Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Chapter 91. Virginia Industrialized Building Safety Regulations

13VAC5-91-10. Definitions.

The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

"Administrator" means the Director of DHCD or his designee.

"Approved" as applied to a material, device, method of construction, registered building, or as otherwise used in this chapter means approved by the administrator.

"Building official" means the officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of the USBC, or duly authorized representative.

"Closed panel construction" means a method of construction utilizing individual wall, roof, or floor components (panels) manufactured off site for installation or assembly at the construction site, where a portion of the component cannot be inspected at the building site without disassembly or damage to the component.

"Compliance assurance agency" means an architect or professional engineer registered in Virginia, or an organization, determined by DHCD to be specially qualified by reason of facilities, personnel, experience, and demonstrated reliability, to investigate, test and evaluate industrialized buildings; to list such buildings complying with standards at least equal to this chapter; to provide adequate follow-up services at the point of manufacture to ensure that production units are in full compliance; and to provide a label as evidence of compliance.

"DHCD" means the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development.

"ICC" means the International Code Council, Inc.

"Industrialized building" means a combination of one or more closed panels, sections or modules, subject to state regulations and including the necessary electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating, and other service systems, manufactured off-site and transported to the point of use for installation or erection, with or without other specified components, to comprise a finished building. Manufactured homes defined in § 36-85.3 of the Code of Virginia and certified under the provisions of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act (42 USC § 5401 et seq.) shall not be considered industrialized buildings for the purpose of this law.

"Label," "certification label," or "compliance assurance agency certification label" means the label required by 13VAC5-91-210.

"Model" means a specific design of an industrialized building designated by the producer of the building including production buildings with variations and options that do not affect compliance with the standards governing structural, plumbing, mechanical, or electrical systems or any other items governed by this chapter.

"Registered" means an industrialized building which displays a registration seal issued by DHCD in accordance with this chapter.

"Seal," "registration seal," or "Virginia registration seal" means the seal required by 13VAC5-91-260.

"SBCO" means the State Building Codes Office within DHCD.

"State Review Board" means the Virginia State Building Code Technical Review Board as established by § 36-108 of the Code of Virginia.

"This law" means the Virginia Industrialized Building Safety Law as embraced in Chapter 4 (§ 36-70 et seq.) of Title 36 of the Code of Virginia.

"USBC" means the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (13VAC5-63).

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 27, Issue 2, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 534 November 8, 2010; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Volume 37, Issue 14, eff. July 1, 2021.

13VAC5-91-20. Application and compliance.

A. In accordance with § 36-81 of the Code of Virginia, registered industrialized buildings shall be acceptable in all localities as meeting the requirements of the Industrialized Building Safety Law (Chapter 4 (§ 36-70 et seq.) of Title 36 of the Code of Virginia), which shall supersede the building codes and regulations of the counties, municipalities, and state agencies. Local requirements affecting industrialized buildings, including zoning, utility connections, preparation of the site, and maintenance of the unit shall remain in full force and effect. All building officials are authorized to and shall enforce the provisions of the Industrialized Building Safety Law (Chapter 4 (§ 36-70 et seq.) of Title 36 of the Code of Virginia) and this chapter.

B. In accordance with § 36-78 of the Code of Virginia, no person, firm, or corporation shall offer for sale or rental, or sell or rent, any industrialized building subject to any provisions of this chapter unless it conforms with the applicable provisions of this chapter.

Further, any industrialized building constructed before January 1, 1972, shall remain subject to the ordinances, laws, or regulations in effect at the time such industrialized building was constructed. Additionally, as a requirement of this chapter, any industrialized building bearing the label of a compliance assurance agency shall remain subject to the provisions of this chapter that were effective when such building was constructed, regardless of whether the building has been relocated.

C. In accordance with § 36-99 of the Code of Virginia and in accordance with the USBC, the installation or erection of industrialized buildings and alterations, additions, or repairs to industrialized buildings are regulated by the USBC and not this chapter. The USBC provides for administrative requirements for permits, inspections, and certificates of occupancy for such work.

