Title 3.2. Agriculture, Animal Care, and Food
Chapter 30. Wine Board
§ 3.2-3000. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Enology" means those practices and that body of knowledge involved in the production, aging, storing, and packaging of wine.
"Farm winery" or "winery" means an "establishment" as defined in § 4.1-100.
"Grape grower" means a commercial grower who: (i) sells at least $10,000 worth of grapes annually; or (ii) has planted and maintains at least three acres of vines of a type used for the production of wine.
"Viticulture" means the cultivation and study of grapes and grapevines.
"Wine" means an alcoholic beverage as defined in § 4.1-100.
"Winegrower" means any person or entity producing wine from approved products grown by that individual.