Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 2.2. Administration of Government
Chapter 3.2. Office of the State Inspector General

Article 1. General Provisions.

§ 2.2-307. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Employee" means any person who is regularly employed full time on either a salaried or wage basis, whose tenure is not restricted as to temporary or provisional appointment, in the service of, and whose compensation is payable by, no more often than biweekly, in whole or in part, a state agency.

"Nonstate agency" means any public or private foundation, authority, institute, museum, corporation, or similar organization that is (i) not a unit of state government or a political subdivision of the Commonwealth as established by general law or special act and (ii) wholly or principally supported by state funds. "Nonstate agency" shall not include any such entity that receives state funds (a) as a subgrantee of a state agency, (b) through a state grant-in-aid program authorized by law, (c) as a result of an award of a competitive grant or a public contract for the procurement of goods, services, or construction, or (d) pursuant to a lease of real property as described in subdivision 5 of § 2.2-1149.

"Office" means the Office of the State Inspector General.

"Officer" means any person who is elected or appointed to a public office in a state agency.

"State agency" means any agency, institution, board, bureau, commission, council, or instrumentality of state government in the executive branch listed in the appropriation act. "State agency" also includes any local department of social services.

2011, cc. 798, 871; 2017, c. 590.

§ 2.2-308. Office created; appointment of State Inspector General.

A. There is hereby created the Office of the State Inspector General, which shall be headed by a State Inspector General appointed by the Governor, subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. The State Inspector General shall be appointed for a four-year term. The State Inspector General shall have at least five years of demonstrated experience or expertise in accounting, public administration, or audit investigations as a certified public accountant or a certified internal auditor. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Governor for the unexpired term and shall be effective until 30 days after the next session of the ensuing General Assembly and, if confirmed, thereafter for the remainder of such term. The Governor may remove the State Inspector General from office for malfeasance, misfeasance, incompetence, misconduct, neglect of duty, absenteeism, conflict of interests, or failure to carry out the policies of the Commonwealth as established in the Constitution or by the General Assembly. The Governor shall set forth in a written public statement his reasons for removing the State Inspector General at the time the removal occurs.

B. The State Inspector General shall exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred or imposed upon him by law. The State Inspector General shall be responsible for the overall supervision of the Office.

C. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit or prevent the General Assembly from reviewing the operations of any state agency or directing such review or audit by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission or the Auditor of Public Accounts or to otherwise limit the statutory responsibilities of either the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission or the Auditor of Public Accounts.

2011, cc. 798, 871.

§ 2.2-309. Powers and duties of State Inspector General.

A. The State Inspector General shall have power and duty to:

1. Operate and manage the Office and employ such personnel as may be required to carry out the provisions of this chapter;

2. Make and enter contracts and agreements as may be necessary and incidental to carry out the provisions of this chapter and apply for and accept grants from the United States government and agencies and instrumentalities thereof, and any other source, in furtherance of the provisions of this chapter;

3. Receive complaints from whatever source that allege fraud, waste, including task or program duplication, abuse, or corruption by a state agency or nonstate agency or by any officer or employee of the foregoing and determine whether the complaints give reasonable cause to investigate;

4. Receive complaints under § 2.2-2832 from persons alleging retaliation by an officer or employee of a state agency for providing testimony before a committee or subcommittee of the General Assembly and determine whether the complaints give reasonable cause to investigate;

5. Investigate the management and operations of state agencies, nonstate agencies, and independent contractors of state agencies to determine whether acts of fraud, waste, abuse, or corruption have been committed or are being committed by state officers or employees or independent contractors of a state agency or any officers or employees of a nonstate agency, including any allegations of criminal acts affecting the operations of state agencies or nonstate agencies. However, no investigation of an elected official of the Commonwealth to determine whether a criminal violation has occurred, is occurring, or is about to occur under the provisions of § 52-8.1 shall be initiated, undertaken, or continued except upon the request of the Governor, the Attorney General, or a grand jury;

