1998 Uncodified Acts

1998 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act authorizing the Department of Conservation and Recreation to convey Fort Boykin State Park in Isle of Wight County to Isle of Wight County.

[H 821]

Approved March 10, 1998

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. That, in accordance with and as evidence of General Assembly approval pursuant to § 10.1-109 of the Code of Virginia, the Department of Conservation and Recreation is hereby authorized to convey to Isle of Wight County, upon terms and conditions the Department deems proper, with the approval of the Governor and the Attorney General, 14.43 acres of real property known as Fort Boykin State Park in Isle of Wight County. The deed of conveyance shall require that the property be maintained and open to public recreational and park use. If this condition is not met, ownership and control of the property shall revert to the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

The deed of conveyance shall be in a form approved by the Attorney General.