Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 46.2. Motor Vehicles
Chapter 3. Licensure of Drivers

Article 19. Driver Improvement Program.

§ 46.2-489. Regulations; appeals.

The Commissioner may, subject to the provisions of § 46.2-203, promulgate regulations which he deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this article.

Any person receiving an order of the Commissioner to suspend or revoke his driver's license or licensing privilege or to require attendance at a driver improvement clinic or placing him on probation may, within thirty days from the date of the order, file a petition of appeal in accordance with § 46.2-410.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.2; 1989, c. 727; 1995, c. 672.

§ 46.2-490. Establishment of driver improvement clinic program; application fees.

A. The Commissioner shall, in his discretion, contract with such entities as the Commissioner deems fit, including private or governmental entities, to develop curricula for a statewide driver improvement clinic program. Such program shall include instruction concerning but not limited to (i) alcohol and drug abuse, (ii) aggressive driving, (iii) distracted driving, (iv) motorcycle awareness, and (v) work zone safety. The driver improvement clinic program shall be established for the purpose of instructing persons identified by the Department and the court system as problem drivers in need of driver improvement education and training and for those drivers interested in improved driving safety. The clinics shall be composed of uniform education and training programs designed for the rehabilitation of problem drivers, and for the purpose of creating a lasting and corrective influence on their driving performance. The clinics shall operate in localities based on their geographical location so as to be reasonably accessible to persons attending these clinics.

B. All businesses, organizations, governmental entities or individuals that want to provide driver improvement clinic instruction as a driver improvement clinic or instructor in the Commonwealth using approved curricula shall apply to the Department to be licensed to do so, based on criteria established by the Department. Such license shall be valid for a period of two years. A nonrefundable license application fee of $150 shall be paid to the Department by all such businesses, organizations, governmental entities or individuals. A nonrefundable license fee of $40 shall also be paid for each additional clinic location operated by a clinic. A nonrefundable license fee of $75 shall be paid to the Department by a person applying for a clinic instructor license.

The first certification issued for additional clinic locations and clinic instructors shall expire on the same date the original clinic's certification expires, and the first application or license fee may be prorated on a monthly basis. Thereafter, the renewal period for any additional clinic locations and clinic instructors shall match that of the original clinic.

However, neither the license application fee for each additional clinic location nor the license application fee for a clinic instructor license shall be required of or collected from the Virginia Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads or its members in connection with clinics that are provided for emergency vehicle operation training. All such application fees collected by the Department shall be paid by the Commissioner into the state treasury and shall be set aside as a special fund to be used to meet the expenses of the Department.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.3; 1989, c. 727; 1995, c. 672; 2002, c. 177; 2004, c. 622; 2007, c. 180; 2023, cc. 308, 309.

§ 46.2-490.1. Section 46.2-391.1 not applicable.

The provisions of § 46.2-391.1 shall not apply to any person whose license or other privilege to operate a motor vehicle is suspended or revoked in accordance with the provisions of this article.

1992, c. 109.

§ 46.2-490.2. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2004, c. 622.

§ 46.2-490.3. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Computer-based clinic provider," means any clinic licensed by the Department to conduct driver improvement clinics via the Internet or other electronic means approved by the Department.

"Driver improvement clinic" or "clinic" means an individual, partnership or corporation, institution of higher education, or government entity licensed by the Department as prescribed by this chapter for the purpose of instructing persons identified by the Department and the court system as problem drivers; in need of driver improvement education and training; and for drivers interested in improving their own knowledge of highway safety.

"Instructor" means any person, whether acting for himself as operator of a driver training clinic or for such clinic for compensation, who is licensed by the Department as prescribed by this chapter and who teaches, conducts classes, gives demonstrations, or supervises persons undergoing mandatory or voluntary driver improvement training.

2004, c. 622.

§ 46.2-490.4. Action on applications; hearing on denial.

The Commissioner shall act on any application for a clinic or instructor license under this chapter within 30 days after receipt by either granting or denying the application. Any applicant denied a clinic or instructor license shall, on his written request, made within 30 days, be given a hearing at a time and place determined by the Commissioner or his designee. All hearings under this section shall be public and shall be held promptly. The applicant may be represented by counsel. Any applicant denied a license may not apply again for a license for 30 days from the date of denial of the application or outcome of the hearing.