6. Prepare a detailed report of each investigation stating whether fraud, waste, abuse, or corruption has been detected. If fraud, waste, abuse, or corruption is detected, the report shall (i) identify the person committing the wrongful act or omission, (ii) describe the wrongful act or omission, and (iii) describe any corrective measures taken by the state agency or nonstate agency in which the wrongful act or omission was committed to prevent recurrences of similar actions;

7. Provide timely notification to the appropriate attorney for the Commonwealth and law-enforcement agencies whenever the State Inspector General has reasonable grounds to believe there has been a violation of state criminal law;

8. Administer the Fraud and Abuse Whistle Blower Reward Fund created pursuant to § 2.2-3014;

9. Oversee the Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline;

10. Conduct performance reviews of state agencies to assess the efficiency, effectiveness, or economy of programs and to ascertain, among other things, that sums appropriated have been or are being expended for the purposes for which the appropriation was made and prepare a report for each performance review detailing any findings or recommendations for improving the efficiency, effectiveness, or economy of state agencies, including recommending changes in the law to the Governor and the General Assembly that are necessary to address such findings;

11. Coordinate and require standards for those internal audit programs in existence as of July 1, 2012, and for other internal audit programs in state agencies and nonstate agencies as needed in order to ensure that the Commonwealth's assets are subject to appropriate internal management controls;

12. As deemed necessary, assess the condition of the accounting, financial, and administrative controls of state agencies and nonstate agencies and make recommendations to protect the Commonwealth's assets;

13. Assist agency internal auditing programs with technical auditing issues and coordinate and provide training to the Commonwealth's internal auditors;

14. Assist citizens in understanding their rights and the processes available to them to express concerns regarding the activities of a state agency or nonstate agency or any officer or employee of the foregoing;

15. Maintain data on inquiries received, the types of assistance requested, any actions taken, and the disposition of each such matter;

16. Upon request, assist citizens in using the procedures and processes available to express concerns regarding the activities of a state or nonstate agency or any officer or employee of the foregoing;

17. Ensure that citizens have access to the services provided by the State Inspector General and that citizens receive timely responses to their inquiries from the State Inspector General or his representatives; and

18. Do all acts necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of this chapter.

B. If the State Inspector General receives a complaint from whatever source that alleges fraud, waste, abuse, or corruption by a public institution of higher education that is (i) a covered institution as defined by the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act (§ 23.1-1000 et seq.) and (ii) classified as a Level 3 institution by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, or any of its officers or employees, the State Inspector General shall, but for reasonable and articulable causes, refer the complaint to the internal audit department of the public institution of higher education for investigation. However, if the complaint concerns the president of the institution or its internal audit department, or if the State Inspector General otherwise concludes that his office should investigate the complaint to ensure a comprehensive and fully independent investigation, the investigation shall be conducted by the State Inspector General. The State Inspector General may provide assistance for investigations as may be requested by the public institution of higher education.

The public institution of higher education shall provide periodic updates on the status of investigations, whether they originated internally or were referred by the State Inspector General, and report annually to the State Inspector General on the results of all such investigations.

C. The State Inspector General shall establish procedures governing the intake and investigation of complaints alleging allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, or corruption by a state agency or nonstate agency or by any officer or employee of a state agency or nonstate agency. Such procedures shall:

1. Provide that the State Inspector General, or his designee, shall review each decision to dismiss an allegation reported to the State Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline at the initial intake stage without further investigation.

2. Require that (i) investigators of the Office of the State Inspector General directly investigate allegations of serious administrative violations and (ii) other agency internal audit divisions may investigate allegations meeting certain criteria specified by the State Inspector General, only if the internal audit division has demonstrated the ability to conduct investigations in an independent, effective, and timely manner. Criteria may include allegations below a specified dollar threshold.

3. Require oversight by the Office of the State Inspector General of all investigations referred to other agencies to ensure quality, timeliness, and independence.

4. Develop a process for the regular review of the status of recommendations made by the Office of the State Inspector General as a result of an investigation conducted pursuant to this chapter.

