Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 2.2. Administration of Government
Subtitle I. Organization of State Government
Chapter 1. Governor

Chapter 1. Governor.

Article 1. General Provisions.

§ 2.2-100. Salaries of Governor and other officers; administrative assistants.

A. The Governor and all officers of the Commonwealth shall receive annually for their services such salaries as are fixed by law.

B. The Governor may employ the necessary administrative assistants, including a chief of staff, and fix their salaries within the limitation of funds appropriated for executive control of the Commonwealth. Any chief of staff appointed by the Governor shall be confirmed by a majority of the members in each house of the General Assembly.

C. The Governor may employ the staff required to perform necessary services in the operation of the Executive Mansion.

Code 1950, §§ 2-34, 14-9 to 14-16, 14-18 to 14-26; 1962, c. 356; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-12; 1966, cc. 55, 677, § 2.1-38; 1968, cc. 223, 562; 1970, cc. 262, 759; 1977, c. 672; 1984, cc. 104, 750, 779; 1998, c. 872; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-101. Clerical forces and office expenses of Governor.

The Governor may appoint the clerical force necessary to the efficient operation of his office, but the aggregate amount paid such clerks shall not exceed the sum provided by law. The Governor may expend for the contingent expenses of his office such sums as are provided by law.

Code 1950, §§ 14-11, 14-25; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-13; 1970, c. 260; 1998, c. 872, § 2.1-38.3; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-102. Personal staff as commander in chief.

The personal staff of the Governor and commander in chief shall consist of the Adjutant General of the Commonwealth and any additional aides detailed by the Governor from the commissioned personnel of the National Guard of Virginia, the officers reserve corps or the naval reserve corps, or officers of the army or navy of the United States, retired or former officers of the army or navy of the United States, which detail shall operate for the time being as a commission to each officer so detailed as aide-de-camp. Commissions as military aides to the Governor shall be issued by the Secretary of the Commonwealth with the rank the Governor deems appropriate and shall continue in effect at the pleasure of the Governor during his term in office. The commissions shall be honorary in nature and shall not constitute a commission in the militia of the Commonwealth or entitle the recipient to any pay or benefits. The insignia to be worn by aides when performing their duties shall be prescribed by the Governor. No officer so detailed shall be compelled to serve. Officers so detailed shall not be relieved from their ordinary duties, except when actually on duty with the Governor. No officer shall be detailed under this section unless he is a qualified voter of the Commonwealth. In addition, the Governor may appoint and commission with the rank of colonel as a personal aide, the Clerk of the House of Delegates.

Code 1950, § 2-36; 1958, c. 119; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-40; 1984, c. 17; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-103. Authority to formulate executive branch policies; chief officer for personnel administration and planning and budget.

A. Except as otherwise provided by the Constitution or law, the Governor shall have the authority and responsibility for the formulation and administration of the policies of the executive branch, including resolution of policy and administrative conflicts between and among agencies.

B. The Governor shall be the Chief Personnel Officer of the Commonwealth. He shall direct the execution of Chapter 29 (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.). The Governor may employ personnel assistants and employees necessary to carry out Chapter 29 (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.). The Governor shall have the following powers and duties relating to state personnel administration:

1. Establish and maintain a classification plan for the service of the Commonwealth, and from time to time, make such amendments as may be necessary. The classification plan shall provide for the grouping of all positions in classes based upon the respective duties, authority, and responsibilities. Each position in the service of the Commonwealth shall be allocated to the appropriate class title.

2. Establish and administer a compensation plan for all employees, and from time to time make such amendments as may be necessary. The compensation plan shall be uniform; and for each class of positions there shall be set forth a minimum and a maximum rate of compensation and any necessary or equitable intermediate rates.

3. Adopt necessary rules, not in conflict with Chapter 29 (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.), to provide for the administration of the duties imposed by Chapter 29 (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.), and to govern minimum hours of work, attendance regulations, leaves of absences for employees and the order and manner in which layoffs shall be made.

C. The Governor shall be the chief planning and budget officer of the Commonwealth.

Code 1950, §§ 2-46, 2-81; 1966, cc. 55, 677, §§ 2.1-52, 2.1-113; 1975, c. 390; 1976, cc. 725, 760, 761 §§ 2.1-41.1, 2.1-114.2, 2.1-387; 1978, c. 846; 1984, c. 720; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-104. Delegation of powers.

The Governor may designate and empower any secretary or other officer in the executive branch of state government who is required to be confirmed by the General Assembly or either house thereof, to perform without approval, ratification, or other action by the Governor any function that is vested in the Governor by law, or which such officer is required or authorized by law to perform only with or subject to the approval, ratification of the Governor; however nothing contained in this section shall relieve the Governor of his responsibility in office for the acts of any secretary or officer designated by him to perform such functions. Any designation or authorization under this section shall be (i) in the form of a written executive order, (ii) subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations the Governor deems advisable, and (iii) revocable in whole or in part at any time by the Governor.

1976, c. 731, § 2.1-39.1; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-105. Appointments to office; effect of refusal to confirm by the General Assembly.

No person appointed to any office by the Governor, whose appointment is subject to confirmation by the General Assembly, shall enter upon, or continue in, office after the General Assembly has refused to confirm his appointment. Nor shall such person be eligible for reappointment during the recess of the General Assembly to fill the vacancy caused by the refusal to confirm.

Code 1950, § 2-35; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-39; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-106. Appointment of agency heads; disclosure of resumes; severance.

A. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the Governor shall appoint the administrative head of each agency of the executive branch of state government except the:

1. Executive Director of the Virginia Port Authority;

2. Director of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia;

3. Executive Director of the Department of Wildlife Resources;

4. Executive Director of the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation;

5. Executive Director of the Motor Vehicle Dealer Board;

6. Librarian of Virginia;

7. Administrator of the Commonwealth's Attorneys' Services Council;

8. Executive Director of the Virginia Housing Development Authority; and

9. Executive Director of the Board of Accountancy.

However, the manner of selection of those heads of agencies chosen as set forth in the Constitution of Virginia shall continue without change. Each administrative head and Secretary appointed by the Governor pursuant to this section shall (i) be subject to confirmation by the General Assembly, (ii) have the professional qualifications prescribed by law, and (iii) serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

B. As part of the confirmation process for each administrative head and Secretary, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall provide copies of the resumes and statements of economic interests filed pursuant to § 2.2-3117 to the chairs of the House of Delegates and Senate Committees on Privileges and Elections. For appointments made before January 1, copies shall be provided to the chairs within 30 days of the appointment or by January 7 whichever time is earlier; and for appointments made after January 1 through the regular session of that year, copies shall be provided to the chairs within seven days of the appointment. Each appointee shall be available for interviews by the Committees on Privileges and Elections or other applicable standing committee. For the purposes of this section and § 2.2-107, there shall be a joint subcommittee of the House of Delegates and Senate Committees on Privileges and Elections consisting of five members of the House Committee and three members of the Senate Committee appointed by the respective chairs of the committees to review the resumes and statements of economic interests of gubernatorial appointees. The members of the House of Delegates shall be appointed in accordance with the principles of proportional representation contained in the Rules of the House of Delegates. No appointment confirmed by the General Assembly shall be subject to challenge by reason of a failure to comply with the provisions of this subsection pertaining to the confirmation process.

