§ 62.1-197 Short title
§ 62.1-198 Legislative findings and purposes
§ 62.1-199 Definitions
§ 62.1-200 Creation of Authority
§ 62.1-201 Board of Directors
§ 62.1-202 Appointment and duties of Executive Director
§ 62.1-203 Powers of Authority
§ 62.1-204 Power to borrow money and issue bonds and credit enhancements
§ 62.1-205 Power to issue refunding bonds
§ 62.1-206 Sources of payment and security for bonds and credit enhancements
§ 62.1-207 Liability of Commonwealth, political subdivisions and members of board of directors
§ 62.1-208 Authorization, content and sale of bonds and credit enhancements
§ 62.1-209 Provisions of resolution or trust indenture authorizing issuance of bonds
§ 62.1-210 Pledge by Authority
§ 62.1-211 Purchase of bonds by Authority
§ 62.1-212 Bonds as negotiable instruments
§ 62.1-213 Validity of signatures of prior members or officers
§ 62.1-214 Bondholder protection
§ 62.1-215 Establishment of capital reserve funds
§ 62.1-216 Purchase and credit enhancements of local obligations
§ 62.1-216.1 Investigation by Governor of nonpayments; withholding state funds from nonpaying locality; payment of funds withheld; receipts, reports, etc.
§ 62.1-217 Grants from Commonwealth
§ 62.1-218 Grants to local governments
§ 62.1-219 Exemption from taxation
§ 62.1-220 Bonds as legal investments and securities
§ 62.1-221 Deposit of money; expenditures; security for deposits
§ 62.1-222 Annual reports; audit
§ 62.1-223 Liberal construction of chapter