

Transportation District Act of 1964

§ 33.2-1900. Declaration of policy

The development of transportation systems, composed of transit facilities, public highways, and other modes of transport, is necessary for the orderly growth and development of the urban areas of the Commonwealth; for the safety, comfort, and convenience of its citizens; and for the economical utilization of public funds. The provision of the necessary facilities and services cannot be achieved by the unilateral action of the counties and cities, and the attainment thereof requires planning and action on a regional basis, conducted cooperatively and on a continuing basis, between representatives of the affected political subdivisions and the Commonwealth Transportation Board. In those urban areas of the Commonwealth that together form a single metropolitan area, solutions must be jointly sought with the affected political subdivisions and highway departments. Such joint action should be conducted in a manner that preserves, to the extent the necessity for joint action permits, local autonomy over patterns of growth and development of each participating political subdivision or locality. The requisite joint action may best be achieved through the device of a transportation district, having the powers, functions, and duties set forth in this chapter. In the provision of improved or expanded transit facilities, it is the policy of the Commonwealth to make use of private enterprise to the extent reasonably practicable.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1343; 1986, c. 438; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4501; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1901. Definitions

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Agency" or "such agency" means an agency authorized by, or arising from action of, the General Assembly to plan for or provide transportation facilities and service for a metropolitan area located wholly or in part in the Commonwealth.

"Commission" or "district commission" means the governing body of a district.

"Component governments" means the counties and cities composing a transportation district and the various departments, bureaus, and divisions of such counties and cities.

"District" means a transportation district authorized to be created by this chapter.

"Governing bodies" means the boards of supervisors of counties and councils of cities composing a transportation district.

"Metropolitan area" means a metropolitan statistical area as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Office of Management and Budget or any contiguous counties or cities within the Commonwealth that together constitute an urban area.

"Person" means an individual, partnership, association, or corporation or any governmental agency or authority.

"State," when applied to a part of the United States, includes any of the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

"Transportation facilities," "transit facilities," or "facilities" means all those matters and things utilized in rendering transportation service by means of rail, bus, water, or air and any other mode of travel, including tracks, rights-of-way, bridges, tunnels, subways, and rolling stock for rail, motor vehicle, marine, and air transportation; stations, terminals, and ports; areas for parking; buildings; structures; and all equipment, fixtures, and business activities reasonably required for the performance of transportation service, but does not include any such facilities owned by any person, company, association, or corporation the major part of whose transportation service extends beyond a transportation district created in this chapter.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1344; 1986, c. 438; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4502; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1902. Authorization to issue summons

Conductors of railroad trains, motormen, and station and depot agents of any transportation district created pursuant to this chapter shall have the power to issue a summons for any violation of § 18.2-160.1 with respect to any train operated by or under contract with such transportation district.

1988, c. 762, § 15.1-1344.1; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4503; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1903. Procedure for creation of districts

A. Any two or more counties or cities may, in conformance with the procedure set forth in this section, or as otherwise may be provided by law, constitute a transportation district and shall have and exercise the powers set forth in this section and such additional powers as may be granted by the General Assembly. A transportation district may be created by ordinance adopted by the governing body of each participating county and city, which ordinances shall (i) set forth the name of the proposed transportation district, which shall include the words "transit district" or "transportation district," (ii) fix the boundaries thereof, (iii) name the counties and cities that are in whole or in part to be embraced therein, and (iv) contain a finding that the orderly growth and development of the county or city and the comfort, convenience, and safety of its citizens require an improved transportation system, composed of transit facilities, public highways, and other modes of transport, and that joint action through a transportation district by the counties and cities that are to compose the proposed transportation district will facilitate the planning and development of the needed transportation system. Such ordinances shall be filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth and, upon certification by that officer to the Tax Commissioner and the governing body of each of the participating counties and cities that the ordinances required by this chapter have been filed and, upon the basis of the facts set forth therein, satisfy such requirements, the territory defined in such ordinances, upon the entry of such certification in the minutes of the proceedings of the governing body of each of the counties and cities, shall be and constitute a transportation district for all of the purposes of this chapter, known and designated by the name stated in the ordinances.

B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A, any county or city may, subject to the applicable provisions of this chapter, constitute itself a transportation district in the event that no governing body of any contiguous county or city wishes to combine for such purpose, provided that the governing body of such single locality transportation district shall comply with the provisions of subsection A by adopting an ordinance that (i) sets forth the name of the proposed transportation district, which shall include the words "transit district" or "transportation district"; (ii) fixes, in such county or city, the boundaries thereof; (iii) names the county or city that is in whole or in part to be embraced therein; and (iv) contains a finding that the orderly growth and development of the county or city and the comfort, convenience, and safety of its citizens require an improved transportation district, composed of transit facilities, public highways, and other modes of transport, and that joint action with contiguous counties and cities has not been agreed to at this time, but that the formation of a transportation district will facilitate the planning and development of the needed transportation system, and shall file such ordinance in the manner and mode required by subsection A. At such time as the governing body of any contiguous county or city desires to combine with the original locality for the formation of an enlarged transportation district, it shall enter into an agreement with the commission of the original transportation district on such terms and conditions, consistent with the provisions of this chapter, as may be agreed upon by such commission and such additional county or city, and in conformance with the following procedures. The governing body of the county or city having jurisdiction over the territory to be added to the original transportation district shall adopt an ordinance specifying the area to be enlarged, containing the finding specified in clause (iv) of subsection A, and a statement that a contract or agreement between the county or city and the commission specifying the terms and conditions of admittance to the transportation district has been executed. The ordinance, to which shall be attached a certified copy of such contract, shall be filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth and, upon certification by that officer to the Tax Commissioner, the commission, and the governing body of each of the component counties and cities that the ordinance required by this section has been filed, and that the terms thereof conform to the requirements of this section, such additional county, or part thereof, or city, upon the entry of such certification in the minutes of the proceedings of the governing body of such county or city, shall become a component government of the transportation district and the county, or portion thereof specified, or city shall be embraced by the transportation district.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1345; 1966, c. 419; 1972, c. 832; 1973, c. 324; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4504; 2006, c. 354; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1904. Northern Virginia Transportation District and Commission

A. There is hereby created the Northern Virginia Transportation District (the District), comprising the Counties of Arlington, Fairfax, and Loudoun; the Cities of Alexandria, Falls Church, and Fairfax; and such other county or city contiguous to the District that agrees to join the District.

