Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 42.1. Libraries
Subtitle .
Chapter 2. Local and Regional Libraries

Chapter 2. Local and Regional Libraries.

§ 42.1-33. Power of local governments to establish and support libraries.

The governing body of any city, county or town shall have the power to establish a free public library for the use and benefit of its residents. The governing body shall provide sufficient support for the operation of the library by levying a tax therefor, either by special levy or as a fund of the general levy of the city, county or town. The word "support" as used in this chapter shall include but is not limited to, purchase of land for library buildings, purchase or erection of buildings for library purposes, purchase of library books, materials and equipment, compensation of library personnel, and all maintenance expenses for library property and equipment. Funds appropriated or contributed for public library purposes shall constitute a separate fund and shall not be used for any but public library purposes.

1970, c. 606.

§ 42.1-34. Power of local governments to contract for library service.

Any city, town or county shall have the power to enter into contracts with adjacent cities, counties, towns, or public institutions of higher education to receive or to provide library service on such terms and conditions as shall be mutually acceptable, or they may contract for a library service with a library not owned by a public corporation but maintained for free public use. The board of trustees of a free public library may enter into contracts with county, city or town school boards and boards of school trustees to provide library service for schools. Any city or county governing body contracting for library service shall, as a part of such contract, have the power to appoint at least one member to the board of trustees or other governing body of the library contracting to provide such service. Any city or county thus contracting for library service shall be entitled to the rights and benefits of regional free library systems established in accordance with the provisions of § 42.1-37. The board of trustees or other governing body of any library established under the provisions of § 42.1-33 may also, with the approval of and on terms satisfactory to the State Library Board, extend its services to persons in adjacent areas of other states.

1970, c. 606.

§ 42.1-35. Library boards generally.

A. The management and control of a free public library system shall be vested in a board of not less than five members or trustees. They shall be appointed by the governing body, chosen from the citizens at large with reference to their fitness for such office. However, one board member or trustee may be a member or an employee of the local governing body. Initially members shall be appointed as follows: one member for a term of one year, one member for a term of two years, one member for a term of three years, and the remaining members for terms of four years; thereafter all members shall be appointed for terms of four years. The governing body of any county or city entitled to representation on a library board of a library system of another jurisdiction pursuant to § 42.1-34 shall appoint a member to serve for a term of four years, or until the contract is terminated, whichever is shorter. Vacancies shall be filled for unexpired terms as soon as possible in the manner in which members of the board are regularly chosen. A member shall not receive a salary or other compensation for services as a member but necessary expenses actually incurred shall be paid from the library fund. However, the governing body of Fairfax County may pay members of its library board such compensation as it may deem proper. A member of a library board may be removed for misconduct or neglect of duty by the governing body making the appointment. The members shall adopt such bylaws, rules and regulations for their own guidance and for the government of the free public library system as may be expedient. They shall have control of the expenditures of all moneys credited to the library fund. The board shall have the right to accept donations and bequests of money, personal property, or real estate for the establishment and maintenance of such free public library systems or endowments for same.

B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A relating to the terms of library board members, a local governing body may alter the composition of its library board to create staggered terms of service in which approximately the same number of terms expire annually. To achieve this goal, the local governing body shall appoint in any year in which multiple terms expire members for terms of one, two, three, and four years as appropriate. Thereafter, all members shall be appointed for terms of four years. Vacancies shall be filled for unexpired terms as soon as possible in the manner in which members of the board are regularly chosen.

1970, c. 606; 1974, c. 84; 1985, c. 278; 1998, c. 212.

§ 42.1-36. Library boards not mandatory.

The formation, creation, or continued existence of library boards shall not be considered or construed in any manner as mandatory upon (i) any city or town with a manager; (ii) any county with a county manager, county executive, urban county manager, or urban county executive form of government; (iii) any county that has adopted a charter; or (iv) the Counties of Botetourt, Caroline, Chesterfield, King and Queen, and Shenandoah, by virtue of this chapter.

1970, c. 606; 1978, c. 6; 2002, c. 111; 2017, cc. 64, 408; 2018, cc. 177, 213; 2022, c. 352; 2024, c. 486.

§ 42.1-36.1. Power and duty of library boards and certain governing bodies regarding acceptable Internet use policies.

A. Every (i) library board established pursuant to § 42.1-35 or (ii) governing body of any county, city, or town that, pursuant to § 42.1-36, has not established a library board pursuant to § 42.1-35 shall establish an acceptable use policy for the Internet designed to (a) prohibit use by library employees and patrons of the library's computer equipment and communications services for sending, receiving, viewing, or downloading illegal material via the Internet, (b) prevent access by library patrons under the age of 18 to material that is harmful to juveniles, and (c) establish appropriate measures to be taken against persons who violate the policy. For libraries established under § 42.1-33, the policy shall also require the selection, installation, and activation of, on those computers that are accessible to the public and have Internet access, a technology protection measure to filter or block Internet access through such computers to child pornography as defined in § 18.2-374.1, obscenity as defined in § 18.2-372, and, with respect to minors, materials deemed harmful to juveniles as defined in § 18.2-390. Such policy shall provide that a person authorized by the library board shall disable or otherwise bypass the technology protection measure required by this section at the request of a patron to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purposes. The policy required by this section shall be posted online; however, if the library does not have a website, the policy shall be available to the public upon request.

The library board or the governing body may include such other terms, conditions, and requirements in the library's policy as it deems appropriate, such as requiring written parental authorization for Internet use by juveniles or differentiating acceptable uses between elementary, middle, and high school students.

