Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part IV. Certification of Vescp, VSMP, and Vesmp Personnel

9VAC25-875-380. Purpose.

The purpose of this part is to guide the issuance of certifications required by §§ 62.1-44.15:52 E and 62.1-44.15:53 of the Code of Virginia (ESCL) and § 62.1-44.15:30 of the Code of Virginia (VESMA).

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15:28 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 8, eff. July 1, 2024.

9VAC25-875-390. Applicability.

This part is applicable to:

1. Every VESCP authority, VESMP authority, or VSMP authority that administers a VESCP, VESMP, or VSMP as may be applicable. Staff of a VESCP authority must be certified in accordance with §§ 62.1­-44.15:52 E and 62.1-44.15:53 of the ESCL. Staff of a VESMP authority or VSMP authority must be certified in accordance with § 62.1-44.15:30 of the VESMA.

2. Anyone who is contracted by a VESCP authority, a VESMP authority, or a VSMP authority to perform any or all of the functions of that authority as may be applicable. This person will be subject to the same certification requirements as the authority.

3. Any state agency, federal entity, or public or private entity authorized under § 62.1-44.15:31 of the Code of Virginia to implement approved standards and specifications. Personnel implementing approved standards and specifications pursuant to subsection D.5 of § 62.1-44.15:31 of the Code of Virginia must obtain certifications or qualifications comparable to those required for VESMP personnel pursuant to subsection C of § 62.1-44.15:30 of the Code of Virginia.

4. Anyone voluntarily seeking certifications or certificates from the department for classifications described in 9VAC25-875-400.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15:28 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 8, eff. July 1, 2024.

9VAC25-875-400. Certificates and certifications.

A. Certifications shall be issued by the department to individuals who successfully complete the department-approved training program, which includes obtaining a passing score on the applicable certification examination or otherwise fulfilling the requirements of 9VAC25-875-410 for the following classifications:

1. Program administrator for ESC. This classification applies to individuals who administer the program in the area of ESC pursuant to this chapter. This certification is a requirement for any individual employed to perform the duties of a program administrator for ESC by a VESCP or VESMP authority, or an agent of a VESCP or VESMP authority. This certification also serves as the ESC component required for the dual program administrator certification.

2. Inspector for ESC. This classification applies to individuals who perform inspections of land-disturbing activities in the area of ESC pursuant to this chapter. This certification is a requirement for any individual employed as an inspector for ESC by a VESCP or VESMP authority, or an agent of a VESCP or VESMP authority. This certification also serves as the ESC component required for the dual inspector certification.

3. Plan reviewer for ESC. This classification applies to individuals who review plans in the area of ESC for approval by a VESCP or VESMP authority pursuant to this chapter. This certification is a requirement for any individual employed as a plan reviewer for ESC by a VESCP or VESMP authority, or an agent of a VESCP or VESMP authority. This certification also serves as the ESC component required for the dual plan reviewer certification.

4. Combined administrator for ESC. This classification applies to individuals who perform the combined duties of Program Administrator, Inspector, and Plan Reviewer in the area of ESC pursuant to this chapter. This certification is a requirement for any individual employed as a combined administrator for ESC by a VESCP or VESMP authority, or an agent of a VESCP or VESMP authority. This certification also serves as the ESC component required for the dual combined administrator certification.

5. Program administrator for SWM. This classification applies to individuals who administer the program in the area of SWM pursuant to this chapter. This certification is a requirement for any individual employed to perform the duties of a program administrator for SWM by a VSMP or VESMP authority, or an agent of a VSMP or VESMP authority. This certification also serves as the SWM component required for the dual program certification.

6. Inspector for SWM. This classification applies to individuals who conduct inspections in the area of SWM pursuant to this chapter. This certification is a requirement for any individual employed to perform the duties of an inspector for SWM by a VSMP or VESMP authority, or an agent of a VSMP or VESMP authority. This certification also serves as the SWM component required for the dual inspector certification.

7. Plan reviewer for SWM. This classification applies to individuals who review plans in the area of SWM pursuant to this chapter. This certification is a requirement for any individual employed to perform the duties of a plan reviewer for SWM by a VSMP or VESMP authority, or an agent of a VSMP or VESMP authority. This certification also serves as the SWM component required for the dual plan reviewer certification.