2004, c. 622.

§ 46.2-490.5. Suspension, revocation, cancellation or refusal to renew clinic license or instructor license; imposition of monetary penalties.

A. Except as otherwise provided in this section, no license issued under this chapter shall be suspended, revoked, or cancelled or renewal thereof denied, and no monetary penalty shall be imposed pursuant to § 46.2-490.6, unless the licensee has been furnished a written copy of the complaint against him and the grounds upon which the action is taken and has been offered an opportunity for an administrative hearing to show cause why such action should not be taken.

B. The order suspending, revoking, canceling, or denying renewal of a license, or imposing a monetary penalty, except as otherwise provided in subsection D of this section, shall not become effective until the licensee has had 30 days after notice of the opportunity for a hearing to make a written request for such a hearing. If no hearing has been requested within such 30-day period, the order shall become effective and no hearing shall thereafter be held. Except as provided in subsection D of this section, a timely request for a hearing shall automatically stay operation of the order until after the hearing.

C. Notice of an order suspending, revoking, canceling or denying renewal of a license, or imposing a monetary penalty and advising the licensee of the opportunity for a hearing shall be mailed to the licensee by registered mail to the clinic address as shown in the Department's records and shall be considered served when mailed.

D. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection B of this section, if the Commissioner makes a finding, after conducting a preliminary investigation, that the conduct of a licensee (i) is in violation of this chapter, regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter, or criteria established by the Department pursuant to this chapter, and (ii) such violation constitutes a danger to public safety, the Commissioner may issue an order suspending, revoking, or denying renewal of the instructor's license, the clinic's license, or both, as deemed appropriate by the Commissioner. Orders suspending, revoking, or denying renewal of such license pursuant to this subsection shall be effective immediately. Notice of the suspension, revocation or denial shall be in writing and mailed in accordance with subsection C of this section. Upon receipt of a request for a hearing appealing the suspension, the licensee shall be afforded the opportunity for a hearing as soon as practicable, but no longer than 30 days of receipt of the hearing request. The suspension shall remain in effect pending the outcome of the hearing.

2004, c. 622.

§ 46.2-490.6. Civil penalties.

In addition to any other sanctions or remedies available to the Commissioner under this chapter, the Commissioner may assess a civil penalty not to exceed $1,000 for any violation of any provision of this chapter, any regulation promulgated thereunder, or any criteria established by the Department pursuant to this chapter. The penalty may be sued for and recovered in the name of the Commonwealth.

2004, c. 622.

§ 46.2-490.7. Acts of owners, operators, officers, directors, partners, and instructors.

If a licensee is a partnership or corporation, it shall be sufficient cause for the denial, suspension, or revocation of a clinic license if any, owner, operator, officer, director, or trustee of the partnership or corporation, or any member in the case of a partnership, has committed any act or omitted any duty which would be cause for refusing, suspending, or revoking a license issued to him as an individual under this chapter. Each licensee shall be responsible for the acts of any of his instructors while acting as his agent, if the clinic approved of those acts or had knowledge of those acts or other similar acts and after such knowledge retained the benefit, proceeds, profits, or advantages accruing from those acts or otherwise ratified those acts.

2004, c. 622.

§ 46.2-490.8. Grounds for denying, suspending, or revoking licenses of clinics and clinic instructors.

A clinic or instructor license may be denied, suspended, or revoked on any one or more of the following grounds:

1. Material misstatement or omission in an application for a driver improvement clinic license or a driver improvement clinic instructor license;

2. Failure to comply subsequent to receipt of a written warning from the Department for any willful failure to comply with any provision of this chapter or any regulation promulgated by the Commissioner under this chapter; or any criteria established by the Department pursuant to this chapter;

3. Defrauding any student in a driver improvement clinic, or any other person in the conduct of a driver improvement clinic's business;

4. Employment of fraudulent devices, methods or practices in connection with compliance with the requirements under the statutes of the Commonwealth;

5. Having used deceptive acts or practices;

6. Knowingly advertising by any means any assertion, representation, or statement of fact which is untrue, misleading, or deceptive in any particular relating to the conduct of a clinic;

7. Having been convicted of any fraudulent act in connection with a driver improvement clinic or driver training school, or any consumer-related fraud;

8. Having been convicted of any criminal act involving the operation of a driver improvement clinic or driver training school;

9. Having been convicted of a felony;

10. Failing or refusing to pay civil penalties imposed by the Department pursuant to § 46.2-490.6.

2004, c. 622.