B. There is hereby established the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (the Commission) as a transportation commission pursuant to this chapter. The Commission shall consist of five nonlegislative citizen members from Fairfax County, three nonlegislative citizen members from Arlington County, two nonlegislative citizen members from Loudoun County, two nonlegislative citizen members from the City of Alexandria, one nonlegislative member from the City of Falls Church, one nonlegislative citizen member from the City of Fairfax, and the Chairman of the Commonwealth Transportation Board or his designee to serve ex officio with voting privileges. If a county or city contiguous to the District agrees to join the District, such locality shall appoint one nonlegislative citizen member to the Commission. Members from the counties and cities shall be appointed from their respective governing bodies. The Commission shall also include four members of the House of Delegates appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates and two members of the Senate appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules. All legislative members shall serve terms coincident with their terms of office. Members may be reappointed for successive terms. All members shall be citizens of the Commonwealth. Except for the Chairman of the Commonwealth Transportation Board or his designee, all members of the Commission shall be residents of the localities composing the District. Vacancies occurring other than by expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.

2004, c. 1000, § 15.1-4503.1; 2014, c. 805; 2016, cc. 117, 374; 2018, Sp. Sess. I, c. 2; 2024, c. 633.

§ 33.2-1905. District a body corporate

Each transportation district created pursuant to this chapter, or pursuant to an act of the General Assembly, is hereby created as a body corporate and politic under the name of, and to be known by, the name of the district with the word "commission" appended.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1346; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4505; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1906. Creation of commission to control corporation

In and for each transportation district a commission is hereby created to manage and control the functions, affairs, and property of the corporation and to exercise all of the rights, powers, and authority and perform all of the duties conferred or imposed upon the corporation.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1347; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4506; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1907. Members of transportation commissions

A. Any transportation district commission created pursuant to this chapter shall consist of the number of members the component governments shall agree upon, or as may otherwise be provided by law. The governing body of each participating county and city shall appoint from among its members the number of commissioners to which the county or city is entitled; however, for those commissions with powers as set forth in subsection A of § 33.2-1915, the governing body of each participating county or city is not limited to appointing commissioners from among its members. In addition, the governing body may appoint, from its number or otherwise, designated alternate members for those appointed to the commission who shall be able to exercise all of the powers and duties of a commission member when the regular member is absent from commission meetings. Each such appointee shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing body; however, no appointee to a commission with powers as set forth in subsection B of § 33.2-1915 may continue to serve when he is no longer a member of the appointing body. Each governing body shall inform the commission of its appointments to and removals from the commission by delivering to the commission a certified copy of the resolution making the appointment or causing the removal.

The Chairman of the Commonwealth Transportation Board, or his designee, shall be a member of each commission, ex officio with voting privileges. The Chairman of the Commonwealth Transportation Board may appoint an alternate member who may exercise all the powers and duties of the Chairman of the Commonwealth Transportation Board when neither the Chairman of the Commonwealth Transportation Board nor his designee is present at a commission meeting.

The Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission shall also include two members of the House of Delegates who reside within the boundaries of the transportation district appointed by the Speaker of the House and one member of the Senate appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules. Each legislative member shall be from a legislative district located wholly or in part within the boundaries of the transportation district and shall serve a term coincident with his term of office. The members of the General Assembly shall be eligible for reappointment for successive terms. Vacancies occurring other than by expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.

The Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads shall include one member of the House of Delegates and one member of the Senate, one of whom shall represent a district that includes the City of Hampton or Newport News and one of whom shall represent a district that includes the City of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, or Virginia Beach. The member of the House of Delegates shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates for a term coincident with his term of office, and the member of the Senate shall be appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules for a term coincident with his term of office. The members of the General Assembly shall be eligible for reappointment for successive terms, and vacancies occurring other than by expiration of a term shall be filled for the unexpired term. The Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads shall also consist of one nonlegislative citizen member appointed by the Governor from each county and city embraced by the transportation district. Nonlegislative citizen members shall have experience in at least one of the following fields: transit, transportation, or land use planning; management of transit, transportation, or other public sector operations; public budgeting or finance; corporate communications; government oversight; or state or local government. All gubernatorial appointments shall be for terms of four years. The governing body of each such county or city may appoint either a member of its governing body or its county or city manager to serve as an ex officio member with voting privileges. Every such ex officio member shall be allowed to attend all meetings of the commission that other members may be required to attend. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments.

B. The Secretary or his designee and any appointed member of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission are authorized to serve as members of the board of directors of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (§ 33.2-3100 et seq.) and while so serving the provisions of § 2.2-2800 shall not apply to such member. In appointing Virginia members of the board of directors of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission shall include the Secretary or his designee as a principal member on the board of directors of WMATA. Any designee serving as the principal member must reside in a locality served by WMATA.

In selecting from its membership those members to serve on the board of directors of WMATA, the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission shall comply with the following requirements:

1. A board member shall not have been an employee of WMATA within one year of appointment to serve on the board of directors.

2. A board member shall have (i) experience in at least one of the fields of transit planning, transportation planning, or land use planning; transit or transportation management or other public sector management; engineering; finance; public safety; homeland security; human resources; or the law or (ii) knowledge of the region's transportation issues derived from working on regional transportation issue resolution.

3. A board member shall be a regular patron of the services provided by WMATA.

4. Board members shall serve a term of four years with a maximum of two consecutive terms. A board member's term or terms must coincide with his term on the body that appointed him to the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission. Any vacancy created if a board member cannot fulfill his term because his term on the appointing body has ended shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the member being replaced was appointed within 60 days of the vacancy. The initial appointments to a four-year term will be as follows: the Secretary, or his designee, for a term of four years; the second principal member for a term of three years; one alternate for a term of two years; and the remaining alternate for a term of one year. Thereafter, board members shall be appointed for terms of four years. Service on the WMATA board of directors prior to July 1, 2012, shall not be considered in determining length of service. Any person appointed to an initial one-year or two-year term, or appointed to an unexpired term in which two years or less is remaining, shall be eligible to serve two consecutive four-year terms after serving the initial or unexpired term.

