Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 30. General Assembly
Subtitle .
Chapter 19. Virginia Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation

Chapter 19. Virginia Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation.

§ 30-171. Virginia Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation; membership; staff; compensation and expenses; quorum.

A. The Virginia Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation (the Commission) is established in the legislative branch of state government. The Commission shall consist of the following 14 members: (i) the six members of the Commission on Interstate Cooperation of the Senate, (ii) the six members of the Commission on Interstate Cooperation of the House of Delegates, and (iii) the Clerk of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Delegates who shall serve as ex officio, nonvoting members of the Commission.

B. The chairman and vice-chairman of the Commission shall serve for a period of two years, and the chairmanship and vice-chairmanship shall alternate between the chairman of the Senate Commission on Interstate Cooperation and the chairman of the House Commission on Interstate Cooperation.

C. The Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation shall select such officials of state government as it deems proper to serve as ex officio, nonvoting members of the Commission for terms of four years each.

D. The Division of Legislative Services shall furnish upon request such staff assistance and services to the Commission and its committees as may be required to carry forth the charge of the Commission.

E. Members of the Commission shall receive such compensation as provided in § 30-19.12 and shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825. Funding for the costs of compensation and expenses of the members shall be provided from existing appropriations to the Commission.

F. A majority of the members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum. The Commission shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman from among its membership. Meetings of the Commission shall be held at the call of the chairman or whenever the majority of the members so request.

1936, pp. 369, 370; Michie Code 1942, § 311a; 1973, c. 538, §§ 9-55, 9-55.1; 1976, c. 61, § 9-53; 1978, c. 198; 1981, cc. 308, 315; 1983, c. 84; 1999, cc. 850, 879; 2001, c. 844; 2002, c. 365; 2004, c. 1000.

§ 30-172. Powers and duties of Commission.

The Commission shall have the power and duty to:

1. Encourage and arrange conferences with officials of other states and other units of government;

2. Carry forward the participation of Virginia as a member of the Council of State Governments, both regionally and nationally;

3. Formulate proposals for cooperation between Virginia and other states;

4. Establish such committees as it deems advisable to conduct conferences and formulate proposals concerning subjects of interstate cooperation;

5. Monitor and evaluate the Commonwealth's participation in interstate compacts;

6. Review, evaluate, and recommend suggested uniform state legislation;

7. Require, at its discretion, from any appointee representing Virginia on any interstate compact, commission, committee, or board, a report on that organization's work and accomplishments;

8. Review, evaluate, and make recommendations concerning federal policies that are of concern to the Commonwealth;

9. Establish such committees as deemed advisable and designate the members of every such committee. State officials who are not members of the Commission may be appointed as members of any such committee, but at least one member of the Commission shall be a member of every such committee; and

10. Appoint persons drawn from the membership of the Senate, the membership of the House of Delegates, and officials of state and local government to serve on those intergovernmental boards, committees, and commissions as to which the Commonwealth is entitled to such appointment, or is invited to make such appointment, provided that members of the General Assembly shall be appointed as follows:

a. If an appointment be made from the membership of the Senate, such an appointment shall be made by the Commission on Interstate Cooperation of the Senate and shall be approved by the Chair of the Committee on Rules; and

b. If an appointment be made from the membership of the House of Delegates, such appointment shall be made by the Speaker of the House of Delegates in accordance with the principles of proportional representation contained in the Rules of the House of Delegates.

The Commission may provide such rules as it considers appropriate concerning the membership and the functioning of any committee established.

1936, p. 369; Michie Code 1942, § 311a; 1976, c. 61, § 9-53; 1978, c. 198; 1981, c. 308; 1999, c. 850; 2001, c. 844; 2002, c. 365; 2005, c. 758; 2016, c. 194; 2018, c. 525.

§ 30-173. Commission of Senate and Commission of House of Delegates on Interstate Cooperation; membership; compensation and expenses; quorum.

A. There is established a Commission on Interstate Cooperation of the Senate in the legislative branch of state government, to consist of six senators as follows: the Chair of the Committee on Rules of the Senate, who shall serve as Chairman of the Commission, and five members appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules.

B. There is established a Commission on Interstate Cooperation of the House of Delegates in the legislative branch of state government, also to consist of six members; and the members shall be appointed and the chairman of the Commission shall be designated from among the membership of the Commission by the Speaker of the House of Delegates in accordance with the principles of proportional representation as contained in the Rules of the House of Delegates.

C. Such bodies of the Senate and of the House of Delegates shall function during the regular sessions of the General Assembly and also during the interim periods between such sessions. Members appointed and designated shall serve terms coincident with their terms of office.

D. Members of the commissions shall receive such compensation as provided in § 30-19.12 and shall be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties pursuant to § 30-171 and this section as provided in §§ 2.2-2813 and 2.2-2825. Funding for the costs of compensation and expenses of the members shall be provided from existing appropriations to the Virginia Commission on Intergovernmental Cooperation.

E. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum on each commission. Meetings of each commission shall be held at the call of the chairman or whenever a majority of the members so request.

1936, p. 369; Michie Code 1942, § 311a; 1973, c. 538, § 9-54; 1999, c. 850; 2001, c. 844; 2002, c. 365; 2003, c. 885; 2004, c. 1000; 2016, c. 194.