2002 Uncodified Acts

2002 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to remove certain areas in the waters of the Lafayette River from the natural oyster rocks, beds, and shoals embraced within the Baylor Survey.

[H 1293]

Approved April 2, 2002

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. That a portion of the Public Ground Number 6, located in the Lafayette River in the City of Norfolk, and previously set aside, shall no longer be a part of the natural oyster rocks, beds, and shoals of the waters of the Commonwealth and shall henceforth be assignable to any person for lawful private usage. The portion to be removed is described as follows:

Beginning at the southeastern point of Public Ground Number 6, in the waters of the Lafayette River, Virginia State Plane Coordinate System NAD83, North 3,497,269.93 East 12,123,735.36, said point being the true point and place of beginning; thence North 86°31'01" West, a distance of 257.64 feet, said point marking the proposed location of the southeastern corner of Public Ground Number 6, thence North 08°21'40" East, a distance of 105.50 feet, said point marking the proposed location of the northeastern corner of Public Ground Number 6; thence South 81°13'50" East, a distance of 87.60 feet; thence South 55°30'26" East, a distance of 188.37 feet to the true point of beginning; and containing 0.39 acres or 17,122 square feet more or less.

§ 2. That a portion of the Public Ground Number 7, located in the Lafayette River in the City of Norfolk, and previously set aside, shall no longer be a part of the natural oyster rocks, beds, and shoals of the waters of the Commonwealth and shall henceforth be assignable to any person for lawful private usage. The portion to be removed is described as follows:

Beginning in the southwestern point of Public Ground Number 7, in the waters of the Lafayette River, Virginia State Plane Coordinate System NAD83, North 3,497,035.76 East 12,124,366.36 said point being the true point and place of beginning; thence North 07°28'51" West, a distance of 138.33 feet; thence South 77°36'58" East, a distance of 121.12 feet, said point marking the proposed northwestern corner of Public Ground Number 7; thence South 13°09'23" East, a distance of 154.97 feet to a point marking the proposed southwestern corner of Public Ground Number 7; thence North 73°40'07" West, a distance of 141.26 feet to the true point of beginning; and containing 0.40 acres or 17,407 square feet more or less.