Title 2.2. Administration of Government
Subtitle II. Administration of State Government
Chapter 34. Interpreters for the Deaf in Agency Proceedings
Chapter 34. Interpreters for the Deaf in Agency Proceedings.
§ 2.2-3400. Definitions.As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Agency" means any state board, department, commission, agency or other unit of state government except a county, city, town or any agency thereof.
"Deaf person" means any person whose hearing is so seriously impaired as to prohibit the person from understanding oral communications spoken in a normal conversational tone.
1978, c. 602, § 2.1-570; 2001, c. 844.
A. In the case of any agency proceeding or determination as to whether there is a violation of law or regulation by a deaf person or whether such person may obtain or retain a license or other right or benefit, and when the agency or deaf person requests an interpreter for the deaf, the agency shall request the Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing to appoint a qualified interpreter or shall appoint such an interpreter from a list of qualified interpreters supplied by the Department to interpret the proceedings to the deaf person and to interpret any testimony the deaf person may give.
B. Whenever a deaf person applies for or receives any license, service, assistance or other right or benefit provided by an agency, the agency shall either request the Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing to appoint a qualified interpreter for the deaf or appoint such an interpreter from the list of qualified interpreters maintained by the Department to assist the deaf person in communicating with agency personnel.
1978, c. 602, §§ 2.1-571, 2.1-572; 2001, c. 844.
An interpreter for the deaf appointed pursuant to § 2.2-3401 shall be paid by the agency out of such state and federal funds as may be available for the purpose or, if the agency has insufficient funds to pay an interpreter, the Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing may appoint and pay an interpreter from the funds it may have available for the purpose.
1978, c. 602, § 2.1-573; 2001, c. 844.