

St. Charles, Town of

County of Lee

History of incorporation

Incorporated by Circuit Court, January 10, 1914.

Editor's note: A photocopy of the circuit court order is on file in the Legislative Reference Center at the Division of Legislative Services.


2022, cc. 89, 90.

M. R. Kirk Ex parte Petition for Incorporation of the Town of St. Charles.

Order for the Incorporation of the Town of St. Charles.

Whereas on the 5th day of November, 1913, M. R. Kirk, A. J. Leedy, B. Bailey, G. W. Barker, Wilson Lewis, Tip Quillen, M. O. Carter, J. M. Gilliam, Geo. N. Kirk, H. P. Kirk, W. C. Snapp, D. T. McCoy, J. W. Thomas, A. J. Stewart, G. W. Beverly, A. J. Stacy, J. K. Snapp, O. C. Rutherford, R. C. Pitts, and H. F. Kilbourn, qualified electors living and residing in the then unincorporated town of St. Charles and community of St. Charles in the said county of Lee, and within the metes and bounds set forth in the petition hereinafter named and set forth, filed in the clerk's office of this court, which said petition was duly docketed, and which said petition was duly presented to the Court on the 4th day of December, 1913, in open Court, and which petition is in the following words and figures, to-wit:

"To the Hon. H. A. W. Skeen, Judge of the Circuit Court for Lee County, Virginia;

The undersigned petitioners, who are qualified electors living and residing in the unincorporated town and vicinity of St. Charles in said county of Lee, and within the metes and bounds hereinafter set forth, respectfully petition and pray the Court to enter an order upon its law order books ordering and decreeing that the town of St. Charles and the community adjacent thereto, within the metes and bounds hereinafter set forth, be incorporated as a town by the name and style of "The town of St. Charles," the metes and bounds of which are as follows: Beginning at stump in the line between the lands of Bill Thomas and J. W. Thomas on a ridge, N. 10 E. 725 feet to a stake on the top of a ridge above J. B. Pendergraft's line thence N. 8-45' W. 480 feet to a stake on top of a ridge above George Town; thence N. 1-30' E. 570 feet to a stake on a bench of said ridge; thence N. 30 E. 525 feet to a stake near E. S. Wax's line; thence N. 47 W. 281 feet with said Wax's line to hub; thence N. 59-45' W. 350 feet to stake in Electric Transmission Co's right of way; thence S. 34 W. 525 feet to a stake; thence N. 57-30' W. 586 feet to hub in center of creek; thence N. 12-30' E. 1185 feet to a sycamore tree on right bank of creek; thence N. 72-45' W. 465 feet to scale house; thence S. 21-15' W. 284 feet; thence S. 19-15' E. 1905 feet to a stake; S. 2 W. 200 feet to a stake; S. 2-30' W. 350 feet to a stake; S. 6-30' W. 201 feet to a stake at wire fence; S. 10-30' E. 883 feet to a stake; S. 6 W. 110 feet to a stake; S. 24 W. 123 feet to a stake; 18-30' W. 829 feet to the pike road; N. 60 E. 197 feet to a stake N. 41-30' E. 862 feet to a stake; N. 50-30' E. 112 feet to a stake; N. 65-15' E. 346 feet to a stake; N. 63 E. 44 feet to the beginning.

The population of said community sought to be incorporated is as nearly as can be ascertained about 300 people.

Petitioners represent that it would be to the best interest of the inhabitants of the town to have said community incorporated, and that the general good of the community will be promoted thereby; and that the area sought to be incorporated is not excessive, and that the population of said community exceeds two hundred and does not exceed five thousand.

Respectfully submitted."

And following the said petition was signed by the aforesaid petitioners.

And whereas, satisfactory proof has been furnished the court that said petition has been published in full in the Pennington Gap News, a newspaper published in said county once a week for four successive weeks and posted at the front door of the courthouse of said county for four successive weeks;

And whereas, the court is satisfied that is will be to the interest of the inhabitants of said town; that the prayer of the petition is reasonable; that the general good of the community will be promoted; that the number of the inhabitants of said town exceeds two hundred and does not exceed five thousand; and that the area of land designated to be incorporated is not excessive.

Be it therefore ordered and decreed the said town and community set forth by metes and bounds in said petition be and the same is hereby incorporated as a town by the name and style of "The town of St. Charles." That the metes and bounds of said incorporated town shall be as follows:

Beginning at a stump in the line between the lands of Bill Thomas and J. W. Thomas on a ridge, N. 10 E. 725 feet to a stake on top of a ridge above J. B. Pendergraft's line; thence N. 8-45' W. 480 feet to a stake on top of ridge above George Town; thence N.1-30' E. 570 feet to a stake on bench of said ridge; thence N. 30 E. 525 feet to a stake near E. S. Wax's line; thence N. 47 W. 281 with said Wax's line to hub; thence N. 59-45' W. 350 feet to a stake in Electric Transmission Co.'s right of way; thence S. 34 W. 525 feet to a stake; thence N. 57-30' W. 586 feet to hub in center of creek; thence N. 12-30' E. 1185 feet to a sycamore tree on right bank of creek; thence N. 72-45' W. 465 feet to scale house; thence S. 21-15' W. 284 feet; thence S. 19-15' E. 1905 feet to a stake; S. 2 W. 200 feet to a stake; S. 2-30' W. 350 feet to a stake; S. 6-30' W. 201 feet to a stake at wire fence; S. 10-30' E. 883 feet to a stake; S. 6 W. 110 feet to a stake; S. 24 W. 123 feet to a stake; S. 18-30' W. 829 feet to the pike road; N. 60 E. 197 feet to a stake; N. 41-30' E. 862 feet to a stake; N. 50-30' E. 112 feet to a stake; N. 65-15' E. 346 feet to a stake; N. 63 E. 44 feet to the beginning. Henceforth the inhabitants of within the aforesaid bounds, shall be a body politic and corporate with all the powers, privileges and duties conferred upon and appertaining to towns under the general law.

This order of incorporation is made because the court is of the opinion and so orders that it is to the best interest of the inhabitants of that locality, and that the general good of the community will be promoted by said incorporation.

It is further ordered and decreed that the first election of town officers for said incorporation shall be held on the 31st day of December, 1913, at M. R. Kirk's hotel in said town and the electoral board of said county, shall not less than 15 days before said election, appoint one registrar and three judges of election, who shall act as commissioners of said election, and said officers shall conform to the requirements of section ten hundred and twenty-two of the Code of Virginia and the conduct of said election shall conform in all other respects to the requirements of the general law regarding the holding election in towns so far as is applicable. Said election shall be held, the vote counted, returned, canvassed, and certified as regular elections are held, returned, canvassed, and certified; but said officers elected at said election shall only hold office till the next regular election of town officers to be held as provided for by general law.