Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 51.1. Pensions, Benefits, and Retirement
Chapter 11. Sickness and Disability Program

Article 4. Work-Related Disability Benefits.

§ 51.1-1119. Applicability of article.

The provisions of this article shall apply only with respect to disability programs providing payment of disability benefits attributed to work-related injuries.

1998, c. 774.

§ 51.1-1120. Initial benefit period.

During the first seven calendar days following the commencement of a disability, a participating employee may use sick leave, family and personal leave, and annual and compensatory leave to provide income replacement.

1998, c. 774.

§ 51.1-1121. Supplemental short-term disability benefit.

A. Payments of supplemental short-term disability benefits payable under this article shall be reduced by an amount equal to any benefits paid to the employee under the Act, or which the employee is entitled to receive under the Act, excluding any payments for medical, legal or rehabilitation expenses.

B. Supplemental short-term disability benefits for participating employees shall commence upon the expiration of a seven-calendar-day waiting period. The waiting period shall commence the first day of a disability. If an employee returns to work for one day or less during the seven calendar days following the commencement of a disability but cannot continue to work, the periods worked shall not be considered to have interrupted the seven-calendar-day waiting period. Additionally, the seven-calendar-day waiting period shall not be considered to be interrupted if the employee works 20 hours or less during the waiting period. Short-term disability benefits payable as the result of a catastrophic disability or major chronic condition shall not require a waiting period.

C. Except as provided in subsections D and F and §§ 9.1-401.1 and 51.1-1131, supplemental short-term disability coverage shall provide income replacement for a percentage of a participating employee's creditable compensation during the period specified below that an employee is disabled or takes periodic absences due to a major chronic condition, as determined by the Board or its designee, based on the number of months of state service as an eligible employee, as follows:

aWork days of 100%Work days of 80%Work days of 60%
bMonths ofreplacement ofreplacement ofreplacement of
cstate servicecreditable compensationcreditable compensationcreditable compensation
dLess than 60652535
e60 to 119852515
f120 or more85400

D. For all eligible employees commencing employment or reemployment on or after July 1, 2009, except as provided in subsection F and §§ 9.1-401.1 and 51.1-1131, short-term disability coverage shall provide income replacement for (i) 60 percent of a participating employee's creditable compensation for the first 60 months of continuous state service after employment or reemployment and (ii) thereafter, a percentage of a participating employee's creditable compensation during the periods specified below, based on the number of months of continuous state service attained by an employee who is disabled, on maternity leave, or takes periodic absences due to a major chronic condition, as determined by the Board or its designee, as follows:

aWork days of 100%Work days of 80%Work days of 60%
bMonths ofreplacement ofreplacement ofreplacement of
cstate servicecreditable compensationcreditable compensationcreditable compensation
d60 to 119852515
e120 or more8540

E. Creditable compensation during periods an employee receives supplemental short-term disability benefits shall include salary increases awarded during the period of short-term disability coverage.

F. An employee's disability credits may be used, on a day for day basis, to extend the period an employee receives supplemental short-term disability benefits paid at 100 percent of replacement of creditable compensation.

G. Supplemental short-term disability benefits shall be payable only during periods of (i) total disability, (ii) partial disability as determined by the Board or its designee, or (iii) periodic absences due to a major chronic condition as defined by the Board or its designee.

1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144; 2000, c. 889; 2010, c. 654; 2012, c. 417.

§ 51.1-1122. Successive periods of short-term disability.

A. A participating employee's disability which is related or due to the same cause or causes as a prior disability for which supplemental short-term disability benefits were paid shall be deemed to be a continuation of the prior disability if the employee (i) is eligible for benefits payable under the Act, whether or not he is receiving such benefits, and (ii) returns to his position on an active employment basis for less than 45 consecutive calendar days. If a participating employee, after receiving short-term disability benefits, immediately returns to work for less than 45 consecutive calendar days and cannot continue to work, the days worked shall be deemed to have interrupted the short-term disability benefits period, and such days worked shall not be counted for purposes of determining the maximum period for which the participating employee is eligible to receive short-term disability benefits. Days of work arranged pursuant to vocational, rehabilitation, or return-to-work programs shall not be counted in determining the duration of the period of the employee's return to work.

B. If a participating employee returns to his position on an active employment basis for 45 consecutive calendar days or longer, any succeeding period of disability shall constitute a new period of short-term disability.