5. Members may be removed from the board of directors of WMATA if they attend fewer than three-fourths of the meetings in a calendar year; if they are conflicted due to employment at WMATA; or if they are found to be in violation of the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act (§ 2.2-3100 et seq.). If a board member is removed during a term, the vacancy shall be filled pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 4.

6. Each member of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission appointed to the board of directors of WMATA shall file semiannual reports with the Secretary's office beginning July 1, 2012. The reports shall include (i) the dates of attendance at WMATA board meetings, (ii) any reasons for not attending a specific meeting, and (iii) dates and attendance at other WMATA-related public events.

7. Each nonelected member of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission appointed to the board of directors of WMATA shall be eligible to receive reasonable and necessary expenses and compensation pursuant to §§ 2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825 from the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission for attending meetings and for the performance of his official duties as a board member on that day.

Any entity that provides compensation to a WMATA board member for his service on the WMATA board shall be required to submit on July 1 of each year to the Secretary the amount of that compensation. Such letter will remain on file with the Secretary's office and be available for public review.

C. When the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission and the Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission enter into an agreement to operate a commuter railway, the agreement governing the creation of the railway shall provide that the Chairman of the Commonwealth Transportation Board or his designee shall have one vote on the oversight board for the railway. For each year in which the state contribution to the railway is greater than or equal to the highest contribution from an individual locality, the total annual subsidy as provided by the member localities used to determine vote weights shall be recalculated to include the Commonwealth contributing an amount equal to the highest contributing locality. The vote weights shall be recalculated to provide the Chairman of the Commonwealth Transportation Board or his designee the same weight as the highest contributing locality. The revised vote weights shall be used in determining the passage of motions before the oversight board.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1348; 1966, c. 419; 1973, c. 231; 1975, c. 179; 1977, c. 137; 1986, c. 438; 1987, c. 441; 1993, c. 867; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4507; 2000, cc. 439, 443; 2004, c. 1000; 2011, c. 515; 2012, c. 377; 2013, c. 589; 2014, cc. 655, 721, 805; 2016, c. 130; 2018, Sp. Sess. I, c. 2; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 435; 2024, c. 633.

§ 33.2-1908. Officers of commission

Within 30 days after the appointment of the original commission members, the commission shall meet on the call of any member and shall elect one of its members as chairman and another as vice-chairman, each to serve for a term of one year or until his successor is elected and qualified. The commission shall employ a secretary and treasurer, who may or may not be a member of the commission, and, if not a commission member, fix his compensation and duties. All officers shall be eligible for reelection. Each commission member, before entering on the performance of his public duties, shall take and subscribe the oath or affirmation specified in Article II, Section 7 of the Constitution of Virginia. Such oath may be administered by any person authorized to administer oaths under § 49-4.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1349; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 1; 1987, c. 153; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4508; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1909. Bonds of members

Each commission member shall, before entering upon the discharge of his duties under this chapter, give bond payable to the Commonwealth in a form approved by the Attorney General, in such penalty as fixed by the Governor, with some surety or guaranty company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth and approved by the Governor, as security, conditioned upon the faithful discharge of his duties. The premium of such bonds shall be paid by the commission and the bonds shall be filed with and preserved by the Department of the Treasury's Division of Risk Management.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1350; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4509; 2002, c. 32; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1910. Compensation and expenses of members

The commission members shall receive no salary but shall be entitled to reimbursement of all reasonable and necessary expenses and compensation allowed members of the Commonwealth Transportation Board for the performance of their official duties as provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1351; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4510; 2004, c. 1000; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1911. Meetings of commission

Regular meetings of the commission shall be held at least once every month at such time and place as the commission shall prescribe. Special meetings of the commission shall be held upon mailed notice, or actual notice otherwise given, to each commission member upon call of the chairman or any two commission members, at such time and in such place within the district as such notice may specify, or at such other time and place with or without notice as all commission members may expressly approve. All regular and special meetings of the commission shall be open to the public, but the public shall not be entitled to any notice other than provided in this section. Unless a meeting is called for the purpose of a public hearing, members of the public shall have no right to be heard or otherwise participate in the proceedings of the meeting, except to the extent the chairman may in specific instances grant. All commission records shall be public records.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1352; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4511; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1912. Quorum and action by commission

A majority of the commission, which majority shall include at least one commissioner from a majority of the component governments, shall constitute a quorum. Members of the commission who are members of the General Assembly shall not be counted in determining a quorum while the General Assembly is in session. The Chairman of the Commonwealth Transportation Board or his designee shall be included for the purposes of constituting a quorum. The presence of a quorum and a vote of the majority of the members necessary to constitute a quorum of all the members appointed to the commission, including an affirmative vote from a majority of the members, shall be necessary to take any action. The Chairman of the Commonwealth Transportation Board or his designee shall have voting rights equal to appointees of component governments on all matters brought before the commission. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 2.2-3708.2, members of the General Assembly may participate in the meetings of the commission through electronic communication means while the General Assembly is in session.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1353; 1966, c. 419; 1975, c. 7; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4512; 2004, c. 1000; 2013, c. 589; 2014, c. 805; 2018, c. 55.

§ 33.2-1913. Funds of commission

A. All moneys of a commission, whether derived from any contract of the commission or from any other source, shall be collected, received, held, secured, and disbursed in accordance with any relevant contract of the commission. This section shall apply to such moneys only if and to the extent they are consistent with such commission contracts.

B. Such moneys shall not be required to be paid into the state treasury or into the treasury or to any officer of any county or city.

C. All such moneys shall be deposited by the commission in a separate bank account, appropriately designated, in banks or trust companies designated by the commission.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1355; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4513; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1914. Accounts and records

Every commission shall keep and preserve complete and accurate accounts and records of all moneys received and disbursed; business and operations; and all property and funds it owns, manages, or controls. Each commission shall prepare and transmit to the Governor and to the governing body of each county and city within the district, annually and at such other times as the Governor requires, complete and accurate reports of the state and content of such accounts and records, together with other relevant information as the Governor may require.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1356; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4514; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1915. Powers and functions generally

A. Notwithstanding any other contrary provision of law, a commission shall, except as provided in subsection B, have the following powers and functions:

1. The commission shall prepare the transportation plan for the transportation district and shall revise and amend the plan in accordance with the planning process and procedures specified in Article 7 (§ 33.2-1928 et seq.).

