2002 Uncodified Acts Regular Session

2002 Virginia Uncodified Acts

2002 Regular Session

Chapter 1 (SB 254)
Business Corporations Act; domestication and conversion, fees. 
Chapter 26 (HB 173)
Freedom of Information Advisory Council; abolishes sunset provisions. 
Chapter 42 (SB 133)
Animal and pound shelters; laws governing regulation. 
Chapter 58 (SB 575)
Wills and estates; presumption of death due to September 11, 2001. 
Chapter 74 (SB 191)
School boards; staggered terms in Bath County. 
Chapter 75 (SB 208)
Freedom of Information Advisory Council; abolishes sunset provisions. 
Chapter 78 (SB 246)
Tangible personal property tax in Alleghany County. 
Chapter 87 (HB 19)
Eastern Virginia Medical School; name change. 
Chapter 106 (HB 251)
Septic system inspectors. 
Chapter 113 (HB 286)
Blue Ridge Parkway, Colonial Parkway, and Skyline Drive; scenic hwys. 
Chapter 136 (HB 614)
James Vincent Morgan Bridges. 
Chapter 152 (SB 248)
Municipal deed restriction on certain property in Virginia Beach. 
Chapter 168 (SB 490)
Medical care facilities certificate of public need. 
Chapter 176 (SB 594)
Property conveyance; Frontier Culture Museum. 
Chapter 179 (SB 643)
Medical care facilities certificate of public need. 
Chapter 210 (HB 518)
Hunter Mill Road; designated a byway. 
Chapter 219 (HB 667)
Purple Heart Trail. 
Chapter 274 (HB 862)
Local coal and gas road improvement tax; sunset date. 
Chapter 284 (HB 941)
Animal pounds and shelters; enforcement of laws. 
Chapter 297 (HB 1203)
Meetings of board of visitors of U.Va. via audio/video means. 
Chapter 316 (HB 140)
Insurance fraud within DSP; abolishes sunset provisions. 
Chapter 317 (HB 147)
Wilderness Road State Park; construction of interpretive 1775 fort. 
Chapter 319 (HB 177)
Miller School of Albemarle; board of trustees. 
Chapter 331 (HB 1080)
Health; patient data reporting. 
Chapter 335 (HB 1166)
Claims; Paul E. Johnson. 
Chapter 382 (HB 530)
Research and Technology Advisory Commission; policies. 
Chapter 383 (HB 534)
Health professions; substance abuse counselors. 
Chapter 400 (HB 489)
Wills and estates; presumption of death due to 9-11. 
Chapter 408 (HB 596)
Prisoner sentencing information. 
Chapter 409 (HB 618)
State-funded buildings and other structures; names. 
Chapter 426 (HB 1196)
Interstate Route 73. 
Chapter 427 (HB 1293)
Oyster grounds in Lafayette River. 
Chapter 429 (SB 38)
Freedom of Information Act; electronic communication meetings. 
Chapter 436 (SB 146)
Property conveyance; James City County. 
Chapter 439 (SB 211)
Alexandria Historical Restoration and Preservation Commission. 
Chapter 458 (SB 471)
Conveyance of certain lands to City of Portsmouth. 
Chapter 460 (SB 524)
Income tax; sunset for voluntary cont. for certain housing programs. 
Chapter 474 (SB 684)
Energy infrastructure; SCC to study effectiveness. 
Chapter 476 (SB 688)
Retail Sales & Use Tax; multistate discussion study. 
Chapter 477 (SB 691)
Communications towers or sites; lease agreements by State Police. 
Chapter 478 (SB 35)
Eastern Virginia Medical School; name change. 
Chapter 482 (SB 457)
Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Endowment. 
Chapter 485 (HB 107)
Posting of "In God We Trust" in courtrooms. 
Chapter 488 (HB 698)
Securitization of payments under tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. 
Chapter 495 (SB 107)
Eminent domain; exercising power. 
Chapter 538 (HB 761)
Workers' compensation; administration of claims. 
Chapter 539 (HB 844)
Eminent domain. 
Chapter 543 (HB 921)
Oyster grounds. 
Chapter 577 (HB 493)
Diploma requirements; verified units. 
Chapter 592 (HB 1370)
University of Virginia's College at Wise; property transfer. 
Chapter 603 (SB 131)
Constitutional amendment; claims of actual innocence. 
Chapter 610 (SB 270)
Transfer property of University of Virginia's College at Wise. 
Chapter 626 (SB 609)
Diploma requirements; verified units. 
Chapter 630 (HB 36)
Constitutional amendment; property tax exemptions. 
Chapter 648 (HB 1000)
Risk assessment instrument when making detention decision. 
Chapter 649 (HB 1002)
Nontidal wetlands program. 
Chapter 661 (SB 4)
No-truck route; U.S. 17. 
Chapter 686 (SB 510)
Police retirement system; Fairfax County. 
Chapter 746 (SB 267)
Claims; Jeffrey D. Cox. 
Chapter 757 (HB 4)
High-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes. 
Chapter 771 (HB 789)
Claims; Jeffrey D. Cox. 
Chapter 776 (HB 1107)
Claims; Mary E. Ferguson. 
Chapter 778 (HB 1137)
Retirement; teachers return to workforce. 
Chapter 781 (HB 1320)
Retirement; teachers. 
Chapter 793 (HB 27)
Claims; Kingdom Communications Group, LLC. 
Chapter 799 (HB 426)
Northern Virginia Transportation District Program. 
Chapter 804 (HB 1157)
Claims; Flory Small Business Development Center, Inc. 
Chapter 808 (SB 32)
Higher Educational Institutions Bond Act of 2002; created. 
Chapter 809 (SB 249)
Occoneechee State Park. 
Chapter 814 (HB 29)
Budget Bill. Amends Appropriation Act of 2000, Chapter 1073. 
Chapter 815 (HB 100)
Higher Educational Institutions Bond Act of 2002; created. 
Chapter 824 (SJR 42)
Constitutional amendment; claims of actual innocence. 
Chapter 825 (HJR 13)
Constitutional amendment; property tax exemptions. 
Chapter 827 (SB 31)
Educational Facilities Bond Act of 2002; created. 
Chapter 850 (SB 610)
Geographic Information Network (VGIN) division; report on progress. 
Chapter 854 (SB 672)
Park and Recreational Facilities Bond Act of 2002. 
Chapter 859 (HB 99)
Educational Facilities Bond Act of 2002; created. 
Chapter 877 (HB 910)
Advanced Shipbuilding and Carrier Integration Center. 
Chapter 884 (HB 1144)
Park and Recreational Facilities Bond Act of 2002. 
Chapter 891 (SB 608)
Posting of "In God We Trust" in all schools. 
Chapter 894 (HB 106)
Posting of "In God We Trust" in local government admin. buildings. 
Chapter 895 (HB 108)
Posting of "In God We Trust" in all schools. 
Chapter 899 (HB 30)
Budget Bill. Appropriations for 2002-04 biennium. 

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