§ 46.2-490.9. Unlawful acts; prosecution; proceedings in equity.

A. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any of the following acts:

1. Operate as a driver improvement clinic or as an instructor without holding a valid license as required by statute or regulation;

2. Make use of any designation provided by statute or regulation to denote a standard of professional or occupational competence without being duly licensed;

3. Perform any act or function that is restricted by statute or regulation to persons holding a driver improvement clinic or instructor license, without being duly licensed;

4. Materially misrepresenting facts in an application for a license;

5. Willfully refusing to furnish the Department information or records required or requested pursuant to statute, regulation, or criteria established by the Department pursuant to § 46.2-490.

B. In addition to the provisions of subsection A of this section, the Department may institute proceedings in equity to enjoin any person from engaging in any unlawful act enumerated in this section. Such proceedings shall be brought in the name of the Commonwealth in the circuit court of the city or county in which the unlawful act occurred or in which the defendant resides.

C. Any person who willfully engages in any unlawful act enumerated in this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

2004, c. 622.

§ 46.2-490.10. Changes in form of ownership or name.

Any change in the form of ownership or the addition or deletion of a partner shall require a new application and license. The addition or deletion of a clinic site or change in the name of a clinic shall require immediate notification to the Department and the Department may endorse the change on the license as appropriate. The change of an officer or director of a corporation shall be made at the time of license renewal.

2004, c. 622.

§ 46.2-490.11. Reports, records of licensed computer-based clinic providers.

A. The Department is hereby authorized to require annual, periodical, or special reports from computer-based clinic providers the Department has authorized to conduct clinics; to prescribe the manner and form in which such reports shall be made; and to require from such computer-based clinic providers specific answers to all questions upon which the Department may deem information to be necessary. Such reports shall be under oath whenever the Department so requires. The Department may also require any computer-based clinic provider to file with it a true copy of each or any contract, agreement, or arrangement between such licensees and any person in relation to the provisions of this chapter.

B. The Department may, in its discretion, prescribe (i) the forms of any and all accounts, records, and memoranda to be kept by licensed computer-based clinic providers and (ii) the length of time such accounts, records, and memoranda shall be preserved.

2004, c. 622.

§ 46.2-491. Persons included within scope of article.

This article shall apply to (i) every resident of the Commonwealth, regardless of whether he possesses a driver's license issued by the Department and (ii) every nonresident to whom the Department has issued a driver's license.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.5; 1989, c. 727; 1995, c. 672.

§ 46.2-492. Uniform Demerit Point System.

A. The Commissioner shall assign point values to those convictions, or findings of not innocent in the case of a juvenile, which are required to be reported to the Department in accordance with § 46.2-383 for traffic offenses committed in violation of the laws of the Commonwealth or any county, city, or town ordinance paralleling and substantially conforming to state law, provided that no conviction, or finding of not innocent in the case of a juvenile for any offense, relating to registration, insurance, or equipment shall be included except as otherwise provided by this title.

B. The Commissioner shall assign point values to those convictions received from any other state of the United States, the United States, Canada or its provinces, or any territorial subdivision of any of them, of an offense therein, which if committed in this Commonwealth, would be required to be reported to the Department by § 46.2-383.

C. No point assignment shall be made for any conviction which results from a vehicle having been parked or stopped, in order for the driver to sleep or rest, on the shoulder or other portion of a highway not ordinarily used for vehicular traffic. The court shall make a separate finding on this issue and note such finding on the conviction record.

