2002 Uncodified Acts

2002 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act for the relief of Kingdom Communications Group, LLC.

[H 27]

Approved April 8, 2002

Whereas, Kingdom Communications Group, LLC (KCG) is a marketing communications firm based in McLean, Virginia; and

Whereas, in July and August 2000 KCG participated in a contract bid award process with the State Board of Elections for the production of polling book materials for the 2000 general election; and

Whereas, KCG submitted a proposal and vendor and subvendor references as required by the State Board of Elections; and

Whereas, on or about August 15, 2000, the State Board of Elections informed KCG that it had been awarded the contract for the production of the polling book materials; and

Whereas, upon notification of the award, KCG began putting vendors in place to prepare the polling book materials and providing management oversight work consisting of providing printing specifications, applicable formats, determining the number of copies needed for each polling location and establishing a schedule timeline to ensure up-to-date information in the books; and

Whereas, on September 6, 2000, the State Board of Elections notified KCG that the project had been terminated; and

Whereas, KCG submitted an invoice on September 20, 2000, in the amount of $4,410.50 for the work it had performed on the project; and

Whereas, the State Board of Elections did not pay the invoice within thirty days; and

Whereas, after waiting two months without receiving payment from the State Board of Elections, KCG initiated an appeal with the Division of Purchases and Supply Procurement Appeal Board, Department of General Services (the Board), requesting compensation for the cost of its performance on the contract; and

Whereas, the Board declined to act on the appeal; and

Whereas, KCG has no other means to obtain adequate relief except by action of this body; now, therefore,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. That there is hereby appropriated from the funds appropriated to the State Board of Elections $4,410.50 for the relief of Kingdom Communications Group, LLC, to be paid with a check issued by the State Treasurer on a warrant issued by the Comptroller upon execution of a release of all claims Kingdom Communications Group, LLC may have against the Commonwealth or any agency, instrumentality, office, employee or political subdivision in connection with the aforesaid occurrence.