Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 56. Public Service Companies
Subtitle .
Chapter 16. Telephone Cooperatives Act

Chapter 16. Telephone Cooperatives Act.

§ 56-485. Short title.

This chapter may be cited as the "Telephone Cooperatives Act."

1950, p. 588; 1956, c. 434.

§ 56-486. Who may form cooperative; purpose.

Any number of natural persons not less than five may, by executing, filing and recording a certificate as hereinafter set forth, form a cooperative, either with or without capital stock, not organized for pecuniary profit, for the purpose of promoting and encouraging the fullest possible use of telephone service by making telephone service and facilities available at the lowest cost consistent with sound economy and prudent management of the business of such cooperatives.

1950, p. 588; 1956, c. 434.

§ 56-487. Definitions.

The following terms, whenever used or referred to in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless a different meaning appears from the context:

(1) "Cooperative" shall mean a telephone corporation formed under this chapter.

(2) "Municipality" shall mean any city or incorporated town of the Commonwealth.

(3) "Person" shall mean and include natural persons, firms, associations, cooperatives, corporations, business trusts, partnerships and bodies politic.

(4) "Telephone service" shall mean and include service over wire or cable lines, including voice carrier, service by voice carrier system over electric distribution and transmission lines, service over radio circuits, and any other service involving the transmission of voice, video or data between fixed points.

(5) "Acquire" shall mean and include construct, acquire by purchase, lease, devise, gift or the exercise of the power of eminent domain, or other mode of acquisition.

(6) "System" shall mean and include any plant, works, system, facilities, or properties, or any part or parts thereof, together with all appurtenances thereto, used or useful in connection with the transmission of voice, video or data.

(7) "Obligations" shall mean and include bonds, interim certificates or receipts, notes, debentures, and all other evidences of indebtedness either issued or the payment thereof assumed by a cooperative.

(8) "Federal agency" shall mean and include the United States of America, the President of the United States of America, and any and all other authorities, agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States of America, heretofore or hereafter created.

(9) "Improve" shall mean and include construct, reconstruct, improve, replace, extend, enlarge, alter, better or repair.

(10) "Board" shall mean the board of directors of a cooperative formed under this chapter.

(11) "Member" shall mean and include each person admitted to membership in the cooperative pursuant to law or its bylaws.

1950, p. 588; 1956, c. 434; 1996, c. 708.

§ 56-488. Certificate of incorporation.

The certificate of incorporation shall be entitled and endorsed "Certificate of Incorporation of the........ Telephone Co-operative" (the blank space being filled in with the distinguishing part of the name of the cooperative) and shall state:

(1) The name of the cooperative, which name need not contain the word "corporation" or "incorporated" but shall be such as to distinguish it from any other cooperative.

(2) A reasonable designation of the territory in which its operations are principally to be conducted.

(3) The location of its principal office and post-office address thereof.

(4) The maximum number of directors, not less than five.

(5) The names and post-office addresses of the officers and directors who are to manage the affairs of the cooperative for the first year of its existence, or until their successors are chosen.

(6) The period, if any, limited for the duration of the cooperative.

(7) The terms and conditions upon which persons shall be admitted to membership in the cooperative, and in the case of a cooperative incorporating with capital stock a statement of the maximum and minimum amount of the capital stock of the cooperative, and its division into shares.

The certificate of incorporation may also contain any provision not inconsistent with Title 13.1 which the incorporators may choose to insert for the regulation of the business and the conduct of the affairs of the cooperative; and any provision as to the plan of financial organization, or relating to the internal regulation or government of the cooperative, its directors and members.

1950, p. 589; 1956, c. 434.

§ 56-489. Limitation of use of words "telephone cooperative.".

The words "telephone cooperative" shall not be used in the corporate names of corporations other than those formed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.

1950, p. 590; 1956, c. 434.

§ 56-490. Filing certificate of incorporation.

The natural persons executing the certificate of incorporation shall be residents of the territory in which the principal operations of the cooperative are to be conducted who intend to use telephone service to be furnished by the cooperative. The certificate of incorporation shall be subscribed by at least five such persons and acknowledged by them before an officer authorized by the law of this Commonwealth to take and certify acknowledgments of deeds and conveyances. When so acknowledged the certificate shall be filed in accordance with the provisions of Article 3 (§ 13.1-618 et seq.) of Chapter 9 of Title 13.1, and when so filed the articles of incorporation, or certified copies thereof, shall be received in all the courts of this Commonwealth and elsewhere as prima facie evidence of the facts contained therein, and of the due incorporation of the cooperative. All of the provisions of the Virginia Stock Corporation Act (§ 13.1-601 et seq.) and the Virginia Nonstock Corporation Act (§ 13.1-801 et seq.) insofar as not inconsistent with this chapter are hereby made applicable to such cooperatives, and as soon as the charter is lodged for recordation in the office of the State Corporation Commission, the proposed cooperative described therein, under its designated name, shall be and constitute a body corporate with all of the applicable powers provided for in § 56-49. A cooperative need not have a registered office or a registered agent.

