Title 3.2. Agriculture, Animal Care, and Food
Chapter 11. General Provisions
§ 3.2-1106. Commodity board officers and reimbursement of expenses.
The following provisions apply to each commodity board established pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12 (§ 3.2-1200 et seq.), Chapter 13 (§ 3.2-1300 et seq.), Chapters 15 (§ 3.2-1500 et seq.) through 19 (§ 3.2-1900 et seq.), Chapter 21 (§ 3.2-2100 et seq.), or Chapter 24 (§ 3.2-2400 et seq.):
1. The members of a commodity board shall elect one board member as chairman and such other officers as deemed appropriate unless otherwise authorized in this subtitle; and
2. Each appointed member of a commodity board shall serve without compensation. Such commodity board may reimburse any of its members for actual expenses incurred in the performance of his duties unless otherwise authorized in this subtitle. Such reimbursements shall be made from the special funds established pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12 (§ 3.2-1200 et seq.), Chapter 13 (§ 3.2-1300 et seq.), Chapters 15 (§ 3.2-1500 et seq.) through 19 (§ 3.2-1900 et seq.), Chapter 21 (§ 3.2-2100 et seq.), or Chapter 24 (§ 3.2-2400 et seq.).