Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part I. Definitions

13VAC5-112-10. Definitions.

The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Agreed-upon procedures engagement" means an engagement between an independent certified public accountant licensed by the Commonwealth and the business or zone investor seeking to qualify for Enterprise Zone incentive grants pursuant to § 59.1-549 of the Code of Virginia, whereby the independent certified public accountant, using procedures specified by the department, will test and report on the assertion of the business or zone investor as to their qualification to receive the Enterprise Zone incentive.

"Assumption or acquisition" means, in connection with a trade or business, that the inventory, accounts receivable, liabilities, customer list, and good will of an existing Virginia company has been assumed or acquired by another taxpayer, regardless of a change in federal identification number or employees.

"Average number of permanent full-time employees" means the number of permanent full-time employees during each payroll period of a business firm's taxable year divided by the number of payroll periods. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20:

1. In calculating the average number of permanent full-time employees, a business firm may count only those permanent full-time employees who worked at least half of their normal workdays during the payroll period. Paid leave time may be counted as work time.

2. For a business firm that uses different payroll periods for different classes of employees, the average number of permanent full-time employees of the firm shall be defined as the sum of the average number of permanent full-time employees for each class of employee.

"Base taxable year" means either of two taxable years immediately preceding the first year of qualification, at the choice of the business firm. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20.

"Base year" means either of the two calendar years immediately preceding a qualified business firm's first year of grant eligibility, at the choice of the business firm.

"Building" means any construction meeting the common ordinarily accepted meaning of the term (building, a usually roofed and walled structure built for permanent use) where (i) areas separated by interior floors or other horizontal assemblies and (ii) areas separated by fire walls or vertical assemblies shall not be construed to constitute separate buildings, irrespective of having separate addresses, ownership, or tax assessment configurations, unless there is a property line contiguous with the fire wall or vertical assembly.

"Business firm" means any corporation, partnership, electing small business (subchapter S) corporation, limited liability company, or sole proprietorship authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This shall also include business and professional organizations and associations whose classification falls under sectors 813910 and 813920 of the North American Industry Classification Systems and that generate the majority of their revenue from customers outside the Commonwealth.

"Capital lease" means a lease that meets one or more of the following criteria and as such is classified as a purchase by the lessee: the lease term is greater than 75% of the property's estimated economic life; the lease contains an option to purchase the property for less than fair market value; ownership of the property is transferred to the lessee at the end of the lease term; or the present value of the lease payments exceed 90% of the fair market value of the property.

"Common control" means those firms as defined by Internal Revenue Code § 52(b).

"Department" means the Department of Housing and Community Development.

"Establishment" means a single physical location where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed.

1. A central administrative office is an establishment primarily engaged in management and general administrative functions performed centrally for other establishments of the same firm.

2. An auxiliary unit is an establishment primarily engaged in performing supporting services to other establishments of the same firm. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-110.

"Existing business firm" means a business firm that was actively engaged in the conduct of trade or business in an area prior to such an area being designated as an enterprise zone or that was engaged in the conduct of trade or business in the Commonwealth and relocates to begin operation of a trade or business within an enterprise zone. An existing business firm is also one that was not previously conducted in the Commonwealth by such taxpayer who acquires or assumes a trade or business and continues its operations. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20.

"Expansion" means an increase in square footage or the footprint of an existing nonresidential building via a shared wall, or enlargement of an existing room or floor plan. Pursuant to real property investment grants this shall include mixed-use buildings.

"Facility" means a complex of buildings, co-located at a single physical location within an enterprise zone, all of which are necessary to facilitate the conduct of the same trade or business. This definition applies to new construction, as well as to the rehabilitation and expansion of existing structures.

"Federal minimum wage" means the minimum wage standard as currently defined by the U.S. Department of Labor in the Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 USC § 201 et seq. Such definition applies to permanent full-time employees paid on an hourly or wage basis.

"Food and beverage service" means a business whose classification falls under subsector 722 Food Services and Drinking Places of North American Industry Classification System.

"Full month" means the number of days that a permanent full-time position must be filled in order to count in the calculation of the grant amount under 13VAC5-112-260. A full month is calculated by dividing the total number of days in calendar year by 12. A full month for the purpose of calculating job creation grants is equivalent to 30.416666 days.

"Grant-eligible position" means a new permanent full-time position created above the threshold number at an eligible business firm. Positions in retail, personal service, or food and beverage service shall not be considered grant-eligible positions.

