Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Government Employees Deferred Compensation Plan Act

§ 51.1-600. Definitions

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Act" means the Government Employees Deferred Compensation Plan Act.

"Board" means the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Retirement System.

"Deferred compensation plan" means a plan established pursuant to the provisions of § 457(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, that may provide for elective and non-elective deferrals of compensation by or on behalf of employees and may include a qualified Roth contribution program as described in § 402A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

"Employee" means, in the case of the plan described in § 51.1-602, all persons employed by a participating employer, including appointed or elected officials. In the case of a plan adopted by a county, municipality, authority or other political subdivision pursuant to § 51.1-603, an employee shall be defined by such county, municipality, authority or other political subdivision, subject to the approval of the Board.

"Participating employer" means the Commonwealth or any political subdivision that has elected pursuant to § 51.1-603.1 to participate in the deferred compensation plan established by the Board pursuant to this chapter.

1974, c. 461, § 51-111.67:15; 1987, c. 619; 1990, c. 832; 1992, c. 276; 1999, cc. 980, 984; 2002, c. 311; 2007, c. 253; 2014, cc. 356, 747.

§ 51.1-601. Contract for deferred compensation

In accordance with a plan of deferred compensation, the Commonwealth, or any state agency, county, municipality, authority, or other political subdivision may contract with any employee to defer all or any portion of that employee's otherwise payable compensation and, pursuant to the terms of the plan and in such proportions as may be designated or directed under the plan, place such deferred compensation in investment products selected by the Commonwealth and its agencies, county, municipality, authority, or other political subdivision. All investment products shall be offered in compliance with applicable federal and state laws and regulations by persons who are duly authorized by applicable state and federal authorities.

1974, c. 461, § 51-111.67:16; 1987, c. 619; 1990, c. 832; 1992, c. 276; 2002, c. 311; 2007, c. 253.

§ 51.1-601.1. Participation in plan by certain employees

All employees of the Commonwealth and its agencies commencing employment or who are reemployed on or after January 1, 2008, in a position covered by the Virginia Retirement System, and who (i) have not elected to participate in a plan established pursuant to § 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or (ii) do not participate in the hybrid retirement program described in § 51.1-169, shall participate in the plan described in § 51.1-602, unless such employee elects, in a manner prescribed by the Board, not to participate in such plan. The amount of the deferral for any such employee participating in the plan shall equal, on a semimonthly basis, $20 of otherwise payable compensation, unless the employee elects to defer a different amount.

2007, c. 253; 2012, cc. 701, 823; 2013, c. 463.

§ 51.1-602. Deferred compensation plan for employees of the Commonwealth; administered by the Board

A. The Board shall establish and administer a deferred compensation plan for employees of the Commonwealth and its agencies. The Virginia Retirement System Director shall be the chief administrative officer of the plan. The Board may contract with private corporations or institutions subject to the standards set forth in § 51.1-124.30 to provide investment products as well as any other goods and services related to the administration of the deferred compensation plan. The Virginia Retirement System is hereby authorized to perform related services including, but not limited to, providing consolidated billing, individual and collective record keeping and accountings, and asset purchase, control, and safekeeping. In accordance with such plan, and upon contract or agreement with an eligible employee, deferrals of compensation may be accomplished by payroll deductions made by the appropriate officer of the Commonwealth, with such funds being thereafter held and administered in accordance with the plan. Administrative fees related to the VRS program oversight that otherwise would be charged to an employee participating in the plan shall be paid by the participating employer under procedures established by the Board. Any political subdivision participating in the plan pursuant to § 51.1-603.1 may collect the administrative fee imposed by the Virginia Retirement System from employees participating in the plan.

B. If it deems it advisable, the Board may create a trust or other special fund for the segregation of the funds or assets resulting from compensation deferred at the request of employees of the Commonwealth or its agencies and for the implementation of such program.

C. The Department of Accounts shall be responsible for the (i) accounting and reconciliations associated with state employees' contributions to the plan through payroll deductions and (ii) timely transfer of withheld funds to the private corporation or institution designated by the Board pursuant to subsection A. However, any state agency that has decentralized its payroll function and any political subdivision of the Commonwealth participating in the plan pursuant to § 51.1-603.1 shall be responsible for the (i) accounting and reconciliations associated with their employees' contributions to the plan through payroll deductions and (ii) timely transfer of withheld funds to the private corporation or institution designated by the Board pursuant to subsection A.

1974, c. 461, § 51-111.67:17; 1984, cc. 662, 746; 1985, c. 448; 1987, c. 619; 1990, c. 832; 1992, c. 276; 1997, c. 174; 1998, c. 658; 2000, c. 395; 2004, c. 86; 2008, c. 245.

