Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 23.1. Institutions of Higher Education; Other Educational and Cultural Institutions
Subtitle IV. Public Institutions of Higher Education
Chapter 15. George Mason University

Chapter 15. George Mason University.

§ 23.1-1500. Corporate name; name of the University.

A. The board of visitors of George Mason University (the board) is a corporation under the name and style of "The Rector and Visitors of George Mason University" and has, in addition to its other powers, all the corporate powers given to corporations by the provisions of Title 13.1 except those powers that are confined to corporations created pursuant to Title 13.1. The board shall at all times be under the control of the General Assembly.

B. The institution shall be known as George Mason University (the University).

1972, c. 550, § 23-91.24; 2016, c. 588.

§ 23.1-1501. Membership.

A. The board shall consist of 16 members appointed by the Governor. At least one member appointed each year shall be an alumnus of the University.

B. The alumni association of the University and the board may submit to the Governor a list of at least three nominees for each vacancy on the board, whether the vacancy occurs by expiration of a term or otherwise. The Governor may appoint a member from the list of nominees.

1972, c. 550, §§ 23-91.26, 3-91.27; 1977, c. 670; 2016, c. 588.

§ 23.1-1502. Meetings; officers; committees.

A. The board shall meet at the University once a year and at such other times as it determines. Special meetings of the board may be called by the rector or any three members. The secretary shall provide notice of any special meeting to each member.

B. Eight members shall constitute a quorum.

C. Every other year, the board shall appoint from its membership a rector to preside at its meetings, a vice-rector to preside at its meetings in the absence of the rector, and a secretary to preside at its meetings in the absence of the rector and vice-rector.

D. The board may appoint a pro tempore officer to preside at its meetings in the absence of the rector, vice-rector, and secretary.

E. Vacancies in the offices of rector, vice-rector, and secretary may be filled by the board for the unexpired term.

F. At every regular annual meeting of the board, the board may appoint an executive committee for the transaction of business in the recess of the board, consisting of at least three and not more than five members, to serve for a period of one year or until the next regular annual meeting.

1972, c. 550, § 23-91.29; 2016, c. 588.

§ 23.1-1503. Powers and duties.

A. The board shall appoint all teachers, staff members, and agents and fix their salaries and generally direct the affairs of the University.

B. The board may confer degrees and, subject to the provisions of § 23.1-203, approve new academic programs and discontinue academic programs offered by the University.

1972, c. 550, §§ 23-91.29, 23-91.31, 23-91.32; 2016, c. 588.

§ 23.1-1504. Establishment of branch campus in the Republic of Korea.

A. In recognition that global educational opportunities benefit the intellectual and economic interests of the Commonwealth, the board may create a corporation or other legal entity controlled by the University to establish and operate a branch campus of the University in the Republic of Korea. Establishment of the branch campus is subject to Council guidelines governing the approval of branch campuses, pursuant to § 23.1-203.

B. The board has the same powers with respect to operation and governance of its branch campus in Korea as are vested in the board with respect to the University.

C. No corporation or other legal entity created for the above purpose shall be deemed a state or governmental agency, advisory agency, public body or agency, or other instrumentality.

D. No director, officer, or employee of any such corporation or other legal entity shall be deemed an officer or employee of the Commonwealth for any purpose.

E. In operating the branch campus, the board shall provide for appropriate professional opportunities for Virginia-based faculty to teach or conduct research on the Republic of Korea campus and educational opportunities for Virginia-based students to study or conduct research on the Republic of Korea campus.

F. Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed a waiver of the sovereign immunity of the Commonwealth or the University.

2010, c. 694, § 23-91.29:12016, c. 588.