Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 45.2. Mines, Minerals, and Energy
Chapter 7. Requirements Applicable to Underground Coal Mines; Mine Construction

Article 5. Explosives and Blasting.

§ 45.2-719. Surface storage of explosives and detonators.

A. Two or more surface magazines shall be provided for the storage of explosives and the separate storage of detonators.

B. Every surface magazine for storing and distributing explosives in an amount exceeding 150 pounds shall be:

1. Reasonably bullet-resistant and constructed of incombustible material or covered with fire-resistant material. The roof of a magazine that is located in such a way as to make it impossible to fire a bullet directly through the roof from the ground need not be bullet-resistant. Where it is possible to fire a bullet directly through a roof from the ground, such roof shall be made bullet-resistant by material construction, by the use of a ceiling that forms a tray containing not less than a four-inch thickness of sand, or by another method;

2. Provided with doors that are constructed of three-eighth-inch steel plate. Such doors shall be lined with a two-inch thickness of wood or the equivalent;

3. Provided with dry floors that are made of wood or other nonsparking material and have no metal exposed inside the magazine;

4. Provided with suitable warning signs located so that a bullet passing directly through the face of a sign will not strike the magazine;

5. Provided with properly screened ventilators;

6. Equipped with no openings except for entrance and ventilation openings;

7. Kept locked securely when unattended; and

8. Electrically bonded and grounded if constructed of metal.

C. A surface magazine for storing detonators need not be bullet-resistant, but it shall comply with the other provisions of subsection B regarding the storage of explosives.

D. Explosives weighing a total of no more than 150 pounds, or detonators numbering 5,000 or fewer, shall be stored (i) in accordance with the standards set forth in subsection A, B, or C or (ii) in a separate locked box-type magazine. A box-type magazine may also be used as a distributing magazine when the weight of the explosives or the number of detonators does not exceed the limits set forth in this subsection. Every box-type magazine shall be strongly constructed of two-inch hardwood or the equivalent. Every metal magazine shall be lined with nonsparking material. No magazine shall be placed (a) in a building containing oil, grease, gasoline, wastepaper, or other highly flammable material or (b) within 20 feet of a stove, furnace, open fire, or flame.

E. No magazine shall be placed less than 300 feet from any mine opening. However, if a magazine cannot be practicably located at such distance, it may be located less than 300 feet from a mine opening if it is sufficiently barricaded and is approved by the Chief. Unless approved by the Chief, no magazine shall be located closer to an occupied building, public road, or passenger railway than the distance recommended in the "American Table of Distances for Storage of Explosive Materials" published by the Institute of Makers of Explosives.

F. The supply kept in a distribution magazine shall be limited to approximately a 48-hour supply, and supplies of explosives and detonators may be distributed from the same magazine if they are separated by a substantially fastened hardwood partition at least four inches thick or the equivalent.

G. The area surrounding any magazine shall be kept free of rubbish, dry grass, or other materials of a combustible nature for at least 25 feet in every direction.

H. If an explosives magazine is illuminated electrically, each lamp shall be vapor-proof and installed and wired so as to minimize any fire or contact hazard.

I. Only nonmetallic tools shall be used for opening any wooden explosives container. Extraneous materials shall not be stored with explosives or detonators in an explosives magazine.

J. Smoking or carrying smokers' articles or open flames is prohibited in or near any magazine.

Code 1950, § 45-53.2; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-44; 1978, c. 729; 1994, c. 28, § 45.1-161.126; 2005, c. 3; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

§ 45.2-720. Underground transportation of explosives and detonators.

A. Any explosives or detonators carried anywhere underground by any miner shall be in individual containers. Such containers shall be constructed substantially of nonconductive material, maintained in good condition, and kept closed.

B. Any explosives or detonators transported underground in a car that is moved by means of a locomotive or rope, or in a shuttle car, shall be in a substantially covered car or in a special substantially covered container used specifically for transporting explosives or detonators and only under the following conditions:

1. The body and cover of each such car and each such container shall be constructed or lined with nonconductive material;

2. If explosives and detonators are hauled in the same special explosives car or in the same special container, they shall be separated by a substantially fastened hardwood partition at least four inches thick or the equivalent barrier;

3. No explosives, detonators, or other blasting devices shall be transported on the same trip with any miner;

4. If explosives or detonators are transported in a special explosives car or a container in a car, they shall be hauled in a trip specifically for this purpose and not connected to any other trip; however, this provision shall not prohibit the use of such additional cars as needed to lower a rope trip or to haul supplies, including timbers. No materials so transported shall project above the top of the car. In no case shall flammable materials such as oil or grease be hauled on the same trip with explosives; and

5. No explosives or detonators shall be hauled into or out of a mine within five minutes preceding or following a mantrip or any other trip. If traveling against the air current, the mantrip shall precede the explosives trip; if traveling with the air current, the mantrip shall follow the explosives trip.