D. The use of off-site manufactured intermodal freight containers, moving containers, or storage containers as building modules or components of an industrialized building may be approved by the administrator in accordance with 13VAC5-91-150.

In reviewing the use of intermodal freight containers as structural building components, the administrator may accept evaluation reports from accredited third-party evaluation services.

E. Off-site manufactured intermodal freight containers, moving containers, and storage containers placed on site temporarily or permanently for use as a storage container are not subject to this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 24, Issue 14, eff. May 1, 2008; Volume 27, Issue 2, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 534 November 8, 2010; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Volume 37, Issue 14, eff. July 1, 2021; Volume 40, Issue 9, eff. January 18, 2024.

13VAC5-91-30. Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to ensure safety to life, health, and property through compliance with uniform statewide construction standards for industrialized buildings.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997.

13VAC5-91-40. Inspection and enforcement by administrator.

A. The SBCO is designated as the administrator's representative for the enforcement of this chapter and shall act as the building official for registered industrialized buildings. It shall have authority to make inspections during reasonable hours at the manufacturing facilities and at building sites where industrialized buildings are being installed. The SBCO shall have authority to issue inspection reports for correction of violations caused by the manufacturer and to take such other actions as are required to enforce this chapter.

B. The SBCO will maintain a list of approved compliance assurance agencies. Each manufacturer producing registered industrialized buildings will contract with one or more compliance assurance agencies for required evaluation, monitoring and inspection services. The contract will delineate the services to be provided by the compliance assurance agency. The compliance assurance agency will notify the SBCO within 30 days of signing a new contract or terminating an existing contract with any manufacturer.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 27, Issue 2, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 534 November 8, 2010; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014.

13VAC5-91-50. Right of entry and examination by administrator.

In accordance with § 36-82 of the Code of Virginia, the administrator shall have the right, at all reasonable hours, to enter into any industrialized building upon permission of any person who has authority or shares the use, access, or control over the building, or upon request from local officials having jurisdiction, for examination as to compliance with this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 27, Issue 2, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 534 November 8, 2010.

13VAC5-91-60. Notice of violation from administrator.

In accordance with § 36-82 of the Code of Virginia, whenever the administrator shall find any violation of this chapter, the administrator shall order the person responsible to bring the building into compliance within a reasonable time. In addition, as a requirement of this chapter, the administrator may request assistance from the building official for enforcement of this section. Any order issued by the administrator pursuant to this section shall contain a statement explaining the right of appeal of the order.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 27, Issue 2, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 534 November 8, 2010; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Volume 40, Issue 9, eff. January 18, 2024.

13VAC5-91-70. Appeals.

Any person aggrieved by DHCD's application of this chapter shall be heard by the State Review Board established by § 36-108 of the Code of Virginia. Such appeal shall be submitted within 21 calendar days of receipt of DHCD's decision. A copy of the decision of DHCD to be appealed shall be submitted with the application for appeal. Failure to submit an application for appeal within the time limit established by this section shall constitute acceptance of DHCD's decision.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 27, Issue 2, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 534 November 8, 2010.

13VAC5-91-80. Limitation of manufacturer's liability.

The manufacturer of a registered industrialized building shall not be required to remedy violations caused by on-site work by others not under his control or violations involving components and materials furnished by others and not included with the registered industrialized building.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005.

13VAC5-91-90. Penalty for violation.

In accordance with § 36-83 of the Code of Virginia, any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this chapter shall be considered guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $1,000.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005.

13VAC5-91-100. Duties and responsibilities of building officials in the installation or erection of a registered industrialized building.

A. All building officials are authorized by § 36-81 of the Code of Virginia to enforce the provisions of this chapter and shall be responsible for and authorized to do the following:

1. Verify through inspection that the registered industrialized building displays the required state registration seal and the proper label of the compliance assurance agency.

2. Verify through inspection that the registered industrialized building has not been damaged in transit to a degree that would render it unsafe. If the building has been damaged, then the building official is authorized to require tests for tightness of plumbing systems and gas piping and an operational test to ensure that all luminaries and receptacles are operable.

3. If warranted due to the nature of any violations discovered, the building official shall be permitted to require the correction of any violations of this chapter before occupancy of the registered industrialized building is permitted.