"Health benefits" means that at a minimum medical insurance is offered to employees, and the employer shall offer to pay at least 50% of the cost of the premium at the time of employment and annually thereafter.

"High unemployment area" means enterprise zone localities with unemployment rates one and one-half times or more than the state average based on the most recent annualized unemployment data published by the Virginia Employment Commission.

"Household" means all the persons who occupy a single housing unit. Occupants may be a single family, one person living alone, two or more families living together, or any group of related or unrelated persons who share living arrangements. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20.

"Household income" means all income actually received by all household members older than 16 years of age from the following sources. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20:

1. Gross wages, salaries, tips, commissions, etc. (before deductions);

2. Net self-employment income (gross receipts minus operating expenses);

3. Interest and dividend earnings; and

4. Other money income received from net rents, Old Age and Survivors Insurance, social security benefits, pensions, alimony, child support, and periodic income from insurance policy annuities and other sources.

The following types of income are excluded from household income:

1. Noncash benefits such as food stamps and housing assistance;

2. Public assistance payments;

3. Disability payments;

4. Unemployment and employment training benefits;

5. Capital gains and losses; and

6. One-time unearned income.

When computing household income, income of a household member shall be counted for the portion of the income determination period that the person was actually a part of the household.

"Household size" means the largest number of household members during the income determination period. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20.

"Housing unit" means a house, apartment, group of rooms, or single room that is occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20.

"Income determination period" means the 12 months immediately preceding the month in which the person was hired. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20.

"Independent certified public accountant" means a public accountant certified and licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia who is not an employee of the business firm seeking to qualify for state tax incentives and grants under this program.

"Job creation grant" means a grant provided under § 59.1-547 of the Code of Virginia.

"Joint enterprise zone" means an enterprise zone located in two or more adjacent localities.

"Jurisdiction" means the city or county that made the application to have an enterprise zone. In the case of a joint application, it means all parties making the application. Pursuant to enterprise zone designations made prior to July 1, 2005, this shall include towns.

"Large qualified business firm" means a qualified business firm making qualified zone investments in excess of $15 million when such zone investments result in the creation of at least 50 permanent full-time positions. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20.

"Large qualified zone resident" means a qualified zone resident making qualified zone investments in excess of $100 million when such qualified zone investments result in the creation of at least 200 permanent full-time positions. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-110.

"Local zone administrator" means the chief executive of the city or county, in which an enterprise zone is located, or his designee. Pursuant to enterprise zone designations made prior to July 1, 2005, this shall include towns.

"Low-income" means household income was less than or equal to 80% of area median household income during the income determination period. Persons who meet the definition of both low-income and zone resident may not be counted as both for purposes of meeting employment requirements for the general tax credit. Instead, qualifying business firms must claim these persons as either low-income or zone resident. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20.

"Median household income" means the dollar amount, adjusted for household size, as determined annually by the department for the city or county in which the zone is located. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20.

"Minimum wage" means the federal minimum wage or the Virginia minimum wage, whichever is higher as determined for the current calendar year as of December 1 of the prior calendar year by the department. Such determination will be continuously in effect throughout the calendar year, regardless of changes to the federal minimum wage or the Virginia minimum wage during that year.

"Mixed use" means a building incorporating residential uses in which a minimum of 30% of the useable floor space will be devoted to commercial, office, or industrial use. Buildings where less than 30% of the useable floor space is devoted to commercial, office, or industrial use shall be considered primarily residential in nature and shall not be eligible for a grant under 13VAC5-112-330. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-330.

"Net loss" applies to firms that relocate or expand operations and means (i) after relocating into a zone, a business firm's gross permanent employment is less than it was before locating into the zone, or (ii) after a business firm locates or expands within a zone, its gross employment at its nonzone location is less than it was before the zone location occurred.

"New business" means a business not previously conducted in the Commonwealth by such taxpayer and that begins operation in an enterprise zone after the zone was designated. A new business is also one created by the establishment of a new facility and new permanent full-time employment by an existing business firm in an enterprise zone and does not result in a net loss of permanent full-time employment outside the zone. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20.

"New construction" means a single, nonresidential facility built on previously undeveloped land or a nonresidential structure built on the site or parcel of a previously razed structure with no remnants of the prior structure or physical connection to existing structures or outbuildings on the property. Pursuant to real property investment grants this shall include mixed-use buildings.

