2002 Uncodified Acts

2002 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to remove a certain area in the waters of the Elizabeth River from the natural oyster rocks, beds, and shoals embraced within the Baylor Survey.

[H 921]

Approved April 5, 2002

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. That Public Ground Number 8, located in the waters of the Elizabeth River and previously set aside in Norfolk County but currently located in the Cities of Portsmouth and Norfolk, shall no longer be a part of the natural oyster rocks, beds, and shoals of the waters of this Commonwealth and shall henceforth be assignable to any person for lawful private usage. Public Ground Number 8 is described as follows:

Beginning at a point located in the waters of the Elizabeth River east of the southern-most point of Craney Island and described as corner 1 (point number 421) of the Baylor Survey and located at North American Datum of 1927 - Virginia South Zone coordinates North 207,537.59 East 2,631,565.88; then 185º 09' 32" 1110.43 feet to corner 2 (point number 422) North 206,431.66 East 2,631,466.03; then 184º 38' 24" 1073.74 feet to corner 3 (point number 432) North 205,361.44 East 2,631,379.17; then 224º 29' 36" 735.50 feet to corner 4 (point number 431) North 204,836.78 East 2,630,863.71; then 154º 15' 55" 1157.38 feet to corner 5 (point number 425) North 203,794.20 East 2,631,366.25; then 167º 01' 39" 2854.22 feet to corner 6 (point number 426) North 201,012.83 East 2,632,006.98; then 60º 55' 29" 447.24 feet to corner 7 (point number 427) North 201,230.17 East 2,632,397.86; then 171º 50' 51" 293.35 feet to corner 8 (point number 428) North 200,939.78 East 2,632,439.46; then 115º 30' 53" 1906.94 feet to corner 9 (point number 429) North 200,118.38 East 2,634,160.43; then 64º 46' 37" 2088.93 feet to corner 10 (point number 420) North 201,008.56 East 2,636,050.19; then 327º 18' 33" 6668.87 feet to corner 11 (point number 430) North 206,621.06 East 2,632,448.29; then 316º 05' 12" 1272.27 feet to corner 1 (point number 421) North 207,537.59 East 2,631,565.88, the point of beginning.

2. That an emergency exists and this act is in force from its passage.