4. Notify the SBCO of any apparent violations of this chapter.

B. In accordance with § 36-99 of the Code of Virginia and the USBC, all site work associated with the installation or erection of an industrialized building is subject to the USBC. In addition, under the USBC, all administrative requirements for permits, inspections, and certificates of occupancy are also applicable.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 24, Issue 14, eff. May 1, 2008; Volume 27, Issue 2, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 534 November 8, 2010; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014.

13VAC5-91-110. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 14, eff. May 1, 2008.

13VAC5-91-115. Change of occupancy classification.

When the occupancy classification of a registered industrialized building is changed, the change of occupancy shall be in accordance with one of the following:

1. A compliance assurance agency shall inspect the building, including any disassembly necessary, to determine whether compliance may be achieved for a change of occupancy classification in accordance with this chapter. If factory plans are available, then disassembly is not required to the extent that the factory plans can be reasonably verified to reflect the actual construction. Once any necessary work is completed, the compliance assurance agency shall prepare a report documenting the method utilized for the change of occupancy and any alterations to the building to achieve compliance. When the report is complete, the compliance assurance agency shall (i) mark the building with a new compliance assurance agency label in accordance with 13VAC5-91-210, which replaces the existing label; (ii) place a new manufacturer's data plate on the building in accordance with 13VAC5-91-245, which replaces the existing manufacturer's data plate and reflects the new occupancy classification; and (iii) forward a copy of the report and new data plate to the SBCO; or

2. A building official shall determine that a change of occupancy for an industrialized building meets the requirements of the USBC. The building official may require the submittal of plans approved by a registered design professional or inspection by an approved third party. A change of occupancy of a registered industrialized building, in accordance with the USBC and approved by the building official, must be reported to SBCO and the registration seal and data plate removed prior to occupancy.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 14, eff. May 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Volume 40, Issue 9, eff. January 18, 2024.

13VAC5-91-120. Unregistered industrialized buildings.

The building official shall determine whether any unregistered industrialized building complies with this chapter and shall require any noncomplying unregistered building to be brought into compliance with this chapter in accordance with one of the following:

1. The unregistered building shall be registered in accordance with 13VAC5-91-125; or

2. The building official shall approve the unregistered building in accordance with the USBC. The building official may require submission of full plans and specifications for each building. Concealed parts of the building may be exposed to the extent necessary to permit inspection to determine compliance with the applicable requirements. The building official may also accept reports of inspections and tests from individuals or agencies deemed acceptable to the building official.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 24, Issue 14, eff. May 1, 2008; Volume 27, Issue 2, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 534 November 8, 2010; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Volume 34, Issue 18, eff. September 4, 2018; Volume 40, Issue 9, eff. January 18, 2024.

13VAC5-91-125. Registration of unregistered industrialized buildings.

An existing unregistered industrialized building may be registered in accordance with one of the following:

1. Where an unregistered building was constructed under an industrialized building program of another state and approved under such program, a compliance assurance agency shall prepare a report based on review of the plans and specifications and inspection of the building to determine whether there is compliance with the construction requirements of this chapter that were in effect on the date of manufacture of the building. If compliance is determined, the compliance assurance agency shall (i) mark the building with a compliance assurance agency label in accordance with 13VAC5-91-210, (ii) place a new manufacturer's data plate on the building in accordance with 13VAC5-91-245, (iii) mark the building with a registration seal in accordance with 13VAC5-91-260, and (iv) forward a copy of the report and new data plate to the SBCO.

2. Where an unregistered building was not approved under an industrialized building program of another state and the date of manufacture can be verified, the compliance assurance agency shall inspect the building, including any disassembly necessary, to determine whether there is compliance with the construction requirements of this chapter that were in effect on the date of manufacture of the building. When factory plans are available, disassembly is not required to the extent that the factory plans can be verified to reflect the actual construction of the building. When compliance with the construction requirements of this chapter that were in effect on the date of manufacture of the building is achieved, the compliance assurance agency shall prepare a report documenting compliance, outlining any changes made to the building, and certifying the building in accordance with clauses (i) through (iv) of subdivision 1 of this section.