D. The State Inspector General shall submit an annual report to the General Assembly on or before December 1 of each year that states the number of complaints received by the Office alleging abuse, neglect, or inadequate care at a state psychiatric hospital during the prior fiscal year and the number of such complaints that were fully investigated by the Office.

2011, cc. 798, 871; 2013, cc. 717, 723; 2014, c. 788; 2016, c. 628; 2020, c. 354; 2024, c. 664.

§ 2.2-309.1. Additional powers and duties; behavioral health and developmental services.

A. The definitions found in § 37.2-100 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the terms used in this section.

B. In addition to the duties set forth in this chapter, the State Inspector General shall have the following powers and duties to:

1. Provide inspections of and make policy and operational recommendations for state facilities and for providers, including licensed mental health treatment units in state correctional facilities, in order to prevent problems, abuses, and deficiencies in and improve the effectiveness of their programs and services. The State Inspector General shall provide oversight and conduct announced and unannounced inspections of state facilities and of providers, including licensed mental health treatment units in state correctional facilities, on an ongoing basis in response to specific complaints of abuse, neglect, or inadequate care and as a result of monitoring serious incident reports and reports of abuse, neglect, or inadequate care or other information received. The State Inspector General shall conduct unannounced inspections at each state facility at least once annually;

2. Inspect, monitor, and review the quality of services provided in state facilities and by providers as defined in § 37.2-403, including licensed mental health treatment units in state correctional facilities;

3. Access any and all information, including confidential consumer information, related to the delivery of services to consumers in state facilities or served by providers, including licensed mental health treatment units in state correctional facilities. However, the State Inspector General shall not be given access to any proceedings, minutes, records, or reports of providers that are privileged under § 8.01-581.17, except that the State Inspector General shall be given access to any privileged information in state facilities and licensed mental health treatment units in state correctional facilities. All consumer information shall be maintained by the State Inspector General as confidential in the same manner as is required by the agency or provider from which the information was obtained;

4. Keep the General Assembly and the Joint Commission on Health Care fully and currently informed by means of reports required by § 2.2-313 concerning significant problems, abuses, and deficiencies relating to the administration of the programs and services of state facilities and of providers, including licensed mental health treatment units in state correctional facilities, to recommend corrective actions concerning the problems, abuses, and deficiencies, and report on the progress made in implementing the corrective actions;

5. Provide oversight of the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services and community-based providers to identify system-level issues and conditions affecting quality of care and safety and provide recommendations to alleviate such issues and conditions;

6. Implement a program to promote awareness of the complaints line operated by the Office of the State Inspector General among residents of facilities operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services and persons receiving services from community-based providers regulated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services;

7. Review, comment on, and make recommendations about, as appropriate, any reports prepared by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services and the critical incident data collected by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services in accordance with regulations adopted under § 37.2-400 to identify issues related to quality of care, seclusion and restraint, medication usage, abuse and neglect, staff recruitment and training, and other systemic issues;

8. As deemed necessary, monitor, review, and comment on regulations adopted by the Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services; and

9. Receive reports, information, and complaints from the Commonwealth's designated protection and advocacy system concerning issues related to quality of care provided in state facilities and by providers, including licensed mental health treatment units in state correctional facilities, and conduct independent reviews and investigations.

2013, cc. 571, 717, 723; 2014, c. 788; 2020, c. 354.

§ 2.2-309.2. Additional powers and duties; Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission.

The State Inspector General shall (i) review the condition of the Tobacco Region Revitalization Commission's accounting, financial, and administrative controls to ensure that the purposes set forth in Chapter 31 (§ 3.2-3100 et seq.) of Title 3.2 are lawfully achieved; (ii) investigate to resolve allegations of fraudulent, illegal, or inappropriate activities concerning (a) disbursements from the Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Endowment created pursuant to § 3.2-3104 and (b) distributions from the Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Fund created pursuant to § 3.2-3106; and (iii) detect fraud, waste, and abuse and take actions to prevent the same.

2013, cc. 717, 723.

§ 2.2-309.3. Additional powers and duties; adult corrections.

