Title 60.2. Unemployment Compensation
Chapter 1. General Provisions and Administration
§ 60.2-121.2. Electronic submission of information; payments.
A. Each employer subject to the provisions of this title shall submit claim-related forms, including separation information, using an electronic format as prescribed by the Commission, unless the employer has been granted a waiver by the Commission. An employer shall submit any other information related to a claim, as defined in § 60.2-528.1, at any time when requested by the Commission, to the Commission by electronic means, unless the employer has been granted a waiver by the Commission. The Commission may also require, at any time, that an employer submit unemployment insurance tax payments electronically, unless the employer has been granted a waiver by the Commission.
B. The Commission may grant a waiver to an employer from providing information or payments electronically pursuant to this section at any time. The Commission may grant a waiver only if the Commission finds that the electronic submission requirement creates an unreasonable burden on the employer. All requests for a waiver shall be submitted in writing.