2. The commission may, when a transportation plan is adopted according to Article 7 (§ 33.2-1928 et seq.), construct or acquire, by purchase or lease, the transportation facilities specified in such transportation plan.

3. The commission may enter into agreements or leases with private companies for the operation of its facilities or may operate such facilities itself.

4. The commission may enter into contracts or agreements with the counties and cities within the transportation district, with counties and cities that adjoin the transportation district and are within the same planning district, or with other commissions of adjoining transportation districts to provide, or cause to be provided, transit facilities and service to such counties and cities or to provide transit facilities and other modes of transportation between adjoining transportation districts. Such contracts or agreements, together with any agreements or leases for the operation of such facilities, may be utilized by the transportation district to finance the construction and operation of transportation facilities, and such contracts, agreements, or leases shall inure to the benefit of any creditor of the transportation district.

However, except in any transportation district containing any or all of the Counties of Chesterfield, Hanover, and Henrico or the City of Richmond, being so delegated by the respective local governments, the commission shall not have the power to regulate services provided by taxicabs, either within municipalities or across municipal boundaries, which regulation is expressly reserved to the municipalities within which taxicabs operate. In any transportation district containing any or all of the Counties of Chesterfield, Hanover, and Henrico or the City of Richmond, the commission may, upon proper authority granted by the respective component governments, regulate services provided by taxicabs, either within localities or across county or city boundaries.

B. The Northern Virginia Transportation Commission:

1. Shall not prepare a transportation plan or construct or operate transit facilities, but shall collaborate and cooperate in the manner specified in Article 7 (§ 33.2-1928 et seq.) with an agency in preparing, revising, and amending a transportation plan for such metropolitan area.

2. Shall, according to Article 7 (§ 33.2-1928 et seq.) and in cooperation with the governing bodies of the component governments embraced by the transportation district, formulate the tentative policy and decisions of the transportation district with respect to the planning, design, location, construction, operation, and financing of transportation facilities.

3. May, when a transportation plan applicable to such a transportation district is adopted, enter into contracts or agreements with an agency to contribute to the capital required for the construction or acquisition of transportation facilities and for meeting expenses and obligations in the operations of such facilities.

4. May, when a transportation plan applicable to such transportation district is adopted, enter into contracts or agreements with the counties and cities within the transportation district to provide or cause to be provided transportation facilities and service to such counties and cities.

5. Notwithstanding any other provision in this section to the contrary:

a. May acquire land or any interest therein by purchase, lease, gift, condemnation, or otherwise and provide transportation facilities thereon for use in connection with any transportation service;

b. May acquire land or any interest therein by purchase, lease, gift, condemnation, or otherwise in advance of need for sale or contribution to an agency, for use by that agency in connection with an adopted mass transit plan;

c. May, in accordance with the terms of any grant from or loan by the United States of America or the Commonwealth, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or when necessary to preserve essential transportation service, acquire transit facilities or any carrier that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission by acquisition of the capital stock or transit facilities and other assets of any such carrier and shall provide for the performance of transportation by any such carrier or with such transit facilities by contract or lease. However, the contract or lease shall be for a term of no more than one year, renewable for additional terms of similar duration, and, in order to assure acceptable fare levels, may provide for financial assistance by purchase of service, operating subsidies, or otherwise. No such service shall be rendered that will adversely affect transit service rendered by the transit facilities owned or controlled by the agency or any existing private transit or transportation company. When notified by the agency that it is authorized to perform or cause to be performed transportation services with motor vehicle facilities, the commission, upon request by the agency, shall transfer such capital stock or transit facilities to the agency at a price to be agreed upon; and

d. May prepare a plan for mass transportation services with cities, counties, agencies, authorities, or commissions and may further contract with transportation companies, cities, counties, commissions, authorities, agencies, and departments of the Commonwealth and appropriate agencies of the federal government or governments contiguous to the Commonwealth to provide necessary facilities, equipment, operations and maintenance, access, and insurance pursuant to such plan.

C. The provisions of subdivisions B 1 through 4 and subdivisions B 5 b and c shall not apply (i) to any transportation district that may be established on or after July 1, 1986, and that includes any one or more localities that are located within a metropolitan area, but that were not, on January 1, 1986, members of any other transportation district or (ii) to any locality that, after July 1, 1989, joins a transportation district that was established on or before January 1, 1986. The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to any transportation district or locality that is contiguous to the Northern Virginia Transportation District. Any such district or locality shall be subject to the provisions of subsection A and further may exercise the powers granted by subdivision B 5 a to acquire land or any interest therein by purchase, lease, gift, condemnation, or otherwise and provide transportation facilities thereon for use in connection with any transportation service.

D. Until such time as a commission enters into contracts or agreements with its component governments under the provisions of subdivisions A 4 and B 4 and is receiving revenues thereunder adequate to meet the administrative expenses of the commission after paying or providing for the payment of the obligations arising under said subdivisions, the administrative expenses of the commission shall be borne by the component governments in the manner set forth in this section. The commission annually shall submit to the governing bodies of the component counties and cities a budget of its administrative requirements for the next year.

E. The administrative expenses of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission, to the extent funds for such expenses are not provided from other sources, shall be allocated among the component governments on the basis of population as reflected by the latest population statistics of the U.S. Census Bureau; however, upon the request of any component government, the commission shall make the allocation upon estimates of population prepared in a manner approved by the commission and by the governing body of the component government making such request. The administrative expenses of the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission, to the extent funds for such expenses are not provided from other sources, shall be allocated among the component governments on the basis of the relative shares of state and federal transit aids allocated by the Commission among its component governments. Such budget shall be limited solely to the administrative expenses of the Commission and shall not include any funds for construction or acquisition of transportation facilities or the performing of transportation service. In addition, the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission annually shall submit to the governing bodies of the component counties and cities a budget of its other expenses and obligations for the ensuing year. Such expenses and obligations shall be borne by the component counties and cities in accordance with prior arrangements made therefor.