A. The definitions found in § 53.1-1 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the terms used in this section.

B. In addition to the duties set forth in this chapter, the State Inspector General shall review, comment on, and make recommendations about, as appropriate, any reports prepared by the Department of Corrections and any critical incident data collected by the Department of Corrections in accordance with regulations adopted to identify issues related to quality of care, seclusion and restraint, medication usage, abuse and neglect, staff recruitment and training, and other systemic issues.

C. Nothing in this section shall be construed to grant the Office any authority over the operation and security of local jails that is not specified in other provisions of law.

2013, cc. 717, 723; 2014, c. 788.

§ 2.2-309.4. Additional powers and duties; juvenile justice.

A. The definitions found in § 66-12 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the terms used in this section.

B. In addition to the duties set forth in this chapter, the State Inspector General shall review, comment on, and make recommendations about, as appropriate, any reports prepared by the Department of Juvenile Justice and any critical incident data collected by the Department of Juvenile Justice in accordance with regulations adopted to identify issues related to quality of care, seclusion and restraint, medication usage, abuse and neglect, staff recruitment and training, and other systemic issues.

C. Nothing in this section shall be construed to grant the Office any authority over the operation and security of detention homes that is not specified in other provisions of law.

2013, cc. 717, 723; 2014, c. 788.

§ 2.2-310. Cooperation of state agencies and officers.

A. Each state agency and every officer and employee shall (i) promptly report any allegations of criminal acts or acts of fraud, waste, abuse, or corruption and (ii) cooperate with, and provide assistance to, the State Inspector General in the performance of any investigation. This reporting requirement shall be deemed satisfied for officers or employees of an agency once the agency head reports to the State Inspector General any allegations of criminal acts, fraud, waste, abuse, or corruption within the agency. Each state agency shall make its premises, equipment, personnel, books, records, and papers readily available to the State Inspector General upon request.

B. When a state agency head or officer discovers any unauthorized, illegal, irregular, or unsafe handling or expenditure of state funds, or if it comes to his attention that any unauthorized, illegal, or unsafe handling or expenditure of state funds is contemplated but not consummated, he shall promptly report the same to the State Inspector General.

C. The State Inspector General may enter upon the premises of any state agency at any time, without prior announcement, if necessary to the successful completion of an investigation. In the course of an investigation, the State Inspector General may question any officer or employee serving in, and any person transacting business with, the state agency and may inspect and copy any books, records, or papers in the possession of the state agency. The State Inspector General shall preserve the confidentiality of any information obtained from a state agency during the course of an investigation in accordance with applicable state and federal law.

2011, cc. 798, 871; 2013, cc. 717, 723.

§ 2.2-310.1. Investigations; prohibition on interference or exertion of undue influence by Governor, etc.

Neither the Governor nor his chief of staff, counsel, director of policy, or Cabinet Secretaries shall interfere with or exert undue influence upon any investigation by the Office of the State Inspector General of fraud, waste, abuse, or corruption by a state agency or nonstate agency or by any officer or employee of a state agency or nonstate agency.

2022, c. 600.

§ 2.2-311. Enforcement of laws by the State Inspector General or investigators; police power of the Office of State Inspector General; training.

A. The State Inspector General may designate himself and no more than 30 members of the investigations unit of the Office to have the same powers as a sheriff or a law-enforcement officer in the investigation of allegations of criminal behavior affecting the operations of a state agency or nonstate agency pursuant to his duties as set forth in this chapter. Such employees shall be subject to any minimum training standards established by the Department of Criminal Justice Services under § 9.1-102 for law-enforcement officers prior to exercising any law-enforcement power under this subsection.

The State Inspector General and the Superintendent of the Virginia State Police shall enter into a Memorandum of Understanding setting forth the respective roles and responsibilities of their agencies, including but not limited to the categories of investigations that will be overseen by each agency and how to avoid redundancy or operation conflicts. The Memorandum of Understanding will be approved by the Governor's chief of staff and will be reviewed periodically at the request of either agency, but not less than every four years, and revised as agreed to by the agencies and endorsed by the Governor's chief of staff.