3. When the date of manufacture of the existing unregistered building cannot be verified, the building shall be evaluated for compliance with the codes and standards specified in 13VAC5-91-160. The compliance assurance agency shall inspect the building, including any disassembly necessary, to determine whether there is compliance with these construction requirements. If compliance is achieved, the compliance assurance agency shall prepare a report documenting compliance, outlining any changes made to the building, and certifying the building in accordance with clauses (i) through (iv) of subdivision 1 of this section.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 18, eff. September 4, 2018.

13VAC5-91-130. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014.

13VAC5-91-140. Report to the SBCO.

If a building, which has active violations, is moved from a jurisdiction before the violations have been corrected, the building official shall make a prompt report of the circumstances to the SBCO. The report shall include all of the following:

1. A list of the uncorrected violations.

2. All information contained on the label pertinent to the identification of the building, the manufacturer, and the compliance assurance agency.

3. The number of the Virginia registration seal.

4. The new destination of the building, if known.

5. The party responsible for moving the building.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Volume 40, Issue 9, eff. January 18, 2024.

13VAC5-91-150. When modification may be granted.

The administrator shall have the power upon request in specific cases to authorize modification of this chapter so as to permit certain specified alternatives where the objectives of this law can still be fulfilled. Such request shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by the plans, specifications, and other information necessary for an adequate evaluation of the modification requested. In reviewing the use of alternative methods or materials, the administrator may consider evaluation reports from accredited third-party evaluation services.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Volume 37, Issue 14, eff. July 1, 2021.

13VAC5-91-160. Use of model codes and standards.

A. Industrialized buildings entering the production assembly line after the effective date of the 2021 edition of this chapter shall comply with all applicable requirements of the codes and standards listed in subsection B of this section except that the following codes and standards may be used for industrialized buildings entering the assembly line during a one-year period after the effective date of the 2021 edition of this chapter:

1. ICC International Building Code - 2018 Edition

2. ICC International Plumbing Code - 2018 Edition

3. ICC International Mechanical Code - 2018 Edition

4. National Fire Protection Association Standard Number 70 (National Electrical Code) - 2017 Edition

5. ICC International Fuel Gas Code - 2018 Edition

6. ICC International Energy Conservation Code - 2018 Edition

7. ICC International Residential Code - 2018 Edition

B. The following documents are adopted and incorporated by reference to be an enforceable part of this chapter:

1. ICC International Building Code - 2021 Edition

2. ICC International Plumbing Code - 2021 Edition

3. ICC International Mechanical Code - 2021 Edition

4. National Electrical Code - 2020 Edition

5. ICC International Fuel Gas Code - 2021 Edition

6. ICC International Energy Conservation Code - 2021 Edition

7. ICC International Residential Code - 2021 Edition

8. ICC/MBI 1200-2021 Standard for Off-site Construction: Planning, Design, Fabrication and Assembly

9. ICC/MBI 1205-2021 Standard for Off-site construction: Inspection and Regulatory Compliance

C. As the 2021 editions of the International Codes are incorporated by reference as the construction standards for use with these regulations, this chapter is also referred to as the 2021 edition of the Virginia Industrialized Building Safety Regulations or the 2021 edition of this chapter.

The codes and standards referenced in this section may be procured from:

International Code Council, Inc.
200 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 250 Washington, DC 20001

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 24, Issue 14, eff. May 1, 2008; Volume 27, Issue 2, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 534 November 8, 2010; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Volume 34, Issue 18, eff. September 4, 2018; Volume 37, Issue 14, eff. July 1, 2021; Volume 40, Issue 9, eff. January 18, 2024.

13VAC5-91-170. Amendments to codes and standards.

A. All requirements of the referenced model codes and standards that relate to fees, permits, certificates of use and occupancy, approval of plans and specifications, and other procedural, administrative, and enforcement matters that address the same subject matter and impose differing requirements are deleted and replaced by the procedural, administrative, and enforcement provisions of this chapter.

B. The referenced codes and standards are amended as set forth in the USBC.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Volume 40, Issue 9, eff. January 18, 2024.

