1997 Uncodified Acts

1997 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to amend and reenact §§ 36-108 and 36-135 as it is currently effective of the Code of Virginia and to repeal Chapter 53 of the 1995 Acts of Assembly and the second and third enactments of Chapter 620 of the 1996 Acts of Assembly, relating to the Board of Housing and Community Development.

[H 2261]

Approved April 2, 1997

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That §§ 36-108 and 36-135 as it is currently effective of the Code of Virginia are amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 36-108. Board continued; members.

There is hereby continued, in the Department, the State Building Code Technical Review Board, consisting of twelve fourteen members, appointed by the Governor subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. The members shall include one member who is a registered architect, selected from a slate presented by the Virginia Society of the American Institute of Architects; one member who is a professional engineer in private practice, selected from a slate presented by the Virginia Society of Professional Engineers; one member who is a residential builder, selected from a slate presented by the Home Builders Association of Virginia; one member who is a general contractor, selected from a slate presented by the Virginia Branch, Associated General Contractors of America; two members who have had experience in the field of enforcement of building regulations, selected from a slate presented by the Virginia Building Officials Conference; one member who is employed by a public agency as a fire prevention officer, selected from a slate presented by the State Fire Chiefs Association of Virginia; one member whose primary occupation is commercial or retail construction or operation and maintenance, selected from a slate presented by the Virginia chapters of Building Owners and Managers Association, International; one member whose primary occupation is residential, multifamily housing construction or operation and maintenance, selected from a slate presented by the Virginia chapters of the National Apartment Association; one member who is an electrical contractor who has held a Class A license for at least ten years; one member who is a plumbing contractor who has held a Class A license for at least ten years and one member who is a heating and cooling contractor who has held a Class A license for at least ten years, both of whom are selected from a slate presented by the Virginia Association of Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors; and two members from the Commonwealth at large who may be members of local governing bodies. The members shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

§ 36-135. Board of Housing and Community Development; members; terms; chairman; appointment of ad hoc committee.

A. The Board of Housing and Community Development within the Department of Housing and Community Development shall consist of thirteen members as follows: eleven members, one representing each congressional district in the Commonwealth, who are appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the General Assembly, the Executive Director of the Virginia Housing Development Authority as an ex officio nonvoting member and a member of the Virginia Fire Services Board, to be appointed by the chairman of that Board. Members shall serve for four-year terms and no member shall serve for more than two full successive terms. A chairman of the Board shall be elected annually by the Board.

B. Whenever the Board of Housing and Community Development proposes a change to statewide building and fire regulations, the Board may convene an ad hoc committee, including but not limited to representatives of those industry groups directly affected by such change, to advise the Board on such matters.

2. That Chapter 53 of the 1995 Acts of Assembly and the second and third enactments of Chapter 620 of the 1996 Acts of Assembly are repealed.