C. The period of 45 days referred to in subsections A and B shall be consecutive calendar days that the participating employee is (i) actively at work and (ii) fully released to return to work full time, full duty. The Retirement System shall develop policies and procedures to administer the effects of the 45-day period in connection with participants who are deemed to have a major chronic condition.

1998, c. 774; 2010, c. 750.

§ 51.1-1123. Supplemental long-term disability benefit.

A. Supplemental long-term disability benefits for participating employees shall commence upon the expiration of the maximum period for which the participating employee is eligible to receive short-term disability benefits under § 51.1-1121.

B. Except as provided in subsection D and § 51.1-1131, supplemental long-term disability benefits shall provide income replacement in an amount equal to 60 percent of a participating employee's creditable compensation.

C. Creditable compensation during periods an employee receives supplemental long-term disability benefits shall (i) not include salary increases awarded during the period covered by long-term disability benefits and (ii) be increased annually by an amount recommended by the program actuary and approved by the Board.

D. An employee's disability credits shall be used, on a day-for-day basis, to extend the period an employee receives supplemental long-term disability benefits paid at 100 percent of replacement of creditable compensation.

E. Payments of supplemental long-term disability benefits payable under this article shall be reduced by an amount equal to any benefits paid to the employee under the Act, for which the employee is entitled to receive under the Act, excluding any benefit for medical, legal or rehabilitation expenses.

F. Supplemental long-term disability benefits shall be payable only during periods of total and partial disability.

G. Unless otherwise directed, to be eligible for benefits under this section, the employee must apply for Social Security disability benefits.

H. An employee who is approved for disability benefits on or after the date that is five years prior to his normal retirement date shall be eligible for five years of disability benefits before the employee is required to retire under a service retirement. The five years includes short-term disability and long-term disability.

1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144; 2000, c. 889; 2003, c. 13; 2004, c. 98; 2005, c. 419; 2006, cc. 404, 405, 778, 841; 2010, c. 750; 2011, c. 880.

§ 51.1-1124. Successive periods of long-term disability.

A. A participating employee's disability which is related or due to the same cause or causes as a prior disability for which supplemental long-term disability benefits were paid shall be deemed to be a continuation of the prior disability if the employee is eligible for benefits payable under the Act, whether or not he is receiving such benefits, and returns to a position on an active employment basis for less than 125 consecutive work days. Days of work arranged pursuant to vocational, rehabilitation, or return-to-work programs shall not be counted in determining the duration of the period of the employee's return to work.

B. If a participating employee returns to a position on an active employment basis for 125 consecutive work days or longer, any succeeding period of disability shall constitute a new period of disability.

1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144; 2004, c. 97; 2005, c. 419.

§ 51.1-1125. Adjustments in supplemental disability benefits.

A. In addition to offsets equal to the amount of any benefits paid to a participating employee under the Act, supplemental disability benefit payments shall be offset by an amount equal to any sums payable to a participating employee from the following sources:

1. During the first 12 months the employee receives disability benefits, an amount equal to the employee's wages and salary from any employment times the income replacement percentage payable;

2. After the first 12 months the employee receives disability benefits, an amount equal to 70 percent of the employee's wages and salary from any employment;

3. Disability payments from the Social Security Administration, local government disability benefits, federal civil service disability benefits, or other similar governmental disability program benefits received by the employee or his family as a result of the qualifying disability;

4. Benefits received from any other group insurance contract provided by the Commonwealth for the purpose of income replacement;

5. Benefits paid under any compulsory benefits law; and

6. If the participating employee receives a settlement in lieu of periodic payments for a disability compensable under the Act, an amount determined by dividing the workers' compensation benefit which such employee would have received had the lump-sum settlement not been consummated into the settlement actually accepted by the employee.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, supplemental disability benefit payments shall not be offset by military disability benefits payable to a participating employee.

B. If the plan administrator deems a participating employee to be eligible for benefits from any of the sources listed in subdivisions A 3, A 4, and A 5, the plan administrator may direct the participating employee to apply for those benefits and to pursue whatever additional steps are necessary to obtain the benefits. If a participating employee fails or refuses to pursue the available benefits as directed by the plan administrator, supplemental disability benefit payments may be reduced by amounts from any of the sources listed in subdivisions A 3, A 4, and A 5 for which a participating employee is deemed eligible by the plan administrator as if the employee received such amounts. However, if the employee has applied for such benefits, and has reapplied and appealed denials of the claim as requested by the administrator of the plan, and the claim is not approved, the employee's supplemental disability payments shall not be reduced thereby.