13VAC5-91-180. Compliance assurance agencies.

A. Application shall be made to the SBCO for acceptance as a compliance assurance agency. Application shall be made under oath and shall be accompanied by information and evidence that is adequate for the SBCO to determine whether the applicant is specially qualified by reason of facilities, personnel, experience, and demonstrated reliability to investigate, test, and evaluate industrialized buildings for compliance with this chapter and to provide adequate follow-up and compliance assurance services at the point of manufacture.

B. Following a determination by the SBCO that an application is complete, the information contained in the application and any other information deemed necessary by the SBCO will be reviewed for approval or disapproval. If the application is approved, the applicant will be notified with an approval letter. If the application is disapproved, the applicant will be notified in writing of the reasons for the disapproval. The applicant may then resubmit the application within 30 days of the receipt of the notification of disapproval for reconsideration of approval.

C. The SBCO may suspend or revoke the approval of a compliance assurance agency upon a determination that (i) approval was based upon fraudulent or inaccurate information, (ii) a change in facts or circumstances renders the agency incapable of meeting its duties and responsibilities as a compliance assurance agency in a satisfactory manner, or (iii) the agency failed to discharge its duties and responsibilities as a compliance assurance agency in a satisfactory manner. In such cases, the SBCO will issue a suspension or revocation notice to the agency outlining the reasons for the actions and the terms, if any, for reinstatement.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Volume 34, Issue 18, eff. September 4, 2018.

13VAC5-91-190. Freedom from conflict of interest.

A compliance assurance agency shall not be affiliated with, nor influenced or controlled by, producers, suppliers or vendors of products in any manner which might affect its capacity to render reports of findings objectively and without bias. A compliance assurance agency is judged to be free of such affiliation, influence and control if it complies with all of the following conditions:

1. The agency has no managerial affiliation with producers, suppliers or vendors and is not engaged in the sale or promotion of any product or material.

2. The results of the agency's work accrue no financial benefits to the agency through stock ownership of, or other similar affiliation to, any producer, supplier or vendor of the product involved.

3. The agency's directors and other management personnel in their job capacities receive no stock option or other financial benefit from any producer, supplier or vendor of the product involved.

4. The agency has sufficient interest or activity that the loss or award of a specific contract to determine compliance of a producer's, supplier's or vendor's product with this chapter would not be a determining factor in its financial well-being.

5. The employment security status of the agency's personnel is free of influence or control by producers, suppliers or vendors.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005.

13VAC5-91-200. Information required by the administrator.

All of the following information and criteria will be considered by the administrator in designating approval of compliance assurance agencies:

1. Names of officers and location of offices.

2. Specification and description of services proposed to be furnished under this chapter.

3. Description of qualifications of personnel and their responsibilities, including an assurance that personnel involved in system analysis, design and plans review, and compliance assurance inspections and their supervisors comply with the requirements of the American Society for Testing and Material (ASTM) Standard Number E541-10 - Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in System Analysis and Compliance Assurance for Manufactured Building or shall obtain ICC or DHCD certifications in the appropriate subject area within 18 months of employment and maintain such certifications in an active status.

4. Summary of experience within the organization.

5. General description of procedures and facilities to be used in proposed services, including evaluation of the model, factory follow-up, quality assurance, labeling of production buildings, and specific information to be furnished on or with labels.

6. Procedures to deal with any defective buildings resulting from oversight.

7. Acceptance of these services by independent accrediting organizations.

8. Proof of independence and absence of conflict of interest.

The ASTM Standard Number E541-10 may be procured from:

American Society for Testing and Materials
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 27, Issue 2, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 534 November 8, 2010; Volume 34, Issue 18, eff. September 4, 2018.

13VAC5-91-210. Compliance assurance agency certification label.

A. Registered industrialized buildings shall be marked with certification labels supplied by the compliance assurance agency that includes the name and address of the compliance assurance agency and the numbers of the certification labels. The labels shall be applied to registered industrialized buildings intended for sale or use in Virginia and shall be applied prior to the shipment of the building from the place of manufacture. The labels shall be applied by the compliance assurance agency or by the manufacturer when so authorized by the compliance assurance agency.

