2019 Uncodified Acts

2019 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to amend and reenact § 7.1 of Chapter 396 of the Acts of Assembly of 1987, as amended by Chapter 658 of the Acts of Assembly of 2006, relating to Chesapeake Hospital Authority.

[H 2286]

Approved March 8, 2019


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That § 7.1 of Chapter 396 of the Acts of Assembly of 1987, as amended by Chapter 658 of the Acts of Assembly of 2006, is amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 7.1. The Authority shall have the following powers to carry out the purposes and intent of this act:

(1) To provide or assist in providing medical care and related services in its service area.

(2) To promote, develop, improve and increase the commerce and economic development of the City of Chesapeake and its environs.

(3) To assist in or provide for the creation of domestic or foreign stock and nonstock corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, limited partnerships, associations, foundations or other supporting organizations or other entities, and to purchase, receive, subscribe for or otherwise acquire, own, hold, vote, use, employ, sell, mortgage, lend, pledge, or otherwise dispose of, shares of or other interests in, or obligations of, any domestic or foreign stock and nonstock corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, limited partnerships, associations, foundations or other supporting organizations, joint ventures or other entities organized for any purpose, or direct or indirect obligations of the United States, or of any other government, state, territory, governmental district or municipality or of any other obligations of any domestic or foreign stock or nonstock corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited partnership, association, foundation or other supporting organization, joint venture or other entity organized for any purpose or any individual. The investment of funds held by the Authority, or contributed to its affiliated foundations, shall be exempt from the application of the Investment of Public Funds Act, Chapter 45 (§ 2.2-4500 et seq.) of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia. The investments of any entity wholly owned or controlled by the Authority that is an "institution," as such term is defined in § 55-268.12, shall be governed by the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (§ 55-268.11 et seq.) of the Code of Virginia.

(4) To provide domestic or foreign stock and nonstock corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, limited partnerships, associations, foundations or other supporting organizations, joint ventures or other entities owned in whole or in part or controlled, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by the Authority with appropriate assistance, including making loans and providing time of employees, in carrying out any activities authorized by this act.

(5) To make loans and provide other assistance to domestic or foreign stock and nonstock corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, limited partnerships, associations, foundations or other supporting organizations, joint ventures or other entities.

(6) To make contracts or guarantees, incur liabilities, borrow money, or secure any obligations of others.

(7) To transact its business, locate its offices and control, directly or through domestic or foreign stock and nonstock corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, limited partnerships, associations, foundations or other supporting organizations, joint ventures or other entities, facilities that will assist or aid the Authority in carrying out the purposes and intent of this act.

(8) To participate in joint ventures with individuals, domestic or foreign stock and nonstock corporations, limited liability companies, partnerships, limited partnerships, associations, foundations or other supporting organizations or other entities for providing medical care or related services or other activities that the Authority may undertake to the extent that such undertakings assist the Authority in carrying out the purposes and intent of this act.

(9) To conduct or engage in any lawful business, activity, effort or project, necessary or convenient for the purposes of the Authority or for the exercise of any of its powers.

(10) To exercise all other powers granted to nonstock corporations pursuant to § 13.1-826 of the Code of Virginia, as amended.

(11) To procure such insurance, participate in such insurance plans, or provide such self-insurance, or any combination thereof, as it deems necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes and provisions of this act. The purchase of insurance, participation in an insurance plan, or creation of a self-insurance plan by the Authority shall not be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of any sovereign immunity to which the Authority or its members, officers, directors, employees, or agents are otherwise entitled.