C. For the purpose of this section, "agency" includes all administrative units established by law or by executive order that are not (i) arms of the legislative or judicial branches of government; (ii) institutions of higher education as classified under §§ 22.1-346, 23.1-1100, 23.1-3210, and 23.1-3216; (iii) regional planning districts, regional transportation authorities or districts, or regional sanitation districts; and (iv) assigned by law to other departments or agencies, not including assignments to secretaries under Article 7 (§ 2.2-215 et seq.) of Chapter 2 of this title.

D. The resumes and applications for appointment submitted by persons who are appointed by the Governor pursuant to this section shall be available to the public upon request.

E. Severance benefits provided to any departing agency head, whether or not appointed by the Governor, shall be publicly announced by the appointing authority prior to such departure.

1977, c. 542, § 2.1-41.2; 1979, c. 294; 1981, c. 589; 1983, c. 298; 1984, c. 104; 1986, c. 565; 1994, c. 661; 1995, cc. 767, 816; 1996, c. 812; 1998, c. 427; 2000, cc. 382, 400; 2001, cc. 832, 844; 2003, cc. 981, 1021; 2005, cc. 803, 938; 2006, c. 254; 2010, cc. 136, 145; 2016, c. 729; 2020, c. 958.

§ 2.2-107. Appointment of members of commissions, boards, and other collegial bodies; disclosure of resumes.

A. Except as provided in the Constitution of Virginia, or where the manner of selection of members of boards and commissions is by election by the General Assembly, or as provided in Title 3.2 or § 54.1-901, but notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the Governor shall appoint all members of boards, commissions, councils or other collegial bodies created by the General Assembly in the executive branch of state government to terms of office as prescribed by law. Each member appointed pursuant to this section shall be subject to confirmation by the General Assembly and shall have the professional qualifications prescribed by law.

As part of the confirmation process for each gubernatorial appointee, the Secretary of the Commonwealth shall provide copies of the resume and statement of economic interests filed pursuant to § 2.2-3117 or 2.2-3118, as appropriate, to the chairs of the House of Delegates and Senate Committees on Privileges and Elections. For the purposes of this section and § 2.2-106, there shall be a joint subcommittee of the House of Delegates and Senate Committees on Privileges and Elections consisting of five members of the House Committee and three members of the Senate Committee appointed by the respective chairs of the committees to review the resumes and statements of economic interests of gubernatorial appointees. The members of the House of Delegates shall be appointed in accordance with the principles of proportional representation contained in the Rules of the House of Delegates. No appointment confirmed by the General Assembly shall be subject to challenge by reason of a failure to comply with the provisions of this paragraph pertaining to the confirmation process.

B. The resumes and applications for appointment submitted by persons who are appointed by the Governor pursuant to this section shall be available to the public upon request.

1977, c. 447, § 2.1-42.1; 1978, c. 834; 2001, c. 844; 2005, cc. 803, 938; 2016, c. 729.

§ 2.2-108. Removal of members of certain boards, commissions, etc.

A. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the Governor may remove from office for malfeasance, misfeasance, incompetence, misconduct, neglect of duty, absenteeism, conflict of interests, failure to carry out the policies of the Commonwealth as established in the Constitution or by the General Assembly, or refusal to carry out a lawful directive of the Governor any member of any board, commission, council or other collegial body established by the General Assembly in the executive branch of state government except those boards provided for in subsection C of § 23.1-1300, subsection A of § 23.1-3100, and subsection A of § 23.1-3200 and fill the vacancy resulting from the removal subject to confirmation by the General Assembly.

B. The Governor shall set forth in a written public statement his reasons for removing any member pursuant to this section at the time the removal occurs. The Governor is the sole judge of the sufficiency of the cause for removal as set forth in this section.

Code 1950, § 2-39; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-43; 1977, c. 446; 1988, c. 765; 2001, c. 844; 2016, c. 588.

§ 2.2-109. Requiring appearances by officers, etc., and production of records, etc.; issuance of subpoenas and other writs; employment of accountants.

Whenever the Governor deems it necessary and proper, he may require any state officer, superintendent, board, or employee to appear before him, and he may also require the production of any official books, accounts, vouchers, and other papers relating to their offices and duties. The Governor may issue subpoenas or other writs for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this section. The Governor may employ accountants to properly inspect such records, vouchers, or other papers.

Code 1950, § 2-40; 1956, c. 424; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-44; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-109.01. Signed statements required from appointees.

For purposes of this section:

"Appointed position" means a position appointed by the Governor or other appointing authority in accordance with law.

"Covered appointee" means any person serving in an appointed position who is eligible for severance benefits under the Workforce Transition Act of 1995 (§ 2.2-3200 et seq.), including but not limited to, any (i) officer, (ii) agency head, or (iii) member of a board, commission, council, or other collegial body.

Upon initial appointment or reappointment, the Governor or other appointing authority, or their designee, shall obtain a signed statement from each covered appointee providing that such person has read and understands the severance benefits for which he is eligible under the Workforce Transition Act of 1995. The Governor or other appointing authority, or their designee shall provide all such statements to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The Secretary shall provide for such statements to be retained in the records of the Commonwealth.

2006, cc. 813, 902.

§ 2.2-110. Officers of Commonwealth and its institutions to make reports to Governor.

The officers of the executive branch of state government and superintendents and boards of state institutions shall make to the Governor reports at the times prescribed by law or at any time the Governor may require on any subject relating to their offices and institutions. The reports shall be in a written or electronic format and contain such information as the Governor may require. The reports shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and under his supervision, summarized and recorded in books kept for the purpose.