"Number of eligible permanent full-time positions" means the amount by which the number of permanent full-time positions at a business firm in a grant year exceeds the threshold number. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-260.

"Payroll period" means the period of time for which a business firm normally pays its employees.

"Permanent full-time employee" means a person employed by a business firm who is normally scheduled to work (i) a minimum of 35 hours per week for the entire normal year of the business firm's operations, which normal year must consist of at least 48 weeks, (ii) a minimum of 35 hours per week for a portion of the taxable year in which the employee was initially hired for, or transferred to the business firm, or (iii) a minimum of 1,680 hours per year if the standard fringe benefits are paid by the business firm for the employee. Permanent full-time employee also means two or more individuals who together share the same job position and together work the normal number of hours a week as required by the business firm for that one position. Seasonal, temporary, leased, or contract labor employees or employees shifted from an existing location in the Commonwealth to a business firm location within an enterprise zone shall not qualify as permanent full-time employees. This definition only applies to business firms for the purpose of qualifying for enterprise zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20.

"Permanent full-time position" (for the purpose of qualifying for grants pursuant to § 59.1-547 of the Code of Virginia) means a job of indefinite duration at a business firm located within an enterprise zone requiring the employee to report to work within the enterprise zone; and requiring (i) a minimum of 35 hours of an employee's time per week for the entire normal year of the business firm's operation, which "normal year" must consist of at least 48 weeks, (ii) a minimum of 35 hours of an employee's time per week for the portion of the calendar year in which the employee was initially hired for or transferred to the business firm, or (iii) a minimum of 1,680 hours per year. Such position shall not include (a) seasonal, temporary, or contract positions, (b) a position created when a job function is shifted from an existing location in the Commonwealth to a business firm located with an enterprise zone, (c) any position that previously existed in the Commonwealth, or (d) positions created by a business that is simultaneously closing facilities in other areas of the Commonwealth.

"Personal service" means such positions classified under NAICS 812.

"Placed in service" means the final certificate of occupancy has been issued or the final building inspection has been approved by the local jurisdiction for real property improvements or real property investments, or in cases where a project does not require permits, the licensed third party inspector's report that the project was complete; pursuant to 13VAC5-112-110, the first moment that machinery becomes operational and is used in the manufacturing of a product for consumption; or in the case of tools and equipment, the first moment they are used in the performance of duty or service.

"Qualification year" the calendar year for which a qualified business firm or qualified zone investor is applying for a grant pursuant to 13VAC5-112-260.

"Qualified business firm" means a business firm meeting the business firm requirements in 13VAC5-112-20 or 13VAC5-112-260 and designated a qualified business firm by the department.

"Qualified real property investment" (for purposes of qualifying for a real property investment grant) means the amount expended for improvements to rehabilitate, expand, or construct depreciable real property placed in service during the calendar year within an enterprise zone provided that the total amount of such improvements equals or exceeds (i) $100,000 with respect to a single building or a facility in the case of rehabilitation or expansion or (ii) $500,000 with respect to a single building or a facility in the case of new construction. "Qualified real property investment" includes any such expenditure regardless of whether it is considered properly chargeable to a capital account or deductible as a business expense under federal Treasury regulations. Qualified real property investments include expenditures associated with (a) any exterior, interior, structural, mechanical, or electrical improvements necessary to construct, expand, or rehabilitate a building for commercial, industrial, or mixed use; (b) excavations; (c) grading and paving; (d) installing driveways; and (e) landscaping or land improvements. Qualified real property investments shall include costs associated with demolition, carpentry, sheetrock, plaster, painting, ceilings, fixtures, doors, windows, fire suppression systems, roofing, flashing, exterior repair, cleaning and cleanup, and installation of solar panels consistent with the provisions of § 59.1-548 of the Code of Virginia and 13VAC5-112-340 A.

Qualified real property investment shall not include:

1. The cost of acquiring any real property or building.

2. Other costs including (i) the cost of furnishings; (ii) any expenditure associated with appraisal, architectural, engineering, surveying, and interior design fees; (iii) loan fees, points, or capitalized interest; (iv) legal, accounting, realtor, sales and marketing, or other professional fees; (v) closing costs, permits, user fees, zoning fees, impact fees, and inspection fees; (vi) bids, insurance, signage, utilities, bonding, copying, rent loss, or temporary facilities incurred during construction; (vii) utility connection or access fees; (viii) outbuildings; (ix) the cost of any well or septic or sewer system; and (x) roads.