1950, p. 590; 1956, c. 434.

§ 56-491. Board of directors; officers.

Every cooperative formed hereunder shall have a board of directors of five or more members, which shall constitute the governing body of the cooperative. The directors, other than those named in the certificate of incorporation, shall be elected annually by the members entitled to vote, unless the bylaws provide that, in lieu of electing the whole number of directors annually, the directors shall be divided into either two or three classes at the first or any subsequent annual meeting, each class to be as nearly equal in number as possible, with the term of office of the directors of the first class to expire at the next succeeding annual meeting, the term of the second class to expire at the second succeeding annual meeting, and the term of the third class, if any, to expire at the third succeeding annual meeting; and that at each annual meeting after such classification a number of directors equal to the number of the class whose term expires at the time of such meeting shall be elected to hold office until the second succeeding annual meeting where the bylaws provide for two classes of directors; or until the third succeeding annual meeting where the bylaws provide for three classes of directors. The directors must be members of the cooperative. The board of directors shall have authority to fix the compensation of directors. Directors shall be entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties. The directors shall elect annually from their own number a president and one or more vice-presidents. They shall also elect a secretary and a treasurer, who need not be directors or members, and may combine the offices of secretary and treasurer and designate the combined office as secretary-treasurer.

1950, p. 590; 1956, c. 434; 1974, c. 73; 1978, c. 236.

§ 56-492. Powers of board of directors.

The board of directors of a cooperative shall have power to do all things necessary and incidental in conducting the business of the cooperative, including but not limited to:

(1) If authorized by the certificate of incorporation, or by resolution of its members, the power to adopt and amend bylaws for the management and regulation of the affairs of the cooperative, subject, however, to the right of such members to alter or repeal such bylaws. The bylaws of a cooperative may make provisions, not inconsistent with law or its certificate of incorporation regulating the admission, suspension or expulsion of members; the transfer of memberships, the fees and dues of members and the termination of memberships on nonpayment of dues or otherwise; the number, times and manner of choosing, qualifications, terms of office, official designations, powers, duties and compensation of its officers; defining a vacancy in the board or in any office and the manner of filling it; the number of members to constitute a quorum at meetings, the date of the annual meeting and the giving of notice thereof and the holding of special meetings and the giving of notice thereof; the terms and conditions upon which the cooperative is to render service to its members, the disposition of the revenues and receipts of the cooperative; regular and special meetings of the board and the giving of notice thereof.

(2) To appoint agents and employees and to fix their compensation and the compensation of the officers of the cooperative.

(3) To execute all instruments.

(4) To make its own rules and regulations as to its procedure.

1950, p. 591; 1956, c. 434; 1974, c. 73; 2001, c. 386.

§ 56-493. Membership; voting; nonprofit operation.

A cooperative may issue to its members certificates of membership. Only members shall be entitled to vote at the meetings of the members of the cooperative. A member entitled to vote may vote in person or, unless the articles of incorporation or the bylaws otherwise provide, may vote by proxy executed in writing by the member, appointing some other member to cast his vote, or may vote by his duly authorized attorney-in-fact, who shall be a member. If a member is not voting in person, by proxy, or by attorney-in-fact, the spouse of such member shall be entitled to vote for the member, in person or by proxy, if permitted by the articles of incorporation or bylaws. No proxy shall be valid after eleven months from its date unless otherwise provided in the proxy. When directors or officers are to be elected by members, the bylaws may provide that such elections may be conducted by mail. The liability of each member shall be limited to the unpaid portion of his membership fee or subscription to capital stock, and any unpaid bills for telephone service from the cooperative. The equity of members of a nonstock cooperative shall be in proportion to the revenue paid the cooperative by each member. A cooperative shall be operated on a nonprofit basis for the mutual benefit of its members. The bylaws of the cooperative or its contract with its members shall contain such provisions relative to the disposition of revenues and receipts as may be necessary and appropriate to establish and maintain its nonprofit and cooperative character.