F. When a transportation plan has been adopted under subdivision 4 of § 33.2-1929, the commission shall determine the equitable allocation among the component governments of the costs incurred by the district in providing the transportation facilities proposed in the transportation plan and any expenses and obligations from the operation thereof to be borne by each county and city. In making such determinations, the commission shall consider the cost of the facilities located within each county and city, the population of each county and city, the benefits to be derived by each county and city from the proposed transportation service, and all other factors that the commission determines to be relevant. Such determination, however, shall not create a commitment by the counties and cities, and such commitments shall be created only under the contracts or agreements specified in subdivisions A 4 and B 4.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1357; 1970, c. 449; 1972, c. 791; 1974, cc. 161, 566; 1975, c. 6; 1976, c. 566; 1981, c. 444; 1985, c. 257; 1986, c. 438; 1987, c. 158; 1989, c. 150; 1991, c. 231; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4515; 2014, c. 805; 2015, c. 256.

§ 33.2-1916. Commission control of transportation district

The commission may exercise exclusive control, notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, of matters of regulation of fares, schedules, franchising agreements, and routing of transit facilities within the boundaries of its transportation district; however, the provisions of § 5.1-7 shall be applicable to airport commissions.

1972, c. 832, § 15.1-1357.1; 1973, c. 392; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4516; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1917. Protection of employees of public transportation systems

In any county or city, the commission referred to in § 33.2-1915, in addition to other prohibitions, shall not operate any such transit facility, or otherwise provide or cause to be provided any transportation services, unless fair and equitable arrangements have been made for the protection of employees of existing public transportation systems in the transportation district or in the metropolitan area in which the transportation district is located. Such protections shall include (i) assurances of employment to employees of such transportation systems to the fullest extent possible consistent with sound management, and priority of employment or, if terminated or laid off, reemployment; (ii) preservation of rights, privileges, and benefits, including continuation of pension rights and benefits, under existing collective bargaining agreements or otherwise; (iii) continuation of collective bargaining rights; (iv) protection of individual employees against a worsening of their positions with respect to their employment, to the extent provided by 49 U.S.C. § 5333 (b), also known as § 13(c) of the Federal Transit Act; and (v) paid training and retraining programs. Such protections shall be specified by the commission in any contract or lease for the acquisition or operation of any such transit facilities or services. The employees of any transit facility operated by the commission shall have the right, in the case of any labor dispute relating to the terms and conditions of their employment for the purpose of resolving such dispute, to submit the dispute to final and binding arbitration by an impartial umpire or board of arbitration acceptable to the parties.

1974, c. 53, § 15.1-1357.2; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4517; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1918. Background checks of applicants and employees

A. Any commission created pursuant to this chapter may require any individual who is offered a position of employment with the commission, or with any contractor of the commission when such individual is to be assigned to directly provide transit services to the public under a contract with the commission, to submit to fingerprinting and to provide personal descriptive information to be forwarded along with the individual's fingerprints through the Central Criminal Records Exchange to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the purpose of obtaining criminal history record information regarding such individual. The commission shall bear all costs of obtaining criminal history record information regarding such individual, including expenses incurred by the State Police in connection with such fingerprinting or criminal records check. The commission may require such individual or contractor to reimburse the commission for the cost of the fingerprinting or a criminal records check or both.

B. The Central Criminal Records Exchange, upon receipt of an individual's record or notification that no record exists, shall make a report to the commission's chief administrative officer, who must belong to a governmental entity. The information shall not be disseminated except as provided for in this section.

2010, cc. 189, 563, § 15.1-4517.1; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1919. Additional powers

Without limiting or restricting the general powers created by this chapter, the commission may:

1. Adopt and have a common seal and alter the seal at pleasure;

2. Sue and be sued;

3. Make regulations for the conduct of its business;

4. Make and enter into all contracts or agreements, as the commission may determine, that are necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and to the execution of the powers granted under this chapter;

5. Apply for and accept loans and grants of money or materials or property at any time from the United States of America or the Commonwealth or any agency or instrumentality thereof, for itself or as an agent on behalf of the component governments or any one or more of them, and in connection therewith purchase or lease as lessor or lessee any transit facilities required under the terms of any such grant made to enable the commission to exercise its powers under subdivision B 5 of § 33.2-1915;

6. In the name of the commission, and on its behalf, acquire, hold, and dispose of its contract or other revenues;

7. Exercise any power usually possessed by private corporations, including the right to expend, solely from funds provided under this chapter, such funds as may be considered by the commission to be advisable or necessary in the performance of its duties and functions;

8. Employ engineers, attorneys, other professional experts and consultants, and general and clerical employees deemed necessary and prescribe their powers and duties and fix their compensation;

9. Do anything authorized by this chapter under, through, or by its own officers, agents, and employees, or by contracts with any persons;

10. Execute instruments and do anything necessary, convenient, or desirable for the purposes of the commission or to carry out the powers expressly given in this chapter;

11. Institute and prosecute any eminent domain proceedings to acquire any property authorized to be acquired under this title in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2 (§ 25.1-200 et seq.) of Title 25.1 and subject to the approval of the State Corporation Commission pursuant to § 25.1-102;

12. Invest in if required as a condition to obtaining insurance, participate in, or purchase insurance provided by foreign insurance companies that insure railroad operations, provided this power is available only to those commissions that provide rail services;

13. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 8.01-195.3, contract to indemnify, and to obtain liability insurance to cover such indemnity, any person who is liable, or who may be subjected to liability, regardless of the character of the liability, as a result of the exercise by a commission of any of the powers conferred by this chapter. No obligation of a commission to indemnify any such person shall exceed the combined maximum limits of all liability policies, as defined in subsection C of § 33.2-1927, maintained by the commission; and

14. Notwithstanding any other contrary provision of law, regulate traffic signals and other traffic control devices within the district, through the use of computers and other electronic communication and control devices, so as to effect the orderly flow of traffic and to improve transportation services within the district; however, an agreement concerning the operation of traffic control devices acceptable to all parties shall be entered into between the commission and the Department and all the counties and cities within the transportation district prior to the commencement of such regulation.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1358; 1966, c. 419; 1970, c. 449; 1974, c. 529, § 15.1-1357.3; 1988, c. 834; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4518; 2003, c. 940; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1920. Authority to issue bonds and other obligations

A. 1. A transportation district may issue bonds or other interest-bearing obligations, as provided in this chapter, for any of its purposes and pay the principal and interest thereon from any of its funds, including any moneys paid to or otherwise received by the district pursuant to any law enacted or any contract or agreement or any grant, loan, or contribution authorized by this chapter. For the purposes of this chapter, bonds include bonds, notes, and other interest-bearing obligations, including notes issued in anticipation of the sale and issuance of bonds.

