Title 24.2. Elections
Chapter 9.3. Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006
§ 24.2-947.11. Special report required of certain large pre-legislative session contributions.
A. Any candidate for a statewide office or the General Assembly shall, not later than January 15, file a report with the State Board of any single contribution in excess of $1,000, or any combination of contributions with an aggregate value in excess of $1,000 from a single person, that is knowingly received or reported by the candidate or his treasurer on behalf of his candidacy during the period beginning January 1 and ending on the day immediately before the first day of a regular session of the General Assembly. This report shall be filed as provided in § 24.2-947.5, and the report shall be received by the State Board not later than January 15.
B. Any contribution reported pursuant to subsection A shall not be required to be reported on any subsequent report required by this article following the date of the contribution.