2019 Uncodified Acts

2019 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to amend Chapters 779 and 798 of the Acts of Assembly of 1993, which provided a charter for the County of James City, by adding in Chapter 7 a section numbered 7.5, relating to additional planning powers; inoperable vehicles.

[S 1408]

Approved March 18, 2019


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That Chapter 779 of the Acts of Assembly of 1993, which provided a charter for the County of James City, is amended by adding in Chapter 7 a section numbered 7.5 as follows:

§ 7.5. Additional planning powers.

The board of supervisors may, by ordinance, exercise those powers granted to certain localities pursuant to § 15.2-905 of the Code of Virginia. Such powers shall only be exercised on property two acres in area or smaller.

2. That Chapter 798 of the Acts of Assembly of 1993, which provided a charter for the County of James City, is amended by adding in Chapter 7 a section numbered 7.5 as follows:

§ 7.5. Additional planning powers.

The board of supervisors may, by ordinance, exercise those powers granted to certain localities pursuant to § 15.2-905 of the Code of Virginia. Such powers shall only be exercised on property two acres in area or smaller.