Title 6.2. Financial Institutions and Services
Chapter 8. Banks
§ 6.2-871. Investment in stock or securities of bank service corporations.
A. As used in this section, "bank service corporation" means a corporation engaged primarily in rendering services, other than the renting of the bank premises or the furnishing of furniture or fixtures, to two or more banks.
B. A bank may acquire, own, and hold the stock and other securities or obligations of a bank service corporation in an amount not to exceed 10 percent of the bank's capital stock and permanent surplus. A bank may not invest in any bank service corporation unless it uses or intends to use the services of the bank service corporation. A bank may not invest in more than one bank service corporation without the consent of the Commission.
C. Stock in a Federal Reserve Bank shall not be considered stock of a bank service corporation within the meaning of this section.
Code 1950, § 6-49.1; 1962, c. 38; 1966, c. 584, § 6.1-58; 2010, c. 794.