§ 51.1-603. Local deferred compensation plans

A. Any county, municipality, authority, or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth may by ordinance or resolution adopt and establish for itself and its employees a deferred compensation plan. Any such deferred compensation plan may include constitutional officers and their employees. The ordinance or resolution adopting or establishing such plan shall create or designate an appropriate board or officer to administer the plan, and shall confer upon such board or officer the authority to do all things by way of supervision, administration, and implementation of the plan, including the power to contract with private corporations or institutions for services in connection therewith. The deferral of compensation may be accomplished by payroll deductions by the appropriate officer of the county, municipality, authority, or other political subdivision.

B. If it deems it advisable, any county, municipality, authority, or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth, which by ordinance or resolution adopts and establishes for itself and its employees a deferred compensation plan, may (i) create a trust or other special fund for the segregation of the funds or assets resulting from compensation deferred at the request of its employees for the implementation of such plan or (ii) provide that its employees who commence employment or reemployment on or after a specified date, and who have not affirmatively elected to participate in such deferred compensation plan or in a plan established by such political subdivision pursuant to § 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, shall participate in either such deferred compensation plan or 403(b) plan, as determined by the political subdivision, at such initial default amount or rate of deferral as it may determine, unless such employee elects, in a manner prescribed by the plan administrator, not to participate in the plan.

1974, c. 461, § 51-111.67:18; 1982, c. 364; 1987, c. 619; 1990, c. 832; 1991, c. 379; 1997, c. 174; 2012, c. 660.

§ 51.1-603.1. Participation by employees of political subdivisions in deferred compensation plan of Virginia Retirement System

A. The Virginia Retirement System may enter into an agreement with any political subdivision of the Commonwealth to permit participation by the political subdivision's employees in the deferred compensation plan established and administered by the Board pursuant to § 51.1-602, except that political subdivisions of the Commonwealth otherwise participating in the retirement system pursuant to Article 5 (§ 51.1-130 et seq.) of Chapter 1 shall participate in the deferred compensation plan established and administered by the Board pursuant to § 51.1-602 to the extent necessary to provide benefits under the hybrid retirement program described in § 51.1-169.

B. The political subdivision may provide in the agreement that its employees who (i) commence employment or reemployment on or after a specified date occurring on or after the effective date of this provision in the agreement, (ii) are not participating in the hybrid retirement program described in § 51.1-169, and (iii) have not affirmatively elected to participate in the plan described in § 51.1-602 or a plan established by such political subdivision pursuant to § 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, shall participate in either such plan described in § 51.1-602 or a 403(b) plan, as determined by the political subdivision, unless such employee elects, in a manner prescribed by the Board, not to participate in such plan. The amount of the deferral for any such employee participating in the plan shall equal, on a semimonthly basis, $20 of otherwise payable compensation, unless the employee elects to defer a greater amount.

1997, c. 174; 2012, cc. 660, 701, 823; 2013, c. 463.

§ 51.1-604. Standards for deferred compensation plans

No deferred compensation plan shall become effective until the Board, county, municipality, authority or other political subdivision of the Commonwealth is satisfied, by opinion of its respective counsel, such federal agency or agencies as may be deemed necessary, or otherwise, that the contributions thereunder and/or the investment products purchased pursuant to the plan (i) will not be included in the employee's taxable income under federal or state law until it is actually received by the employee under the terms of the plan, provided that such contributions will nonetheless be deemed compensation at the time of deferral for the purposes of social security coverage, for the purposes of the Virginia Retirement System, and for any other retirement, pension, or benefit program established by law, or (ii) are designated Roth contributions as defined in § 402A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

1974, c. 461, § 51-111.67:19; 1987, c. 619; 1990, c. 832; 1992, c. 276; 2002, c. 311; 2014, c. 747.

§ 51.1-605. Other retirement, pension, etc., systems not affected; annual report

Any deferred compensation program established by this chapter, and any plan adopted hereunder, shall exist and serve in addition to any other retirement, pension, or benefit system established by the Commonwealth, its agencies, counties, municipalities, authorities, or other political subdivisions, and shall not supersede, make inoperative, or reduce any benefits provided by the Virginia Retirement System or by any other retirement, pension, or benefit program established by law.

The Virginia Retirement System shall submit an annual report to the Governor and the General Assembly advising them of the condition of the Commonwealth's fund and all operational costs associated with such fund. This report shall be submitted annually on or before December 31.

The Board shall have the authority to establish a plan pursuant to § 401 (a) or § 403 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for the purpose of implementation of this section.

1974, c. 461, § 51-111.67:20; 1987, c. 619; 1990, c. 832; 1992, c. 276; 2002, c. 311; 2006, c. 66.

§ 51.1-606. Repealed

Repealed by Acts 2002, c. 311, cl. 2.