D. The Uniform Demerit Point System standard for rating convictions of traffic offenses shall be based on the severity of the offense and the potential hazardous exposure to other users of the highways and streets. The Commissioner shall designate the point values assigned to convictions, or findings of not innocent in the case of a juvenile, on a graduated scale not to exceed six demerit points for any single conviction. The Commissioner shall develop point system assignments as follows:

1. Serious traffic offenses such as driving while intoxicated in violation of § 18.2-266, persons under age twenty-one driving after illegally consuming alcohol in violation of § 18.2-266.1, reckless driving in violation of § 46.2-852, speeding twenty or more miles per hour above the posted speed limit, racing in violation of § 46.2-865, and other serious traffic offenses as the Commissioner may designate, shall be assigned six demerit points.

2. Relatively serious traffic offenses such as failure to yield the right-of-way in violation of §§ 46.2-820 through 46.2-823, speeding between ten and nineteen miles per hour above the posted speed limit, following too closely in violation of § 46.2-816, failure to stop when entering a highway in violation of § 46.2-863, aggressive driving in violation of § 46.2-868.1 and other relatively serious traffic offenses as the Commissioner may designate, shall be assigned four demerit points.

3. Traffic offenses of a less serious nature such as improper driving in violation of § 46.2-869, speeding between one and nine miles per hour above the posted speed limit, improper passing in violation of § 46.2-838, failure to obey a highway sign in violation of § 46.2-830 and other offenses of a less serious nature as the Commissioner may designate, shall be assigned three demerit points.

E. When a person is convicted of two or more traffic offenses committed on a single occasion, he shall be assessed points for one offense only and if the offenses involved have different point values, he shall be assessed points for the offense having the greater point value.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.6; 1976, c. 86; 1989, c. 727; 1992, c. 856; 1998, c. 430; 2002, cc. 752, 782.

§ 46.2-493. Demerit points valid for two years.

Demerit points, assigned to any conviction, or finding of not innocent in the case of a juvenile, shall be valid for a period of two years from the date the offense was committed. Demerit points used prior to the termination of the two-year period as the basis for suspension, revocation, probation, or other action which extends beyond the two-year period shall remain valid until the suspension, revocation, probationary period, or other action has terminated.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.7; 1989, c. 727.

§ 46.2-494. Safe driving point credit.

Every resident or nonresident person holding a valid Virginia driver's license whose driving record does not contain any suspension, revocation, conviction, or finding of not innocent in the case of a juvenile, of a traffic violation, during any calendar year shall be awarded one safe driving point. One safe driving point shall be awarded for each calendar year of safe driving, but no person shall be permitted to accumulate more than five safe driving points. The Commissioner shall apply these points to offset an equivalent number of demerit points, if any, to the chronologically earliest offense conviction, or finding of not innocent in the case of a juvenile, for which demerit points have been assigned and are valid. If subsequent to awarding a safe driving point to any person, the Department receives a conviction, or finding of not innocent in the case of a juvenile, for an offense which occurred during the period for which a safe driving point was awarded for and which requires the Department to assess demerit points, the safe driving point shall be invalidated.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.8; 1978, c. 44; 1989, c. 727.

§ 46.2-495. Advisory letters.

Whenever the driving record of any person who is eighteen years old or older shows an accumulation of at least eight demerit points based on convictions for traffic offenses committed within a period of twelve consecutive months, or at least twelve demerit points based on convictions for traffic offenses committed within a period of twenty-four consecutive months, respectively, the Commissioner may mail, by first-class mail, to the last known address of the person an advisory letter listing his convictions and the demerit points assigned thereto, including his safe driving points, if any, and furnish any other information deemed appropriate and applicable to the rehabilitation of the person, for the purpose of preventing subsequent traffic offenses.

The Department's failure to mail, or the citizen's nonreceipt of the advisory letter shall not be grounds for waiving any other provision of this article.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.9; 1984, c. 673; 1989, c. 727; 1995, c. 672; 1998, cc. 124, 792.

§ 46.2-496. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 1995, c. 672.

§ 46.2-498. Driver improvement clinics; voluntary attendance.