B. Registered industrialized buildings shall bear one certification label on each manufactured section or module, or as an alternative, the certification label for each manufactured section or module may be placed in one location in the completed building.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Statutory AuthorityDerived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 27, Issue 2, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 534 November 8, 2010; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014.

13VAC5-91-220. Mounting of compliance assurance agency certification label.

To the extent practicable, the certification label shall be installed so that it cannot be removed without destroying it. The label shall be applied in the vicinity of the electrical distribution panel or in another location that is readily accessible for inspection and shall be installed near the registration seal.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014.

13VAC5-91-230. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003.

13VAC5-91-240. Control of compliance assurance agency certification label.

The labels shall be under direct control of the compliance assurance agency and shall be applied to buildings that comply fully with this chapter. The labels shall be applied by the compliance assurance agency or by the manufacturer when authorized to do so by the compliance assurance agency. The manufacturer shall place its order for labels with the compliance assurance agency. The manufacturer is not permitted to acquire labels from any other source. Each compliance assurance agency shall keep a list of the serial numbers of labels issued to each manufacturer's plant in such manner that a copy of the record can be submitted to the administrator upon request.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Volume 34, Issue 18, eff. September 4, 2018.

13VAC5-91-245. Manufacturer's data plate.

A. All of the following information shall be placed on a permanent manufacturer's data plate in the vicinity of the electrical distribution panel or in some other location that is readily accessible for inspection. The compliance assurance agency shall approve the form and location of the data plate and shall ensure that the data plate is complete:

1. Manufacturer's name and address.

2. Compliance assurance agency certification number.

3. Serial number of each module of the building.

4. Serial number of the Virginia registration seal.

5. Date of manufacture of the building.

6. List of codes and standards under which the building was evaluated and constructed and the type of construction and occupancy classification under those codes and standards.

7. Design live roof load, design floor live load, design wind speed, and design ground snow load.

8. Thermal resistance ("R") values.

9. Special conditions or limitations concerning the use of the building under the codes and standards applicable to the building; however, a list of such conditions or limitations that are furnished separately with the building shall satisfy this requirement.

10. Special instructions for handling, installation and erection of the building; however, a list of such instructions that are furnished separately with the building shall satisfy this requirement.

11. Designation of electrical service ratings, directions for water and drain connections and, where applicable, identification of permissible type of gas for appliances.

12. Name of manufacturer and model designation of major factory installed appliances.

B. The manufacturer shall maintain copies of the data plate and reports of inspection, tests and any corrective action taken for a minimum period of 10 years from the date of manufacture of the building.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; amended, Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 27, Issue 2, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 534 November 8, 2010.

13VAC5-91-250. Industrialized buildings eligible for registration.

Any industrialized building must meet all of the following requirements to be registered and eligible for a Virginia registration seal:

1. The design of the building has been found by a compliance assurance agency to be in full compliance with this chapter. Approved designs shall be evidenced by the stamp and date of approval on each design sheet by the compliance assurance agency.

2. The compliance assurance agency has conducted any necessary testing and evaluation of the building and its component parts.

3. The compliance assurance agency has provided the required inspections and other quality assurance follow-up services at the point of manufacture to assure the building complies with this chapter.

4. The building contains the appropriate evidence of such compliance through a label permanently affixed by the compliance assurance agency.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005.

13VAC5-91-260. Registration seal for industrialized buildings.

A. Registered industrialized buildings shall be marked with approved registration seals issued by the SBCO. The seals shall be applied to a registered industrialized building intended for sale or use in Virginia prior to the shipment of the building from the place of manufacture. The seals shall be applied by the compliance assurance agency or by the manufacturer when authorized to do so by the compliance assurance agency.

B. Registered industrialized buildings shall bear one registration seal on each manufactured section or module, or, as an alternative, the registration seal for each manufactured section or module may be placed in one location in the completed building.

C. Closed panel construction shall require one registration seal for every 600 square feet, or part thereof, of floor area.