Code 1950, § 2-38; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-42; 2001, c. 844; 2012, c. 434.

§ 2.2-111. Suits, actions, etc., by Governor.

A. In order to protect or preserve the interests or legal rights of the Commonwealth and its citizens, the Governor may, by and with the advice of the Attorney General, institute any action, suit, motion or other proceeding, in the name of the Commonwealth, in the Supreme Court of the United States or any other court or tribunal in which such action, suit, motion or other proceeding may be properly commenced and prosecuted.

B. In accordance with subsection A and pursuant to his duty to protect or preserve the general welfare of the citizens of the Commonwealth, the Governor may institute any action, suit, motion or other proceeding on behalf of its citizens, in the name of the Commonwealth acting in its capacity as parens patriae, where he has determined that existing legal procedures fail to adequately protect existing legal rights and interests of such citizens.

Code 1950, § 2-43; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-49; 1975, c. 241; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-112. To whom return on warrant of Governor to be made.

Any officer to whom any order or warrant of the Governor is directed shall make return to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, who shall preserve it in his office.

Code 1950, § 2-44; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-50; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-113. Temporary suspension of state mandates.

A. The Governor may suspend, temporarily and for a period not to exceed one year, any mandate, or portion thereof, prescribed by any unit of the executive branch of state government on a county, city, town, or other unit of local government upon a finding that it faces fiscal stress and the suspension of the mandate or portion thereof would help alleviate the fiscal hardship.

However, for a period beginning July 1, 2010, and ending July 1, 2012, the Governor may suspend any such mandate for a period not to exceed two years upon proper application by a locality pursuant to this section.

B. No application shall be made by the locality until approved by resolution of the governing body.

C. At the time of application, the following information shall be published in the Virginia Register: (i) the name of the petitioning locality, (ii) the mandate or portion thereof requested to be suspended, (iii) the impact of the suspension of the mandate on the ability of the local government to deliver services, (iv) the estimated reduction in current budget from the suspension, and (v) the time period requested for suspension. Publication in the Virginia Register shall occur at least 20 days in advance of any suspension by the Governor.

D. No later than January 1 of each year, the Governor shall submit to the General Assembly a report that identifies each petitioning locality, the mandate or portion thereof for which suspension was sought, and the response provided to the locality.

E. Nothing in this section shall apply to the Department of Education.

In making a determination of fiscal stress, the Governor may consider, but is not limited to, the following factors: any changes in anticipated revenue, income distribution of residents, revenue effort, revenue capacity, and changes in local population and employment levels.

1991, c. 638, § 2.1-51.5:1; 1993, c. 230; 1994, c. 158; 2001, c. 844; 2003, c. 169; 2010, c. 79.

§ 2.2-114. Coordination of official communications with federal and foreign governments.

The Governor may adopt regulations for coordination of official communications on behalf of the Commonwealth by any officer, agency or employee of the Commonwealth with the government of the United States, another state or foreign nation. Subject to the ultimate authority of the General Assembly to prescribe the policies of the Commonwealth and within the framework of policy established by the General Assembly, all communications shall be at the policy direction of the Governor; however, communications by the General Assembly or the Supreme Court of Virginia with the legislature or the judiciary, respectively, of the United States, another state or foreign nation, shall be at the discretion of the General Assembly and the Supreme Court of Virginia. Actions taken under § 2.2-611 shall be subject to the provisions of this section.

1976, c. 704, § 2.1-38.2; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-115. Commonwealth's Development Opportunity Fund.

A. As used in this section, unless the context requires otherwise:

"New job" means employment of an indefinite duration, created as the direct result of the private investment, for which the firm pays the wages and standard fringe benefits for its employee, requiring a minimum of either (i) 35 hours of the employee's time a week for the entire normal year of the firm's operations, which "normal year" must consist of at least 48 weeks or (ii) 1,680 hours per year.

Seasonal or temporary positions, positions created when a job function is shifted from an existing location in the Commonwealth to the location of the economic development project, positions with suppliers, and multiplier or spin-off jobs shall not qualify as new jobs. The term "new job" shall include positions with contractors provided that all requirements included within the definition of the term are met.

"New teleworking job" means a new job that is held by a Virginia resident, for which the majority of the work is performed remotely, and that pays at least 1.2 times the Virginia minimum wage, as provided by the Virginia Minimum Wage Act (§ 40.1-28.8 et seq.).

"Prevailing average wage" means that amount determined by the Virginia Employment Commission to be the average wage paid workers in the city or county of the Commonwealth where the economic development project is located. The prevailing average wage shall be determined without regard to any fringe benefits.

"Private investment" means the private investment required under this section.

B. There is created the Commonwealth's Development Opportunity Fund (the Fund) to be used by the Governor to attract economic development prospects and secure the expansion of existing industry in the Commonwealth. The Fund shall consist of any funds appropriated to it by the general appropriation act and revenue from any other source, public or private. The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller, and any funds remaining in the Fund at the end of a biennium shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Interest earned on the Fund shall be credited to the Fund. The Governor shall report to the Chairmen of the House Committees on Appropriations and Finance and the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations as funds are awarded in accordance with this section.

C. Funds shall be awarded from the Fund by the Governor as grants or loans to political subdivisions. The criteria for making such grants or loans shall include (i) job creation, (ii) private capital investment, and (iii) anticipated additional state tax revenue expected to accrue to the state and affected localities as a result of the capital investment and jobs created. Loans shall be approved by the Governor and made in accordance with guidelines established by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership and approved by the Comptroller. Loans shall be interest-free unless otherwise determined by the Governor and shall be repaid to the Fund. The Governor may establish the interest rate to be charged; otherwise, any interest charged shall be at market rates as determined by the State Treasurer and shall be indicative of the duration of the loan. The Virginia Economic Development Partnership shall be responsible for monitoring repayment of such loans and reporting the receivables to the Comptroller as required.

Beginning with the five fiscal years from fiscal year 2006-2007 through fiscal year 2010-2011, and for every five fiscal years' period thereafter, in general, no less than one-third of the moneys appropriated to the Fund in every such five-year period shall be awarded to counties and cities having an annual average unemployment rate that is greater than the final statewide average unemployment rate for the calendar year that immediately precedes the calendar year of the award. However, if such one-third requirement will not be met because economic development prospects in such counties and cities are unable to fulfill the applicable minimum private investment and new jobs requirements set forth in this section, then any funds remaining in the Fund at the end of the five-year period that would have otherwise been awarded to such counties and cities shall be made available for awards in the next five fiscal years' period.