A. Whenever the driving record of any person who is eighteen years old or older shows an accumulation of at least twelve demerit points based on convictions for traffic offenses committed within a period of twelve consecutive months, or at least eighteen demerit points based on convictions for traffic offenses committed within a period of twenty-four consecutive months, respectively, the Commissioner shall direct the person to attend a driver improvement clinic.

B. Except for those persons whose licenses are subject to the restrictions of § 46.2-334.01, whenever the driving record of a person under the age of eighteen years shows an accumulation of (i) at least nine points based on convictions for traffic offenses committed within a period of twelve consecutive months or (ii) at least twelve points based on convictions for traffic offenses committed within a period of twenty-four consecutive months, the Commissioner shall direct the person to attend a driver improvement clinic and such person shall be subject to probation pursuant to § 46.2-499.

C. Except as provided for in subsection D of this section and in §§ 46.2-334.01 and 46.2-505, every person who attends a driver improvement clinic conducted by the Department or those businesses, organizations, governmental entities or individuals certified by the Department to provide driver improvement clinic instruction and who satisfactorily completes the clinic shall have five demerit points subtracted from his total accumulation of demerit points, except in those instances where a person has not accumulated five demerit points, in which case a reduction in demerit points and/or the award of safe driving points will be made. No person shall be allowed to accumulate more than five safe driving points.

Safe driving points shall be awarded or reductions in premium charges, as set forth in § 38.2-2217, shall be received for the completion of a driver improvement clinic only once within a period of two years from the date a person satisfactorily completes the clinic. Persons shall be eligible to voluntarily attend a driver improvement clinic again for either safe driving points or a reduction in premium charges, whichever was not awarded or received previously, one year from the date of satisfactory completion of a driver improvement clinic in which safe driving points or a reduction in premium charges was received or awarded.

D. Any resident or nonresident person holding a valid license to drive a motor vehicle in Virginia, whether or not he has accumulated demerit points, may apply to any business, organization, governmental entity or individual certified by the Department to provide driver improvement clinic instruction for permission to attend a driver improvement clinic on a voluntary basis. Such businesses, organizations, governmental entities or individuals may, when seating space is available, schedule the person to attend a driver improvement clinic.

Persons who voluntarily attend and satisfactorily complete a driver improvement clinic shall be eligible (i) to have five demerit points subtracted from their total accumulation of demerit points, except in those instances where a person has not accumulated five demerit points, in which case a reduction in demerit points and/or the award of safe driving points will be made, or (ii) to receive a reduction in premium charges as set forth under § 38.2-2217, either of which, but not both, shall be awarded or received no more than once in a two-year period, as set forth in subsection C of this section. Such persons shall inform the business, organization or individual providing instruction if they are attending to be awarded safe driving points or to receive a reduction in premium charges as set forth under § 38.2-2217.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.12; 1982, c. 671; 1984, c. 673; 1989, c. 727; 1995, cc. 226, 672; 1996, cc. 307, 1035; 1998, cc. 124, 792.

§ 46.2-499. Driver's license probation.

A. The Commissioner shall place on probation for a period of six months any person who has been directed to attend a driver improvement clinic pursuant to the provisions of § 46.2-498. In addition, the Commissioner shall place any person on probation for a period of six months on receiving a record of a conviction of such person of any offense for which demerit points are assessed and the offense was committed within any driver control period imposed pursuant to § 46.2-500. Whenever a person who has been placed on probation is convicted, or found not innocent in the case of a juvenile, of any offense for which demerit points are assessed, and the offense was committed during the probation period, the Commissioner shall suspend the person's license for a period of ninety days when six demerit points are assigned, for a period of sixty days when four demerit points are assigned, and for a period of forty-five days when three demerit points are assigned. In addition, the Commissioner shall again place the person on probation for a period of six months, effective on termination of the suspension imposed pursuant to this section.

