Title 6.2. Financial Institutions and Services
Chapter 15. Consumer Finance Companies
§ 6.2-1532. Fees for examination, supervision and regulation.
To defray the costs of examination, supervision and regulation of licensed consumer finance companies, every licensee shall pay an annual fee to be calculated in accordance with a schedule set by the Commission. The schedule shall bear a reasonable relationship to the total assets, including loans under this chapter and other loans, of various licensees and their affiliates doing business in authorized consumer finance company offices, to the actual cost of their respective examinations, and to other factors relating to their supervision and regulation. Fees shall be assessed pursuant to this section on or before May 1 of every calendar year. All such fees shall be paid by the licensees to the State Treasurer on or before June 1 following each assessment.
1982, c. 609, § 6.1-299.1; 2010, c. 794.