings and establishing voting procedures. Rules and procedures developed pursuant to this subdivision shall be effective upon an affirmative vote by a majority of the Commission members.

1998, c. 553; 2000, cc. 386, 456.

§ 62.1-69.29. Membership; terms; vacancies

The membership of the Commission shall consist of 30 members, which includes 13 legislative members and 17 nonlegislative citizen members, to be appointed as follows: nine members of the House of Delegates, one member each of the Thirtieth, Sixty-first, Sixty-second, Sixty-third, Sixty-fourth, Sixty-fifth, Sixty-sixth, Sixty-seventh, and Sixty-eighth House of Delegates Districts, as those districts exist on January 1, 2024; four members of the Senate, one member each of the Twenty-fifth, Twenty-seventh, Twenty-eighth, and Thirty-first Senatorial Districts, as those districts exist on January 1, 2024; one member or designee of each of the 16 governing bodies of the jurisdictions in which not less than two percent of the jurisdiction is found wholly or partially within the Rappahannock River Basin, that at any time pass a resolution containing the language required by § 62.1-69.26, to be appointed by the respective local governing body; and one member or designee of a Soil and Water Conservation District found wholly or partially within the Rappahannock River Basin, to be appointed jointly by the Soil and Water Conservation Districts found wholly or partially within the Rappahannock River Basin. Nonlegislative citizen members of the Commission shall be citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

All members of the Commission shall serve terms coincident with their terms of office. Appointments to fill vacancies, other than by expiration of a term, shall be for the unexpired terms. All members may be reappointed. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.

For the purposes of this section, "nonlegislative citizen member" means a member of one of the local governing bodies or the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of the jurisdictions found wholly or partially within the Rappahannock River Basin.

1998, c. 553; 2000, cc. 386, 456; 2004, c. 471; 2009, c. 601; 2013, c. 173; 2023, c. 98.

§ 62.1-69.30. Chairman and vice-chairman; quorum; meetings

The Commission shall elect annually a chairman and vice-chairman from among its membership. Nine members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum. The Commission shall meet no more than four times each year. The meetings of the Commission shall be held at the call of the chairman or whenever the majority of the members so request. Each member of the Commission shall have an equal vote.

1998, c. 553; 2000, cc. 386, 456; 2004, c. 471; 2013, c. 173; 2023, c. 98.

§ 62.1-69.31. Staffing and support

The local governing bodies and Planning District Commissions found wholly or partially in the Rappahannock River Basin shall provide staff support for the Commission as the localities determine appropriate. Additional staff support may be hired or contracted for by the Commission through funds raised by or provided to it. The Commission is authorized to determine the duties of such staff and fix staff compensation within available resources.

All agencies of the Commonwealth shall cooperate with the Commission and, upon request, shall assist the Commission in fulfilling its purposes and mission. The Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources or his designee shall act as the chief liaison between the administrative agencies and the Commission.

1998, c. 553; 2000, cc. 386, 456; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 401.

§ 62.1-69.32. Withdrawal; dissolution

A. A locality may withdraw from the Commission one year after providing a written notice to the Commission of its intent to do so.

B. The Commission may dissolve itself upon a two-thirds vote of all members.

C. The Commission may be dissolved by repeal or expiration of this chapter.

D. The Commission shall be dissolved if the membership of the Commission falls below two-thirds of those eligible.

E. Upon the Commission's dissolution, all funds and assets of the Commission shall be divided on a pro rata basis. The Commonwealth's share of the funds and assets shall be transferred to the Office of the Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources for appropriate distribution.

1998, c. 553; 2000, cc. 386, 456; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 401.

§ 62.1-69.33. Funding

A. The Commission shall annually adopt a budget, which shall include the Commission's estimated expenses. The funding of the Commission shall be a shared responsibility of state and local governments. The Commonwealth's contribution shall be set through the normal state appropriations process. The Commission's local government members shall determine a process for distribution of costs among the local government members.

B. The Commission shall annually designate a fiscal agent.

C. The accounts and records of the Commission showing the receipt and disbursement of funds from whatever source derived shall be in such form as the Auditor of Public Accounts prescribes, provided that such accounts shall correspond as nearly as possible to the accounts and records for such matters maintained by similar enterprises. The accounts and records of the Commission shall be subject to an annual audit by the Auditor of Public Accounts or his legal representative, and the costs of such audit services shall be borne by the Commission. The results of the audits shall be delivered to the chief elected officer in each of the Commission's member jurisdictions, the members of the House of Delegates and the Senate who serve on the Commission, the chairmen of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations, and the Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources. The Commission's fiscal year shall be the same as the Commonwealth's.

1998, c. 553; 2000, cc. 386, 456; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 401.

§ 62.1-69.33:1. Compensation; expenses

Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, members of the Commission shall not be eligible for compensation. All members may be reimbursed for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties from such funds as may be available to the Commission.

2004, c. 471.

§ 62.1-69.33:2. Chairman's executive summary of activity and work of the Commission

The chairman shall submit to the Governor and the General Assembly an annual executive summary of the interim activity and work of the Commission no later than the first day of each regular session of the General Assembly. The executive summary shall be submitted as provided in the procedures of the Division of Legislative Automated Systems for the processing of legislative documents and reports and shall be posted on the General Assembly's website.

2004, c. 471.