2. Neither the members of a transportation district nor any person executing the bonds shall be liable personally on the bonds by reason of the issuance thereof. The bonds and other obligations of a district (and such bonds and obligations shall so state on their face) shall not be a debt of the Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof, and only the district shall be liable thereon. The bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any debt limitation or restriction except as provided under this section.

B. 1. Bonds of a transportation district shall be authorized by resolution, may be issued in one or more series, shall be dated, shall mature at such times not exceeding 40 years from their dates, shall bear interest at rates determined by the commission, and may be made redeemable before maturity, at the option of the commission at such price or prices and under such terms as the commission fixes prior to issuing the bonds. The commission shall determine the form of the bonds, including any interest coupons to be attached and the manner of execution of the bonds, and shall fix the denominations of the bonds and the places of payment of principal and interest, which may be at any bank or trust company within or outside the Commonwealth. If any officer whose signature or facsimile signature appears on any bonds or coupons ceases to be such officer before delivery of such bond, such signature or facsimile shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes the same as if he had remained in office until such delivery. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article or any recitals in any bonds issued under the provisions of this article, all such bonds shall be negotiable instruments under the laws of the Commonwealth. The bonds may be issued in coupon or registered form or both, as the commission may determine, and provision may be made for the registration of any coupon bonds as to principal alone and also as to both principal and interest, and for the reconversion into coupon bonds of any bonds registered as to both principal and interest. The transportation district may sell such bonds in such manner, either at public or private sale, and for such price as it may determine to be for the best interests of the district. A transportation district is authorized to enter into indentures or agreements with respect to all such matters, and such indentures or agreements may contain such other provisions as the commission may deem reasonable and proper for the security of the bondholders. The resolution may provide that the bonds shall be payable from and secured by all or any part of the revenues, moneys, or funds of the district as specified therein. Such pledge shall be valid and binding from the time the pledge is made, and such revenues, moneys, and funds so pledged and thereafter received by the district shall immediately be subject to the lien of such pledge without any physical delivery thereof or further act. The lien of any such pledge shall be valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract, or otherwise against the district, irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof. Neither the resolution nor any trust indenture by which a pledge is created need be filed or recorded except in the records of the district. All expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of such indentures or agreements may be treated as a purpose of the transportation district. A transportation district may issue refunding bonds for the purpose of redeeming or retiring any bonds before or at maturity, including the payment of any premium, accrued interest, and costs or expenses thereof.

2. Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds a transportation district may, under like restrictions, issue interim receipts or temporary bonds, with or without coupons, exchangeable for definitive bonds when such bonds have been executed and are available for delivery. A transportation district may also provide for the replacement of any bonds that have been mutilated, destroyed, or lost.

3. Bonds may be issued pursuant to this article without obtaining the consent of any commission, board, bureau, or agency of the Commonwealth or of any governmental subdivision, and without any referendum, other proceedings, or the happening of other conditions except for those proceedings or conditions that are specifically required by this article.

C. Any holder of bonds, notes, certificates, or other evidence of borrowing issued under this article or of any of the coupons appertaining thereto, and the trustee under any trust indenture or agreement, except to the extent of the rights given in this article may be restricted by such trust indenture or agreement, may, either at law or in equity, by suit, action, injunction, mandamus, or other proceedings, protect and enforce any and all rights under the laws of the Commonwealth or granted by this article or under such trust indenture or agreement or the resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds, notes, or certificates, and may enforce and compel the performance of all duties required by this article or by such trust indenture or agreement or resolution to be performed by the transportation district or by any officer or agent thereof.

D. The exercise of the powers granted by this article shall be in all respects for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Commonwealth, for the promotion of their safety, health, welfare, convenience, and prosperity, and any facility or service that a transportation district is authorized to provide will constitute the performance of an essential governmental function. The bonds of a district are declared to be issued for an essential public and governmental purpose and their transfer and the income therefrom, including any profit made on the sale thereof, shall at all times be free and exempt from taxation by the Commonwealth and by any governmental subdivision thereof.

E. Bonds issued by a transportation district under this article are securities in which all public officers and public bodies of the Commonwealth and its governmental subdivisions and all insurance companies, trust companies, banks, banking associations, investment companies, executors, administrators, trustees, and other fiduciaries may properly and legally invest funds, including capital in their control or belonging to them. Such bonds are securities that may properly and legally be deposited with and received by any state or local officer or any agency or governmental subdivision of the Commonwealth for any purpose for which the deposit of bonds or obligations is now or may hereafter be authorized by law.

1968, c. 551, § 15.1-1358.2; 1972, c. 791; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4519; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1921. Judicial determination of validity of bonds

The provisions of Article 6 (§ 15.2-2650 et seq.) of Chapter 26 of Title 15.2 apply to all suits, actions, and proceedings of whatever nature involving the validity of bonds issued by a transportation district under the provisions of this article.

1968, c. 551, § 15.1-1358.3; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4520; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1922. Contracts and payment thereof

A. Any county or city embraced by a transportation district is authorized to enter into contracts or agreements with the commission for such transportation district, or with an agency, pursuant to which such transportation district, subject to the limitations contained in this section, or such agency undertakes to provide the transportation facilities specified in a duly adopted transportation plan or to render transportation service. Any obligations arising from such contracts are deemed to be for a public purpose and may be paid for, in the discretion of each county or city, in whole or in part, by appropriations from general revenues or from the proceeds of a bond issue or issues; however, any such contract must specify the annual maximum obligation of any county or city for payments to meet the expenses and obligations of the transportation district or such agency or provide a formula to determine the payment of any such county or city for such expenses and obligations. Each county or city desiring to contract with a transportation district or an agency is authorized to do so, provided it complies with the appropriate provisions of law, and thereafter is authorized to do everything necessary or proper to carry out and perform every such contract and to provide for the payment or discharge of any obligation thereunder by the same means and in the same manner as any other of its obligations.

