Title 46.2. Motor Vehicles
Chapter 21. Regulation of Property Carriers
§ 46.2-2134. Grounds for denying, suspending, or revoking permits.
A permit issued under this chapter may be denied, suspended, or revoked on any one or more of the following grounds:
1. Failure to submit to the Department any tax, fees, fines, or penalties owed to the Department.
2. Failure to maintain and keep on file with the Department motor carrier liability insurance or cargo insurance, issued by a company licensed to do business in the Commonwealth, or a bond, certificate of insurance, certificate of self-insurance, or unconditional letter of credit in accordance with this chapter, with respect to each motor vehicle operated in the Commonwealth.
3. Inactivity of a motor carrier as may be evidenced by the absence of a motor vehicle registered to operate under such permit for a period of greater than three months.