D. Approved registration seals shall be purchased by the compliance assurance agency from the SBCO in advance of use. The fee for each registration seal shall be $75. Fees shall be submitted by checks made payable to "Treasurer of Virginia" or shall be submitted by electronic means. Payment for the seals must be received by the SBCO before the seals can be sent to the user. The compliance assurance agency shall maintain permanent records of seals purchased, including a record of any manufacturers receiving such seals.

E. To the extent practicable, the registration seal shall be installed so that it cannot be removed without destroying it. The seal shall be applied in the vicinity of the electrical distribution panel or in another location that is readily accessible for inspection and shall be installed near the certification label.

F. In accordance with § 36-85.1 of the Code of Virginia, any person or corporation having paid the fee for an approved registration seal that it will not use may, unless and except as otherwise specifically provided, within one year from the date of the payment of any such fee, apply to the administrator for a refund, in whole or in part, of the fee paid; provided that no payment shall be recovered unless the approved registration seal is returned unused and in good condition to the administrator. Additionally, as a requirement of this chapter, an administrative and processing fee of 25% of the amount of the refund due shall be deducted from the refund; however, such deduction shall not exceed $250.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 27, Issue 2, eff. March 1, 2011; Change in Effective Date, 27:5 VA.R. 534 November 8, 2010; amended, Virginia Register Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Volume 34, Issue 18, eff. September 4, 2018; Volume 37, Issue 14, eff. July 1, 2021.

13VAC5-91-270. Manufacturer's installation instructions and responsibilities of installers.

A. The manufacturer of each industrialized building shall provide specifications or instructions, or both, with each building for handling, installing, or erecting the building. Such instructions may be included as part of the label from the compliance assurance agency or may be furnished separately by the manufacturer of the building. The manufacturer shall not be required to provide the foundation and anchoring equipment for the industrialized building.

B. Persons or firms installing or erecting registered industrialized buildings shall install or erect the building in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

C. Where the installation or erection of an industrialized building utilizes components that are to be concealed, the installer shall notify and obtain approval from the building official prior to concealment of such components unless the building official has agreed to an alternative method of verification.

Note: The Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation's Board for Contractors requires licenses for certain activities related to the industrialized building industry. For more information, contact the Board for Contractors at 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233; (804) 367-8511.

Statutory Authority

§ 36-73 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 12, eff. April 15, 1997; amended, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 25, eff. October 1, 2003; Volume 22, Issue 3, eff. November 16, 2005; Volume 24, Issue 14, eff. May 1, 2008; Volume 30, Issue 16, eff. July 14, 2014; Volume 34, Issue 18, eff. September 4, 2018.

Documents Incorporated by Reference (13VAC5-91)

International Code Council, 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 250, Washington, DC 20001 (

ICC International Plumbing Code - 2018 Edition

ICC International Mechanical Code - 2018 Edition

ICC International Building Code - 2018 Edition

ICC International Residential Code - 2018 Edition

ICC International Fuel Gas Code - 2018 Edition

ICC International Energy Conservation Code - 2018 Edition

ICC International Plumbing Code - 2021 Edition

ICC International Mechanical Code - 2021 Edition

ICC International Building Code - 2021 Edition

ICC International Residential Code - 2021 Edition

ICC International Fuel Gas Code - 2021 Edition

ICC International Energy Conservation Code - 2021 Edition

ICC/MBI 1200-2021 Standard for Off-site Construction: Planning, Design, Fabrication and Assembly

ICC/MBI 1205-2021 Standard for Off-site construction: Inspection and Regulatory Compliance

National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471 (

NFPA 70, National Electrical Code - 2017 Edition,

NFPA 70, National Electrical Code - 2020 Edition

ASTM Standard Number E541-10 - Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in System Analysis and Compliance Assurance for Manufactured Building, American Society for Testing and Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 (

Website addresses provided in the Virginia Administrative Code to documents incorporated by reference are for the reader's convenience only, may not necessarily be active or current, and should not be relied upon. To ensure the information incorporated by reference is accurate, the reader is encouraged to use the source document described in the regulation.

As a service to the public, the Virginia Administrative Code is provided online by the Virginia General Assembly. We are unable to answer legal questions or respond to requests for legal advice, including application of law to specific fact. To understand and protect your legal rights, you should consult an attorney.