2002 Uncodified Acts

2002 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to authorize the Commonwealth to convey certain lands to the City of Portsmouth.

[S 471]

Approved April 2, 2002

Whereas, the City of Portsmouth has planned redevelopment and reuse of its downtown waterfront and has reclaimed, or plans to reclaim, bulkheading and filling, and certain submerged land from the bed of the Elizabeth River in Portsmouth, Virginia, abutting the property now, or formerly owned by it, and the City desires to perfect title to such reclaimed land by obtaining a conveyance thereof from the Commonwealth; now, therefore,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. The Governor is hereby authorized in consideration of the premises and the payment of the sum of one dollar to execute in the name of the Commonwealth a proper deed of conveyance under the lesser seal of the Commonwealth conveying unto the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, its successors or assigns all its right, title and interest, if any, of the Commonwealth of Virginia in and to the following described property: Property lying landward, and to the west of a line more particularly identified as follows: Beginning at Station S-5 on the Pierhead Line as defined by the United States Army Corps of Engineers located on the western side of the southern branch of the Elizabeth River in the City of Portsmouth, Virginia, said station being 8.14 feet south of the Southern right of way line of High Street extended Eastward to its intersection with said river, which Station is the southern most point of lands previously conveyed to the City of Portsmouth pursuant to the authority of Chapter 35 of the Acts of Assembly of 1964; thence from said point of beginning running S 05° 34' 54" W 78.88 feet to a point located on the face of the existing concrete sea wall; then continuing along the face of the existing concrete sea wall having a curve to the left with a radius of 2,097.64 feet, an arc distance of 702.90 feet to a point on the face of the existing concrete sea wall; thence continuing along the face of the existing concrete sea wall S 13° 37’ 03" E 175.00 feet to the end of the existing concrete sea wall at the South Inlet, all as shown on an exhibit titled "Exhibit Showing Area of Formerly Submerged Land Along the Southern Branch of Elizabeth River to be Conveyed to the City of Portsmouth from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Portsmouth, Virginia."

§ 2. The deeds of conveyance and other documents shall be in the form approved by the Attorney General.

2. That an emergency exists and this act is in force from its passage.