B. The library board or the governing body shall take such steps as it deems appropriate to implement and enforce the library's policy, which may include, but are not limited to, (i) the use of software programs designed to block access by (a) library employees and patrons to illegal material, (b) library patrons under the age of 18 to material that is harmful to juveniles, or (c) both; (ii) charging library employees to casually monitor patrons' Internet use; or (iii) installing privacy screens on computers that access the Internet. For libraries established under § 42.1-33, the library board or governing body shall direct such libraries to select and install on those computers that are accessible to the public and have Internet access a technology protection measure as required by the policy established pursuant to subsection A. No state funding shall be withheld and no other adverse action taken against a library by the Librarian of Virginia or any other official of state government when the technology protection measure fails, provided that such library promptly has taken reasonable steps to rectify and prevent such failures in the future.

1999, c. 64; 2006, c. 474; 2007, cc. 470, 583; 2012, cc. 805, 836; 2022, c. 355.

§ 42.1-37. Establishment of regional library system.

Two or more political subdivisions, (counties or cities), by action of their governing bodies, may join in establishing and maintaining a regional free library system under the terms of a contract between such political subdivisions; provided, that in the case of established county or city free library systems, the library boards shall agree to such action.

1970, c. 606.

§ 42.1-38. Agreements to create regional boards.

Two or more political subdivisions (counties or cities) which have qualified for participation in the state's regional library program, have been recognized as a region by the State Library Board, and have made the minimum local appropriation of funds as may now or hereafter be recommended by the Board, are hereby empowered and authorized to execute contracts with each other to create a regional library board to administer and control the regional library services within the region. Each jurisdiction shall, as a part of such contract, have the power to appoint at least one member to the regional library board.

1970, c. 606.

§ 42.1-39. Regional library boards generally.

The members of the board of a regional library system shall be appointed by the respective governing bodies represented. If the board of the regional library system is composed of two or more members from each county, city and town that is a part thereof, then each governing body represented on the board may appoint a member or an employee of the governing body to the board. Such members shall in the beginning draw lots for expiration of terms, to provide for staggered terms of office, and thereafter the appointment shall be for a term of four years. Vacancies shall be filled for unexpired terms as soon as possible in the manner in which members are regularly chosen. No appointive member shall be eligible to serve more than two successive terms. A member shall not receive a salary or other compensation for services as member, but necessary expenses actually incurred shall be paid from the library fund. A regional board member may be removed for misconduct or neglect of duty by the governing body making the appointment. The board members shall elect officers and adopt such bylaws, rules and regulations for their own guidance and for the government of the regional free library system as may be expedient. They shall have control of the expenditure of all moneys credited to the regional free library fund. The regional board shall have the right to accept donations and bequests of money, personal property, or real estate for the establishment and maintenance of such regional free library system or endowments for same.

1970, c. 606; 1985, c. 278.

§ 42.1-40. Powers of regional library board.

The regional library board shall have authority to execute contracts with the State Library Board, with the library boards of the respective jurisdictions, and any and all other agencies for the purpose of administering a public library service within the region, including contracts concerning allocation and expenditure of funds, to the same extent as the library board of any one of the jurisdictions which are parties to the agreement would be so authorized. In addition, to effectuate the purposes of this chapter, a regional library board is empowered to sell the surplus assets, including real estate, of the said regional library board if the net proceeds therefrom are used for public library services within the region.

1970, c. 606; 1986, c. 247.

§ 42.1-41. Funds and expenses of regional library system.

The expenses of the regional library system shall be apportioned among the participating political subdivisions on such basis as shall be agreed upon in the contract. The treasurer of the regional library board shall have the custody of the funds of the regional free library system; and the treasurers or other financial officers of the participating jurisdictions shall transfer quarterly to him all moneys collected or appropriated for this purpose in their respective jurisdictions. Such funds shall be expended only for the library service for which the county or city contracted and for no other purpose. The regional library board shall furnish a detailed report of receipts and disbursements of all funds at the regular meeting of the governing body of every participating jurisdiction after the close of the state's fiscal year. It shall make a similar report to The Library of Virginia. The treasurer of the board shall be bonded for an amount to be determined by the board. The board may authorize the treasurer to pay bond premiums from state aid library funds.

1970, c. 606; 1994, c. 64.

§ 42.1-42. Withdrawal from regional library system.

No county or city participating in a regional library system shall withdraw therefrom without two years' notice to the other participating counties and cities without the consent of such other participating political subdivisions.

1970, c. 606.

§ 42.1-43. Appropriation for free library or library service conducted by company, society, or organization.

The governing body of any county, city, or town in which no free public library system as provided in this chapter has been established may appropriate such sums of money as it determines is appropriate for the support and maintenance of any free library or library service operated and conducted in such county, city, or town by a company, society, or association organized under the provisions of Chapter 10 (§ 13.1-801 et seq.) of Title 13.1.

1970, c. 606; 2022, c. 355.

§ 42.1-44. Cooperative library system for Henrico and Chesterfield Counties and City of Richmond.

Notwithstanding the repeal of Title 42, §§ 42-12.1 to 42-12.5 of Chapter 2.1 of former Title 42 are continued in effect and are incorporated into this title by reference.

1970, c. 606.

§ 42.1-45. Transfer of properties, etc., of public free library to governing body of city in which it is situated.

The board of directors or trustees of any public free library established pursuant to Chapter 13, Acts of Assembly, 1924, approved February 13, 1924, may lease, convey, or transfer any interest to its properties, real or personal, to the governing body of the political subdivision in which such library be situated in order that such library may become a part of the public library system of such city, subject to such restrictions and conditions as may be agreed to by such board of directors or trustees and such governing body.

1970, c. 367.