D. Funds may be used for public and private utility extension or capacity development on and off site; public and private installation, extension, or capacity development of high-speed or broadband Internet access, whether on or off site; road, rail, or other transportation access costs beyond the funding capability of existing programs; site acquisition; grading, drainage, paving, and any other activity required to prepare a site for construction; construction or build-out of publicly or privately owned buildings; training; or grants or loans to an industrial development authority, housing and redevelopment authority, or other political subdivision for purposes directly relating to any of the foregoing. However, in no case shall funds from the Fund be used, directly or indirectly, to pay or guarantee the payment for any rental, lease, license, or other contractual right to the use of any property.

It shall be the policy of the Commonwealth that moneys in the Fund shall not be used for any economic development project in which a business relocates or expands its operations in one or more Virginia localities and simultaneously closes its operations or substantially reduces the number of its employees in another Virginia locality, unless the procedures set forth in § 30-310 are followed. The Secretary of Commerce and Trade shall enforce this policy and for any exception thereto shall, pursuant to § 30-310, submit such projects to the MEI Project Approval Commission established pursuant to § 30-309.

E. 1. a. Except as provided in this subdivision, no grant or loan shall be awarded from the Fund unless the project involves a minimum private investment of $5 million and creates at least 50 new jobs for which the average wage, excluding fringe benefits, is no less than the prevailing average wage. For projects, including but not limited to projects involving emerging technologies, for which the average wage of the new jobs created, excluding fringe benefits, is at least twice the prevailing average wage for that locality or region, the Governor shall have the discretion to require no less than one-half the number of new jobs as set forth for that locality in this subdivision.

b. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision a, a grant or loan may be awarded from the Fund if the project involves a minimum private investment of $100 million and creates at least 25 new jobs for which the average wage, excluding fringe benefits, is no less than the prevailing average wage.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision 1 a, in localities (i) with an annual unemployment rate for the most recent calendar year for which such data is available that is greater than the final statewide average unemployment rate for that calendar year or (ii) with a poverty rate for the most recent calendar year for which such data is available that exceeds the statewide average poverty rate for that year, a grant or loan may be awarded from the Fund pursuant to subdivision 1 a if the project involves a minimum private investment of $2.5 million and creates at least 25 new jobs for which the average wage, excluding fringe benefits, is no less than 85 percent of the prevailing average wage.

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions 1 a and 2, in localities (i) with an annual unemployment rate for the most recent calendar year for which such data is available that is greater than the final statewide average unemployment rate for that calendar year and (ii) with a poverty rate for the most recent calendar year for which such data is available that exceeds the statewide average poverty rate for that year, a grant or loan may be awarded from the Fund pursuant to such subdivisions if the project involves a minimum private investment of $1.5 million and creates at least 15 new jobs for which the average wage, excluding fringe benefits, is no less than 85 percent of the prevailing average wage.

4. For projects that are eligible under subdivision 2 or 3, the average wage of the new jobs, excluding fringe benefits, shall be no less than 85 percent of the prevailing average wage. In addition, for projects in such localities, the Governor may award a grant or loan for a project paying less than 85 percent of the prevailing average wage but still providing customary employee benefits, only after the Secretary of Commerce and Trade has made a written finding that the economic circumstances in the area are sufficiently distressed (i.e., high unemployment or underemployment and negative economic forecasts) that assistance to the locality to attract the project is nonetheless justified. However, the minimum private investment and number of new jobs required to be created as set forth in this subsection shall still be a condition of eligibility for an award from the Fund. Such written finding shall promptly be provided to the chairs of the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations and the House Committee on Appropriations.

5. A business beneficiary may count new teleworking jobs toward the minimum number of new jobs required under subdivision 1, 2, or 3, if so permitted in the contract required by subdivision F 2.

6. The minimum private investment required under subdivision 1, 2, or 3 may be reduced or waived if at least 75 percent, measured against the minimum number of new jobs required, of jobs created by the business beneficiary are new teleworking jobs, if so permitted in the contract required by subdivision F 2.

F. 1. The Virginia Economic Development Partnership shall assist the Governor in developing objective guidelines and criteria that shall be used in awarding grants or making loans from the Fund. The guidelines may require that as a condition of receiving any grant or loan incentive that is based on employment goals, a recipient company must provide copies of employer quarterly payroll reports that have been provided to the Virginia Employment Commission to verify the employment status of any position included in the employment goal. The guidelines may include a requirement for the affected locality or localities to provide matching funds which may be cash or in-kind, at the discretion of the Governor; however, if the minimum private investment is reduced or waived pursuant to subdivision E 6, the Governor may provide full or partial relief from such matching requirement. The guidelines and criteria shall include provisions for geographic diversity and a cap on the amount of funds to be provided to any individual project. At the discretion of the Governor, this cap may be waived for qualifying projects of regional or statewide interest. In developing the guidelines and criteria, the Virginia Economic Development Partnership shall use the measure for Fiscal Stress published by the Commission on Local Government of the Department of Housing and Community Development for the locality in which the project is located or will be located as one method of determining the amount of assistance a locality shall receive from the Fund.

2. a. Notwithstanding any provision in this section or in the guidelines, each political subdivision that receives a grant or loan from the Fund shall enter into a contract with the Commonwealth, through the Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority as its agent, and each business beneficiary of funds from the Fund. A person or entity shall be a business beneficiary of funds from the Fund if grant or loan moneys awarded from the Fund by the Governor are paid to a political subdivision and (i) subsequently distributed by the political subdivision to the person or entity or (ii) used by the political subdivision for the benefit of the person or entity but never distributed to the person or entity.

b. The contract between the political subdivision, the Commonwealth, and the business beneficiary shall provide in detail (i) the fair market value of all funds that the Commonwealth has committed to provide, (ii) the fair market value of all matching funds (or in-kind match) that the political subdivision has agreed to provide, (iii) how funds committed by the Commonwealth (including but not limited to funds from the Fund committed by the Governor) and funds that the political subdivision has agreed to provide are to be spent, (iv) the minimum private investment to be made and the number of new jobs to be created agreed to by the business beneficiary, (v) the average wage (excluding fringe benefits) agreed to be paid in the new jobs, (vi) the prevailing average wage, and (vii) the formula, means, or processes agreed to be used for measuring compliance with the minimum private investment and new jobs requirements, including consideration of any layoffs instituted by the business beneficiary over the course of the period covered by the contract.