B. Upon request, the Commissioner shall grant a restricted license during the first period of suspension imposed pursuant to subsection A of this section provided the person is otherwise eligible to be licensed. Any person whose driver's license is suspended for a second or subsequent time under subsection A of this section shall be eligible to receive a restricted driver's license only if the violation occurred within a probation period that was immediately preceded by a control period. A restricted license may be issued for any of the purposes set forth in subsection E of § 18.2-271.1. Written verifications of the person's employment, continuing education or medically necessary travel shall also be required and made available to the Commissioner. Whenever a person who has been granted a restricted license pursuant to this subsection is convicted, or found not innocent in the case of a juvenile, of any offense for which demerit points are assessed, and the offense was committed during the restricted license period, the Commissioner shall suspend the person's license using the same demerit point criteria and suspension periods set forth in subsection A of this section. No restricted license issued pursuant to this subsection shall permit any person to operate a commercial motor vehicle as defined in the Virginia Commercial Driver's License Act (§ 46.2-341.1 et seq.).

C. Whenever the Department receives notice from the court that restricted license privileges have been granted to a person who has an existing restricted license issued pursuant to subsection B of this section, the existing restricted license shall be cancelled, and the Commissioner shall suspend the person's license for the period of time remaining on the original order of suspension. No court-granted restricted license shall be issued until the end of the suspension period imposed by the Commissioner.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.13; 1978, c. 221; 1984, c. 673; 1989, c. 727; 1994, c. 849; 1995, c. 672; 1996, cc. 943, 994; 2001, cc. 645, 779.

§ 46.2-500. Driver control period.

Whenever an individual is placed on probation pursuant to §§ 46.2-498, 46.2-499 or § 46.2-506, the Commissioner shall also place the person on driver control status for a period of eighteen months following the termination of the probationary period. If the individual commits any violation during the driver control period for which points are assessed, the Commissioner shall again place the individual on probation for a period of six months and on driver control status for an additional period of eighteen months following the probationary period.

1984, c. 673, § 46.1-514.13:1; 1989, c. 727; 1995, c. 672.

§ 46.2-501. Notice to attend driver improvement clinic.

A. Any notice to attend a driver improvement clinic shall contain:

1. Information on how to schedule a driver improvement clinic.

2. The purpose of the driver improvement clinic, including the consequences of not attending the clinic program.

3. An explanation of the terms of the probationary licensing period.

4. A requirement stating that the clinic must be satisfactorily completed within ninety days from the date of the notice. The Commissioner may for good cause shown, and provided the person provides the Commissioner with satisfactory evidence documenting the need and soonest date of return, extend the time limit otherwise provided for attending such a clinic when the person directed to attend a driver improvement clinic is (i) attending an institution of higher education outside Virginia, and attendance is to coincide with a break in the school year of such institution of higher education, provided that jurisdiction does not offer an approved driver improvement clinic or (ii) in the military or is a military dependent and is stationed outside the United States or outside the Commonwealth in a jurisdiction that does not offer an approved driver improvement clinic.

B. The notice directing any person to attend a driver improvement clinic shall be forwarded by certified mail to the last known address of the person, as shown on the records of the Department.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.14; 1989, c. 727; 1995, c. 672; 2002, c. 385.

§ 46.2-502. Clinic fees.

A. The Department and all businesses, organizations, governmental entities or individuals certified by the Department to provide driver improvement clinic instruction may charge a fee not to exceed $100, which shall include the processing fee set forth in subsection B of this section, to persons notified by the Department to attend a driver improvement clinic. No person shall be permitted to attend a driver improvement clinic unless the person first pays the required attendance fee to the business, organization, governmental entity or individual providing the driver improvement clinic instruction.

B. All businesses, organizations, governmental entities or individuals certified by the Department to provide driver improvement clinic instruction shall collect for the Department a processing fee of $10 from each person attending a driver improvement clinic taught by such businesses, organizations, governmental entities or individuals. Such processing fee payments shall accompany the clinic rosters submitted to the Department by such businesses, organizations, governmental entities or individuals. No such processing fee, however, shall be required or collected from members of volunteer emergency medical services agencies and volunteer fire departments who attend such clinics in order to successfully complete training for emergency vehicle operation. All fees collected by the Department under this subsection shall be paid by the Commissioner into the state treasury and shall be set aside as a special fund to be used to meet the expenses of the Department.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.15; 1984, c. 673; 1987, c. 696; 1989, c. 727; 1992, c. 459; 1995, c. 672; 1996, c. 171; 1998, c. 437; 2013, c. 326; 2015, cc. 502, 503.