3. The basis of any property (i) for which a grant under this section was previously provided; (ii) for which a tax credit under § 59.1-280.1 of the Code of Virginia was previously granted; (iii) that was previously placed in service in Virginia by the qualified zone investor, a related party as defined by Internal Revenue Code § 267(b), or a trade or business under common control as defined by Internal Revenue Code § 52(b); or (iv) that was previously in service in Virginia and has a basis in the hands of the person acquiring it, determined in whole or in part by reference to the basis of such property in the hands of the person from whom it was acquired or Internal Revenue Code § 1014(a).

"Qualified zone improvements" (for purposes of qualifying for an Investment Tax Credit) means the amount expended for improvements to rehabilitate or expand depreciable nonresidential real property placed in service during the taxable year within an enterprise zone, provided that the total amount of such improvements equals or exceeds (i) $50,000 and (ii) the assessed value of the original facility immediately prior to the rehabilitation or expansion. "Qualified zone expenditures" includes any such expenditure regardless of whether it is considered properly chargeable to a capital account or deductible as a business expense under federal Treasury regulations. Qualified zone improvements include expenditures associated with any exterior, structural, mechanical, or electrical improvements necessary to construct, expand, or rehabilitate a building for commercial or industrial use.

1. Qualified zone improvements include the costs associated with excavation, grading, paving, driveways, roads, sidewalks, landscaping or other land improvements, demolition, carpentry, sheetrock, plaster, painting, ceilings, fixtures, doors, windows, fire suppression systems, roofing and flashing, exterior repair, cleaning, and clean-up.

2. Qualified zone improvements do not include (i) the cost of furnishings; (ii) any expenditure associated with appraisal, architectural, engineering, and interior design fees; (iii) loan fees, points, or capitalized interest; (iv) legal, accounting, realtor, sales, and marketing or other professional fees; (v) closing costs, permits, user fees, zoning fees, impact fees, or inspection fees; (vi) bids insurance, signage, utilities, bonding, copying, rent loss, or temporary facilities incurred during construction; (vii) utility hook-up or access fees; (viii) outbuildings; (ix) the cost of any well, septic, or sewer system; or (x) cost of acquiring land or an existing building.

3. In the case of new nonresidential construction, qualified zone improvements also do not include land, land improvements, paving, grading, driveway, and interest. This definition applies only for the purposes of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-110.

"Qualified zone investment" means the sum of qualified zone improvements and the cost of machinery, tools, and equipment used in manufacturing tangible personal property and placed in service on or after July 1, 1995. Machinery, equipment, tools, and real property that are leased through a capital lease and that are being depreciated by the lessee or that are transferred from out-of-state to a zone location by a business firm may be included as qualified zone investment. Such leased or transferred machinery, equipment, tools, and real property shall be valued using the depreciable basis for federal income tax purposes. Machinery, tools, and equipment shall not include the basis of any property (i) for which a credit was previously granted under § 59.1-280.1 of the Code of Virginia; (ii) that was previously placed in service in Virginia by the taxpayer, a related party, as defined by Internal Revenue Code § 267(b), or a trade or business under common control, as defined by Internal Revenue Code § 52(b); or (iii) that was previously in service in Virginia and has a basis in the hands of the person acquiring it, determined in whole or in part by reference to the basis of such property in the hands of the person whom acquired it, or Internal Revenue Code § 1014(a). This definition applies only for the purposes of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-110.

"Qualified zone investor" means an owner or tenant of real property located within an enterprise zone who expands, rehabilitates, or constructs such real property for commercial, industrial, or mixed use. In the case of a tenant, the amounts of qualified zone investment specified in this section shall relate to the proportion of the building or facility for which the tenant holds a valid lease. In the case of an owner of an individual unit within a horizontal property regime, the amounts of qualified zone investments specified in this section shall relate to that proportion of the building for which the owner holds title and not to common elements. Units of local, state, and federal government or political subdivisions shall not be considered qualified zone investors.

"Qualified zone resident" means an owner or tenant of nonresidential real property located in an enterprise zone who expands or rehabilitates such real property to facilitate the conduct of a trade or business by such owner or tenant within the enterprise zone. In the case of a partnership, limited liability company, or S corporation, the term "qualified zone resident" means the partnership, limited liability company, or S corporation. This definition applies only for the purposes of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-110.