B. Except as otherwise provided by law:

1. No bonded debt shall be contracted by any county to finance the payment of any obligations arising from its contracts hereunder unless the voters of such county shall approve by a majority vote of the voters voting in an election the contracting of any such debt, the borrowing of money, and issuance of bonds. Such debt shall be contracted and bonds issued and such election shall be held in the manner provided in and subject to the provisions of the Public Finance Act (§ 15.2-2600 et seq.) relating to counties; and

2. The contracting of debt, borrowing of money, and issuance of bonds by any city to finance the payment of any obligations arising from its contracts hereunder shall be effected in the manner provided in and subject to the provisions of the Public Finance Act (§ 15.2-2600 et seq.) relating to cities.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1359; 1968, c. 363; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4521; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1923. Venue

Every such contract shall be enforceable by the transportation district with which the contract is made, as provided under the laws of the Commonwealth, and, if any such contract is entered into with an agency or is relied upon in a contract between a commission and any such agency, the agency also shall have the right to enforce the contract. The venue for actions on any contract between a transportation district and a component government shall be as specified in subdivision 10 of § 8.01-261. Venue in all other matters arising hereunder shall be as provided by law.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1360; 1977, c. 624; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4522; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1924. Acquisition of median strips for transit facilities in interstate highways

When the district commission, the Commonwealth Transportation Board, and the governing bodies of the component governments determine that the time schedule for construction of any interstate highway, as defined in § 33.2-100, within the district makes it necessary to acquire median strips for transit facilities in such highway prior to the adoption of a transportation plan, each county and city within the district is authorized to pay to the Commonwealth Transportation Board such sums as may be agreed upon among the district commission and such counties and cities to provide the Commonwealth Transportation Board with the necessary matching funds to acquire the median strips. Any such acquisition shall be made by and in the name of the Commonwealth Transportation Board.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1361; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4523; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1925. Appropriations

The governing bodies of counties and cities participating in a transportation district are authorized to appropriate funds for the administrative and other expenses and obligations (i) of the commission of the transportation district, as provided in subsection D of § 33.2-1915, (ii) of an agency, and (iii) for such other purposes as may be specified in a law creating a transportation district.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1362; 1970, c. 449; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4524; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1926. Powers granted are in addition to all other powers

The powers conferred by this chapter on counties and cities are in addition and supplemental to the powers conferred by any other law, and may be exercised by resolution or ordinance of the governing bodies thereof, as required by law, without regard to the terms, conditions, requirements, restrictions, or other provisions contained in any other law, general or special, or in any charter.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1363; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4525; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1927. Liabilities of Commonwealth, counties, and cities

A. Except for claims cognizable under the Virginia Tort Claims Act, Article 18.1 (§ 8.01-195.1 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 8.01, no pecuniary liability of any kind shall be imposed on the Commonwealth or upon any county or city constituting any part of any transportation district because of any act, agreement, contract, tort, malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance by or on the part of the commission of such transportation district, or any commission member, or its agents, servants, and employees, except as otherwise provided in this chapter with reference to contracts and agreements between the commission or interstate agency and any county or city.

B. Except for claims cognizable under the Virginia Tort Claims Act, Article 18.1 (§ 8.01-195.1 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 8.01, the obligations and any indebtedness of a commission shall not be in any way a debt or liability of the Commonwealth, or of any county or city in whole or in part embraced by the transportation district, and shall not create or constitute any indebtedness, liability, or obligation of the Commonwealth or of any such county or city, legal, moral, or otherwise, and nothing in this chapter contained shall be construed to authorize a commission or district to incur any indebtedness on behalf of or in any way to obligate the Commonwealth or any county or city in whole or in part embraced by the transportation district; however, any contracts or agreements between the commission and any county or city provided for in subdivisions A 4 and B 4 of § 33.2-1915 shall inure to the benefit of any creditor of the transportation district or, when applicable, to an agency as therein provided.

C. For purposes of this section, "liability policy," as it is used in the Virginia Tort Claims Act, specifically includes any program of self-insurance maintained by a district and administered by the Department of the Treasury's Division of Risk Management.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1364; 1986, c. 584; 1987, c. 383; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4526; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1928. Planning process

A. In performing the duties imposed under subsections A and B of § 33.2-1915, the commission shall cooperate with the governing bodies of the counties and cities embraced by the transportation district and agencies thereof, with the Commonwealth Transportation Board, and with an agency of which members of the district commission are also members, to the end that the plans, decisions, and policies for transportation shall be consistent with and shall foster the development and implementation of the general plans and policies of the counties and cities for their orderly growth and development.

B. Each commission member shall serve as the liaison between the commission and the body by which he was appointed, and those commission members who are also members of an agency shall provide liaison between the district commission and such agency, to the end that the district commission, its component governments, the Commonwealth Transportation Board, and any such agency shall be continuously, comprehensively, and mutually advised of plans, policies, and actions requiring consideration in the planning for transportation and in the development of planned transportation facilities.

C. To assure that planning, policy, and decision-making are consistent with the development plans for the orderly growth of the counties and cities and coordinated with the plans and programs of the Commonwealth Transportation Board and are based on comprehensive data with respect to current and prospective local conditions, including land use, economic and population factors, the objectives for future urban development, and future travel demands generated by such considerations, the commission may:

1. Create, subject to their appointment, technical committees from the personnel of the agencies of the counties and cities and from the Commonwealth Transportation Board concerned with planning, collection, and analysis of data relevant to decision-making in the transportation planning process. Appointments to such technical committees, however, are to be made by the governing bodies of the counties and cities and by the Commonwealth Transportation Board; or

2. If the transportation district is located within an area that has an organized planning process created in conformance with the provisions of 23 U.S.C. § 134, utilize the technical committees created for such planning process.

D. The commission, on behalf of the counties and cities within the transportation district, but only upon their direction, is authorized to enter into the written agreements specified in 23 U.S.C. § 134 to assure conformance with the requirements of that law for continuous, comprehensive transportation planning.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1365; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4527; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1929. Procedures

To ensure that the planning process specified in § 33.2-1928 is effectively and efficiently utilized, the commission shall conform to the following procedures and may prescribe such additional procedures as it deems advisable:

1. Commission meetings shall be held at least monthly and more often in the discretion of the commission, as the proper performance of its duties requires.

