2002 Uncodified Acts

2002 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act authorizing certain construction by the Department of Conservation and Recreation at the Wilderness Road State Park.

[H 147]

Approved April 1, 2002

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. That the Department of Conservation and Recreation is hereby authorized to build an interpretive 1775 fort at Wilderness Road State Park utilizing the construction techniques of that period.

§ 2. That in the interest of accurately representing that historic period, the structure shall be exempt from the Uniform Statewide Building Code as set forth in § 36-97 et seq., and any other local building codes or ordinances.

§ 3. That the Department of Conservation and Recreation is authorized to enter into a lease contract with any entity, public or private, that it deems qualified, for the construction and operation of the facility. The Department may enter into this lease upon terms and conditions the Department deems proper and with the approval of the Governor and the Attorney General.