Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 3.2. Agriculture, Animal Care, and Food
Subtitle IV. Food and Drink; Weights and Measures
Chapter 55. Vinegar

Chapter 55. Vinegar.

§ 3.2-5500. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Apple vinegar," "cider vinegar," and similar words mean the product made exclusively from the expressed juice of washed, fresh, whole apples or portions thereof by alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations.

"Corn sugar vinegar," "glucose vinegar," and similar words mean the product made by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations, without distillation, of solutions of corn sugar or glucose prepared from cornstarch.

"Distilled vinegar," "grain vinegar," or "spirit vinegar," or similar words mean the product made by the acetous fermentation of dilute distilled alcohol derived from grain, sugar, syrup, molasses, or refiners' syrup.

"Evaporated apple products vinegar," "vinegar made from evaporated apple products," and similar words mean the product made by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations of the aqueous extract obtained from clean, sound dried apples, dried chopped apples, or dried apple skins or cores.

"Grape vinegar," "wine vinegar," and similar words mean the product made by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations of the expressed juice of fresh whole grapes or portions thereof.

"Malt vinegar" and similar words mean the product made by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations, without distillation, of an infusion of barley malt or cereals whose starch has been converted by malt.

"Sugar vinegar" and similar words mean the product made by the alcoholic and subsequent acetous fermentations, without distillation, of solutions of sugar, syrup, molasses, or refiners' syrup.

Code 1950, § 3-691; 1964, c. 554; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-900; 2008, c. 860.

§ 3.2-5501. Contents; compliance with definitions.

All vinegar made by fermentation without distillation must carry in solution only the extractive matter derived exclusively from the fruit, grain, sugar or syrup from which it was derived and fermented, and comply with the definitions given in § 3.2-5500.

Code 1950, § 3-690; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-899; 2008, c. 860.

§ 3.2-5502. When deemed adulterated; exception.

Vinegar that fails to comply with the definitions contained in § 3.2-5500 or that contains any substance or ingredient not derived exclusively from the fruit, grain, sugar, or syrup from which it is made, or that is composed of a compound or mixture of vinegars made from fruit, grain, sugar and syrup, or any two or more of the same, unless its label bears a principal title differing from any of the named substance and clearly identifies the ingredients in the order of their predominance in the mixture, or that contains less than four grams of acetic acid in 100 cubic centimeters of the vinegar at 20 degrees centigrade, shall be deemed adulterated.

Code 1950, § 3-692; 1964, c. 554; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-901; 2008, c. 860.

§ 3.2-5503. Pyroligneous or acetic acid not to be sold as vinegar.

The product made by the destructive distillation of wood known as pyroligneous acid, or acetic acid derived from other sources than fruit, grain, sugar or syrup, or a product in which any such acid shall be used, mixed or compounded, shall not be sold, offered or had in possession for sale as vinegar.

Code 1950, § 3-693; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-902; 2008, c. 860.

§ 3.2-5504. Marking packages containing vinegar reduced with water; sale of certain reduced vinegar prohibited.

Packages containing vinegar that has been reduced with water must be plainly marked to indicate the acidity to which it has been reduced and the sale of any vinegar containing less than four percent acid strength is prohibited.

Code 1950, § 3-694; 1964, c. 554; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-903; 2008, c. 860.

§ 3.2-5505. Marking casks, barrels or other containers.

Each cask, barrel, or other container of vinegar shall be plainly marked with the name and place of business of the manufacturer or distributor thereof, and the kind of vinegar contained therein, in the definitions contained in § 3.2-5500; and no person shall falsely mark any package containing any vinegar so defined, with any other brand or designation or with any additional words, marks, or descriptions that are false or deceptive in any particular whatever.

Code 1950, § 3-695; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-904; 2008, c. 860.

§ 3.2-5506. Sales of certain vinegar prohibited.

No person shall sell, offer to sell, or have in possession for sale in the Commonwealth:

1. Any vinegar defined in § 3.2-5500 that does not comply with such definitions.

2. Any adulterated or misbranded vinegar.

3. Any vinegar or product in imitation of any vinegar so defined.

4. Any vinegar to which any artificial coloring matter has been added of any kind whatever, or that contains any substance or ingredient not derived exclusively from the fruit, grain, sugar or syrup from which it purports to have been derived.

Code 1950, § 3-696; 1964, c. 554; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-905; 2008, c. 860.

§ 3.2-5507. Penalty.

Violation of this chapter is a Class 3 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 3-697; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-906; 2008, c. 860.