C. In a low coal seam where it is impractical to comply with the provisions of subsection B, explosives may be transported in the original and unopened case, or in suitable individual containers, to the underground distribution magazine.

D. Explosives and detonators shall be transported underground by belt under the following conditions only:

1. Each shall be transported in the original and unopened case, in a special closed case constructed of nonconductive material, or in a suitable individual container;

2. Clearance requirements shall be the same as those for transporting miners on belts;

3. Suitable loading and unloading stations with stop controls shall be provided; and

4. An authorized person shall supervise the loading and unloading of explosives or detonators.

E. No explosives or detonators shall be transported on a flight or shaking conveyor, scraper, mechanical loading machine, locomotive, cutting machine, or drill truck or on any self-propelled mobile equipment; however, this provision shall not prohibit the transportation of explosives or detonators in special closed containers in a shuttle car or in equipment designed specifically to transport such explosives or detonators.

Code 1950, § 45-53.3; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-46; 1994, c. 28, § 45.1-161.127; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

§ 45.2-721. Underground storage of explosives and detonators.

A. If a supply of explosives or detonators for use in one or more sections is stored underground, it shall be kept in a section box or magazine of substantial construction with no metal exposed on the inside. Such box or magazine shall be located at least 25 feet from any roadway or power wire and in a reasonably dry, well rock-dusted location protected from falls of roof. In a pitching bed, where it is not possible to comply with such location requirement, such box shall be placed in a niche cut into the solid coal or rock.

B. If explosives and detonators are both stored in the section, they shall be kept in separate boxes or magazines not less than 12 feet apart if feasible; if kept in the same box or magazine, they shall be separated by a substantially fastened hardwood partition at least four inches thick or the equivalent. Not more than a 48-hour supply of explosives or detonators shall be stored underground in such box or magazine.

C. If explosives and detonators are kept near the face for the use of miners, they shall be kept in separate individual closed containers, in niches in the ribs, not less than 12 feet apart, and at least 50 feet from the working place and out of the line of blast. Each such container shall be constructed of substantial material and maintained electrically nonconductive. Where it is physically impracticable to comply with such distance requirements, the explosives and detonator containers shall be stored in the safest available places not less than 15 feet from any pipe, rail, conveyor, haulage road, or power line, not less than 12 feet apart, and at least 50 feet from the working face and out of the line of blast.

D. Explosives and detonators shall be kept in their containers pursuant to subsection C until immediately before use at a working face.

Code 1950, § 45-53.4; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-47; 1994, c. 28, § 45.1-161.128; 1996, c. 774; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

§ 45.2-722. Blasting practices; penalty.

A. All explosives shall be of the permissible type except where addressed in the plan for shaft and slope development required by subsection B of § 45.2-704.

B. All explosives shall be used as follows:

1. Explosives shall be fired only with electric detonators of proper strength;

2. Explosives shall be fired with permissible shot-firing units, unless firing is done from the surface when all persons are out of the mine, or in accordance with a plan approved by the Chief;

3. Where the coal is cut, no borehole in coal shall be drilled beyond the limits of the cut or into the roof or floor;

4. Every borehole shall be cleaned and checked to ensure that it is placed properly and is of the correct depth in relation to the cut before being charged;

5. Every blasting charge in coal shall have a burden of at least 18 inches in every direction if the height of the coal permits;

6. Every borehole shall be stemmed with at least 24 inches of incombustible material, or at least one-half of the length of the hole shall be stemmed if the hole is less than four feet in depth. The Chief may approve the use of other stemming devices;

7. An examination for gas shall be made immediately before firing each shot or group of shots and after blasting is completed;

8. No shot shall be fired in any place where a methane level of one percent or greater can be detected with a permissible methane detector as directed by the Chief;