The contract shall state the date by which the agreed upon private investment and new job requirements shall be met by the business beneficiary of funds from the Fund and may provide for the political subdivision and the Commonwealth to grant up to a 15-month extension of such date if deemed appropriate by the political subdivision and the Commonwealth subsequent to the execution of the contract. Any extension of such date granted by the political subdivision shall be in writing and promptly delivered to the business beneficiary, and the political subdivision shall simultaneously provide a copy of the extension to the Virginia Economic Development Partnership.

The contract shall provide that if the private investment and new job contractual requirements are not met by the expiration of the date stipulated in the contract, including any extension granted by the political subdivision and the Commonwealth, the business beneficiary shall be liable to the political subdivision and the Commonwealth for repayment of a portion of the funds provided by the political subdivision under the contract and liable to the Commonwealth for repayment of a portion of the funds provided from the Commonwealth's Development Opportunity Fund. The contract shall include a formula for purposes of determining the portion of such funds to be repaid. The formula shall, in part, be based upon the fair market value of all funds that have been provided by the Commonwealth and the political subdivision and the extent to which the business beneficiary has met the private investment and new job contractual requirements. All such funds repaid to the political subdivision or the Commonwealth that relate to the award from the Commonwealth's Development Opportunity Fund shall promptly be remitted to the State Treasurer. Upon receipt by the State Treasurer of such payment, the Comptroller shall deposit such repaid funds into the Commonwealth's Development Opportunity Fund.

c. The contract shall be amended to reflect changes in the funds committed by the Commonwealth or agreed to be provided by the political subdivision.

d. Notwithstanding any provision in this section or in the guidelines, whenever layoffs instituted by a business beneficiary over the course of the period covered by a contract cause the net total number of the new jobs created to be fewer than the number agreed to, then the business beneficiary shall return the portion of any funds received pursuant to the repayment formula established by the contract.

3. Notwithstanding any provision in this section or in the guidelines, prior to executing any such contract with a business beneficiary, the political subdivision shall provide a copy of the proposed contract to the Attorney General. The Attorney General shall review the proposed contract (i) for enforceability as to its provisions and (ii) to ensure that it is in appropriate legal form. The Attorney General shall provide any written suggestions to the political subdivision within seven days of his receipt of the copy of the contract. The Attorney General's suggestions shall be limited to the enforceability of the contract's provisions and the legal form of the contract.

4. Notwithstanding any provision in this section or in the guidelines, a political subdivision shall not expend, distribute, pledge, use as security, or otherwise use any award from the Fund unless and until such contract as described herein is executed with the business beneficiary.

G. Within the 30 days immediately following each quarter, the Virginia Economic Development Partnership shall provide a report to the Chairmen of the House Committees on Appropriations and Finance and the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations which shall include, but is not limited to, the following information regarding grants and loans awarded from the Fund during the immediately preceding six-month period for economic development projects: the name of the company that is the business beneficiary of the grant or loan and the type of business in which it engages; the location (county, city, or town) of the project; the amount of the grant or loan committed from the Fund and the amount of all other funds committed by the Commonwealth from other sources and the purpose for which such grants, loans, or other funds will be used; the amount of all moneys or funds agreed to be provided by political subdivisions and the purposes for which they will be used; the number of new jobs agreed to be created by the business beneficiary; the amount of investment in the project agreed to be made by the business beneficiary; the timetable for the completion of the project and new jobs created; the prevailing average wage; and the average wage (excluding fringe benefits) agreed to be paid in the new jobs.

H. The Governor shall provide grants and commitments from the Fund in an amount not to exceed the dollar amount contained in the Fund. If the Governor commits funds for years beyond the fiscal years covered under the existing appropriation act, the State Treasurer shall set aside and reserve the funds the Governor has committed, and the funds shall remain in the Fund for those future fiscal years. No grant or loan shall be payable in the years beyond the existing appropriation act unless the funds are currently available in the Fund.

I. On a quarterly basis, the Virginia Economic Development Partnership shall notify the Governor, his campaign committee, and his political action committee of awards from the Fund made in the prior quarter. Within 18 months of the date of each award from the Fund, the Governor, his campaign committee, and his political action committee shall submit to the Virginia Conflict of Interest and Ethics Advisory Council established in § 30-355 a report listing any contribution, gift, or other item with a value greater than $100 provided by the business beneficiary of such award to the Governor, his campaign committee, or his political action committee, respectively, during (i) the period in which the business beneficiary's application for such award was pending and (ii) the one-year period immediately after any such award was made.

J. 1. Notwithstanding any provision of this section, the Governor may give grants or loans to any eligible company, as defined in § 58.1-405.1, provided that such company shall be required to distribute at least half of such grant or loan to its employees in jobs located in a qualified locality, as defined in § 58.1-405.1. If the Governor gives a grant or loan pursuant to this subsection, it shall not be required to meet other provisions in this section, including provisions, restrictions, and procedural requirements related to job creation, investment, local matching funds, or contracts with business beneficiaries.

2. The grant or loan shall not exceed $2,000 per new job, as defined in § 58.1-405.1; however, the Governor may give a new grant or loan each year to the same eligible company.

3. An eligible company's eligibility for or receipt of a grant or loan pursuant to this subsection shall not prevent it from receiving any other grant or loan for which it may be qualified pursuant to this section.

1996, cc. 590, 598, 859, § 2.1-51.6:5; 1999, cc. 787, 816; 2001, c. 844; 2006, cc. 251, 890; 2007, c. 654; 2010, cc. 78, 470, 580, 611, 735, 768; 2011, cc. 539, 574, 587; 2013, c. 547; 2015, cc. 763, 777; 2016, c. 641; 2017, c. 663; 2018, cc. 801, 802, 829; 2020, c. 591; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 386.

§ 2.2-115.1. COVID-19 Relief Fund.

There is hereby created in the state treasury a special nonreverting fund to be known as the COVID-19 Relief Fund, referred to in this section as "the Fund." The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller. All funds appropriated to the Fund and any gifts, donations, grants, bequests, and other funds received on its behalf shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the Fund. Interest earned on moneys in the Fund shall remain in the Fund and be credited to it. Any moneys remaining in the Fund, including interest thereon, at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Moneys in the Fund shall be used by the Governor solely for the purposes of responding to the Commonwealth's needs related to the Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Expenditures and disbursements from the Fund shall be made by the State Treasurer on warrants issued by the Comptroller upon written request signed by the Governor or his designee.

2020, cc. 1217, 1277.

