Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Delinquency Prevention and Youth Development Act

§ 66-26. Delinquency prevention and youth development programs; agents

The Director shall develop and supervise delinquency prevention and youth development programs in order that better services and coordination of services are provided to children. The Director shall have the authority to appoint necessary agents for the carrying out of these programs as may be needed. To this end the Director shall cooperate with state and local authorities in establishing and maintaining suitable delinquency prevention and youth development programs.

Code 1950, § 53-19.22:1; 1974, c. 496; 1979, c. 700; 1982, c. 636, § 53.1-251; 1989, c. 733.

§ 66-27. Authority of Director to make grants to localities

The Director is authorized to make grants to counties and cities pursuant to the provisions of this chapter to promote efficiency and economy in the delivery of youth services and to provide support to localities seeking to respond positively to the growing rate of juvenile delinquency.

Code 1950, § 53-335; 1979, c. 698; 1982, c. 636, § 53.1-252; 1989, c. 733.

§ 66-28. Policies

The Board shall prescribe policies governing applications for grants pursuant to this chapter and standards for the operation of programs developed and implemented under the grants. The Department shall cooperate with and seek the assistance of representatives of county and city governing bodies, private nonprofit youth service agencies, and private citizens having expertise in the development and any subsequent revisions of the standards required by this section. The Department shall establish and make available to localities a list of best practice program models that are likely to qualify for grants pursuant to this chapter, such as programs offering (i) mentorships, (ii) community service opportunities, (iii) trauma-informed behavioral and mental health services, (iv) career planning and training, (v) employment opportunities, (vi) non-academic supports in a public or private school, or (vii) after-school or summer programs.

Code 1950, § 53-336; 1979, c. 698; 1982, c. 636, § 53.1-253; 1989, c. 733; 2000, c. 277; 2022, c. 522.

§ 66-29. Ordinances to be enacted by participating localities; applications by localities for grants

Prior to applying to the Director for a grant pursuant to this chapter, each governing body of a county or city which is to participate in the grant shall enact an appropriate ordinance or resolution which provides for the creation of a youth services citizen board pursuant to § 66-34.

Any county or city or combination thereof may apply to the Director for a grant pursuant to this chapter. The Director shall provide consultation and technical assistance, if requested, to localities in the development of applications for such grants. The Director shall approve or disapprove applicants for grants.

Code 1950, § 53-337; 1979, c. 698; 1982, c. 636, § 53.1-254; 1989, c. 733; 2000, c. 277.

§ 66-30. Renewal of grants; suspension for failure to comply with standards; notice and hearing

Grants approved by the Director pursuant to § 66-29 shall be renewed subject to approval by the Director of an annual plan update for youth services submitted by the participating counties or cities.

If the Director determines that a program operating under an approved grant is not in compliance with minimum standards promulgated by the Board, he may suspend all or any portion of the grant until the required standards of operation are met.

Code 1950, § 53-338; 1979, c. 698; 1982, c. 636, § 53.1-255; 1989, c. 733; 1990, c. 679; 2000, c. 277.

§ 66-31. Funding; records to be kept by localities; use of funds

A. Grants made to a county or city or combination thereof pursuant to this chapter shall be of an amount up to seventy-five percent of the total program budget for the proposed program for salaries and all other operating expenses including the lease of facilities, subject to funds provided by the General Assembly.

B. Each county and city receiving moneys under this chapter shall keep records of receipts and disbursements thereof which records shall be open for audit and evaluation by the appropriate state authorities.

C. Participating counties and cities may not use funds provided under this chapter to decrease those funds allocated by the governing body for existing citizen boards as provided for in § 66-34 hereof with the exception of those programs being funded by federal grant moneys.

Code 1950, § 53-339; 1979, c. 698; 1982, c. 636, § 53.1-256; 1989, c. 733.

§ 66-32. Withdrawal from program

Any participating county or city may, at the beginning of any calendar quarter, by ordinance or resolution of its governing authority, notify the Director of its intention to withdraw from the grant program. Such withdrawal shall be effective the last day of the quarter in which such notice is given.

Code 1950, § 53-340; 1979, c. 698; 1982, c. 636, § 53.1-257; 1989, c. 733.

§ 66-33. Unexpended funds

In any case in which any portion of state funds obtained through a grant authorized pursuant to this chapter remains unencumbered or unexpended at the end of the fiscal year, such funds shall be returned by the locality to the State Treasurer, who shall deposit such moneys in the state general fund.

Code 1950, § 53-341; 1979, c. 698; 1982, c. 636, § 53.1-258; 1989, c. 733.

§ 66-34. Youth services citizen boards; appointment and qualifications of members

A. Each county and city participating in a program funded by an approved grant shall be represented on a youth services citizen board (the board). The board shall be appointed by the county or city governing body or combination thereof. The board may be composed of (i) representative elected officials, representatives of public and private agencies serving youths, representatives of local law enforcement, and citizens not employed by government or service agencies, including one representative of the faith community and one representative of the business community, or (ii) the community policy and management team established pursuant to § 2.2-5204 or a similar entity, as approved by the Department, provided that such board or entity (a) includes, for the purposes of this section, at least one representative of the faith community who is not employed by a government or service agency, one representative of the business community who is not employed by a government or service agency, and one representative of local law enforcement and (b) complies with any other requirements imposed by the Department. No board member may have an interest in any organization or program that receives grant funds pursuant to this chapter.

B. The board shall actively participate with community representatives in the formulation of a comprehensive plan for the development, coordination, and evaluation of the youth services program and shall make formal recommendations to the governing authority or authorities at least annually concerning the comprehensive plan and its implementation during the ensuing year.

C. The board may establish a youth advisory team for the purposes of consultation and advice regarding the youth services program. If the board establishes a youth advisory team, the board (i) shall consult with and consider the recommendations of the youth advisory team prior to making recommendations to the local governing body pursuant to subsection B and (ii) may apply to the Department for additional funding to support the youth advisory team.

Code 1950, § 53-342; 1979, c. 698; 1982, c. 636, § 53.1-259; 1989, c. 733; 2000, c. 277; 2022, c. 522.

§ 66-35. Responsibilities of local programs

It shall be the responsibility of the local programs to:

1. Prepare and update pursuant to Department guidelines a comprehensive plan based on an objective assessment of the community's youth development and delinquency prevention needs and resources;

2. Assist the locality in establishing and modifying programs and services to youth pursuant to § 16.1-309.3 on the basis of an objective assessment of the community's needs and resources;

3. Collaborate with public and private entities to identify gaps in program services and identify potential funding sources to assist in developing programs to respond to identified gaps; and

4. Provide assistance to other community agencies and organizations, including the community policy and management team established pursuant to § 2.2-5204, in establishing and modifying programs and services to youth.

Code 1950, § 53-343; 1979, c. 698; 1982, c. 636, § 53.1-260; 1989, c. 733; 1992, cc. 837, 880; 1993, cc. 232, 283; 2000, c. 277; 2022, c. 522.