1950, p. 591; 1956, c. 434; 1968, c. 100; 1992, c. 6; 1996, c. 708.

§ 56-494. Service to members; to nonmembers.

Except as hereinafter provided, the corporate purpose of each cooperative formed hereunder shall be to render service to its members only, and no person shall become or remain a member unless such person uses telephone service supplied by the cooperative and shall have complied with the terms and conditions in respect to membership contained in the bylaws of the cooperative. Should the cooperative acquire any telephone facilities already dedicated or devoted to the public use it may, for the purpose of continuing existing service and avoiding hardship, continue to serve the persons served directly from such facilities at the time of such acquisition without requiring that such persons become members.

The rates to such nonmembers shall be on a cost basis similar to those charged members.

1950, p. 592; 1956, c. 434; 1996, c. 708.

§ 56-495. Powers granted corporation.

Each corporation formed under this chapter shall have power to do any and all acts or things necessary or incidental for carrying out the purpose for which it was formed, including, but not limited to:

1. To furnish or provide telephone service or any of the facilities necessary therefor in connection with the furnishing or providing of such service with others both within and without this Commonwealth and to provide such services or facilities as may be incidental or related to providing telephone service.

2. To sue and be sued.

3. To have a seal and alter the same at pleasure.

4. To acquire, hold and dispose of property, real and personal, tangible and intangible, or interests therein and to pay therefor in cash or property or on credit, and to secure and procure payment of all or any part of the purchase price thereof on such terms and conditions as the board shall determine.

5. To acquire, own and dispose of shares or interests in other entities engaged in communications businesses.

6. To render service and to acquire, own, operate, maintain and improve a system or systems.

7. To accept gifts or grants of money, or property, real or personal, from any person, municipality or federal agency and to accept voluntary and uncompensated services.

8. To sell, lease, mortgage or otherwise encumber or dispose of all or any part of its property, as hereinafter provided.

9. To contract debts, borrow money and to issue or assume the payment of bonds, and other obligations.

10. To fix, maintain and collect reasonable fees, rents, tolls and other charges for services rendered.

11. To exercise all the powers set forth in § 56-49, including the power of eminent domain as prescribed for other public service corporations by general law.

12. To issue nonassessable nonvoting common and preferred capital stock and pay annually noncumulative dividends thereon not exceeding four percent and no cooperative operating hereunder shall pay annually more than four percent interest on membership capital.

13. To perform any and all of the foregoing acts and to do any and all of the foregoing things under, through or by means of its own officers, agents and employees, or by contracts with any person, federal agency or municipality.

1950, p. 592; 1956, c. 434; 1989, c. 185; 2001, c. 386.

§ 56-496. Disposition of property.

No cooperative may sell, lease or dispose of any of its property other than property which, in the judgment of the board, is neither necessary nor useful in operating or maintaining the cooperative's system and which in any one year shall not exceed ten per centum in value of the value of all the property of the cooperative, unless authorized so to do by the votes of at least a two-thirds majority of its members; provided, however, that a cooperative: (i) may mortgage or otherwise encumber its assets by a vote of at least two-thirds of its board of directors; or (ii) may sell or transfer its assets to another cooperative upon the vote of a majority of its members at any regular or special meeting if the notice of such meeting contains a copy of the terms of the proposed sale or transfer.

1950, p. 593; 1956, c. 434; 1979, c. 103.

§ 56-497. Issue of obligations.

A cooperative shall have the power and is hereby authorized, from time to time, to issue its obligations in anticipation of its revenues for any corporate purpose. Such obligations may be authorized by resolution of the board, and may bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times, not exceeding fifty years from their respective dates, bear such interest, be payable at such times, be in such denominations, be in such form, either coupon or registered, carry such registration privileges, be executed in such manner, be payable in such medium of payment, at such place or places, and be subject to such terms of redemption, not exceeding par and accrued interest, as such resolution may provide. Such obligations may be sold in such manner and upon such terms as the board may determine at not less than par and accrued interest. Pending the preparation or execution of definitive bonds, or obligations, interim receipts or certificates or temporary bonds may be delivered to purchasers of such obligations.

1950, p. 593; 1956, c. 434; 1979, c. 129.

§ 56-498. Covenants.

In connection with the issuance of any obligations a cooperative may make covenants or agreements and do any and all acts or things that a corporation can make or do under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

1950, p. 593; 1956, c. 434.

§ 56-499. Purchase of own obligations.

