3VAC10-40-30. Facility prohibitions.
A. No pharmaceutical processor shall:
1. Cultivate cannabis plants or produce or dispense cannabis products in any place except the approved facility at the address of record on the application for the pharmaceutical processor permit;
2. Sell, deliver, transport, or distribute cannabis, including cannabis products, to any other facility except for wholesale distribution pursuant to 3VAC10-40-50;
3. Produce or manufacture cannabis products for use outside of Virginia;
4. Provide cannabis products samples;
5. Endorse or promote a practitioner; or
6. Provide anything of value, directly or indirectly, to a practitioner.
B. No cannabis dispensing facility shall:
1. Dispense cannabis products in any place except the approved facility at the address of record on the application for the cannabis dispensing facility permit;
2. Sell, deliver, transport, or distribute cannabis products to any other facility, except for wholesale distribution pursuant to 3VAC10-40-50; or
3. Provide cannabis product samples.
C. No cannabis cultivation facility shall:
1. Sell, deliver, transport, or distribute cannabis to any other facility, except for the pharmaceutical processor that established the cannabis cultivation facility;
2. Produce, manufacture, or dispense cannabis products; or
3. Provide cannabis samples.
D. When a pharmacist is not on the premises and directly supervising the activity within the dispensing area of the pharmaceutical processor or a cannabis dispensing facility:
1. The dispensing area shall not be open or in operation;
2. No person shall be in the dispensing area unless all cannabis products are contained in a vault or other similar container to which only the pharmacist has access controls; and
3. The dispensing area shall be closed and properly secured.
E. Employee access to secured areas designated for cultivation and production, as authorized by the responsible party pursuant to § 4.1-1602 of the Code of Virginia, is permissible when a pharmacist is not on the premises.
F. No pharmaceutical processor or cannabis dispensing facility shall sell anything other than cannabis products except for devices for administration of dispensed products or hemp-based CBD products.
G. Except as provided in subsections H and I of this section, no person other than a medical cannabis facility employee, a patient, parent, legal guardian, registered agent, or a companion of a patient shall be allowed on the premises of a processor or facility.
H. Laboratory staff may enter a pharmaceutical processor or cannabis cultivation facility for the sole purpose of identifying and collecting cannabis or cannabis products samples to conduct laboratory tests.
I. A medical cannabis facility may submit a written request for entry by other persons to the board or the board's authorized representative.
J. An employee of a business that is contracted by a pharmaceutical processor may be allowed on the premises of the processor to perform the employee's duties (e.g. security, cleaning, electrical, plumbing) without requesting board authorization. The pharmaceutical processor should apply the requirements for visitor access found in subsection K of this section to the contracted employee.
K. All persons who the board or the board’s representative has authorized in writing to enter the medical cannabis facility shall obtain a visitor identification badge from a medical cannabis facility employee prior to entering the processor or facility.
1. An employee shall escort and monitor an authorized visitor at all times the visitor is in the medical cannabis facility.
2. The visitor identification badge shall remain visible at all times the visitor is in the medical cannabis facility, and the visitor shall return the visitor identification badge to an employee upon exiting the medical cannabis facility.
3. All visitors shall log in and out. The medical cannabis facility shall maintain the visitor log that shall include the date, time, and purpose of the visit and be available to the board.
4. If an emergency requires the presence of a visitor and makes it impractical for the medical cannabis facility to obtain prior authorization from the board, the medical cannabis facility shall provide written notice to the board as soon as practicable after the onset of the emergency. Such notice shall include the name and company affiliation of the visitor, the purpose of the visit, and the date and time of the visit. A medical cannabis facility shall monitor the visitor and maintain a log of such visit as required by this subsection.
L. No cannabis products shall be sold, dispensed, or distributed via a delivery service or any other manner outside of a pharmaceutical processor or cannabis dispensing facility; however, a parent, legal guardian, or registered agent or an agent of the processor or cannabis dispensing facility may deliver cannabis products to the patient or in accordance with 3VAC10-50-80 A.
M. Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection G of this section, an agent of the board or local law enforcement or other federal, state, or local government officials may enter any area of a medical cannabis facility if necessary to perform such individual's governmental duties.
Statutory Authority
§§ 4.1-601, 4.1-604, and 4.1-606 of the Code of Virginia.
Historical Notes
Derived from Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 11, eff. January 1, 2024; amended, Virginia Register Volume 41, Issue 14, eff. February 10, 2025.