Code of Virginia
Title 20. Domestic Relations
Title 20. Domestic Relations
Title 20. Domestic Relations (2024 Updates)
- Chapter 2. Marriage Generally
- § 20-13.2
- Marriage lawful regardless of sex, gender, or race of parties
- § 20-25
- Persons other than ministers who may perform rites
- Chapter 3. Unlawful Marriages Generally
- § 20-45.1
- Void and voidable marriages
- § 20-48
- Minimum age of marriage
- Chapter 4.1. Support
- § 20-60.3
- Contents of support orders
- Chapter 6. Divorce, Affirmation and Annulment
- § 20-89.1
- Suit to annul marriage
- § 20-90
- Suit to affirm marriage
- § 20-107.1
- Court may decree as to maintenance and support of spouses
- § 20-108
- Revision and alteration of such decrees
- § 20-108.2
- Guideline for determination of child support; quadrennial review by Child Support Guidelines Review Panel; executive summary
- Chapter 6.2. Virginia Military Parents Equal Protection Act
- § 20-124.7
- Definitions
- Chapter 10. Power of Attorney to Delegate Parental or Legal Custodial Powers
- § 20-166
- Power of attorney to delegate parental or legal custodial powers
- § 20-167
- Statutory form for power of attorney to delegate parental or legal custodial powers