2. At such meetings the commission shall receive and consider reports from:

a. Its members who are also members of an agency, as to the status and progress of the work of such agency, and if the commission deems that such reports are of concern to them, shall fully inform its component governments, committees, and the Commonwealth Transportation Board with respect thereto, as a means of developing the informed views requisite for sound policy-making; and

b. Its members, technical and other committees, members of the governing bodies of the component governments, and consultants, presenting and analyzing studies and data on matters affecting the making of policies and decisions on a transportation plan and the implementation thereof.

3. The objective of the procedures specified in this section is to develop agreement, based on the best available information, among the district commission, the governing bodies of the component governments, the Commonwealth Transportation Board, and an interstate agency with respect to the various factors that affect the making of policies and decisions relating to a transportation plan and the implementation thereof. If any material disagreements occur in the planning process with respect to objectives and goals, the evaluation of basic data, or the selection of criteria and standards to be applied in the planning process, the commission shall exert its best efforts to bring about agreement and understanding on such matters. The commission may hold hearings in an effort to resolve any such basic controversies.

4. Before a transportation plan is adopted, altered, revised, or amended by the commission or by an agency on which it is represented, the commission shall transmit such proposed plan, alteration, revision, or amendment to the governing bodies of the component governments, to the Commonwealth Transportation Board, and to its technical committees and shall release to the public information with respect thereto. A copy of the proposed transportation plan, amendment, or revision shall be kept at the commission office and shall be available for public inspection. Upon 30 days' notice, published once a week for two successive weeks in one or more newspapers of general circulation within the transportation district, a public hearing shall be held on the proposed plan, alteration, revision, or amendment. The 30 days' notice period shall begin to run on the first day the notice appears in any such newspaper. The commission shall consider the evidence submitted and statements and comments made at such hearings and, if objections in writing to the whole or any part of the plan are made by the governing body of any component government, or by the Commonwealth Transportation Board, or if the commission considers any written objection made by any other person, group, or organization to be sufficiently significant, the commission shall reconsider the plan, alteration, revision, or amendment. If, upon reconsideration, the commission agrees with the objection, then the commission shall make appropriate changes to the proposed plan, alteration, revision, or amendment and may adopt them without further hearing. If, upon reconsideration, the commission disagrees with the objection, the commission may adopt the plan, alteration, revision, or amendment. No facilities shall be located in and no service rendered, however, within any county or city that does not execute an appropriate agreement with the commission or with an interstate agency as provided in § 33.2-1922; but in such case, the commission shall determine whether the absence of such an agreement so materially and adversely affects the feasibility of the transportation plan as to require its modification or abandonment.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1366; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4528; 2014, c. 805; 2015, c. 256.

§ 33.2-1930. Procedure for enlargement

A transportation district may be enlarged to include any additional county or part thereof, or city or part thereof, contiguous thereto, upon such terms and conditions, consistent with the provisions of this chapter, as may be agreed upon by the commission and such additional county or city and in conformance with the following procedures. The governing body of the county or city shall adopt an ordinance specifying the area to be enlarged, containing the finding specified in § 33.2-1903 and a statement that a contract or agreement between the county or city and the commission specifying the terms and conditions of admittance to the transportation district has been executed. The ordinance, to which shall be attached a certified copy of the contract, shall be filed with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Upon certification by the Secretary of the Commonwealth to the Tax Commissioner, the commissioner, and the governing bodies of each of the component counties and cities that the ordinance required by this section has been filed and that its terms conform to the requirements of this section, the additional county or part thereof, or city or part thereof, upon the entry of such certification in the minutes of the proceedings of the governing body of such county or city, shall become a component government of the transportation district and part of the transportation district.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1367; 1974, c. 566; 1975, c. 405; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4529; 2006, c. 354; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1931. Resolution or ordinance

A county or city may withdraw from the transportation district by resolution or ordinance, as may be appropriate, adopted by a majority vote of its governing body. The withdrawal of any county or city shall not be effective until the resolution or ordinance of withdrawal is filed with the transportation district commission and with the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1368; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4530; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1932. Financial obligations

The withdrawal from the transportation district of any county or city shall not relieve the county or city from any obligation or commitment made or incurred while a district member.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1369; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4531; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1933. Public purpose; exemption from taxation

It is hereby found, determined, and declared that the creation of any transportation district pursuant to this chapter and the carrying out of the corporate purposes of any such transportation district is in all respects for the benefit of the people of the Commonwealth and is a public purpose and that the transportation district and the commission will be performing an essential governmental function in the exercise of the powers conferred by this chapter. Accordingly, the transportation district shall not be required to pay taxes or assessments upon any of the property acquired by it or under its jurisdiction, control, possession, or supervision or upon its activities in the operation and maintenance of any transportation facilities or upon any revenues therefrom, and the property and the income derived therefrom shall be exempt from all state, municipal, and local taxation. This exemption shall include all motor vehicle license fees, motor vehicle sales and use taxes, retail sales and use taxes, and motor fuel taxes. The governing body of any political subdivision within a transportation district may refund in whole or in part any payments for taxes or license fees or abate in whole or in part any assessments for taxes or license fees on any property exempt from taxation or license fees under this section that were assessed and levied prior to the acquisition of any transportation facilities by a transportation district.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1370; 1975, c. 486; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4532; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1934. Liability for torts

Every district shall be liable for its torts and those of its officers, employees, and agents committed in the conduct of any proprietary function but shall not be liable for any torts occurring in the performance of a governmental function. However, this section shall not apply to a transportation district subject to the provisions of the Virginia Tort Claims Act (§ 8.01-195.1 et seq.).

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1371; 1986, c. 584; 1991, c. 23; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4533; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1935. Liberal construction

This chapter, being necessary for the welfare of the Commonwealth and its inhabitants, shall be liberally construed to effect the purposes thereof.

1964, c. 631, § 15.1-1372; 1997, c. 587, § 15.1-4534; 2014, c. 805.

§ 33.2-1936. Transportation districts with unique needs

The General Assembly finds that transportation districts that (i) have a population of 1.7 million or more, as shown by the most recent United States Census, (ii) have not less than 1.5 million motor vehicles registered therein, and (iii) have a total transit ridership of not less than 75 million riders per year across all transit systems within the transportation district and in which a rapid heavy rail commuter mass transportation system operating on an exclusive right-of-way and a bus commuter mass transportation system are owned, operated, or controlled by an agency or commission as defined in § 33.2-1901 have unique transportation needs.

2018, cc. 854, 856.