A cooperative shall have power out of any funds available therefor to purchase any obligations issued by it at a price not exceeding the principal amount thereof and accrued interest thereon. All bonds so purchased shall be cancelled.

1950, p. 593; 1956, c. 434.

§ 56-500. Consolidation or merger.

Any two or more cooperatives created under the provisions of this chapter may consolidate or merge into a single corporation in the manner prescribed by Title 13.1, which consolidated or merged corporation shall exercise all the powers and authority and shall be vested with all the rights, franchises and privileges of each of the corporations so consolidated or merged.

1950, p. 594; 1956, c. 434.

§ 56-501. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 1998, c. 252.

§ 56-501.1. Payment of certain patronage capital to spouse or next of kin of deceased person.

When there is held by any telephone cooperative, engaged in the business of furnishing telephone service, any patronage capital to the credit of a deceased person, in an amount not exceeding $500, upon whose estate there shall have been no qualification, it shall be lawful for such telephone cooperative, after 120 days from the death of such person, to pay such balance to his or her spouse, and if none, to his or her next of kin, whose receipt therefor shall be a full discharge and acquittance to such telephone cooperative to all persons whomsoever on account of such patronage capital.

1979, c. 442.

§ 56-502. Regulation by State Corporation Commission.

Every cooperative organized under this chapter shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the State Corporation Commission with respect to telephone services and facilities in the same manner and to the same extent as are other similar utilities under the laws of Virginia, except that (i) the Commission shall have no jurisdiction over the rates, service quality and types of service offerings of the cooperative to its members; (ii) a cooperative shall not be required to file a local service tariff with the Commission; and (iii) where a cooperative establishes a cable television system, it shall be subject to Article 1.2 (§ 15.2-2108.19 et seq.) of Chapter 21 of Title 15.2.

1950, p. 594; 1956, c. 434; 1985, c. 405; 1996, c. 708; 1998, c. 252; 2001, c. 386; 2006, cc. 73, 76.

§ 56-503. Dissolution.

A cooperative created hereunder may be dissolved in the manner prescribed by Article 16 (§ 13.1-742 et seq.) of Chapter 9 or Article 13 (§ 13.1-902 et seq.) of Chapter 10 of Title 13.1.

1950, p. 594; 1956, c. 434.

§ 56-504. Charter amendments.

A cooperative created hereunder may amend its certificate of incorporation to change its corporate name, to increase or reduce the number of its directors or change any other provision therein, provided that no cooperative shall amend its certificate of incorporation to embody therein any purpose, power or provision which would not be authorized if its original certificate including such additional or changed purpose, power or provision were offered for filing at the time a certificate under this section is offered. Such amendment may be accomplished in the method prescribed by law for corporations generally.

1950, p. 594; 1956, c. 434.

§ 56-505. Charter fees.

The general laws of Virginia relating to fees and other charges in connection with issuing charters, amendments thereto, consolidations and dissolutions of corporations organized on a mutual basis or without capital stock, shall apply to cooperatives organized under the provisions of this chapter.

1950, p. 595; 1956, c. 434.

§ 56-506. Construction of chapter; conflicting laws.

This chapter is to be liberally construed and the enumeration of any object, purpose, power, method or thing shall not be deemed to exclude like or similar objects, purposes, powers, manners, methods or things, and any provisions of other laws in conflict with the provisions of this chapter shall not apply to cooperatives operating hereunder.

1950, p. 595; 1956, c. 434.

§ 56-507. Adoption of provisions by existing corporation.

Any Virginia corporation engaged in the furnishing of telephone service in the Commonwealth may come under the provisions of this chapter by filing with the Commission a certificate of adoption in the manner provided by paragraph (b) of § 13.1-334, and relinquishing all rights and powers granted by the former charter.

1950, p. 595; 1956, c. 434.

§ 56-508. Extension of service to territory not being served.

If, from any rural territory not now being served, application be made to the State Corporation Commission by a group of five or more persons, natural or artificial, to require an extension of telephone service to such territory, the Commission shall, if necessary to accomplish the purposes sought, fix a time for hearing upon the application, on such terms and conditions as the Commission prescribes, and, if it be established to the satisfaction of the Commission that a proper guaranteed revenue for a sufficient number of years will accrue to any company which may be required to construct the desired extension, and that a reasonable return will accrue to the company constructing the extension, then the Commission is authorized to require the nearest, or most advantageously located public telephone company to such territory to construct such extension to such point or points in such territory and to serve such customer or customers therein, as in its judgment is deemed right and proper.

1950, p. 595; 1956, c. 434.