§ 2.2-116. Service on board of national tobacco trust entity.

The Governor may serve in his official capacity on the board of directors of any entity established to ensure the implementation in the Commonwealth of a national tobacco trust established to provide payments to tobacco growers and tobacco quota owners to ameliorate adverse economic consequences resulting from a national settlement of states' claims against tobacco manufacturers.

2000, c. 1048, § 2.1-41.3; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-117. Governor to administer anti-crime partnership program.

It shall be the responsibility of the Governor to establish and administer an anti-crime partnership program within the Commonwealth and to authorize, direct, and coordinate existing and future activities of agencies of the Commonwealth in such program. The Governor, in addition to all other duties and responsibilities conferred on him by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth, may enter into written anti-crime partnership agreements with political subdivisions of the Commonwealth to assist and enhance their ability to reduce the incidence of violent and drug-related crime and fear of crime.

In addition to such other terms and conditions to which the parties agree, each partnership agreement shall (i) provide for the creation of a partnership committee to advise and direct the partnership, (ii) enumerate the responsibilities of the Commonwealth and the political subdivisions involved, and (iii) state the duration of the partnership, providing for dates on which the partnership will begin and end.

The Governor may provide to anti-crime partnerships established pursuant to this section such technical and personnel resources of the Commonwealth as he determines and such financial resources as provided in the general appropriation act.

1992, c. 663, § 2.1-51.6:3; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-118. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2012, cc. 803 and 835, cl. 104.

§ 2.2-119. Governor to administer highway safety program and secure benefits to Commonwealth under federal Highway Safety Act of 1966.

It shall be the responsibility of the Governor to administer the highway safety program within the Commonwealth and to authorize, direct and coordinate existing and future activities of agencies of the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions in such program. The Governor, in addition to all other duties and responsibilities conferred on him by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth, may contract and do all other things necessary on behalf of the Commonwealth to secure the full benefits available to the Commonwealth under the federal Highway Safety Act of 1966, and any amendments thereto, and in so doing, cooperate with federal and state agencies, private and public agencies, interested organizations, and individuals, to effectuate the purposes of that act and any amendments thereto, and the highway safety program within the Commonwealth.

The Governor shall be the official having the ultimate responsibility for dealing with the United States government with respect to programs and activities pursuant to the federal Highway Safety Act of 1966 and any amendments thereto. To that end he shall be responsible for related activities of any and all departments and agencies of the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions. He may designate such persons, agencies and commissions to assist him in coordinating the activities contemplated under the federal act, this section, and the state's highway safety program.

1968, c. 160, § 2.1-51.6; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-120. Powers with respect to state-owned motor vehicles.

A. The Governor may prescribe, by general or special executive orders, regulations for the purchase, use, storage, maintenance and repair of all motor vehicles owned by the Commonwealth, and in the possession of any state department, institution or agency where his supervision is not forbidden by the Constitution.

B. The Governor may use any building or land owned by the Commonwealth, and not required to be used for other purposes, for storing and garaging state-owned motor vehicles. He may employ watchmen or guards, mechanics and other labor to repair and service such vehicles, and provide for the purchase of gasoline, oil and other supplies for such vehicles, and allocate among the various departments and agencies using such vehicles their proportionate part of the cost of repairs, servicing, gasoline, oil, and other supplies.

C. The Governor may create in the State Treasurer's office a special fund to be reflected on the books of the Comptroller, out of which all costs and expenses incurred pursuant to this section shall be paid. All allocations of costs and charges for repairing and servicing motor vehicles made against any institution, agency, or department shall, when approved by the department head, be paid into the special fund by interdepartmental transfers on the Comptroller's books. All funds so paid or transferred into the special fund are appropriated for the purposes of this section and shall be paid out on warrants of the Comptroller issued upon vouchers signed by the state officer or employee designated by the Governor.

D. The Governor may, by executive order or regulation, impose upon the Director of the Department of Planning and Budget, or any other agency of the executive branch of the state government, any or all administrative duties pertaining to the administration of this section.

E. If any state officer, agent or employee fails to comply with any rule, regulation or order of the Governor made pursuant to this section, the Comptroller shall, upon order of the Governor, refuse to issue any warrant on account of expenses incurred, or to be incurred in the purchase, operation, maintenance, or repair of any motor vehicle now or to be in the possession or under the control of such officer, agent or employee, or the Governor may order some state officer or agent to take possession of the vehicle and transfer it to some other department, institution, agency, officer, agent or employee, or to make such other disposition as the Governor may direct.

Code 1950, § 2-42; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-47; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-121. Approval of purchase of passenger-type automobile; transfer and valuation of surplus vehicles.

No passenger-type automobile shall be purchased by the Commonwealth or any officer or employee on behalf of the Commonwealth without the prior written approval of the Governor. The Governor may transfer surplus motor vehicles among the departments, institutions and agencies, and the Director of the Department of Accounts shall determine the value of the surplus equipment for the purpose of maintaining the financial accounts of the departments, agencies and institutions affected by such transfers.

1954, c. 365, § 2-42.1; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-48; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-122. Commercial use of seals of the Commonwealth.

A. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 1-505, the Governor may authorize the use of the seals of the Commonwealth for commercial purposes upon a finding that such use promotes an appropriate image of the Commonwealth, its heritage and its history, and that such use is carried out in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth. In considering whether the use of the seals in association with a product promotes an appropriate image of the Commonwealth, preference shall be given to products that (i) preserve traditional methods of production, including handcrafting techniques, (ii) enhance public appreciation of the Commonwealth's aesthetic values, and (iii) incorporate workmanship and materials of the highest quality. A prospective licensee shall be deemed qualified to protect and promote the image of the Commonwealth if it holds licenses to produce products associated with museums and sites of major historical importance in the Commonwealth, including but not limited to homes of Presidents of the United States and restored historical areas.

B. The Governor may direct the State Treasurer to cause to be minted gold, platinum, and silver coins for commemorative use that bear the seals of the Commonwealth on the obverse side of the coin and scenes of natural or historically significant locations in the Commonwealth as recommended by the Board of Directors of the Virginia Tourism Authority on the reverse side. Except as provided in subsection C, proceeds from the sale of such coins shall be deposited in the Cooperative Marketing Fund established pursuant to § 2.2-2319.

