Title 24.2. Elections
Chapter 9.5. Political Campaign Advertisements
§ 24.2-959.1. Requirements for campaign telephone calls sponsored by a political committee or person other than a candidate or candidate campaign committee.
It shall be unlawful for any person or political committee to make campaign telephone calls without disclosing, before the conclusion of each telephone call, information to identify the person or political committee who has authorized and is paying for the calls unless such call is terminated prematurely by means beyond the maker's control.
The person making the telephone call shall disclose the following identifying information: the name of the political committee if the calls are authorized by that committee or an agent of that committee; and in the case of a committee that has filed a statement of organization under Chapter 9.3 (§ 24.2-945 et seq.), the full name of the committee and a registration number provided by the State Board; or in any other case, the full name and residence address of the individual responsible for the campaign telephone calls.
It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, or political committee making campaign telephone calls to intentionally modify the caller identification information for the purpose of misleading the recipient as to the identity of the caller. If the call is made from an automatic dialing-announcing device and caller identification information includes a name associated with the telephone number, then the caller identification information shall include either the name of the person, corporation, or political committee that has authorized and is paying for the calls or the vendor conducting the calls on behalf of the person, corporation, or political committee. "Automatic dialing-announcing device" means the same as that term is defined in § 59.1-518.1.
It shall also be unlawful (i) for any person who contracts for campaign telephone calls to fail to provide to the persons making the telephone calls the identifying information required by this section or (ii) for any person to provide a false or fictitious name or address when providing the identifying information required.
2000, c. 874, § 24.2-1014.1; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2010, c. 323.