8. Combined administrator for SWM. This classification applies to individuals who perform the combined duties of program administrator, inspector, and plan reviewer in the area of SWM pursuant to this chapter. This certification is a requirement for any individual employed to perform the duties of a combined administrator for SWM by a VSMP or VESMP authority, or an agent of a VSMP or VESMP authority. This certification also serves as the SWM component required for the dual combined administrator certification.

9. Dual program administrator. This classification applies to individuals who administer the program in the areas of ESC and SWM pursuant to this chapter. This certification satisfies the requirement for any individual employed as a dual program administrator for ESC and SWM by a VESMP authority, an agent of a VESMP authority, or for personnel implementing department-approved standards and specifications pursuant to § 62.1-44.15:31 of the Code of Virginia and attendant regulations.

10. Dual inspector. This classification applies to individuals who conduct inspections in the areas of ESC and SWM pursuant to this chapter. This certification satisfies the requirement for any individual employed as a dual inspector for ESC and SWM by a VESMP authority, an agent of a VESMP authority, or for personnel implementing department-approved standards and specifications pursuant to § 62.1-44.15:31 of the Code of Virginia and attendant regulations.

11. Dual plan reviewer. This classification applies to individuals who review plans in the areas of ESC and SWM for approval by a VESMP authority pursuant to this chapter. This certification satisfies the requirement for any individual employed as a dual plan reviewer for ESC and SWM by a VESMP authority, an agent of a VESMP authority, or for personnel implementing department-approved standards and specifications pursuant to § 62.1-44.15:31 of the Code of Virginia and attendant regulations.

12. Dual combined administrator. This classification applies to individuals who perform the combined duties of program administrator, inspector, and plan reviewer in the areas of ESC and SWM pursuant to this chapter. This certification satisfies the requirement for any individual employed as a dual combined administrator for ESC and SWM by a VESMP authority, an agent of a VESMP authority, or for personnel implementing department-approved standards and specifications pursuant to § 62.1-44.15:31 of the Code of Virginia and attendant regulations.

B. The classifications in subdivisions A 1 through A 8 of this section may be used to serve as the ESC or SWM components required for personnel implementing department-approved standards and specifications pursuant to § 62.1-44.15:31 of the Code of Virginia and attendant regulations.

C. A certificate shall be issued by the department for the responsible land disturber.

D. Any individual employed as a plan reviewer who is licensed as a professional engineer, architect, landscape architect, land surveyor pursuant to Article 1 (§ 54.1-400 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia, or professional soil scientist as defined in Chapter 22 (§ 54.1-2200 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia shall qualify as a certified plan reviewer for ESC and will not require a certification from the department. In lieu of an individual holding this department certification, such individual shall produce a current professional license or certification upon request of the department.

E. Any individual who holds a valid and unexpired certification issued by the department in the classification of ESC or SWM, or who obtains such certification, and who later successfully obtains an additional certification from the department in the parallel ESC or SWM classification may surrender both certifications to the department for issuance of a dual certification in both ESC and SWM. Such a request must be made while both of the ESC and SWM certifications obtained are valid and unexpired. The expiration date of the dual certification shall be three years from the date of expiration of the additional certification acquired.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15:28 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 8, eff. July 1, 2024.

9VAC25-875-410. Eligibility requirements.

A. Certification may be achieved by:

1. Obtaining a total of 800 hours of experience as an ESC, SWM, or a dual program administrator, plan reviewer, inspector, or combined administrator and obtaining a passing score on the certification examination administered by the department in the applicable ESC or SWM area; or both ESC and SWM for the dual certification; or

2. Completing a department-approved training program in the classifications of program administrator, plan reviewer, inspector, or combined administrator and, within one year of completing the training program, obtain a passing score on the certification examination administered by the department in the applicable ESC or SWM area, or both ESC and SWM for the dual certification.

a. Combined administrators must complete the training program for program administrator, inspector, and plan reviewer within the applicable area of ESC or SWM.

b. Dual combined administrators must complete the training program for program administrator, inspector, and plan reviewer within both areas of ESC and SWM.