C. The Secretary of the Commonwealth and the Director of the Division of Purchases and Supply shall assist the Governor in determining the appropriateness of (i) any contract entered into for the commercial use of the seals of the Commonwealth, (ii) the product intended to be sold, (iii) any marketing activities undertaken to promote the sale of the product, and (iv) the pricing structure, including royalties to be paid to the Commonwealth for such use and sale. Any such royalties paid to the Commonwealth shall be deposited in the general fund.

1995, c. 295, § 2.1-51.6:4; 2001, c. 844; 2005, c. 839; 2011, c. 755; 2013, c. 763.

§ 2.2-123. Authority over rooms and space in public buildings.

Rooms and space in public buildings at the seat of government, other than the Capitol, whether the rooms or space are occupied, may be vacated, assigned, and reassigned by the Governor to such departments, divisions, agencies, and officers of the Commonwealth as the Governor deems proper. The Governor shall not vacate, assign or reassign any rooms or space occupied by the Supreme Court, the General Assembly, the State Corporation Commission or other independent agencies, without the consent and approval of such bodies.

Code 1950, § 2-41; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-46; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-124. Regulation of athletic leaves of absence.

A. The Governor shall establish rules to provide for the regulation of athletic leaves of absence for state employees as follows:

1. A public employee who qualifies as a member of the United States team for athletic competition on the Pan American or Olympic level in a sport contested in such competition may be granted leave of absence upon approval of the appropriate cabinet secretary without loss or reduction of pay, time, annual leave, or efficiency rating for the purpose of preparing for and engaging in competition on such levels. In no event shall the paid leave under this subdivision exceed the period of the official training camp and competition combined or ninety calendar days a year, whichever is less. A public employee who qualifies and applies as a member of the United States team for athletic competition on the international level other than the Pan American or Olympic games may be granted a leave of absence without pay.

2. A public employee who qualifies and applies for an athletic leave of absence under the provisions of this subdivision shall notify his employer of his desire for such leave at least thirty days before the effective date of the leave; however, if the official training camp for international or Olympic games commences less than thirty days after the employee's selection as a member of the United States team, the employee shall notify his employer of his desire for athletic leave immediately upon his selection as a member of such team.

3. All or any portion of the approved athletic leave of absence provided for in this subdivision may be canceled retroactively by the employer if the employee does not participate in the training or competition for approved reasons or for reasons that are unrelated to the physical and/or mental ability to compete.

4. If the absence of a state employee necessitates the hiring of a substitute during the employee's absence, the Commonwealth shall reimburse the governmental branch, department, agency, board, institution, or commission of the Commonwealth for actual costs incurred in employing the substitute.

B. As used in this section, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Public employee" means any full-time employee of the Commonwealth or of any branch of the state government, of any executive department of the Commonwealth, or of any agency, board, institution or commission of the State; however, no elected official shall be considered a public employee for purposes of this section.

"Athlete" means an individual who is dedicated to improving a skill or skills in a particular physical exercise, sport, or game requiring strength, agility, or stamina and for whom this effort does not result in financial gain or remuneration.

"International or Olympic competition" means any athletic competition involving athletes from two or more nation-states.

1981, c. 335, § 2.1-114.2:1; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-125. Governor authorized to accept certain property from Confederate Memorial Literary Society.

The Governor may accept, in the name of the Commonwealth, the property known as The White House of the Confederacy, any building that may be erected by the Confederate Memorial Literary Society, and the property known as The Lee House, located at 707 East Franklin Street in the City of Richmond, together with any moneys or other assets, including items being housed and displayed in such buildings or any of them, belonging to the Confederate Memorial Literary Society. The buildings and their contents thereof shall thereafter be preserved and maintained for historic purposes by the Commonwealth. Upon the transfer of title to the property to the Commonwealth, the Governor shall appoint a board of trustees consisting of thirteen persons appointed from the Commonwealth at large, which shall thereafter be charged with the preservation and maintenance of the properties and the administration of any funds that may be received or donated by the Confederate Memorial Literary Society or from any other source. The members of the board first appointed shall be appointed as follows: four for terms of four years, four for terms of three years, four for terms of two years, and one for a term of one year. Subsequent appointments shall be for terms of four years except appointments to fill vacancies, which shall be for the unexpired terms.

The board shall appoint a treasurer, who shall have custody of its funds and shall be bonded in such amount as the board may determine. Expenditures from such funds shall be made by the treasurer as the board directs, for any purpose, in the discretion of the board, consonant with the purpose for which the same are donated.

The board may fix, charge and collect admission fees to the buildings under its custody and control, and expend moneys so received in the upkeep, maintenance and operation of such buildings as historic shrines.

1966, c. 412, §§ 9-84.1, 9-84.2, 9-84.3, 9-84.4; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-126. Disposition of official correspondence.

A. Before the end of his term of office, the Governor shall have delivered to The Library of Virginia for safekeeping all correspondence and other records of his office during his term. This section shall not apply to correspondence or other records of a strictly personal or private nature, or active files necessary for the transaction of business by the Office of the Governor, the decision thereon to be made by the Governor after consultation with the Librarian of Virginia. Records delivered to The Library of Virginia shall be made accessible to the public, once cataloging has been completed.

B. Should any subsequent Governor need such records for the transaction of business of the Office of the Governor, the records may be reviewed at the Library and copied, if necessary, but the Governor and his staff shall ensure that the original records are preserved intact and remain in The Library of Virginia.

Code 1950, § 2-40.1; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-45; 1988, c. 476; 1994, c. 64; 2001, c. 844; 2003, c. 590.

Article 2. Executive Reorganization.

§ 2.2-127. Purpose.

The Governor shall from time to time examine the organization of all executive agencies and shall determine what changes therein are necessary to:

1. Promote better execution of the laws, the more effective management of the executive branch of state government and of its agencies and functions, and the expeditious administration of the public business;

2. Reduce expenditures and promote economy to the fullest extent consistent with the efficient operation of state government;

3. Increase the efficiency of the operations of state government to the fullest extent practicable;

4. Group, coordinate, and consolidate agencies and functions of state government, as nearly as may be, according to major purposes;

5. Reduce the number of agencies by consolidating those having similar functions under a single head, and to abolish such agencies or functions thereof that are not necessary for the efficient conduct of the state government; and

6. Eliminate overlapping and duplication of effort.

1977, c. 505, § 2.1-8.1; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-128. Definitions.

For the purpose of this chapter:

"Agency" means an administrative unit of state government, including any department, institution, commission, board, council, authority, or other body, however designated.

"Board" means any collegial body in the executive branch of state government created by the General Assembly.

"Function" means an activity, assignment or set of operations.

