Title 63.2. Welfare (Social Services)
Chapter 4. Funding of Public Assistance and Social Services
§ 63.2-412. Assistance to needy persons engaged in work or training programs; costs of administration of such programs.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, the Commissioner is authorized, subject to the approval of the Board, to initiate and administer a program providing for payments to or in behalf of needy persons engaged in work or training programs. Such payments may be made by transfer of funds to an appropriate agency administering a work or training program. The Commissioner is also authorized to pay all costs incurred in the administration of such programs from funds appropriated for such purposes.
Code 1950, § 63-5.3; 1968, c. 331, § 63.1-5.1; 1974, cc. 44, 45; 1981, c. 21; 2002, c. 747.