C. If a participating employee's disability benefit payments are reduced as the result of payments from sources listed in subdivisions A 3, A 4, and A 5 or pursuant to subsection B, the employee's disability benefits shall not thereafter be further reduced on account of cost-of-living increases in payments from such sources.

D. Participating employees shall be required to repay, with interest, to the Board or the employer any overpayments of supplemental disability benefits on account of the failure of the employee to provide the Board or its designee with information necessary to make any of the reductions required to be made under this article.

E. Any payment to a participating employee that is later determined by the Board or by the employer to have been procured on the basis of any false statement or falsification of any record knowingly made by or on behalf of the employee, or the employee's failure to make any required report of change in disability status, may be recovered from the employee by the Board, with interest, either by way of a credit against future payments due the employee or by an action at law against the employee.

F. If a participating employee's payments under the Act are adjusted or terminated for refusal to work or to comply with the requirements of § 65.2-603, his disability benefits shall be computed as if he were receiving the compensation to which he would otherwise be entitled under the Act.

1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144; 2000, c. 889; 2003, c. 5; 2006, cc. 778, 841; 2012, c. 417.

§ 51.1-1126. Rehabilitation incentive.

Supplemental disability benefits payable to a participating employee who fails to cooperate with a rehabilitation program prescribed for the employee shall be decreased by fifty percent of the amounts otherwise payable to such employee. In determining the amount of any reduction in benefits under this section, the participating employee shall be presumed to continue to receive benefits payable under the Act. Failure to comply with a vocational rehabilitation assessment process at any time the employee is receiving supplemental disability benefits may constitute a failure to cooperate for purposes of this section.

1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144.

§ 51.1-1127. Cessation of supplemental disability benefits.

Supplemental disability benefits shall cease to be paid to a participating employee upon the first to occur of the following:

1. The end of the period of supplemental disability coverage as provided in subsection G of § 51.1-1121 or subsection F of § 51.1-1123;

2. The date of death of the participating employee;

3. On the date benefits under the Act cease to be paid, if the participating employee is a member of the retirement system and is receiving benefits under the Act on his normal retirement date;

4. On the date benefits under the Act cease to be paid, if the participating employee is a not a member of the retirement system and is receiving benefits under the Act on the date he attains age 65;

5. On his normal retirement date, if the participating employee is a member of the retirement system and is no longer receiving benefits under the Act on his normal retirement date;

6. On the date the employee attains age 65, if the participating employee is a not a member of the retirement system and is no longer receiving benefits under the Act; or

7. The effective date of the participating employee's service retirement under any provision of this title.

1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144; 2001, c. 694; 2012, c. 417.

§ 51.1-1128. Service retirement of participating full-time employees receiving supplemental disability benefits.

A. Upon the cessation of benefits payable under the Act, a participating full-time employee may take service retirement under any provision of this title for which the employee is otherwise eligible. Such employee shall be authorized to elect any option for the payment of his retirement allowance provided under subsection A of § 51.1-165.

B. The employee's average final compensation shall be equal to his creditable compensation on the date of the commencement of the disability increased by an amount recommended by the actuary of the Virginia Retirement System, and approved by the Board, from the date of the commencement of the disability to the date of retirement.

C. The creditable service of a participating full-time employee taking service retirement pursuant to this section shall include periods during which the employee received supplemental disability benefits, provided that such creditable service shall not include periods for which (i) the employee received supplemental short-term disability benefits, (ii) the employer did not report such creditable service to the retirement system, and (iii) the employee did not purchase such creditable service.

1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144; 2011, cc. 722, 880.

§ 51.1-1129. Survivor benefits.

If a participating full-time employee who is a member of the retirement system dies during periods he is receiving supplemental disability benefits, survivor benefits shall be payable to the extent provided in subsection C of § 51.1-162.

1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144.

§ 51.1-1130. Coordination of benefits.

The Board and the Department of Human Resource Management, as administrator of the Commonwealth's self-insurance program for workers' compensation coverage, shall jointly develop guidelines and procedures for the coordination of benefits and case management for participating employees entitled to benefits under the Act and supplemental disability benefits under this article. Such guidelines shall also address disability benefits for participating employees whose disability results from multiple injuries or illnesses, one or more of which is a work-related injury. The Board shall have the authority to approve the final guidelines and procedures.

1998, c. 774; 2000, cc. 618, 632; 2001, cc. 684, 695.