§ 46.2-503. Suspension of privilege to operate a motor vehicle for failure to attend clinics.

The Commissioner shall suspend the privilege to operate a motor vehicle of any person who fails to satisfactorily complete a driver improvement clinic. This suspension shall remain in effect until such person satisfactorily completes the driver improvement clinic. This section shall not be applicable to persons attending clinics on a voluntary basis.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.16; 1984, c. 673; 1989, c. 727; 1995, c. 672.

§ 46.2-504. Form and contents of order of probation, suspension or revocation; service.

Whenever the Commissioner issues a probation, suspension or revocation order in accordance with any provision of this chapter, the order shall provide the addressee with a minimum of ten days' notice and shall be served as provided in § 46.2-416.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.17; 1980, c. 704; 1984, c. 673; 1989, c. 727.

§ 46.2-505. Court may direct defendant to attend driver improvement clinic.

A. Any circuit or general district court or juvenile court of the Commonwealth, or any federal court, charged with the duty of hearing traffic cases for offenses committed in violation of any law of the Commonwealth, or any valid local ordinance, or any federal law regulating the movement or operation of a motor vehicle, may require any person found guilty, or in the case of a juvenile found not innocent, of a violation of any state law, local ordinance, or federal law, to attend a driver improvement clinic or a mature driver motor vehicle crash prevention course as provided for in § 38.2-2217. The attendance requirement may be in lieu of or in addition to the penalties prescribed by § 46.2-113, the ordinance, or federal law. The court shall determine if a person is to receive safe driving points upon satisfactory completion of a driver improvement clinic conducted by the Department or by any business, organization, governmental entity or individual certified by the Department to provide driver improvement clinic instruction. In the absence of such notification, no safe driving points shall be awarded by the Department.

B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A, no court shall, as a result of a person's attendance at a driver improvement clinic or a mature driver motor vehicle crash prevention course, reduce, dismiss, or defer the conviction of a person charged with any offense committed while operating a commercial motor vehicle as defined in the Virginia Commercial Driver's License Act (§ 46.2-341.1 et seq.) or any holder of a commercial driver's license charged with any offense committed while operating a noncommercial motor vehicle.

C. Persons required by the court to attend a driver improvement clinic or a mature driver motor vehicle crash prevention course shall notify the court if the driver improvement clinic or mature driver motor vehicle crash prevention course has or has not been attended and satisfactorily completed, in compliance with the court order. Failure of the person to attend and satisfactorily complete a driver improvement clinic or mature driver motor vehicle crash prevention course, in compliance with the court order, may be punished as contempt of such court.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.18; 1989, c. 727; 1995, c. 672; 2002, c. 724; 2008, c. 190; 2014, c. 282.

§ 46.2-506. Formal hearings; suspension for excessive point accumulation.

A. Whenever the operating record of any person shows a continued disregard of the motor vehicle laws subsequent to being placed on probation, he may be charged as a reckless or negligent driver of a motor vehicle, and cited for a formal hearing in accordance with the provisions of §§ 46.2-402 through 46.2-408. If the hearing results in the suspension of a person's driving privilege, the person shall be placed on probation at the end of the suspension period in accordance with the provisions of § 46.2-499.

B. Whenever the operating record of any person shows an accumulation of at least eighteen demerit points based on convictions, or findings of not innocent in the case of a juvenile, for traffic violations committed within any twelve consecutive months, or at least twenty-four demerit points based on convictions, or findings of not innocent in the case of a juvenile, for traffic violations committed within any twenty-four consecutive months, respectively, the Commissioner shall suspend the person's license or licenses for a period of ninety days and thereafter until he attends and satisfactorily completes a driver improvement clinic. At the end of this suspension period, the person shall be placed on probation in accordance with the provisions of § 46.2-499.

1974, c. 453, § 46.1-514.19; 1984, c. 673; 1989, c. 727; 1995, c. 672.