B. Certification and recertification shall be valid for three years except as otherwise set out in 9VAC25-875-400 D or 9VAC25-875-460.

C. Recertification may be obtained for classifications outlined in 9VAC25-875-400 of this part prior to the expiration date of a certification by:

1. Completing continuing education contact hours in accordance with department guidance and paying the required fee for recertification;

2. Being a professional registered in the Commonwealth pursuant to Article 1 (§ 54.1-400 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia or a professional soil scientist as defined in Chapter 22 (§ 54.1-2200 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia, and paying the required fee for recertification. Such professionals shall be deemed to satisfy the provisions of this subsection for ESC classifications in subdivisions A 1 through A 4 of 9VAC25-875-400. However, such professionals when in the classification of plan reviewer for ESC shall be exempt from the recertification requirements and fees of this part provided they maintain their professional license;

3. Being a professional registered in the Commonwealth pursuant to Article 1 (§ 54.1-400 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia and paying the required fee for recertification. Such professionals shall be deemed to satisfy the provisions of this subsection for SWM and dual classifications in subdivisions A 5 through A 12 of 9VAC25-875-400;

4. Successfully completing a department-approved training program and paying the required fee for recertification; or

5. Obtaining a passing score on the recertification examination.

D. Responsible Land Disturber (RLD) Certificate may be obtained by completing a department-approved training program for RLDs for ESC.

1. The RLD Certificate and any renewal thereof shall be valid for three years.

2. Renewal of the RLD Certificate may be obtained by completing a department-approved training program for RLDs.

3. Being a professional registered in the Commonwealth pursuant to Article 1 (§ 54.1-400 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia or a professional soil scientist as defined in Chapter 22 (§ 54.1-2200 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia shall be deemed to satisfy the provisions of this subsection for an RLD Certificate in subsection C of 9VAC25-875-400 or any renewal thereof.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15:28 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 8, eff. July 1, 2024.

9VAC25-875-420. Classification acknowledgment for the purposes of program compliance reviews.

For the purposes of VESCP or VESMP compliance reviews and evaluations, the certification requirements of §§ 62.1-44.15:53 and 62.1-44.15:30 of the Code of Virginia shall be deemed to have been met if the VESCP or VESMP authority has an individual enrolled in the department's ESC or SWM training programs set forth in 9VAC25-875-410 A 2 a and A 2 b for the necessary classifications and such individual obtains certification within one year of completing the necessary training programs.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15:28 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 8, eff. July 1, 2024.

9VAC25-875-430. Certification program fees.

A. Certification, recertification, dual certification, and RLD Certificate issuance and reissuance fees shall be collected to cover the administrative cost for the certification program.

B. A fee will also be charged to present education and training programs that support the certification program.

C. Fees are nonrefundable, except as authorized by the department and shall not be prorated.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15:28 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 8, eff. July 1, 2024.

9VAC25-875-440. Examination.

A. A department-approved examination shall be administered by the department.

B. An applicant may take the certification examination for the desired certification after fulfilling the prerequisite experience requirement or completing a department-approved training program.

C. An applicant who is unsuccessful in passing an examination will be allowed to pay the appropriate fee and retake the appropriate examination.

D. A minimum passing score of 70% will be required on the appropriate certification examination.

E. All applicants will be notified of the results within 60 days of the examination.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15:28 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 8, eff. July 1, 2024.

9VAC25-875-450. Reserved.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15:28 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 8, eff. July 1, 2024.

9VAC25-875-460. Discipline for certified personnel.

The department may suspend, revoke, or refuse to grant or renew the certification or certificate of any individual if the department, in an informal fact finding under § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia, finds that:

1. The certification or certificate was obtained or renewed through fraud or misrepresentation;

2. The individual who holds a certification or certificate has violated or cooperated with others in violating any provision of this part;

3. The individual who holds a certification or certificate has not demonstrated reasonable care, judgment, or application of knowledge and ability in the performance of duties; or

4. The individual who holds a certification or certificate has made any material misrepresentation in the course of performing duties.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15:28 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 40, Issue 8, eff. July 1, 2024.

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