"Reorganization" means a transfer, consolidation, coordination, or abolition of a function, or the assignment or reassignment of responsibility and authority for the execution of a function.

1977, c. 505, § 2.1-8.2; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-129. Reorganization plans.

When the Governor, after investigation, finds that the:

1. Transfer of the whole or a part of an agency, or of the whole or a part of the functions thereof, to the jurisdiction and control of another agency;

2. Abolition of all or a part of the functions of an agency;

3. Transfer or abolition of the whole or a part of the responsibilities of a board;

4. Abolition of a board;

5. Consolidation or coordination of the whole or a part of an agency, or of the whole or a part of the functions thereof, with the whole or a part of another agency or the functions thereof;

6. Consolidation or coordination of a part of an agency or the functions thereof with another part of the same agency or the functions thereof;

7. Abolition of the whole or a part of an agency which agency or part does not have, or on the taking effect of the reorganization plan will not have, any functions; or

8. Authorization for the exercise of functions or responsibilities by an agency, board, or officer to whom such functions or responsibilities have been transferred; is necessary to accomplish one or more of the purposes of § 2.2-127, he shall prepare a plan for reorganization and transmit the plan to each house of the General Assembly at least forty-five days prior to the commencement of a regular or special session of the General Assembly.

1977, c. 505, § 2.1-8.3; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-130. Contents of reorganization plans.

A reorganization plan transmitted by the Governor under § 2.2-129:

1. May change the name or title of any agency, agency head, or board, council, commission or other collegial body affected by a reorganization, and shall designate the name or title of any new agency, agency head, or collegial body resulting from a reorganization;

2. May provide for the appointment of the head of any agency affected by, or resulting from, a reorganization, for an initial term not to exceed the balance of the term of the incumbent Governor, and for four-year terms thereafter;

3. May provide for the compensation of the head of an agency, not to exceed the rate found by the Governor to be applicable to comparable officers in the executive branch;

4. Shall provide for the transfer or other disposition of the records, property, and personnel affected by a reorganization;

5. Shall provide for the transfer of such unexpended balances of appropriations, and other funds, available for use in connection with a function or agency affected by a reorganization, or for the use of the agency that has the functions after the reorganization plan is effective. However, the unexpended balances so transferred may be used only for the purposes for which the appropriation was originally made; and

6. Shall provide for terminating the affairs of an agency that is abolished.

1977, c. 505, § 2.1-8.4; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-131. Limitation on powers.

A reorganization plan may not provide for, and a reorganization under this chapter shall not have the effect of, authorizing an agency to exercise a function that is not authorized by law at the time the plan is transmitted to the General Assembly.

1977, c. 505, § 2.1-8.5; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-132. Approval by the General Assembly; effective date; publication.

A. A reorganization plan transmitted by the Governor to the General Assembly under this chapter shall become effective only if the Senate and the House of Delegates each approve the reorganization plan by a resolution by a majority of the members present and voting in each house. Any portion of the reorganization plan may be deleted by either the Senate or the House of Delegates in the resolution approving the plan. The Governor may withdraw a reorganization plan transmitted to the General Assembly under this chapter at any time before its effective date. A reorganization plan or portions thereof as approved by the Senate and the House of Delegates shall become effective on the first day of the fourth month following the adjournment of the General Assembly at which such plan was approved, unless a different date is specified in the plan.

B. A reorganization plan that is adopted pursuant to this section shall be printed in the Acts of Assembly and in the Code of Virginia.

1977, c. 505, §§ 2.1-8.6, 2.1-8.7; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-133. Effect on other laws, pending legal proceedings, and unexpended appropriations.

A. A statute enacted, and a regulation or other action made, prescribed, issued, granted, or performed in respect of or by an agency or function affected by a reorganization under this chapter, before the effective date of the reorganization, has, except to the extent rescinded, modified, superseded, or made inapplicable by or under authority of law or by the abolition of a function, the same effect as if the reorganization had not been made. However, if the statute, regulation or other action has vested the functions in the agency from which it is removed under the reorganization plan, the function, insofar as it is to be exercised after the plan becomes effective, shall be deemed as vested in the agency under which the function is placed by the plan.

B. For the purpose of subsection A, "regulation or other action" means a regulation, rule, order, policy, determination, directive, authorization, permit, privilege, requirement, designation, or other action.

C. A suit, action, or other proceeding lawfully commenced by or against the head of an agency or other officer of the Commonwealth or member of a state board, council, commission or other collegial body, in his official capacity or in relation to the discharge of his official duties, shall not abate by reason of the taking effect of a reorganization plan under this chapter.

D. The appropriations or portions of appropriations unexpended by reason of the operation of this chapter shall not be used for any purpose, but shall revert to the state treasury.

1977, c. 505, § 2.1-8.8; 2001, c. 844.

Article 3. Gubernatorial Commissions.

§ 2.2-134. Authority to create gubernatorial commissions.

A. The Governor may create gubernatorial commissions for purposes related to his authority and responsibility. These entities shall be referred to as "Commissions."

B. For the purpose of this chapter, "gubernatorial commission" includes any temporary study group, task force, blue ribbon panel or any similar collegial body created by the Governor.

1984, c. 615, §§ 2.1-51.35, 2.1-51.36; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-135. Limitations and requirements.

A. Each gubernatorial commission shall be created by executive order. The executive order shall specify (i) the specific duties of the commission, (ii) the date of creation, (iii) the date of expiration, (iv) the sources from which staff support are to be provided and a reasonable estimate of the amount of staff support expected over the lifetime of the commission, (v) an estimate of the costs to be incurred, and (vi) the source of funding.

B. Funding for gubernatorial commissions shall be provided only from funds (i) appropriated for the Governor's discretionary use, (ii) appropriated for the purposes for which the task force was established, or (iii) contributed by the private sector for the purposes for which the task force was established. Staff support for gubernatorial commissions may be provided by agencies or institutions with related purposes.

C. Gubernatorial commissions shall be created for a period not to exceed one year. Upon reevaluation, a commission may be extended one time by issuance of a new executive order for a period not to exceed one additional year. A commission shall not extend beyond the term of the Governor under whom it is created.

D. The Governor shall make a report every six months to the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations and House Committee on Appropriations specifying for each gubernatorial commission the amount and costs of staff support provided and the sources of the staff support.

1984, c. 615, § 2.1-51.37; 2001, c. 844.

Article 4. Security of Government Databases.

§ 2.2-136. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2002, c. 247, effective July 1, 2002.