2020 Uncodified Acts

2020 Virginia Uncodified Acts


An Act to require the Commissioner of Highways to place permanent electronic speed indicator signs on U.S. Route 17.

[S 557]

Approved April 10, 2020


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. § 1. The Commissioner of Highways shall erect and maintain in the northbound and southbound directions on U.S. Route 17 in Fauquier County near the intersections with Belvoir Road, Old Tavern Road, and Blantyre Road at least six permanent electronic speed indicator signs that display the speed limit on such highway and the speed of the driver approaching such sign.

2. That the Department of Transportation (the Department) shall pay for the electronic speed indicator signs required pursuant to this act. However, if funds for such purpose are not allocated in the general appropriation act by the 2020 Regular Session of the General Assembly, the governing body of Fauquier County shall have the option to pay for such signs.