Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 2.2. Administration of Government
Chapter 27.1. State-Facilitated IRA Savings Program

§ 2.2-2744. Definitions. (2024 updated section)

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Board" means the governing board of the Commonwealth Savers Plan.

"Committee" means the Program Advisory Committee established pursuant to § 2.2-2746.

"Eligible employee" means any individual who is (i) 18 years of age or older, (ii) currently employed at least 30 hours a week, and (iii) receiving wages.

"Eligible employer" means a nongovernmental business, industry, trade, profession, or other enterprise in the Commonwealth, whether conducted on a for-profit or nonprofit basis, that employed 25 or more eligible employees, as reported to the Virginia Employment Commission pursuant to 16VAC5-32-20, or any successor regulation, for the quarter ending December 31 and the preceding three quarters of the preceding calendar year and has been operating for at least two years prior to Program implementation. "Eligible employer" does not include an employer that sponsors, maintains, or contributes to an automatic enrollment payroll deduction IRA or a qualified retirement plan in compliance with federal law for its employees, including plans qualified under § 401(a), 403(a), 403(b), 408(k), or 408(p) of the Internal Revenue Code. An employer shall become an eligible employer at any time if it meets the eligibility requirements under this chapter.

"Fee" means any investment management charges, administrative charges, investment advice charges, trading fees, marketing and sales fees, revenue sharing, broker fees, and other costs necessary to run the Program.

"Individual retirement account" or "IRA" means a Roth or traditional individual retirement account or annuity under § 408 or 408A of the Internal Revenue Code.

"Participating employee" means any eligible employee who is enrolled in the Program.

"Participating employer" means an employer that facilitates a payroll deposit retirement savings agreement pursuant to this chapter for its eligible employees.

"Participating individual" means any individual who enrolls in the Program independent of an employment relationship with an eligible employer, maintains an account in the Program, and is not a participating employee.

"Payroll deposit retirement savings agreement" means an arrangement by which an employer allows employees to remit payroll deduction contributions to the Program.

"Plan" means the Commonwealth Savers Plan.

"Program" means the state-facilitated IRA savings program established in this chapter and administered by the Plan.

"Program Trust" means the Program trust fund established by § 2.2-2752.

"Wages" means any compensation, as such term is defined in § 219(f)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, that is paid to an eligible employee by his employer during the calendar year.

2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 556; 2024, c. 217.