"Real property investment grant" means a grant made under § 59.1-548 of the Code of Virginia. This definition applies only for the purposes of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-330.

"Reduced wage rate threshold" means 125% of the minimum wage pursuant to 13VAC5-112-270, 13VAC5-112-280, and 13VAC5-112-285 and high unemployment areas.

"Rehabilitation" means the alteration or renovation of all or part of an existing nonresidential building without an increase in square footage. Pursuant to real property investment grants this shall include mixed-use buildings.

"Regular basis" means at least once a month. This definition applies only for the purposes of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-260.

"Related party" means those as defined by Internal Revenue Code § 267(b).

"Report to work" means that the employee filling a permanent full-time position reports to the business' zone establishment on a regular basis.

"Retail" means a business whose classification falls under sectors 44-45 Retail Trade of North American Industry Classification System.

"Same trade or business" means the operations of a single company, related companies, or companies under common control.

"Seasonal employee" means any employee who normally works on a full-time basis and whose customary annual employment is less than nine months. For example, individuals hired by a certified public accountant firm during the tax return season in order to process returns and who work full-time over a three-month period are seasonal employees.

"Small qualified business firm" means any qualified business firm other than a large qualified business firm. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20.

"Small qualified zone resident" means any qualified zone resident other than a large qualified zone resident. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-350 C.

"Subsequent base year" means the base year for calculating the number of grant-eligible positions in a second or subsequent five consecutive calendar year grant period. If a second or subsequent five-year grant period is requested within two years after the previous five-year grant period, the subsequent base year will be the last grant year. The calculation of this subsequent base year employment will be determined by the number of permanent full-time positions in the preceding base year, plus the number of threshold positions, plus the number of grant-eligible positions in the final year of the previous grant period. If a business firm applies for subsequent five consecutive calendar-year grant periods beyond the two years immediately following the completion of the previous five-year grant period, the business firm shall use one of the two preceding calendar years as subsequent base year, at the choice of the business firm.

"Tax due" means the amount of tax liability as determined by the Department of Taxation or the State Corporation Commission. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20 and 13VAC5-112-110.

"Tax year" means the year in which the assessment is made. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-110.

"Taxable year" means the year in which the tax due on state taxable income, state taxable gross receipts, or state taxable net capital is accrued. This definition applies only for the purpose of qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20 and 13VAC5-112-110.

"Threshold number" means an increase of four permanent full-time positions over the number of permanent full-time positions in the base year or subsequent base year.

"Transferred employee" means an employee of a firm in the Commonwealth who is relocated to an enterprise zone facility owned or operated by that firm.

"Useable floor space" means all space in a building finished as appropriate to the use of the building as represented in measured drawings. Unfinished basements, attics, and parking garages would not constitute useable floor space. Finished common areas such as stairwells and elevator shafts should be apportioned appropriately based on the majority use (51%) of that floor.

"Virginia minimum wage" means the applicable minimum wage as determined pursuant to the Virginia Minimum Wage Act (§ 40.1-28.8 et seq. of the Code of Virginia).

"Wage rate" means the hourly wage paid to an employee inclusive of shift premiums and commissions. In the case of salaried employees, the hourly wage rate shall be determined by dividing the annual salary, inclusive of shift premiums and commissions, by 1,820 hours. Bonuses, overtime, and tips are not to be included in the determination of wage rate.

"Zone" means an enterprise zone declared by the Governor to be eligible for the benefits of this program.

"Zone real property investment tax credit" means a credit provided to a large qualified zone resident pursuant to § 59.1-280.1 J of the Code of Virginia. This definition applies only for qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-110.

"Zone resident" means a person whose principal place of residency is within the boundaries of any enterprise zone. Persons who meet the definition of both low-income and zone resident may not be counted as both for purposes of meeting employment requirements for the general tax credit. Instead, qualifying business firms must claim these persons as either low-income or zone resident. Zone residency must be verified annually. This definition applies only for qualifying for Enterprise Zone incentives pursuant to 13VAC5-112-20.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-541 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 23, Issue 12, eff. March 21, 2007; amended, Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 1, eff. October 14, 2009; Volume 26, Issue 22, eff. August 4, 2010; Volume 27, Issue 26, eff. September 28, 2011; Volume 34, Issue 2, eff. January 1, 2018; Volume 35, Issue 23, eff. August 7, 2019; Volume 38, Issue 5, eff. January 1, 2022.

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