2019 Uncodified Acts

2019 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to amend and reenact § 1.02, § 3.01, as amended, §§ 6.02 and 6.04, and § 10.03, as amended, of Chapter 99 of the Acts of Assembly of 1994, which provided a charter for the Town of Dumfries in Prince William County, relating to boundaries, election, and budget.

[S 1691]

Approved March 8, 2019


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That § 1.02, § 3.01, as amended, §§ 6.02 and 6.04, and § 10.03, as amended, of Chapter 99 of the Acts of Assembly of 1994 are amended and reenacted as follows:

§ 1.02. Boundaries.

The present boundaries of the Town of Dumfries are as set out in a decree entered in Prince William County Circuit Court Law Case No. 2285, styled "In the Matter of the Annexation of Part of the Territory Known as Dumfries now known as Potomac Magisterial District to the Town of Dumfries," on the 30th day of December, 1966. Future boundaries shall be the same unless changed in accordance with law.

§ 3.01. Election, qualification and term of office.

(a) The Town of Dumfries shall be governed by a town council elected at large and composed of a mayor and six other members, all of whom shall be qualified voters of the town. Candidates for town offices shall not be identified on the ballot by political affiliation. In order to have their names placed on the ballot, all candidates shall be nominated only by petition as provided by general law pursuant to § 24.2-506 of the Code of Virginia (1950), as amended.

(b) On the first Tuesday in May 1994 after the first Monday in November 2022, and every four years thereafter, there shall be elected by the qualified voters of the town a mayor and three council members from the town at large. On the first Tuesday in May 1996 after the first Monday in November 2020, and every four years thereafter, there shall be elected three council members from the town at large.

(c) The persons elected shall take office on July January 1 succeeding their election and remain in office until their successors have qualified and taken office.

§ 6.02. Submission of budget and budget message.

On or before the fifteenth first day of April of each year, a budget for the ensuing fiscal year and an accompanying message shall be submitted to the council.

§ 6.04. Budget.

(a) The budget shall provide a complete financial plan of all town funds and activities for the ensuing fiscal year and, except as required by law or this charter, shall be in such form as the council may require. The budget shall utilize the most feasible combination of expenditure classification by fund, organization unit, program, purpose or activity, and object. It shall begin with a clear general summary of its contents; shall show in detail all estimated income, indicating the proposed tax levies, user fees, assessments, and all proposed expenditures, including debt service, for the ensuing fiscal year; and shall be so arranged as to show comparative figures for actual income and expenditures of the preceding fiscal year.

(b) The total of proposed expenditures shall not exceed the total of estimated available funds.

(c) The budget each year will have a midyear review held in February.

§ 10.03. Citation of act.

This act may for all purposes be referred to or cited as the Charter for the Town of Dumfries, Virginia, of 2003 2018.