9. Without approval, no charge of greater than one and one-half pounds shall be used unless (i) each borehole is six feet or more in depth; (ii) the explosives are charged in a continuous train, with no cartridges deliberately deformed or crushed; (iii) all cartridges are in contact with each other, with the end cartridges touching the back of the hole and the stemming, respectively; and (iv) explosives permissible pursuant to this article are used. No charge exceeding three pounds shall be used; however, such three-pound limit shall not apply to solid rock work;

10. Any solid shooting shall be done in compliance with conditions prescribed by the Chief;

11. Any shot shall be fired by a certified underground shot firer;

12. No borehole shall be charged while any other work is being done at the face, and any shot shall be fired before any other work is done in the zone of danger from blasting except that which is necessary to safeguard the miners;

13. Only nonmetallic tamping bars, including a nonmetallic tamping bar with a nonsparking metallic scraper on one end, shall be used for charging and tamping boreholes;

14. The leg wires of every electric detonator shall be kept shunted until ready to connect to the firing cable;

15. The roof and faces of each working place shall be tested before and after firing each shot or group of shots;

16. Ample warning shall be given before any shot is fired, and care shall be taken to ascertain that all miners are in the clear;

17. Every miner shall be removed to a distance of at least 100 feet from the working place and any immediately adjoining working place and shall be accounted for before any shot is fired;

18. No mixed types or brands of explosives shall be charged or fired in any borehole;

19. No adobe, mudcap, or other open, unconfined shot shall be fired in any mine except a type approved by MSHA and the Chief;

20. Any power wire or cable that could contact any blasting cable or leg wire shall be de-energized during charging and firing;

21. Firing a shot from a properly installed and protected blasting circuit may be permitted by the Chief;

22. No miner shall return or be allowed to return to the working place after the firing of any shot until the smoke has reasonably cleared away;

23. Before any miner returns to work and begins to load coal, slate, or refuse, such miner shall make a careful examination of the condition of the roof and do what is necessary to make the working place safe; and

24. An examination for fire shall be made of the working area after any blasting.

C. It is unlawful for an operator, his agent, or a mine foreman to cause or permit any solid shooting to be done without first obtaining a written permit from the Chief. It is unlawful for any miner to shoot coal from the solid without first obtaining permission to do so from the operator, his agent, or a mine foreman. A violation of this subsection is a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, §§ 45-53.1, 45-53.5; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-48; 1978, c. 729; 1981, c. 179; 1984, c. 229; 1993, c. 442; 1994, c. 28, § 45.1-161.129; 1999, c. 256; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

§ 45.2-723. Blasting cables.

Each blasting cable shall be:

1. Well insulated and as long as necessary to allow the shot firer to move to a safe place around a corner;

2. Short-circuited at the battery end until it is ready to attach to the blasting unit;

3. Staggered as to length, or shall have its ends kept well separated when attached to the detonator leg wires; and

4. Kept clear of power wires and all other possible sources of active or stray electric currents.

Code 1950, § 45-53.6; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-49; 1994, c. 28, § 45.1-161.130; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

§ 45.2-724. Misfires.

A. Where a misfire occurs with an electric detonator, a waiting period of at least 15 minutes is required before any miner is allowed to return to the shot area. After such failure, the blasting cable shall be disconnected from the source of power and the battery ends short-circuited before electric connections are examined.

B. Explosives shall be removed by (i) firing a separate charge at least two feet away from, and parallel to, the misfired charge; (ii) washing the stemming and the charge from the borehole with water; or (iii) inserting and firing a new primer after the stemming has been washed out.

C. A careful search of the working place and, if necessary, of the coal after it reaches the tipple shall be made after blasting a misfired hole to recover any undetonated explosive.

D. The handling of a misfired shot shall occur under the direct supervision of the mine foreman or a certified person designated by him.

Code 1950, § 45-53.7; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-50; 1994, c. 28, § 45.1-161.131; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.

§ 45.2-725. Explosives and blasting practices in shaft and slope operations.

A. Every blasting area in a shaft or slope operation shall be covered with mats or materials when the excavations are too shallow to retain the blasted material.

B. If explosives are in the shaft or slope when an electrical storm approaches, every miner shall be removed from the working place until the storm has passed.

1978, c. 729, § 45.1-53.1; 1994, c. 28, § 45.1-161.132; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 387.