Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 30. General Assembly
Subtitle .
Chapter 8. Legislative Program Review and Evaluation Act

Chapter 8. Legislative Program Review and Evaluation Act.

§ 30-64. Reserved.


§ 30-65. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, the terms below shall be interpreted as follows:

1. The term "agency" means any agency, authority, board, department, division, commission, institution, bureau, or like governmental entity of the Commonwealth and includes any entity, public or private, with which any of the foregoing has entered into a contractual relationship to accomplish an agency program.

2. The term "functional area" means that grouping of state governmental activities, programs, and agencies which constitute a single budget function as identified and classified in the Virginia State Government Program Structure.

3. The term "discretionary selection" refers to the procedure set forth in § 30-67 whereby programs and agencies, contained wholly or in part within functional areas, are selected for legislative review and evaluation under the provisions of this chapter.

1978, c. 388.

§ 30-66. Functional areas; scheduling of study areas.

A. The functional areas of state government shall be scheduled for legislative review and evaluation by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission as specified in subsection B, on a seven-year cycle, and beginning in the 1979-80 fiscal year.

B. From time to time as may be required, the Senate and House of Delegates shall by joint resolution establish a schedule for the review of the functional areas of state government. In the absence of a resolution, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall select a functional area for review on an annual basis.

1978, c. 388; 1986, c. 302.

§ 30-67. Discretionary selection procedure; coordination with standing committees; expenses.

A. Prior to the year in which a functional area of government is designated to be scheduled for review, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission may provide for the introduction of a joint resolution which shall identify to the extent feasible the agencies, programs or activities selected for review and evaluation from the functional area.

B. To ensure coordination of the review and evaluation activity with appropriate committees, the resolution specified in subsection A may identify each House and Senate standing committee to be invited to participate with the Commission in designing such studies as will be carried out from the scheduled functional areas.

C. The compensation and expenses of the members of cooperating committees or subcommittees necessary to accomplish the functions specified in subsection B shall be paid from funds appropriated to the Commission.

1978, c. 388; 1986, c. 302.

§ 30-68. Evaluation criteria; self-studies.

A. Each study carried out pursuant to this chapter shall consider, as required: that there is a valid public need for the program or agency; that legislative intent is being carried out; that program and agency performance has been in the public interest; that program objectives have been defined; that intended program outcomes are measurable and have been accomplished; that program and agency operations are managed efficiently, economically, and effectively; or such other specific criteria as the Commission or standing committees deem necessary and desirable.

B. Agency self-studies may be required in such form and manner as may be directed under the resolution provided for in § 30-67.

1978, c. 388.

§ 30-69. Access to information.

For the purpose of carrying out its duties under this chapter and notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall have access to the records and facilities of every agency whose operations are financed in whole or in part by state funds to the extent that such records and facilities are related to the expenditure of such funds. All such agencies shall cooperate with the Commission and, when requested, shall provide specific information in the form requested.

1978, c. 388.

§ 30-70. Reporting; hearings.

A. The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission shall publish and submit its reports with appropriate findings and recommendations to the Governor and members of the General Assembly, and shall transmit them to the House and Senate standing committees identified by resolution in § 30-67.

B. The standing committees may hold a public hearing on reports prepared pursuant to this chapter at their earliest convenience after the date of transmittal. Hearings may be held jointly or singly by the committees.

C. The standing committees shall hear testimony from the Commission, agency and program representatives, the public in general, and such others as may be deemed appropriate.

1978, c. 388; 1986, c. 302.

§ 30-71. Hearing criteria.

At each hearing which may be held pursuant to § 30-70, the standing committee conducting such hearing and the agencies testifying shall respond to, but not be limited to consideration of, the following questions:

1. What are the problems, needs, or missions that the program is intended to address and what has been accomplished?

2. What is the effect of the program on the economy including but not limited to: competition, unemployment, economic stability, attraction of new business, productivity, and price inflation to consumers?

3. Would the absence of any regulatory activity significantly harm or endanger the public health, safety, or welfare?

4. Has the program or agency carried out its mission in an efficient, economic, and effective manner?

5. What services could be provided and what level of performance could be achieved if the program were funded at a level less than the existing level?

6. What other state programs have similar, duplicate, or conflicting objectives?

7. What federal activities have similar, duplicate, or conflicting objectives?

8. How does the agency ensure that it responds promptly and effectively to complaints concerning persons affected by the agency?

9. To what extent have the agency's operations been impeded by existing statutes, procedures, or practices of the Commonwealth of Virginia, or of other state agencies?

10. What action plans have been or are being proposed to improve agency operations where the need for improvements has been identified in previous executive or legislative oversight studies and reports?

1978, c. 388; 1986, c. 302.

§ 30-72. Operation and construction of chapter; subcommittees.

A. The operation of this chapter shall not restrict the power of the General Assembly to study or act on any matter at any time.

B. The operation of this chapter shall not imply or require the termination of any state agency or program.

C. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to restrict the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission or the standing committees from holding hearings on any subject as may be required nor shall operation of this chapter limit the Commission or committees from such other activities as may be authorized by law or custom.

D. The standing committees may carry out the functions assigned by this chapter through subcommittees.

1978, c. 388.

§ 30-73. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 1986, c. 302.