Title 37.2. Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
Chapter 6. Behavioral Health Authorities
§ 37.2-615. Authority to enter into joint agreements.
A. A behavioral health authority may enter into joint agreements, pursuant to subsection 4 of § 37.2-605, with one or more behavioral health authorities or community services boards to provide needed treatment, habilitation, or support services for individuals with specialized and complex service needs and associated managerial, operational, and administrative services and support and to promote clinical, programmatic, or administrative effectiveness and efficiency. Services may be provided under a joint agreement by one or more behavioral health authorities or community services boards or an administrator or management body established or contracted through a joint agreement.
B. Participation in a joint agreement shall be voluntary and at the discretion of the behavioral health authority. No behavioral health authority shall be required to enter into a joint agreement pursuant to this section as a condition for the receipt of funds.
C. No joint agreement shall relieve a behavioral health authority of any obligation or responsibility imposed upon it by law, but performance under the terms of a joint agreement may be offered in satisfaction of the obligation or responsibility of the authority.
D. The behavioral health authority's participation in a joint agreement shall be described in the performance contract negotiated by the authority and the Department pursuant to § 37.2-608. The behavioral health authority shall provide a copy of a joint agreement to the governing body of the city or county that established the authority for its review and comment at least 30 days before executing the agreement.
E. A joint agreement shall state or describe:
1. The term or duration of the joint agreement, which shall be for at least one year but may be extended annually pursuant to provisions in the joint agreement;
2. The purpose or purposes of the joint agreement;
3. The behavioral health authorities or community services boards participating in the joint agreement;
4. The treatment, habilitation, or support services and associated managerial and administrative services and support to be provided through the joint agreement;
5. The manner in which the joint agreement will be administered and any necessary actions by the participants will be coordinated;
6. The manner in which the joint agreement will be financed, including the proportional share to be provided by each participating behavioral health authority or community services board, and the budget, which shall be incorporated as part of the joint agreement, will be established and administered;
7. The manner by which state general funds, fee revenues, and other funds for the operation of the joint agreement will be received and disbursed by the participating behavioral health authorities or community services boards;
8. The manner by which activities conducted under the joint agreement will be monitored, managed, reported, and evaluated;
9. The permissible method or methods to be employed in accomplishing the partial or complete termination of the joint agreement and for disposing of any property acquired under the joint agreement upon such partial or complete termination; and
10. Any other matters that are necessary and proper for the effective operation of the joint agreement.
F. The joint agreement, in addition to the items enumerated in subsection E, may contain the following items.
1. The joint agreement may provide for an administrator or management body that shall be responsible for administering activities conducted under the joint agreement. The organization, term, powers and duties of any administrator or management body shall be specified in the joint agreement. This administrator or management body may be given authority through the joint agreement to employ staff and obtain services provided under the joint agreement though contracts on behalf of the behavioral health authorities or community services boards that have entered into the joint agreement. This administrator or management body shall defend or compromise, as appropriate, all claims, suits, actions, or proceedings arising from its performance under this joint agreement and shall obtain and maintain insurance sufficient for this purpose.
2. The joint agreement may specify the manner of acquiring, holding, and disposing of real and personal property required for or used in activities conducted under the joint agreement.
3. The joint agreement may describe how issues of liability will be handled and the types, amounts, and limits of any liability insurance, including whether such coverage will be obtained through the Department of Treasury's Division of Risk Management program pursuant to § 2.2-1839 or otherwise.
G. Any behavioral health authority entering into a joint agreement pursuant to this section may provide funds or property, personnel, or services to the administrator or management body responsible for administering activities conducted under this joint agreement that may be within its legal powers to sell, lease, give, or otherwise supply.
H. The behavioral health authorities or community services boards entering into a joint agreement pursuant to this section may create an administrator or management body to provide treatment, habilitation or support services on behalf of the participating community services boards or behavioral health authorities subject to the following conditions.
1. The administrator or management body created pursuant to this subsection shall operate under contract with the participating community services boards or behavioral health authorities, and this contract shall be exempt from the requirements of the Virginia Public Procurement Act, (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.).
2. The administrator or management body created pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to all statutory and regulatory requirements that apply to behavioral health authorities, including procurement, employment, Virginia Freedom of Information Act, disclosure and confidentiality of individual service and administrative records, data collection and reporting, and all other aspects of their business and services.
3. The administrator or management body created pursuant to this subsection shall have the authority to receive funds from the participating community services boards or behavioral health authorities; public and private sources such as foundations, gifts and grants; and public and private reimbursement from private insurers and the Department of Medical Assistance Services; but the administrator or management body shall not be authorized to receive funds directly from the Department.
4. The administrator or management body created pursuant to this subsection shall defend or compromise, as appropriate, all claims, suits, actions, or proceedings arising from its performance under this joint agreement and shall obtain and maintain insurance sufficient for this purpose.