B. The State Inspector General or investigators as may be designated by him also shall have the authority to issue summonses for violations of the statutes that the State Inspector General is required to enforce. In the event a person issued such a summons fails or refuses to discontinue the unlawful acts or refuses to give a written promise to appear at the time and place specified in the summons, the investigator may appear before a magistrate or other issuing authority having jurisdiction to obtain a criminal warrant pursuant to § 19.2-72.

C. All investigators appointed by the State Inspector General are vested with the authority to administer oaths or affirmations for the purpose of receiving complaints and conducting investigations of violations of the statutes and regulations that the State Inspector General is required to enforce. Such investigators are vested with the authority to obtain, serve, and execute any warrant, paper, or process issued by any court or magistrate or under the authority of the State Inspector General, and request and receive criminal history information under the provisions of § 19.2-389.

2011, cc. 798, 871; 2013, cc. 717, 723.

§ 2.2-312. Subpoenas.

A. The State Inspector General or a designated subordinate may issue a subpoena for the appearance of an individual before any hearing conducted by the Office. The subpoena shall be served by the State Inspector General or a designated subordinate and enforced by the court of that jurisdiction.

B. The State Inspector General may make an ex parte application to the circuit court for the county or city wherein evidence sought is kept for the issuance of a subpoena duces tecum in furtherance of an investigation or to request production of any relevant records, documents, and physical or other evidence of any person, partnership, association, or corporation located in the Commonwealth. The court may issue and compel compliance with such a subpoena upon a showing of reasonable cause. Upon determining that reasonable cause exists to believe that evidence may be destroyed or altered, the court may issue a subpoena duces tecum requiring the immediate production of evidence.

2011, cc. 798, 871.

§ 2.2-313. Reports.

A. The State Inspector General shall prepare an annual report to the Governor and the General Assembly summarizing the activities of the Office. Such report shall include, but need not be limited to: (i) a description of any significant problems, abuses, and deficiencies related to the management or operation of state agencies or nonstate agencies during the reporting period; (ii) a description of the recommendations for any corrective actions made by the Office during the reporting period with respect to significant problems, abuses, or deficiencies identified; (iii) a summary of matters referred to the attorneys for the Commonwealth and law-enforcement agencies and actions taken on them during the reporting period; (iv) information concerning the numbers of complaints received and types of investigations completed by the Office during the reporting period; (v) the development and maintenance of internal audit programs in state agencies and nonstate agencies; and (vi) the results of any state agency performance reviews, including a summary of any findings or recommendations for improving the efficiency of state agencies. The annual report shall cover the period July 1 until June 30 of the immediately preceding fiscal year. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, annual reports shall be transmitted directly to the Governor and the General Assembly.

B. The State Inspector General shall notify the Governor's chief of staff, the Speaker, Majority Leader, and Minority Leader of the House of Delegates, and the President pro tempore, Majority Leader, and Minority Leader of the Senate of problems, abuses, or deficiencies relating to the management or operation of a state agency or nonstate agency.

C. The State Inspector General shall keep the appropriate Secretaries advised of the Office's activities as they relate to each respective Secretary on at least a quarterly basis, and of any significant problems, abuses, or deficiencies relating to the management or operation of a state agency within each such Secretary's area of responsibility. However, when the State Inspector General becomes aware of significant problems, abuses, or deficiencies relating to the management or operation of a Secretary's office, the State Inspector General shall report the same immediately to the Governor's chief of staff.

D. The State Inspector General may conduct such additional investigations and make such reports relating to the management and operation of state agencies as are, in the judgment of the State Inspector General, necessary or desirable.

E. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the reports, information, or documents required by or under this section shall be transmitted directly to the Governor's chief of staff and the General Assembly by the State Inspector General.

F. Records that are confidential under federal or state law shall be maintained as confidential by the State Inspector General and shall not be further disclosed, except as required by law.

2011, cc. 798, 871; 2013, cc. 717, 723.